Trigger 9A Description
Sequence: All
Trigger 9A mode: SOI Inner Mode
During the innermost SOI intervals, except during the burn, the A8 mode is used as the background mode.
In addition, WBR data is acquired continuously, toggling between the 10-KHz and 80KHz bands every minute.
A snapshot is taken every 1/8 second, consisting of 1437 uncompressed data bytes. The reason this is done is to
target a 100 kbps data rate. The reason the data is not compressed is because compressing the 80-KHz data
results in interruptions in the WFR and WBR data acquisitions, since they can not both be done at the same
time unless the data is left uncompressed.
Receiver Frequency Range Sensor Cycle Time Snapshot Size
-------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------
MFR 25Hz-12KHz EW,BZ 32.000 Seconds
HFR 3.6KHz-16MHz EX,EW 16.000 Seconds
WFR 1Hz-40Hz EX,EW,BX,BY,BZ 48.000 Seconds 2048
WFR 50Hz-2.5KHz EX,EW,BX,BY,BZ 48.000 Seconds 2048
WBR 100Hz-10KHz EX 0.125 Seconds 1437
WBR 1KHz-80KHz EX 0.125 Seconds 1437
Correlations Channels Integ. Size Frequency
Band Ant. Auto- Cross- per Band df Period Rep Steps kHz Start - Stop
---- ---- ----- ------ -------- -- ------ --- ----- ---- ------------
ABC 2E y y 16 n 1000 1 3.6-319KHz
HF1 2E y y 2 n 20 1 60 25 0.325-1.825MHz
HF2 1E n n 1 n 10 1 72 200 1.825-16.225MHz
Bands ABC require 3.160 sec to complete, H1 requires 1.573 sec, and
H2 requires 0.886 sec for a total of 5.619 sec per sweep. The hfr
cycle time is 16.000 seconds.