PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2015-12-19 NOTE = "S90_IEB.TXT describes the set of Instrument Expanded Blocks (IEBs) and individual commands used in the S90 sequence from 2015-07-13 through 2015-09-21, and a short description of each." END_OBJECT = TEXT END S90 RPWS Triggers ----------------- Trigger 12 700 bps Basic Survey Mode, used to initialize instrument Trigger 2C Periodic Instrument Maintenance (PIM): Bias LP to +32V Trigger 2E Put IEB Version Info to housekeeping & clear command counters Trigger 42 61-131 kbps 10-KHz WBR cyclic For more information see TRIG_42.TXT. Trigger 44 Stop WBR cyclic For more information see TRIG_44.TXT. Trigger 46 61-131 kbps compressed 80-KHz WBR cyclic For more information see TRIG_46.TXT. Trigger 80 3-Antenna Direction-finding mode For more information see TRIG_80.TXT. Trigger 8A 887 bps Survey Mode for Saturn Tour, toggling between 40-Hz and 2.5-KHz WFR For more information see TRIG_8A.TXT. Trigger A0 1150 bps SEDDF Mode for Saturn Tour, toggling between 40-Hz and 2.5-KHz WFR For more information see TRIG_A0.TXT. Trigger A4 173 kbps HRSED Mode for Saturn Tour, with 325-kHz WBR For more information see TRIG_A4.TXT. Trigger AC 75 kbps Ring Plane Crossing mode (RPXING) for Saturn Tour For more information see TRIG_AC.TXT. Trigger B6 100 kbps Titan & Icy Moon Closest Approach mode, with 80-KHz WBR For more information see TRIG_B6.TXT. Trigger B8 3 kbps Magnetotail mode, with moderately fast toggle-mode WFR For more information see TRIG_B8.TXT. S90 RPWS Commands ----------------- 73HFR_ANALYSIS,E1FF Perform HFR Calibration 73LP_VOLT_CNTL,SPHERE,0,128 Bias the LP voltage to -32 volts for the PIM trigger 73MEM_TWEAK,HRP,WORD,0x0050,0x00NN,WBRC Sets Timing on WBR Captures 73MEM_TWEAK,LRP,WORD,0x0064,0x0000,SOND Disable Sounder 73MEM_TWEAK,LRP,WORD,0x0064,0xC01F,SOND Enable Sounder 73MFR_CNTL,MODE,COMPRESS,TOGGLE,EX,BZ command mfr to toggle mode with compression 73WBR_MODE_CNTL,HOLD,LBAND,EZ Controls sensor and filter of Wideband receiver 73WRAP,(0x4045] Clear Internal Expanded Block (IEB) memory