GE 9/24/98 E16 Science Data Losses 201-05:37 - 268:04:33; Lost TFs in brackets[.....] Changes in Bold Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Pass (GMT) TFs # Lost from PPT 201-09:23 14 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [36315] 3 S 3206 40-80bps RTS & 1 Priority VCDUs 201-17:02 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [36484] 2 S 3206 120-60bps RTS VCDUs NOTE- the s/c entered safing at ~ 201/1820 ERT and remained in that state until 205/0050z. 206-00:16 63 2 0 - Mode change - Lost TFs [36705 & SPA 3210 to 2-way 36706] 3 RTS & 3 -> 00:30 Priority VCDUs 206-13:49 43 1 0 - Mode change - Lost TF [36823] 2 SPA 3211 to 2-way Priority VCDUs 207-13:36 43 2 0 - Mode change - Lost TF [37033 & SPA 3212 to 2-way 37034] 2 RTS & 2 -> 13:49 Priority VCDUs 208-17:48 43 2 0 - Real time - Lost TF [37281 & UPA 3213 uplink and 37295] 4 RTS & 1 19:24 2-way mode Priority VCDUs change 209-00:04 63 1 0 - Mode change - Lost TF [37336] 1 SPA 3213 to 2-way RTS VCDU 210-07:21 14 DR# 3 0 - Unscheduled - Lost TFs [37611, A 3215 G03965 mode changes 37615, 37627] 6 RTS 07:48 due to red HTX & 4 Priority VCDUs . 09:10 213-00:16 63 1 0 - Mode change - Lost TF 38742] 2 SPA 3217 to 2-way RTS & 2 Priority VCDUs 213-05:30 63 2 2 - Unknown - Lost TFs [38834 & U 3217 38835] 7 PB & 1 RTS -> 05:37 VCDUs **Recovered from .fcd PPT file** 214-13:10 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [39489] 4 S 3219 80-120bps PB VCDUs 216-12:58 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [40331] 3 S 3221 80-120bps RTS & 1 Priority VCDUs 216-17:01 43 1 0 - The last TF - Lost TF [40441] 2 U 3221 of the pass was PB VCDUs not processed. Reason unknown. 217-12:48 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [40790] 4 S 3222 80 -120bps PB VCDUs 217-18:58 43 2 2 - Unknown - Lost TFs [40965 & U 3222 40966] 7 PB & 1 RTS -> 19:03 VCDUs **Recovered in .fcd PPT file** 217-22:10 43 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [41040] 4 S 3222 60-40bps PB VCDUs **Recovered in .fcd PPT file** 218-12:39 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [41230] 4 S 3223 60-80bps RTS VCDUs 218-21:12 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [41380] 4 S 3223 60-40bps PB VCDUs 220-22:10 63 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [42106] 4 S 3225 40-60bps Priority VCDUs Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Pass (GMT) TFs # Lost from PPT 222-12:29 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [42858] 3 S 3227 80-120bps RTS & 1 Priority VCDUs 223-12:15 43 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [43306] 4 S 3228 60-80bps PB VCDUs **Recovered from .fcd PPT file** 224-12:19 43 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [43729 & S 3229 80-120bps 43730] 8 RTS VCDUs -> 12:24 **Recovered TF [43730] from .fcd PPT file** 224-15:47 43 DR# A2859 11 0 - Inclement - Lost TFs [43821 -> W 3229 weather 43831] 12 PB, 10 RTS -> 16:05 & 1 Priority VCDUs 225-11:18 43 DR# A2863 68 0 - Inclement - Lost TFs [44216, W 3230 weather 44218, 44234 -> -> 19:18 44237, 44258 -> 44262, 44286 -> 44289, 44296 & 44297, 44300 -> 44306, 44323 -> 44328, 44342, 44347, 44349, 44355 -> 44362, 44365 -> 44375, 44383 -> 44390, 44393, 44397 -> 44400, 44412 -> 44417] 209 PB, 59 RTS, & 10 Priority VCDUs 226-11:16 43 1 0 - The first TF - Lost TF [44647] 2 U 3231 was lost Priority VCDUs possibly due to link margin for bit rate at BOT (60bps). 227-12:15 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [45081] 4 S 3232 80-120bps RTS VCDUs 227-18:01 43 DR# A2870 23 0 - Inclement - Lost TFs [45233 -> W 3232 weather 45254, & 45256] 77 -> 18:51 PB, 13 RTS, & 2 Priority VCDUs 18:54 228-11:56 43 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [45504] 4 S 3233 60-80bps RTS VCDUs **Recovered from .fcd PPT file** 229-10:56 43 DR# A2876 51 0 - Heavy rain - Lost TFs W 3234 [45902->45906, -> 17:11 45922->45925, 45933->45969, 45984 & 45985, 46026, 46044->46046,46054] 70 PB, 125 RTS, & 11 Priority VCDUs 229-21:40 63 DR# L2415 17 0 - The DGT was - Lost TFs S 3234 inoperable at [46154->46170] 28 -> 22:54 BOT. The entire PB, 21 RTS, & 2 DGT was Priority VCDUs reloaded to restore operability. 230-10:57 43 1 1 - Unknown - Lost TF [46377] 3 U 3235 PB VCDUs **Recovered in the .fcd PPT file** 233-10:08 14 9 9 - FSR1 - Lost TFs [47766 -> H 3238 experienced a 47774] 34 RTS & 2 -> 10:45 "tone rotator Priority VCDUs error". The FSR was inop during **Recovered in the the stated .fcd PPT file** period. 233-10:45 43 DR# A2888 60 0 - The station - Lost TFs [47775 -> A 3238 was unable to 47834] 195 PB, 33 -> 13:13 release the RTS, & 4 Priority antenna brake. VCDUs 233-17:30 43 DR# A2892 71 0 - Heavy rain - Lost TFs [47948 -> W 3238 48018] 228 PB, 50 -> 20:27 RTS, & 6 Priority VCDUs 235-10:33 43 1 0 - Unknown - Lost TF [48691] 3 U 3240 PB VCDUs 236-00:01 63 1 0 - Unknown - Lost TF [48976] 3 U 3240 PB & 1 RTS VCDUs Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Pass (GMT) TFs # Lost from PPT 237-12:36 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [49648] 4 S 3242 80-120bps PB VCDUs 238-10:49 43 5 0 - Real time - Lost TFs [50027, UPA 3243 change to pass 50041 & 50042, 50046 11:36 profile from & 50047] 19 RTS & 1 d/l only to u/l Priority VCDUs -> 11:43 for cmd. The first TF was 11:53 missed when the sta configured -> 12:00 for low noise after commanding and the next two set of two TFs were lost due to unscheduled mode changes. 238-12:48 43 6 0 - Rate change - Lost TFs [50062 & S 3243 80-120bps 50063] 8 RTS VCDUs -> 12:54 - Rate change - Lost TF s [ 50199 18:01 120-80bps & 50200] 3 RTS VCDUs -> 18:07 - Rate change 80-60bps - Lost TF [50242] 1 20:27 Priority VCDU - Rate change 20:40 60-40bps - Lost TF [50245] 1 RTS VCDU 240-10:26 43 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [50855] 2 S 3245 60-80bps RTS VCDUs **Recovered in the .fcd PPT file** 242-03:46 63 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [51497] 2 S 3246 80-40bps RTS VCDUs **Recovered in the .fcd PPT file** 242-20:07 43 2 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [51770] 2 S 3247 80-60bps RTS VCDUs 20:25 - Rate change - Lost TF [51774] 1 60-40bps RTS VCDUs 243-20:01 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [52127] 1 S 3248 80-60bps RTS & 1 Priority VCDUs 244-05:00 63 1 1 - Unknown - Lost TF [52274] 3 U 3248 PB & 1 Priority VCDUs **Recovered in .fcd PPT file** 244-10:10 43 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [52360] 4 S 3249 60-80bps PB VCDUs **Reecovered in .fcd PPT file** 245-03:25 63 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [52584] 4 S 3249 60-40bps PB VCDUs 245-04:36 14 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [52598] 4 S 3250 60-80bps RTS VCDUs **Recovered in .fcd PPT file 245-09:35 43 DR# A2923 4 0 - The GTC - Lost TFs [52690 -> S 3250 required a 52693] 11 PB, 1 RTS -> 10:08 reboot to & 1 Priority VCDUs commence operation. 246-09:45 43 1 0 - Unknown - Lost TF [53038] 4 U 3251 RTS VCDUs 247-05:12 14 DR# 1 0 - The HTX was - Lost TF [53333] 3 A 3252 G04095 late finishing RTS VCDUs calibration due to a T-bus anomaly. The station was late turning txr on due to aforementioned resulting in late 2-way mode change. 247-09:56 43 2 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [53414] 4 S 3252 60 -80bps RTS VCDUs 12:33 - Rate change **Recovered in .fcd 80-120bps PPT file** - Lost TF [53460] 4 RTS VCDUs 247-20:16 63 2 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [53628] 4 S 3252 40-60bps RTS VCDUs 21:19 - Rate change **Recovered in .fcd 60-80bps PPT file** - Lost TF [53641] 4 PB VCDUs Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Pass (GMT) TFs # Lost from PPT 248-11:35 43 28 0 - The - Lost TFs [53870 -> A 3253 Ultra-cone 53895, 53901, 53919] -> 12:45 maser failed 83 RTS, 27 PB, & 2 and the station Priority VCDUs 12:56 had to swap to the SPD maser 13:37 which has ~1dbm of less gain. 250-09:39 43 2 2 - Rate change - Lost TFs [54657 & S 3255 60 - 80bps 54658] 8 RTS VCDUs -> 09:46 **Recovered in .fcd PPT file** 250-18:02 43 2 0 - Rate change - Lost TFs [54863 & S 3255 120-80bps 54864] 7 PB & 1 -> 18:09 Priority VCDUs 251-11:02 43 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [55133] 4 S 3256 80-120bps RTS VCDUs 251-14:36 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [55227] 1 S 3256 120-60bps PB VCDU 252-19:29 43 6 0 - The station - Lost TFs [55841 -> SPA 3257 was scheduled 55846] 18 PB, 4 RTS, -> 19:52 to end track & 1 Priority VCDUs (1930) 22 mins before PWSfill was scheduled to start (1952z). 253-03:46 63 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [55984] 4 S 3257 80-60bps PB VCDUs 253-05:20 63 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [56005] 3 S 3257 60-40bps PB & 1 Priority VCDUs 253-07:17 14 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [56038] 4 S 3258 80-120bps PB VCDUs 255-09:09 43 DR# A2942 4 4 - The GTC - Lost TFs [57080 -> S 3260 required a 57083] 15 PB & 1 -> 09:26 reboot at BOT Priority VCDUs to restore operability. 255-19:08 43 9 0 - The support - Lost TFs [57325 -> SPA 3260 ended prior to 57333] 32 PB & 2 -> 19:40 scheduled start Priority VCDUs of PWSfill. 256-10:03 43 3 3 - Rate change - Lost TFs [57584 -> S 3261 80-120bps 57586] 12 PB VCDUs -> 10:11 258-05:20 14 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [58477] 3 S 3263 80-120bps PB & 1 Priority VCDUs 258-08:11 14 6 0 - Unknown - Lost TFs [58553 -> U 3263 58558] 24 PB VCDUs -> 08:30 258- 43 12 1 - Heavy rain - Lost TFs [58559 -> W 3263 08:30 and subsequent 58571] 15 PB & 1 high SNT Priority VCDUs **TF -> 08:56 58571 was recovered** 258-09:51 43 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [58587] 4 S 3263 80-120bps PB VCDUs 258-19:32 63 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [58749] 4 S 3263 40-60bps Priority VCDUs 259-02:50 14 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [58871] 3 S 3264 40 - 60bps PB & 1 Priority VCDUs 259-08:59 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [58970] 4 S 3264 40-60bps PB VCDUs 260-21:12 63 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [59792] 4 S 3265 60 - 80bps RTS VCDUs Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Pass (GMT) TFs # Lost from PPT 260-22:06 63 1 0 - Unknown. The - Lost TF [59808] 4 S 3265 station reports RTS VCDUs nominal equipment config and no weather, however, each TF is routinely taking 3 - 4 passes through the FCD to successfully decode. 261-02:44 14 DR# 16 0 - The SRCP IF - Lost TFs [59888 -> A 3265 G04097 switch failed 59903] 20 RTS & 3 -> 03:43 and needed to Priority VCDUs be replaced. 261-05:59 14 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [59944] 1 S 3266 80-120bps RTS VCDU 261-07:49 14 DR# 7 7 - DSS14 - Lost TFs [59993 -> H 3266 G04100 experienced a 60000] 10 RTS & 1 -> 08:20 "rotator arm" Priority VCDUs anomaly in the FSR thereby accounting for their unability to deliver TFs from 0749z to EOT at 0840z. 261-08:20 43 10 9 DSS43 had FSR - Lost TFs [60001 -> U 3266 signal detected 60011] 10 RTS & 1 -> 08:35 at 0827z and Priority VCDUs BTD lock at 0851z. BOT was scheduled at 0820z. The reason for outage is unknown. 261-09:50 43 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF [60033] 2 S 3266 80-120bps RTS VCDUs 261-19:20 63 DR# 17 0 - The maser was - Lost TFs [60270 -> PD 3266 L02518 not tuned to 60286] 21 RTS & 2 -> 20:28 the correct d/l Priority VCDUs frequency for Galileo. 265-00:14 63 3 0 - Heavy rain - Lost TFs [61792 -> W 3269 61795, 61798 & -> 00:52 61799, 61803] 26 PB VCDUs 265-02:18 14 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [61828] 4 S 3270 80-60bps PB VCDUs 265-12:37 43 2 - When DSS14 - Lost TFs [62078 & S 3270 was removed 62079] 8 PB VCDUs -> 12:41 from the array these two TFs were lost. 265-17:42 43 2 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [62212] 3 S 3270 120-80bps PB & 1 Priority 18:46 VCDUs - Rate change 80-60bps - Lost TF [62231] 3 PB & 1 Priority VCDUs 266-02:11 63 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [62353] 4 S 3270 80-60bps PB VCDUs 266-08:17 43 1 0 - Unknown - Lost TF [62456] 3 U 3271 PB VCDUs 266-12:36 43 4 0 - Heavy rain - Lost TFs [62558, W 3271 62560 -> 62562] 15 12:40 PB VCDUs -> 12:45 266-20:25 63 2 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [62654] 3 S 3271 60-80bps PB & 1 Priority 02:51 VCDUs - Rate change 80-60bps - Lost TF [62767] 4 PB VCDUs 267-09:18 43 3 0 - Rate change - Lost TF [62877] 4 S 3272 80-120bps PB VCDUs - Rate change - Lost TFs [63087] 1 120-80bps Priority VCDUs 268-04:41 14 1 0 - Unknown. The - Lost TF [63249] 2 U 3273 loss occurred RTS VCDUs during the beginning of the E17 activities. TOTAL 532 59 Total Science 14598.25 Frames: Total Frames 26979 (including Fill): PP - Procedural (Project) Transfer Frames #s lost in brackets [.........] PD - Procedural (DSN) H - H/W Related/Failure A - Antenna Problem S - S/W Related UPA - Unscheduled project action SPA - Scheduled Project activity GCF- GCF hardware/software anomaly F - Facility problem (e.g. power failure) U - Unknown W - Weather (e.g. Parkes stow due to high winds) I - Internal JPL AMMOS anomaly JN - Jupiter Hot Body Noise SS - Solar Scintillation