PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM DATA_SET_ID = {"CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-4-SUMM-KEY60S-V1.0", "CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-2-REFDR-ALL-V1.0", "CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-3-RDR-LRFULL-V1.0", "CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-2-REFDR-WBRFULL-V1.0", "CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-2-REFDR-WFRFULL-V1.0"} PRODUCT_ID = "C21_TRIG_2E" PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = "1.00" PRODUCT_TYPE = ANCILLARY INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "CASSINI ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = CO INSTRUMENT_NAME = "RADIO AND PLASMA WAVE SCIENCE" INSTRUMENT_ID = RPWS OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2005-03-17 NOTE = " TRIG_2E.TXT describes the RPWS instrument configuration for the High Frequency Receiver (HFR), the Medium Frequency Receiver (MFR), the Low Frequency Receiver (LFR), the Waveform Receiver (WFR), the Wideband Receiver (WBR), the Langmuir Probe (LP), the Sounder, and the onboard Dust detection algorithm when using Trigger 2E." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Trigger 2E Description Sequence: All Trigger 2E (Command Counter Reset) Reset the command counter to zero and halts the execution of any IEB, as any 73IEB_TRIGGER would. Although intended to assist with testing and documenting IEB's, this trigger may be used during flight operations if desired. This should make keeping track of command counters a little easier. This trigger also emits 2 MRO records to Housekeeping. The first 16 bytes of IEB memory contain the IEB name, version, and release date.