Trigger 6A Description

Sequence: All
Trigger 6A (WBR/LP Noise Check)
This trigger tests the noise on the WBR while attatched to the LP.
Receiver  Frequency Range       Sensor          Cycle Time     Snapshot Size
--------  ---------------  ----------------  ----------------  -------------
MFR       25Hz-12KHz       EX,BZ               64.000 Seconds
LPswp     N/A              Langmuir Probe      16.000 Seconds
LPden     N/A              Langmuir Probe      16.000 Seconds
WBR       100Hz-10KHz      LPS                  1.500 Seconds      2048

 Duration                     Mode
----------  --------------------------------------------
40 Seconds  Second step of Trigger 54 uses setup from 54
10 Seconds  L/P Maintenance bias sphere to 10 Volts
64 Seconds  Lp, Lband