PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2012-06-07 NOTE = "INFO.TXT describes the contents of this directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END The DOCUMENT/PWS directory contains the PWS Intsrument paper as published in Space Science Reviews. The document is stored in Adobe PDF (PWS.PDF). The DOCUMENT/PROJECT directory contains several Galileo project documents, plus the as-run spacecraft events files, that pertain to data contained on this disk. Each document is contained in a separate directory. AR_SEF contains the S/C event files for Jupiter Approach and Orbit 0. GLL3_180 contains a project document describing the Galileo spacecraft and the configuration of instruments on-board GLL3_280 contains the document that describes the raw data file formats, both for Phase 1 (EDR) and Phase 2 (PKT, IPF). GLL3_310 describes how the S/C creates the packetized telemetry. GLL3_640 describes the header records for the Phase 1 EDRs. SEF_SIS describes the format of the AR-SEF files. SFDU_DOC describes the header records for the Phase 2 PKT and IPF files.