INMS Analysis Library

Release Notes

[List of Routines]

T H E   I N M S   A N A L Y S I S   L I B R A R Y   I S   S U P P L I E D   "A S - I S",

++++Version 2007170

  This release adds routines for trajectory and pointing display, for SPICE kernel
  management and for programming utilities.  The ion tuning coefficients for all
  encounters through T32 are incorporated into inms_ion_sensitivity. A number of 
  the plotting routines were modified to display closest approach time
  and to improve format.


inms_plot_geom             Clots trajectory and pointing with respect to target
                           or Saturn.
inms_get_spice_kernels     Invokes FTP to download missing SPICE kernels
IIS_frame_definitions.txt  A SPICE frames text kernel defining the Ionospheric
                           Interaction System frame for Titan and Enceladus
inms_auxiliary_value       Computes latitude, west longitude, ram angle, and
                           speed with respect to a target body or Saturn
inms_dump_structure        Creates a comma-separated value file containing the
                           contents of a structure array
inms_idl_type              Determines the IDL type that best matches a PDS type
inms_reduce_qb_scan        Performs the quad bias scan data reduction - Alpha Version


inms_test                  Adds example geometry plot (calls inms_plot_geom)
inms_ion_sensitivity       Include all tuning model coefficients through T32
inms_add_aux_axis          Now produces axis from either L1A or Spectra structure arrays
                           Optionally replaces west longitude with local solar time
inms_plot_mass_history     Now uses inms_add_aux_axis
inms_plot_stacked_spectra  Now uses inms_add_aux_axis
inms_plot_state            Displays vertical line at time of closest approach
inms_plot_mt_line          Improved graphic format
inms_plot_mt_spectra       Improved graphic format
inms_plot_series           Improved graphic format
inms_plot_compare          Improved graphic format
inms_get_spectra           Store time of closest approach
inms_define_xSpecRec       Added closest approach time to spectra structure
inms_prepare_plot          Color tables no longer implicitly changed. Updated prolog
inms_make_window           Added portrait orientation 
inms_reduce_ql_scan        Correct indexing error in annotations
inms_read_fmt_file         Produces complete structure template eliminating the need
                           for inms_create_l1a_template
inms_get_data              Streamlined data structure creation
inms_kernel_list           Converted from function to procedure
inms_doy2utc               Correct error handler


The functionality of these routines have been replaced and improved by
new routines. These routines should not be used in new code.

inms_saturn_latitude       Use inms_auxiliary_value
inms_saturn_wLongitude     Use inms_auxiliary_value
inms_ram_angle             Use inms_auxiliary_value
inms_create_l1a_template   Replaced by inms_read_fmt_file

INMS Analysis Library

Last modified: Tue Jun 19 17:59:48 2007.

List of Routines

Routine Name Purpose
inms_add_aux_axes adds auxiliary axes to a plot
inms_auxiliary_value computes lat, lon, ram angle, from data
inms_build_locator creates a selector expression for use in a where statement
inms_chebyshev evaluate chebyshev polynomials by recursion
inms_close_windows closes all open windows
inms_compare_utc compares two UTC time structures
inms_compute_density Simplified density calculation (depreciated)
inms_compute_mean_spectra computes the mean of a collection of spectra
inms_compute_summed_spectra sums spectra contained in a collection
inms_create_l1a_template creates template used in reading L1A files (Obsolete)
inms_deconvolve extracts species abundances by mass deconvolution defines the contents of a spectra record
inms_doy2date converts a day of year numeric date to a calendar date string
inms_doy2julian converts calendar strings to Julian dates
inms_doy2utc converts calendar strings to UTC time structure
inms_dump_structure Creates a CSV file filled with data from a structure
inms_file_format obtains the file format for a specified file type
inms_format_time converts time of day in milliseconds to hours, minutes, seconds
inms_format_time_tick a callback function to format time axis tick labels
inms_get_data reads a Level 1A INMS data file
inms_get_series extracts a subset of data from a Level 1A data structure
inms_get_spectra Extracts one or more spectra from Level 1A data
inms_get_spice_kernels reads a spice furnish text kernel and gets missing files
inms_grid_spectra interpolates mass spectra to uniform time grid
inms_hkg_labels provides list of axis labels for housekeeping data
inms_idl_type determines IDL type based on PDS type name and value range
inms_init_ss_position initializes the spice toolkit for use by inms_ss_position (depreciated)
inms_ion_sensitivity Computes INMS ion sensitivity
inms_ion_transmission computes the effect of angle on transmission
inms_is_image indicates whether an image file is being created
inms_is_publication returns publication quality output flag
inms_kernel_list produces a list of SPICE kernels present or missing
inms_l1A_files_read provides list of Level 1A files last read by inms_get_data
inms_l1a_labels provides list of axis labels for l1A data
inms_label_ticks produces formatted time strings for use as tick labels
inms_list_cal_species lists species contained in calibration data structure
inms_list_files annotates a plot with a list of names
inms_make_pds_label make a pds label file
inms_make_profiles computes density profiles by deconvolution
inms_make_scalar returns an initialized scalar of a specified type
inms_make_window creates a new X window for graphics
inms_mdy2doy converts a date from YYYYMMDD to YYYYDDD
inms_neat_ticks determines values for tick labeling plot keywords
inms_parse_file_name extracts constituent fields from INMS archive file names
inms_parse_l1A_name extracts constituent fields from L1A file names
inms_parse_time extracts fields from date/time strings
inms_plot_cal_ptrn plots calibration cracking patterns curves
inms_plot_cal_sens plots sensitivities as function of species
inms_plot_compare plots count rate time series from Level 1A data and spectra
inms_plot_density_profiles plots one or more density profiles with altitude
inms_plot_geom plots geometric quantities as function of time
inms_plot_histogram plots a mass spectra histogram
inms_plot_hkg plots one or more housekeeping data items
inms_plot_mass_history plots count rate time series from spectra arrays
inms_plot_mass_profile plots signal altitude profiles from spectra
inms_plot_mt_line plots count rate time series from Level 1A data
inms_plot_mt_spectra plots mass time spectra from Level 1A data
inms_plot_series plots one or more housekeeping data items
inms_plot_stacked_spectra plots a collection of spectra as a color coded mass/time spectra
inms_plot_state Plots mass, cycle, or sequence table transitions
inms_post_message Posts a message as a dialog if possible
inms_prepare_plot initializes plotting for X, PS or PNG
inms_put_annotations writes annotations on plot in specified location
inms_query_l1a Extracts configuration data from a Level 1A data structure
inms_ram_angle computes the ram angle (Depreciated use inms_auxiliary_value)
inms_ram_coefficient computes density enhancement in closed source due to velocity
inms_read_cal reads a calibration data spreadsheet
inms_read_fmt_file Reads PDS compiant structure file
inms_read_jcamp reads mass spectrometer data in the JCAMP/DX format
inms_read_label reads a PDS compliant label
inms_reduce_qb_scan reduce quad bias scan data
inms_reduce_ql_scan performs analysis of quad lens scan
inms_remove_quotes removes enclosing quotation marks
inms_saturn_latitude computes the latitude w.r.t Saturn (Depreciated use inms_auxiliary_value)
inms_saturn_wlongitude computes the west longitude w.r.t. Saturn (Depreciated use inms_auxiliary_value)
inms_select_cal selects a calibration record from the calibrtion structure
inms_set_charsize returns scaled character size
inms_spectra_aux_values determines values of ancilliary data
inms_spectra_calculations performs arithmetic with spectra
inms_ss_position computes the position of the subsolar point (depreciated)
inms_subtract_background performs background removal
inms_svd_solve Solves aX=b using Singular Value Decomposition
inms_tabulate_spectra Writes the contents of the spectra record
inms_test executes a sequence of routines to verify installation
inms_utc2date converts a UTC time to a calendar date string
inms_utc_increment increments a UTC time by a specified amount
inms_validate_cal_data confirms a structure is a calibration data structure
inms_validate_hkg_data confirms validity of housekeeping data structures
inms_validate_l1a_data confirms a structure is a valid Level 1A data structure
inms_validate_spectra_data confirms a structure is a spectra data structure
inms_validate_time confirms that a string is a properly formated date/time
inms_weighted_mean computes the estimate of the mean & std deviation
inms_write_image transfers an image from an pixel map and saves to a file
l_getdim transforms the results of where() to dimensions
sprl_color_triad returns the a 3 element byte array corresponding to the named color
sprl_colorplot plots a function of two variables in color
sprl_create_list forms a list of unique elements in an array
sprl_cvt_jdate_mdy converts the specified Julian date to the month, day and year
sprl_cvt_jdate_odate converts a Julian day number to an ordinal date
sprl_cvt_jtime_tod converts the fractional part of a Julian date to time
sprl_cvt_odate_jdate converts an ordinal date/time to a Julian date
sprl_date_plotted annotates a plot with the current date Definitions of discrete colors
sprl_draw_flag draws a flag at a specified location
sprl_draw_scale draws a color bar scale at the specified location
sprl_error_plot Plots data points with x & y error bars
sprl_find_color returns the numerical value corresponding to the named color
sprl_is_decomposed indicates if a true color display is in use
sprl_isnumeric Tests if a string represents a valid number
sprl_load_blue_sequential loads the blue sequential color table
sprl_load_catagorical_colors loads the discrete colors defined in SPRL_DISCRETE_COLOR_LIST.PRO
sprl_load_colors interface to set of color table loading routines
sprl_load_divergent_colors loads a divergent color table (blue)
sprl_load_red_sequential loads the red sequential color table
sprl_load_spectrum_sequential loads the spectrum sequential color table
sprl_plot_sym generated user defined plot symbols

Routine Descriptions


[Next Routine] [List of Routines] [Release Notes]
    inms_add_aux_axes - adds auxiliary axes to a plot
pro inms_add_aux_axes, axData, $
                       anXticks,        $ ;; (i) the x positions of the tick marks
                       nYpos,           $ ;; (i/o) the position of the first axis
                       nYspacing,       $ ;; (i) the spacing between axes
                       time=time,       $ ;; (i) if set, specifies indpendant variable
                       target=target,   $ ;; (i) set to specify target based coordinates
                       catime=catime,   $ ;; (i) if set add time to closest approach scale
                       lst=lst            ;; (i) if set replace wLon with local solar time

    adds additional auxiliary axes below the main x axis
   routine assumes that the axis transform information created
   by plot or contour is valid. This routine should be called
   immediately after the routine that displays the data to be annotated
   axData    - a structure containing the data
   anXticks  - the location in data units of each tick mark on the prime axis
   nYpos     - the location of the axis, upon return it contains
               the position at which the next axis would be plotted
   nYspacing - the spacing between axes
               nYpos and nYspacing are in normal coordinates
   /target   - a keyword which specifies whether additional axis contain
               s/c position wrt Saturn or wrt the current target body. If set
               the auxilliary axis is with respect to the target body, not
   /lst      - a keyword which controls the display of longitude
               If present, local solar time is displayed as an auxiliary axis
               If absent, west longitude is displayed a san auxiliary axis
   /catime   - a keyword which controls the addition of a time to closest 
               approach axis. If /target is set and /catime is set, a
               fourth auxilliary axis is displayed showing the time to closest approach
   time      - A keyword containing a value of time for each element of the
               axData array of structures. Used when the independent variable
               is not an field of the axData structure.
    Determines whether the input data consists of L1A or Spectra Records
    Extracts or calculates time from closest approach, altitude, latitude, 
    and local solar time.
    Interpolates those values to the values of the tick marks. If the time
    keyword supplies a vector, that vector is taken as the independant vector, 
    otherwise the time of day in seconds (uttime or nUttime) is used. The
    axis routine is used to display the resulting scale
   13-Jul-2004      DAG initial coding
   20-August-2004   NAB simply changed 'bp_add_aux_axes' to 'inms_*'
   26-August-2004   NAB changed to use structure created by inms_get_data
   13-October-2004  DAG allow plotting of either saturn or target coordinates
   24-Jun-2004      DAG allow use of alternative independent variable data
   28-Jun-2004      DAG corrected prolog
   30-Sep-2006      DAG Adjust size of characters annotating axis
   16-Nov-2006      DAG Add time to closest approach to axis when /catime and /target are
   10-Apr-2007      DAG Use data from either L1A or Spectra record array for aux axis
                        Add switch to replace west longitude with solar zenith angle

(Routine contained in


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   inms_auxiliary_value - computes lat, lon, ram angle, from data
   Created by David A. Gell on 2007-03-21.
   Copyright (c) 2007 __Southwest Research Institute__. All rights reserved.
function inms_auxiliary_value, axData, $
                               lat=lat, $
                               wlon=wlon, $
                               ram=ram,  $ 
                               speed=speed, $
                               saturn=saturn, $
    computes gemetric value from data in input l1a structure array
    a vector containing the desired quantity with a value corresponding
    to each entry in the input l1a data array. returns -1 if an error
    occurs. Angles are returned in degrees
    axData - an array of L1a data records for which auxiliary values
             are required
     /lat    - if present latitude in degrees returned
     /wlon   - if present west longitude returned
     /ram    - if present angle of instrument boresight with
                 respect to spacecraft velocity returned
     /speed  - if present the speed of the spacecraft in the target or 
                 saturn coordinate frame is returned
     /saturn - if present geometry is refered to Saturn
               if absent geometry is refered totarget body
    date      by         description
  21 Mar 2007 D. A. Gell Initial coding
  16 Apr 2007 D. A. Gell correct variable usage

(Routine contained in


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    inms_build_locator - creates a selector expression for use in a where statement
function inms_build_locator, sStructName,  $ ;;(i) string holding name of variable
                             debug=debug,  $ ;;(i) debug switch
                             _extra=extra    ;;(i) selectors
    create a expression to be used in a where statement to locate data
    a string containing a logical expression for use in a where statement.
    returns a null string in the event of an error.
    sStructname:  a string containing the name of the l1A structure variable
                  to which the locator will be applied
    extra       A series of keyword expressions where the keyword name is an
                INMS level 1A data item and the value is either a scalar or 
                a 1 dimensional element vector. In the first case the 
                keyword expression
                a clause of the form  
                is added to the selection criteria. If the vector has  
                two elements as follows
                      KEYWORD=[MIN, MAX]
                then the a clause of the form
                      AND SSTRUCTNAME.KEYWORD GE VALUE[0] 
                      AND SSTRUCTNAME.KEYWORD LE VALUE[1]
                is added  to the selection criteria. If the vector has more 
                than two elements 
                      KEYWORD=[V1, V2,...VN-1]
                then a clause of the form
                      AND (SSTRUCTNAME.KEYWORD EQ VALUE[0] 
                           OR SSTRUCTNAME.KEYWORD EQ VALUE[1]
                           OR SSTRUCTNAME.KEYWORD EQ VALUE[2] ... 
                           OR SSTRUCTNAME.KEYWORD EQ VALUE[N-1] )
               is  added to the selection criteria
               In addition the keywords /INGRESS and /EGRESS may be
               specified to select data with decreasing altitude or 
               increasing altitude, respectively
   28-JUL-2004  DAG Initial Coding
   14-Sep-2004  DAG Relax type testing, check if string or numeric and
                    if numeric cast to match field
   05-Oct-2004  DAG Allow keywords to be adorned with a leading 
                    underscore (_) to insure uniqueness. Make string
                    comparisions case blind (force all values to lowercase)
   18-Nov-2004  DAG Ensure that sclk delimiter is T (not t)
   30-Nov-2004  DAG Replaced make_scalar with inms_make_scalar
   19-Jan-2005  DAG Updated to be compatable with inms_create_l1a_template
   26-Jan-2005  DAG Improve comment readability
   22-Jun-2005  DAG Replace inms_create_l1a_template by inms_file_format
   29-Aug-2006  DAG don't add quote marks to sclk
   20-Sep-2006  DAG Use error handler and inms_post_message
   14-Dec-2006  DAG Added selection for ingress or egress to target

(Routine contained in


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines] [Release Notes]
   inms_chebyshev - evaluate chebyshev polynomials by recursion
function inms_chebyshev, nX, $         ;; (i) the value of the argument of the 
                                       ;;;    polynomials
                         nM, $         ;; (i) the order of the polynomial
                         xrange=xrange ;; the range of data
  PURPOSE: evaluate the chebyshev polyminals at value x for use as
           basis vectors for curve fits
       nX - the value, between xrange[0] and xrange[1] 
            for which the basis function are required. If a
            vector is supplied, the result is a two dimensional array
       nM - the number of basis functions to be evaluated
   XRANGE - the range of data
   An array each row of M elements containing the value of the first M 
   chebyshev polynomials for the the corresponding nX value.
   [ T0[x] | T1[X]  | T2[X] ... T(M-1)[X] ]
  METHOD: Uses the recursion formula, see Press,, "Numerical Recipies"
          section 5.6
   The function must be called with the xrange keyword parameter set prior to
   calling a curve fitting function to which this routine is supplied as the
   basis functions. This stores the range of the abscissa required to 
   transform the independent variable to the interval [-1,1]
      ndummy=inms_chebyshev(xrange=[5000080L, 6000000L])
      anR=curvefit(... function='inms_chebyshev'...)
  27-Dec-2004  DA Gell   Corrected order of arguments in replicate statement
                         used to initialize anBasis[*,0] correcting error in
  06-Oct-2006  DA Gell   Extracted from inms_grid_spectra for use in other
                         generic fits

(Routine contained in


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    inms_close_windows  -  closes all open windows
pro inms_close_windows
  Closes all open windows
  19-JAN-2005  DA GELL   Initial coding

(Routine contained in


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   inms_compare_utc  - compares two UTC time structures
function inms_compare_utc, xUTC1, xUTC2
  PURPOSE: Compares two times in UTC format
     xUTC1, xUTC2 UTC time structures to compare
     each anonymous structure contains two fields as follows
       xUTC={nDate:0L, nMSecs:0L}
     nDate contains the ordinal date formed by adding the
     day-of-year to 1000 times the year, xUCT.nDate=1000L*nYear + long(nDOY)
     nMSecs contains the time of day in milliseconds
    -1 IF xUTC1  < xUTC2
     0 IF xUTC1 == XUTC2
     1 IF xUTC1 >  XUTC2
  28-Feb-2005  DA Gell  Initial coding

(Routine contained in


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    inms_compute_density - Simplified density calculation (depreciated)
pro inms_compute_density, axL1A,     $ ;; (i) input level 1 data
                          anDensity, $ ;; (o) array of densities (m^-3)
                          anDensErr    ;; (o) array of density errors
      compute the atmospheric density at titan without de-convolution 
      This routine has been depreciated - do not use in new work
      axL1A - an array of INMS level 1A data
      anDensity - an array of density values in units of 
                  number per meter cubed.
                  The array is the same length as the array of
                  level 1A data, axL1A. Values are inserted into this array
                  for each axL1A record with mass 16 or 28.
                  All other values are zero.
      the counter 1 count is divided by the sensitivity and integration period
      for any IP with mass 16 or 28. If the measurement is closed source, the 
      result is further divided by the ram enhancement factor to yield the
      ambient density. 
      to add aditional species, add the mass and sensitity values
      then add block to perform the computation. Use the N2 or CH4 computations
      as a template
    08-Oct-2004  DAG  Initial coding (based on computation in
    26-Oct-2004  DAG  handle counter roll-over for TA data
    27-Oct-2004  DAG  omit non-csn data from output
    11-Nov-2004  DAG  Add calculation of density errors
    16-Nov-2004  DAG  Add calculation based on osnb counting
    15-Feb-2005  DAG  Correct calculation of angle by normalizing
                      velocity vector
    14-Nov-2005  DAG  Changed value for nC2gain to 4459.6 from analysis in
                        "Determination of counter Response Ratio from Flight
                         Data" INMS file 089-0065
     4 Dec 2004  DAG Depreciated

(Routine contained in


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    inms_compute_mean_spectra - computes the mean of a collection of spectra
pro inms_compute_mean_spectra, axSpectra,       $ ;; (i) array of spectra structures
                               xMeanSpectra,    $ ;; (o) mean spectra
                               poisson=poisson, $ ;; (i) set if statistics assumed Poisson,
                               debug=debug   ;;     debug switch, set to enable
    Computes the mean and standard deviation of the collection of spectra 
    provided in the array of structures axSpectra, 
    axSpectra     an array of at least two spectra structures
    xMeanSpectra  a spectra structure containing the mean spectra 
                  spectra definition in file
    02-AUG-2004  DAG  initial coding
    17-Sep-2004  DAG  changed method to straight average and sigma calculation
                      change counts to float, permitting averages
                      add type code to record
    7-Oct-2004  DAG  corrected spectra field name sType to comply with standard
    3-Nov-2004  DAG  if only one input spectra copy to output, add number of spectr
                     to type string
    7-Jan-2005  DAG  compute error as sqrt(number of counts)/no of samples
   26-Jan-2005  DAG  improve comment readablility
   20-Sep-2006  DAG Use error handler and inms_post_message 
   17-Nov-2006  DAG Fixed error in handling the debug switch 
   21-Nov-2006  DAG Compute midpoint geometric quantities by interpolation 
   27-Nov-2006  DAG Correct interpolation method selection
   04-Dec-2006  DAG Added velocity components to spectra structure 
   18-Dec-2006  DAG Ensure backwards compatiblity

(Routine contained in


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     inms_compute_summed_spectra - sums spectra contained in a collection
pro inms_compute_summed_spectra, axSpectra,      $ ;; (i) array of spectra structures
                                 xSummedSpectra, $ ;; (o) sum of  spectra
                                 debug=debug       ;;     debug switch, set to enable
    Sums a collection of spectra provided in the array of structures axSpectra
    and determines the Poison standard deviation
    axSpectra     an array of at least two spectra structures
    xSummedSpectra  a spectra structure containing the result
                    see file for contents
    10-Sep-2004  DAG  initial coding, based on compute_mean_spectra
    17-Sep-2004  DAG  removed loop, use dimension argument to ensure counts in channel summed
                      change counts to float, permitting averages
                      add type code to record
     6-Oct-2004  DAG  If the input array of spectras aXspectra has one element,
                      return it as the summed spectra.
     7-Oct-2004  DAG  corrected field name sType to comply with standard
    29-Dec-2004  DAG  added number of spectra to type string
    20-Sep-2006  DAG  Use error handler and inms_post_message
    21-Nov-2006  DAG  Compute midpoint geometric quantities by interpolation 
    27-Nov-2006  DAG  Correct interpolation method selection
    04-Dec-2006  DAG  Added velocity components to spectra struture 
    18-Dec-2006  DAG  Ensure backwards compatibility

(Routine contained in


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   inms_create_l1a_template - creates template used in reading L1A files (Obsolete)
PRO inms_create_l1a_template, xTemplate, file=file, debug=debug
    creates template for the L1Archives files to be used by inms_get_data
     sTemplate  the template structure
     file       supplies the name of the file for which a template is
                requested, defaults to last file read
     /debug     set to produce additional error data
  7-June-4           NAB    procedure born
  28 June 04         jkp    changed name to create_ion_template
  26-Jul-04          DAG    changed name to inms_create_l1a_template
  24-Aug-2004        dag    added additional fields, sc_vel_scx, sc_vel_scz, and
                            sc_vel_scz. Replaced alt_s with distance_s. prepared
                            header for doc_lib use.
   7-Jan-2005        dag    new version, reads format file
  17-Mar-2005        dag    insure that both ASCII_INT and ASCII_INTEGER are
                            properly interpreted.
  22-Jun-2005        DAG    add handling for PDS TIME data type (treat as character)
  24-Jun-2005        DAG    insure that both ASCII_FLOAT and ASCII_REAL are
                            properly interpreted
  26-Oct-2005        DAG    Correct error which prevented short integers from being
                            properly initialized
  20-Sep-2006        DAG    Use error handler and inms_post_message

(Routine contained in


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    inms_deconvolve - extracts species abundances by mass deconvolution
pro inms_deconvolve, axResult,          $ ;;(o) resulting densities and std deviation
                     xSpectra,          $ ;;(i) a spectra 
                     axCal,             $ ;;(i) calibration data
                     species=species,   $ ;;(i) list of species
                     c2factor=c2factor,     $ ;;(i) ratio of c1 counts to c2
                     critfreq=critfreq,     $ ;;(i) C1 maximum linear frequency
                     tempCS=tempCS,         $ ;;(i) The antechamber wall temperature
                     plot=plot,             $ ;;(i) set to plot the histogram and fit
                     annotate=annotate,     $ ;;(i) controls annotation
                     noannotate=noannotate, $ ;;(i) set to disable annotations
                     chisqr=chisqr,     $     ;;(o) optional chisqr output
                     model=model,       $     ;;(o) optional reconstructed spectra
                     residual=residual, $     ;;(o) and residual 
                     kernel=kernel,     $     ;;(o) and kernel
                     debug=debug,       $     ;;(i) set for debuging
                     verbose=verbose,   $     ;;(i) set for verbose output
   performs a linear-least square retrieval of the species abundances from a 
  METHOD: See memo Gell, D.A. "Deconvolution of INMS Mass Spectra", 13 Jan 2005
   axResult - an array of structures containing the retrieved density and 
              mole fractions. Each element of the array has the form
    xResult = {sSpecies: 'xx', $    ;; the name of the species
               nAlt:      0.0, $    ;; altitude of the data
               nDensity:  0.0, $    ;; number per cubic centimeter
               nSigma:    0.0, $    ;; standard deviation of above
               nMoleFcn:  0.0, $    ;; mole fraction, N / (total(Ni)
               nMoleSig:  0.0, $    ;; standard deviation of above
               nSingValue:0.0}      ;; singular value associated with this species
   xSpectra - A spectra record, as formed by inms_get_spectra containing the
              mass spectra to deconvolve
   axCal    - The calibration data in the form returned by inms_read_cal. This
              structure contains a filed for each column in the calibration
              spreadsheet designed by  Wayne Kasprzak
  species   - a string vector containing a list of species to retrieve
              if absent, defaults to ['N2','CH4']
  c2factor  - the ratio of counter 1 counts to counter 2 counts
              if absent, defaults to 6727
  critfreq  - the maximum frequency at which counter 1 is linear
              if absent, no replacement of the c1 counter valuea by scaled
              c2 counter values is performed, 
              specifying /critfreq results in a default value of 1.75 MHz
  tempCS    - the temperature of the closed ion source antechamber in 
              degrees Kelvin.
  plot      - if set produce a plot of the input spectra, synthetic spectra
              and residuals annotated with measurement conditions and results
  noannotate- if plot is set, noannotate omits annotations from the plot
  annotate  - a list of options specifing which annotations are 
              to be added to the plot. The choices are:
              "None" is equavalent to /noannotate
              "Residual" adds a lower panel displaying the scaled fit residual
              "Deconvolution" adds the table of species density
              "Observation" adds the observation conditions
              "Isotopes" adds the table of isotope ratios, if any isotopic 
              specieswere included in the species list.
              Each option may be abbreviated by its first letter. 
  chisqr    - set to a named variable to receive the reduced chi-squared value 
  model     - set to a named variable to receive the reconstructed spectra.
              the model is a one-dimensional array with each element containing 
              the counts per ip in the corresponding mass bin
  residual  - set to a named variable to receive the difference between the
              reconstruction and the input mass spectra. The residual is a 
              one-dimensional array with each element containing 
              the residual in counts per ip in the corresponding mass bin
  kernel    - set to a named variable to contain the kernel structure. The
              structure is of the following form
              xKernel={anKernel: fltarr(nMassCount,nSpeciesCount),$
                       anMass:   intarr(nMassCount)}
              where nMassCount is the number of mass bins in the spectra and
              nSpeciesCount is the number of species in the species list.
  verbose   - set to provide additional output messages tracing program execution
  debug     - set to provide additional debuging features
  26-Jan-2005  D. A. Gell, release as used to analyze data for the Science Paper
  08-Mar-2005  D.A. GELL,  added altitude to results structure.
                           return reduced chi-square value
  14-Mar-2005  D.A. Gell,  Correct test for overflow, accounting for number of IPs
                           co-added during spectra formation
  31-Mar-2005  D. A. Gell, added capability to ignore mass 28, 
                            additional annotations
  26-Apr-2005  D. A. Gell, increased critical frequency to 1.5MHz from 1.0 MHz
  08-Jun-2005  D.A. Gell   make critical frequency a keyword
  22-Jul-2005  D.A. Gell   permit selection of annotation elements
  02-Sep-2005  D.A. Gell   deleted unneeded keyword calfactor, added keyword
                           Now returns chi-square not reduced chi-squared
                           Now use inms_select_cal and sprl_error_plot in place
                             of add-hoc code. Correct error creating isotope 
                             output structure when only one of the isotopes
  13-Sep-2005  D.A. Gell  Character size setting considers value of !p.charsize
  27-Sep-2005  D.A. Gell  Reports the reduced chi-square value
                          Annotation includes chi-square, reduced chi-squared value
                             Degrees of freadom, and Q statistic
                          Displays both density and mole fraction - deleted mole keyword
  18-Oct-2005  D.A. Gell  Replaced ad-hoc code for annotation with calls to
                          inms_put_annotation where appropriate
  14-Nov-2005  D.A. Gell  Changed value for nC2mult to 4459.6 from analysis in
                             "Determination of counter Response Ratio from Flight
                              Data" INMS file 089-0065
  13-Dec-2005  D.A. Gell  Moved definition of result and ratio structures to prolog
                            to comply with coding standard
  06-Feb-2006  D.A. Gell  If open source cal data is unavailable, used closed
                            Add keyword to set the closed ion source antechamber 
  20-Sep-2006  DAG        Use error handler and inms_post_message
  04-Oct-2006  D.A. Gell  Change default value of C1 critical frequency to 1.25 Mhz
                          Change default value of C1/C2 ratio to 5840.7 (ex 4459.6)
  09-Oct-2006  D.A. Gell  Include name of species in error message when cal info cannot be
                          Fix error in calculation of kernel matrix. Masses now floats in
                            call data, need to be rounded, not truncated when used to
                            calculate indices into kernel matrix.
  30-Nov-2006  D.A. Gell  Omit computation of isotopic ratio, no14 and no28 options

(Routine contained in

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  NAME: - defines the contents of a spectra record
  26-Aug-2005   D.A. Gell  extracted from inms_get_spectra, adding lat, lon, lst and sza to
  29-Aug-2005   D.A. Gell  added target name to structure 
   4-Dec-2006   D.A. Gell  add components of spacecraft velocity to structure 
   4-Jan-2007   D.A. Gell  add sequence and cycle table to structure to support
                            determination of correct ion sensitivity paramters
  10 Apr 2007   D.A. Gell  add time from closest approach to spectra record
    ;; create a spectra record
  spectra record definitions
xSpecRec = { sType: 'Data',              $ ;; type indicator
    sFirstDOYtime: '2000-100T00:00:00',  $ ;; start time of spectra UTC
    sFinalDOYtime: '2000-100T00:00:00',  $ ;; final time of spectra UTC
    sTarget: 'titan', $                    ;; name of the target body
    nUTtime:       0L,                   $ ;; time of (mid-point) spectra                ms
	nTimeCA:       0L,                   $ ;; time from closest approach                 ms
    nLat_t:        0.0,                  $ ;; latitude of spacecraft wrt target          deg
    nWlon_t:       0.0,                  $ ;; west longitude of spacecraft wrt target    deg
    nSza_t:        0.0,                  $ ;; solar zenith angle of subsatellite point   deg
    nLst_t:        0.0,                  $ ;; local solar time of subsatellite point     hr
    nAlt_t:        0.0,                  $ ;; altitude of spacecraft wrt target          km
    nSpeed:        0.0,                  $ ;; speed wrt target                           km/sec
    nAngle:        0.0,                  $ ;; angle of boresight wrt velocity            deg 
    nVelX:         0.0,                  $ ;; x-component of s/c velocity wrt target     km/sec
    nVelY:         0.0,                  $ ;; y-component         in the s/c frame       km/sec
    nVelZ:         0.0,                  $ ;; z-component                                km/sec
    nIntPeriod:    0.031,                $ ;; duration of the integration period         sec
    nCoAddCnt:     0,                    $ ;; number of IPS coadded
    sSource:       'osnb',               $ ;; source name 
	nSeqTable:     0,                    $ ;; sequence table ID number
	nCycTable:     0,                    $ ;; cycle table ID number
    anMassTables:  massTableID,          $ ;; list of mass tables 
    anMassBins:    anMassList,           $ ;; actual masses of bin
    anC1Counts:    fltarr(nMassCount),   $ ;; C1 Counts per IP
    anC1Error:     fltarr(nMassCount),   $ ;; standard deviation
    anC1Samples:   lonarr(nMassCount),   $ ;; number of samples
    anC2counts:    fltarr(nMassCount),   $ ;; C2 Counts per IP
    anC2Error:     fltarr(nMassCount),   $ ;; standard deviation
    anC2Samples:   lonarr(nMassCount)    $ ;; number of samples 
       spectra type field may be Data    - data extracted from packets, 
                                 Mean    - averages spectra
                                 Summed  - Summed spectra
                                 Ion     - ion abundances
                                 Gridded - time interpolated to
                                           uniform time intervals
                                 Created - created by user input

(Routine contained in


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   inms_doy2date - converts a day of year numeric date to a calendar date string
function	inms_doy2date,doy
    converts day-of-year (yyyy-ddd) to calendar date dd-mon-19yy
    An array of strings containing the dates to convert
    an array of strings containing the converted date strings
     aSresult = inms_doy2date(['2004-001','2004-031'])
      01-Jan-2004 31-Jan-2004
  adapted from version used by tidi
  note that the conversion is valid only between 1901 and 2999
  due to leap year check
  8-Jul-2004  DAG  adapted from version used by tidi
  29-Nov-2004 DAG  changed name to inms_doy2date

(Routine contained in


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   inms_doy2julian - converts calendar strings to Julian dates
function inms_doy2julian, asDoyTimes, mjd=mjd
    convert strings in the form yyyy-doyThh:mm:ss.sss  to a Julian date
    Julian Date, JD for the specified 
    Gregorian Dates. If the input is an array
    the output is an array of the same shape
    asDoyTimes - an array of strings containing PDS compliant
                 doy time strings.  
    /MJD         Set if input is a modified Julian date
    The input calendar dates are converted to ordinal dates,
    where the date is the year*1000+day-of-year and the time
    is the time of day in milliseconds. The routine 
    sprl_cvt_odate_jdate performs the conversion to Julian Date.

  09-Nov-2005 D.A. Gell  Initial Coding

(Routine contained in


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   inms_doy2utc - converts calendar strings to UTC time structure
function inms_doy2utc,  asDoyTimes, debug=debug
  PURPOSE: convert strings in the form yyyy-doyThh:mm:ss.sss
           to a structure {nDate: yyyydoyL, nMSecs: ssss}
  28-Feb-2005  DAG  Initial Coding
  20-Sep-2006  DAG Use error handler and inms_post_message
  27-Apr-2007  DAG Corrected variable name in post_message statement

(Routine contained in


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   inms_dump_structure - Creates a CSV file filled with data from a structure
   Created by David A. Gell on 2007-04-17.
   Copyright (c) 2007 __Southwest Research Institute__. All rights reserved.
pro inms_dump_structure, axStruct, $
                         file=file, $
                         note=note, $
   Fills a file with the contents of a structure
    axStruct - the structure array to be dumpted to a file
    file     - the name of the file, created if needed
    note     - An optional parameter supplying a descriptive note 
               inserted in the file
   The existance of the file is checked. If it exists, the
   user is asked for permission to overwrite it. If it doesn't
   exist, it is created.
   The file creation date and note are put in the file
   A label row is written, each label is the name of a structure field
   The data is written, one row per structure array element, comma separated
     date       by         description
  17 Apr 2007   DA Gell    initial coding

(Routine contained in


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   inms_file_format - obtains the file format for a specified file type
function inms_file_format, sFileType, debug=debug
  PURPOSE: obtain the format for the specified file type
   A structure containing the information obtained from
   the PDS structure file for the specified type
   sFileType - a string specifying the file type for which
               the format is desired, L1A, HKG, or CAL
               Default value is L1A
   /debug      set to provide diagnostic info
     inms_read_file_fmt must have been executed previously. 
     inms_get_data calls inms_read_file_fmt for you.
   1-Jun-2005  DAG initial coding, adapted from inms_l1a_labels
  23-Aug-2005  DAG test for existance of format stack prior to 
                   dereferencing pointer to it. If no stack exists,
                   call inms_read_fmt_file to get a format.
  08-Nov-2005  DAG Add CAL to list of valid types, for calibration system
  20-Sep-2006  DAG Use error handler and inms_post_message

(Routine contained in


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   inms_format_time - converts time of day in milliseconds to hours, minutes, seconds
function inms_format_time, anUTtime, format=format
    Converts a time of day expressed in milliseconds to an hours-minutes
    seconds string.
    a string or array of strings containing the resultant times
    the shape of the array is the same as the shape of the input argument
    anUTtime - the time in milliseconds to be converted. This argument
               may be a scalar or an array of arbitrary shape. In the
               first case a string is returned, in the second an array
               of strings with the same shape as this argument is returned
  26-Jan-2005  D.A. Gell  Augment program prolog documentation

(Routine contained in


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   inms_format_time_tick - a callback function to format time axis tick labels
function inms_format_time_tick, axis, index, value
    callback function used to format time tick labels
     axis  - axis number: 0 for X axis, 1 for Y axis, 2 for Z axis.
     index - tick mark index (indices start at 0).
     value - the value assigned to the tick mark, time is ms
  20-August-2004  NAB altered function to support times that aren't perfectly
                      on the hour
  25-August-2004  NAB created so as to be used
                      by other procedures
  28-Jan-2005     DAG Renamed inms_format_time_tick to comply
                      with conventions
  18-Nov-2005     DAG Added seconds to string

(Routine contained in


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   inms_get_data - reads a Level 1A INMS data file
pro inms_get_data, axData,       $    ;;(o) structure containing l1A data
                   path=path,       $ ;;(i) path to data files, 
                   ;;; default: current working directory
    files=files,     $ ;;(i) optional list of files
           trange=trange,   $ ;;(i) two element vector with time range
                                      ;;;    in yyyy-doyThh:mm:ss format
           yeardir=yeardir, $ ;;(i) if set files are located in path/YYYY
           doydir=doydir,   $ ;;(i) if set files are located in path/YYYY/doy
           type=type,       $ ;;(i) specifies file type to read
           debug=debug        ;;(i) set to add debug output
     Read INMS Level 1A archive  data for a specific time range from the .CSV files
     axData        a named variable to receive the data structure. Fields in the 
                   structure are named as defined in the L1A or HKG Data definition
                   spreadsheets (and do not follow the IDL coding standard conventions)
     path          a keyword argument to supply the path to the data files
                   defaults to the current working directory
     files         a keyword argument asigned to the list of input files as a
                   vector of strings. Data from the start of the first file
                   to the end of the final file will be provided.
     trange        a keyword argument asigned to a two element string vector
                   containing the initial and final times. The data will
                   at the first data point with time greater than or equal 
                   to trange[0] and end at the last data point with time
                   less than or equal to trange[1]. Supply the times in the 
                   yyyy-doyThh:mm:ss format
     type          a keyword argument to supply the type of file to read
                   when the trange argument is specified, values are L1A, HKG
                   Defaults to L1A
     yeardir       keyword arguments that control the search for files within
                   the specified timerange. If neither are present,
     doydir        files for the specified time range are to be found in the directory
                   directory specified by the path keyword. If yeardir is
                   present the files are organized in subdirectories by year
                   within the directory specified by the path keyword argument. 
                   If doydir is present the files are orgainized by
                   year and day-of-year subdirectories within the specified directory.
                   if neither doydir nor yeardir is present the following structure
                   is assumed
            path/specified/by/pathKeyword -+--- 2003_180_L1A_00_00_00_1.CSV
                                           +--- 2003_181_L1A_00_00_00_1.CSV
                                           +--- 2004_181_L1A_00_00_00_1.CSV
                                           +--- 2004_182_L1A_00_00_00_1.CSV
                   if the yeardir keyword is present, the files are expected to be
                   in year subdirectories
            path/specified/by/path +---- 2003 +--- 2003_180_L1A_00_00_00_1.CSV
                                   |          +--- 2003_180_L1A_01_00_00_1.CSV
                                   |          +--- 2003_181_L1A_01_00_00_1.CSV
                                   |          +--- 2003_181_L1A_01_00_00_1.CSV
                                   +---- 2004 +--- 2004_180_L1A_00_00_00_1.CSV
                                   |          +--- 2004_182_L1A_01_00_00_1.CSV
                                   |          +--- 2004_183_L1A_01_00_00_1.CSV
                                   |          +--- 2004_184_L1A_01_00_00_1.CSV
                                   +---- 2005
                   if the doydir keyword is present the file, the files are expected 
                   to be in year and day directories
       path/specified/by/path +---- 2003 +---+---- 180 +--- 2003_180_L1A_00_00_00_1.CSV
                              |              |         +--- 2003_180_L1A_01_00_00_1.CSV
                              |              +---- 181 +--- 2003_181_L1A_01_00_00_1.CSV
                              |              |         +--- 2003_182_L1A_01_00_00_1.CSV
                              |              +---- 182 +---
                              +---- 2004 +---+---- 180 +--- 2004_180_L1A_00_00_00_1.CSV
                              |              +---- 181 
                              |              +---- 182
                              +---- 2005 +---
     supply either the files keyword or the trange keyword, not both. If neather 
     are supplied, a file selection dialog is presented
    inms_get_data, axL1Data, asPaths, path='~/Desktop/inmsData', $
    inms_get_data, axL1Data, files=['2004-185T09.00.00.CSV', $
                                             '2004-185T10.00.00.CSV', $
                                             '2004-185T11.00.00.CSV', $
    reads all data in the files specified. The data is returned in the 
    axL1Data structure.
     - inms_parse_file_name
     - inms_is_image
     - inms_l1a_files_read
     - inms_make_scalar
     - inms_parse_l1a_name
     - inms_parse_time
     - inms_post_message
     - inms_purge_fmt_file
     - inms_read_label
     - inms_remove_quotes
     - inms_validate_time
     In addition to the data file, the routine inms_create_l1a_template requires a 
     PDS structure file. The name of this file is obtained from the PDS label 
     associated with the data file. PDS specifies that the structure file be located 
     in the same directory as the data file. If the file is not located
     there, the routines in this package check the data file directory's 
     parent directory. If not there, a dialog is presented to the user so 
     that the structure file may be located.
  26-Jul-2004  DAG  initial coding
  23-Aug-2004  DAG  adapted to archive version 2 data file names and directory structure
  31-Aug-2004  DAG  Corrected error when selecting multiple files with the dialog box
   1-Sep-2004  DAG  Corrected error when selecting files based on time.
                      The file containing the first time (if not an even hour) was
                      not read.
   1-Sep-2004  DAG  Trim leading and trailing blanks from input record fields prior
                      to assignment to structure field (for handling R. Yelle's
                      simulated data). Updated list of required routines.
  15-Sep-2004  DAG  Change test for end of PDS label and header records, add debugging
                      output when searching for files
   6-Oct-2004  DAG  Ensure that all string data is lower case to insure string comparisions
                      always work
  22-Oct-2004  DAG  Change to convert all data except sclk time to lowercase.
                       sclk (field 0) must be uppercase for comparision with file names
  23-Oct-2004  DAG  Correct error introduced when correcting a typo in the test for
                       a blank line. The test was unneeded, correcting the typo prevented
                       successful reading of muliple file data sets.
  29-Nov-2004  DAG  Update list of required routines, 
                      replaced create_table_list with sprl_create_list
                      make_scalar with inms_make_scalar
   7-Jan-2005  DAG  Read format file and header to obtain structure information
  19-Jan-2005  DAG  Added additional debug output when /debug set. Added note about
                      format file.
  26-Jan-2005  DAG  Improved readablilty of file prolog. Removed dead code.
  01-Feb-2005  DAG  deleted asFilesRead argument and labels keyword, providing accessor
                      routines instead
  01-Mar-2005  DAG  Modified to support detached files
  02-Mar-2005  DAG  Set file delimiter based on OS family, / for unix \ for windows
  04-Mar-2005  DAG  Ensure day-of-year directories have leading zeros
  04-Apr-2005  DAG  Purge format cache before reading file label and format.
                    Update list of functions called
  07-Jun-2005  DAG  Added file type keyword to permit location of HKG files by time
                    Changed time range code to support daily files for types not L1A
                    Added index to locate time tag in various file types
  10-Jun-2005  DAG  Allow time ranges to cross day and year boundaries
  17-Jun-2005  DAG  file format structure changed, 
  21-Jun-2005  DAG  use file type to limit selection in filters.
  27-Jun-2005  DAG  change message to information when no data present
  02-Dec-2005  DAG  Sort filenames returned by dialog_pickfile - Windows 
                    returns names in arbitrary order
  20-Sep-2006  DAG  Use error handler and inms_post_message
  27-Sep-2006  DAG  Confirm validity of label after call to inms_read_label
  08-May-2007  DAG  Eliminate use of inms_create_l1_template. Using 
                     inms_read_fmt_file instead

(Routine contained in


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines] [Release Notes]
    inms_get_series - extracts a subset of data from a Level 1A data structure
pro inms_get_series, axData,   $    ;; (i) a structure containing INMS level 1 data
                     axSeries, $    ;; (0) a structure containing the selected data
                                    ;;;    in the same form as the input
                     silent=silent, $;; (i) set to inhibit error messages 
                     debug=debug,  $ ;; (i) set to provide additional debug diagnostics
                     _extra=extra   ;; (i) a series of keywords the define the selection
                                    ;;;      criteria
     extract a series of data records from the level 1A data structure
    axData     a Level 1A data structure containing the data from which the series
               is to be extracted
    axSeries    a named variable to receive the selected data in the form of a
                Level 1A data structure
    silent      if set, only error messages are produced
    debug       if set, diagnostic information is produced
    extra       A series of keyword expressions where the keyword name is an
                INMS level 1A data item and the value is either a scalar or a 1 dimensional
                element vector. In the first case the keyword expression
                routine adds a clause of the form  
                to the selection criteria. If the vector has two elements as follows
                      KEYWORD=[MIN, MAX]
                then the a clause of the form
                is added  to the selection criteria. If the vector has more than two elements 
                      KEYWORD=[V1, V2,...VN-1]
                then a clause of the form
                           OR SSTRUCTNAME.KEYWORD EQ VALUE[2] ... 
                           OR SSTRUCTNAME.KEYWORD EQ VALUE[N-1] )
               is  added to the selection criteria
   28-Jul-2004   DAG  Initial coding
   20-Sep-2006   DAG  Use error handler and inms_post_message

(Routine contained in


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines] [Release Notes]
    inms_get_spectra - Extracts one or more spectra from Level 1A data
pro inms_get_spectra, axData,                   $ ;; (i) L1A data Structure
                      axSpectra,                $ ;; (o) Spectra Data Structure
                      MassTableID=MassTableID,  $ ;; (i) list of mass tables that 
                      coaddCnt=coaddCnt,        $ ;; (i) value of coadd to use
                      source=source,            $ ;; (i) source to use 'osnb','osnt','osi','csn'
                      hires=hires,              $ ;; (i) set to process 1/8 AMU scans
                      debug=debug,              $ ;; (i) set to provide additional tracing
                      _extra=extra                ;; (i) selector keywords
     Extract a collection of spectra meeting user supplied criteria from
     the L1A data supplied in the array axData
     axData      structure of level 1 data as retrieved by inms_get_data
     axSpectra   array of one or more spectra structures. A scalar zero is
                 returned if no spectra were found. To test for successful
                 spectra formation, use 
                     if size(aXspectra,/n_dimensions) gt 0 then ;;success
     MassTableID keyword parameter which defines the mass tables tha
                 make up the mass spectra. For example, a unity mass scan
                 is mass table 1, but the 1/8 amu scan requires tables
                 2 through 13, inclusive
     coaddCnt    keyword parameter which specifies the coadd count used to select
                 data for the spectra, defaults to 1
     source      keyword parameter which specifies the ion source to select, defaults to osi
     extra      a series of keyword expressions where the keyword name is an
                INMS level 1A data item and the value is either a scalar or a 1 dimensional
                element vector. In the first case the routine adds a clause of the 
                to the selection criteria. If the vector has two elements then the a clause of
                the form 
                is added  to the selection criteria. If the vector has more than two elements 
                a clause of the form
                           OR SSTRUCTNAME.KEYWORD EQ VALUE[2] ... 
                           OR SSTRUCTNAME.KEYWORD EQ VALUE[N-1] )
               is  added to the selection criteria
               In the event that the user specifies two level 1A data items that IDL believe 
               are ambiguous, like MASS and MASS_TABLE, IDL will report an error. To resolve
               this adorn or, but not both, of the variable names with a leading underscore,
               thusly _MASS. IDL will nolonger believe that the names are ambiguous and
               the data will be selected.  
               The keywords /ingress and /egress may also be used as selectors. /ingress selects
               data for which the altitude is decreasing, while /egress selects increasing altitude
    axSpectra consists of a 1 dimensional array of spectra records. See
    for definition.
              ;; read some data
              ;;   a file selection dialog appears
              inms_get_data, axData
              ;; get spectra between 1250 and 1300 km above the target
              inms_get_data, axData, axSpec, alt_t=[1250,1300], massTableID=[16,17]
              ;; confirm successful spectra formation
              if size(axSpec, /n_dimensions) gt 0 then begin
                  ;; process spectra here
              endif else begin
                  ;; handle error here
              ;; get ion spectra on inbound leg
             inms_ge_data, axData, axIn, source='osi', massTableID=[40,41], /ingress
   28-Jul-2004   DAG  Initial coding
   02-Aug-2004   DAG  add computation of anC1Error and anC2Error
   04-Aug-2004   DAG  add specific keywords for coadd count and ion source
   26-Aug-2004   DAG  add detail to documentation
    3-Sep-2004   DAG  correct error in producing summary record
   17-Sep-2004   DAG  change counts to float, permitting averages
                      add type code to record
    4-Oct-2004   DAG  fixed error message when no spectra found
    6-Oct-2004   DAG  changed spectra selection to two step process
                      First, all spectra with specified mass table, source
                              and coadd are selected
                      Second, contiguous time ranges in which the additional 
                         selection criteria are satisfied are found.
                         Spectra with  midpoints within those time ranges
                         are returned to the caller.
                      Made computations more robust avoiding division by zero. 
                      These should not occur with quality data.
                      Added additional output when debug switch present.
                      Insure invalid result supplied when an error occurs.
    7-Oct-2004  DAG  improved documentation.
    7-Oct-2004  DAG  corrected spectra field name sType to comply with standard
    8-Nov-2004  DAG  corrected formatting for no spectra found alerts  
   10-Nov-2004  DAG  added altitude to spectra record, midpoint altitude
   29-Nov-2004  DAG  replaced create_table_list with sprl_create_list
   06-Dec-2004  DAg  added line of sight relative speed and direction to structure
                       for use in calculating ram enhancement factor
   26-Jan-2005  DAG  Corrected description of xSpectra record in prolog.
   18-Apr-2005  DAG  added /hires keyword to form 1/8 AMU spectra
   26-Aug-2005  DAG  definition of spectra record moved to include file
                       store lat, wlon, sza, lst in spectra structure
   29-Aug-2005  DAG  store value of target name in spectra structures
   13-Dec-2005  DAG  Ensure extra element in the spectra array removed when
                       the data ends with a partial spectra, moved creation
                       of spectra array to follow adjustment of number of spectra
   20-Sep-2006  DAG Use error handler and inms_post_message
   11-Oct-2006  DAG Skip spectra which have too few IPs 
   30-Nov-2006  DAG Ensure that only valid spectra are included in output
   11-Dec-2006  DAG Make target Saturn if not otherwise specified 
   14-Dec-2006  DAG Fix pathological case that occurs if final data point
                     is selected by additional criteria 
    7-Jan-2006  DAG Store sequence and cycle table id numbers
   10 Apr 2007  DAG Store time from closest approach

(Routine contained in


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   inms_get_spice_kernels - reads a spice furnish text kernel and gets missing files
   Created by David A. Gell on 2007-05-18.
   Copyright (c) 2007 __Southwest Research Institute__. All rights reserved.
pro inms_get_spice_kernels, sFile,           $ ;; kernel.txt file to read
                            verbose=verbose, $ ;; set to report list of files
                            debug=debug,     $ ;; set to enable debug options
                            noFTP=noFTP,     $ ;; disables ftp transfer for testing
                            _extra=extra       ;; used to pass path symbol,value pairs
    Obtains spice kernel files directly from the NAIF ftp server
   sFile - the name of a SPICE kernels.txt file
   /VERBOSE    -
   symbol=path - superceed the PATH_SYMBOL,PATH_VALUE pairs in the file
   /DEBUG      - set to provide additional debuging information
   After validating arguments, the extra keyword parameters are checked. If
   present, the keyword names are taken to be PATH_SYMBOL values and the
   keyword values are takend to be PATH_VALUE values.
  The specified kernel list file, in SPICE text kernel format is read and parsed.
  Any PATH_SYMBOLS in the filenames are replaced by the corresponding

  The resulting file descriptions are tested for existance only. The names of those
  that do not exist with the PATH_SYMBOLS replaced by the PATH_VALUE tokens are
  obtained by ftp from the following NAIF server and directories.
    sNaifServer=''            ;; address of NAIF server
    sNaifGen   ='/pub/naif/CASSINI/kernels'    ;; path to generic kernels
    sNaifCas   ='/pub/naif/CASSINI/kernels'    ;; path to Cassini specific kernels
  Once the ftp transfer attempt is complete, the files are again tested for existance
  to confirm successful transfer.
   The INMS Operations Network repository of spice kernel files renamed the following
   Each of these files, on ION, is a link (alias) to a file with a name containing 
   a version number. ION always links these names to the file with the greatest
   version number. These files need to be manually obtained either from ION or 
   by ftp from the NAIF ftp site.
    date         by         description
    22 May 2007  D.A. Gell  Initial coding

(Routine contained in


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   inms_grid_spectra - interpolates mass spectra to uniform time grid
pro inms_grid_spectra,            $
   axData,                       $    ;; (i) L1A data Structure
   axSpectra,                    $    ;; (o) Spectra Data Structure
   MassTableID=MassTableID,      $    ;; (i) list of mass tables that 
   coaddCnt=coaddCnt,            $    ;; (i) value of coadd to use
   source=source,                $    ;; (i) source to use 'osnb','osnt','osi','csn'
                                      ;;;    form the spectra of interest
   stride=stride,                $    ;; (i) spacing (sec) between returned spectra
   span=span,                    $    ;; (i) length (sec) of data arc to be fit
   order=order,                  $    ;; (i) order of chebyshev polynomials
   exclimit=exclimit,            $    ;; (i) exclude points which deviate from 
                                      ;;;    fit by this value defaults to 3 sigma
   debug=debug,                  $    ;; (i) set to provide additional tracing
   diagnostic=diagnostic,        $    ;; (o) if set contains the chisqr and sigma
   verbose=verbose,              $    ;; (i) set to provide additional output
   _extra=extra                       ;; (i) selector keywords
     Extract a collection of spectra meeting user supplied criteria from
     the L1A data supplied in the array axData, interpolated to uniform
     time grid.
     axData      structure of level 1 data as retrieved by inms_get_data
     axSpectra   array of one or more spectra structures. A scalar zero is
                 returned if no spectra were found. To test for successful
                 spectra formation, use 
                     if size(aXspectra,/n_dimensions) gt 0 then ;;success
                 see file for the contents of a spectra
     MassTableID keyword parameter which defines the mass tables tha
                 make up the mass spectra. For example, a unity mass scan
                 is mass table 1, but the 1/8 amu scan requires tables
                 2 through 13, inclusive
     coaddCnt    keyword parameter which specifies the coadd count used to
                 select data for the spectra, defaults to 1
     source      keyword parameter which specifies the ion source to select,
                 defaults to osi
     stride      keyword parameter specifing the time between returned 
                 spectra (sec), defaults to 10 sec
     span        keyword parameter specifying the time span about the point
                 of interest used in the fit. Defaults to 6 * stride. Each 
                 data point is the result of a fit to data from t-span/2 to
                 t+span/2 where t is t0+n*stride
     order       if present sets the maximum order of the polynomial used to fit
                 the data, defaults to 3
     exclimit    supplies the deviation from the fit beyond which a data point 
                 is deemed an outlier. It is supplied in units of std deviation. 
                 Default value is 3 sigma
     debug       if set, error handling is modified to halt in this routine 
                 on error. Also, breaks occur after fits of 
                 mass 1, 16, and 28 to permit detailed examination
                 of the state of the routine
     diagnostic  If a variable name is supplied, a diagnostic information 
                 structure is returned as the named variable. 
                 The structure contains the status of the fit, the mass,
                 the resulting parameters and there std deviation, the reduced 
                 chi-square and the iterations requiried for convergance 
                 for each mass.
     verbose     controls additional status information. 
                 If absent (or set to zero)  no additional output provided.
                 If 1, a message is produced for each mass bin with 
                 insufficient data for fitting. If 2, the results of the
                 fit are displayed. If 4, the points omitted for exceeding
                 the exclude limit are displayed
     extra      a series of keyword expressions where the keyword name is an
                INMS level 1A data item and the value is either a scalar or 
                a 1 dimensional vector. In the first case the routine adds 
                a clause of the form
                to the selection criteria. If the vector has two elements 
                then the a clause of the form
                      AND SSTRUCTNAME.KEYWORD GE VALUE[0] $
                      AND SSTRUCTNAME.KEYWORD LE VALUE[1]
                is added  to the selection criteria. If the vector has 
                more than two elements a clause of the form
                      AND (SSTRUCTNAME.KEYWORD EQ VALUE[0]        $
                           OR SSTRUCTNAME.KEYWORD EQ VALUE[1]     $
                           OR SSTRUCTNAME.KEYWORD EQ VALUE[2] ... $
                           OR SSTRUCTNAME.KEYWORD EQ VALUE[N-1] )
               is  added to the selection criteria
               In the event that the user specifies two level 1A data items 
               that IDL believes are ambiguous, like MASS and MASS_TABLE,$
               IDL will report an error. To resolve this problem 
               adorn one, but not both, of the variable names with a leading 
               underscore, thusly:  _MASS. IDL will nolonger believe that the 
               names are ambiguous and the data will be selected.
    axSpectra consists of a 1 dimensional array of spectra records. See
    for definition.
              ;; read some data
              ;;   a file selection dialog appears
              inms_get_data, axData
              ;; get spectra between 1250 and 1300 km above the target
              inms_grid_spectra, axData, axSpec, alt_t=[1250,1300], $
              ;; confirm successful spectra formation
              if size(axSpec, /n_dimensions) gt 0 then begin
                  ;; process spectra here
              endif else begin
                  ;; handle error here
   28-Jul-2004   DAG  Initial coding
   02-Aug-2004   DAG  add computation of anC1Error and anC2Error
   04-Aug-2004   DAG  add specific keywords for coadd count and ion source
   26-Aug-2004   DAG  add detail to documentation
    3-Sep-2004   DAG  correct error in producing summary record
   17-Sep-2004   DAG  change counts to float, permitting averages
                      add type code to record
    4-Oct-2004   DAG  fixed error message when no spectra found
    6-Oct-2004   DAG  changed spectra selection to two step process
                     *First, all spectra with specified mass table, 
                        source and coadd are selected
                     *Second, contiguous time ranges in which the additional
                        selection criteria are satisfied are found. Spectra  
                        with midpoints within those time ranges are returned to 
                        the caller.
                     *Made computations more robust avoiding division by zero.
                        These should not occur with quality data.  Added 
                         additional output when debug switch present.
                     *Insure invalid result supplied when an error occurs.
    7-Oct-2004  DAG  improved documentation.
    7-Oct-2004  DAG  corrected spectra field name sType to comply with standard
    8-Nov-2004  DAG  corrected formatting for no spectra found alerts  
   10-Nov-2004  DAG  added altitude to spectra record, midpoint altitude
   29-Nov-2004  DAG  replaced create_table_list with sprl_create_list
   06-Dec-2004  DAg  added line of sight relative speed and direction to 
                       structure for use in calculating ram enhancement factor
                        ADAPTED FROM INMS_GET_SPECTRA
   27-Dec-2004  DAG  Added diagnositic output structure, 
                     added counter 2 processing
   28-Dec-2004  DAG  Added background removal, enhanced documentation
   29-Mar-2005  DAG  Removed unneeded parameter, changed default source to "CSN"
   28-Apr-2005  DAG  Added code to omit outliers, deleted background removal code
   26-Aug-2005  DAG  Definition of spectra record moved to include file
   29-Aug-2005  DAG  store value of target name in spectra structures
   03-Oct-2005  DAG  Correct initialization of ion source in spectra structure
   20-Sep-2006  DAG  Use error handler and inms_post_message
   06-Oct-2006  DAG  Extracted inms_chebyshev for use in other routines
    7-Jan-2006  DAG Store sequence and cycle table id numbers

(Routine contained in


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   inms_hkg_labels - provides list of axis labels for housekeeping data
function inms_hkg_labels, debug=debug
  PURPOSE: obtain a list of labels for housekeeping data
    debug       if set, diagnostic information is produced
     inms_read_file_fmt must have been executed previously. 
     inms_get_data calls inms_read_file_fmt for you.
   1-Jun-2005  DAG initial coding, adapted from inms_l1a_labels
  20-Sep-2006  DAG Use error handler and inms_post_message

(Routine contained in


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   inms_idl_type - determines IDL type based on PDS type name and value range
   Created by David A. Gell on 2007-05-08.
   Copyright (c) 2007 __Southwest Research Institute__. All rights reserved.
function inms_idl_type, xItem
    Determines the idl type for a data item based on the PDS item definition
    from the structure file.
    idl type number
    xItem - (i) the PDS item description structure created by inms_read_fmt_file
    date         by         description
  08-May-2007    D.A. Gell  initial coding, extracted from inms_create_l1a_template

(Routine contained in


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   inms_init_ss_position - initializes the spice toolkit for use by inms_ss_position (depreciated)
pro inms_init_ss_position, sFilePath
    initialize spice package 
    Depreciated, values computed are now included in L1A files
    sFilePath - path to a "furnish" kernel, a text file
                containing paths to the required SPICE data files(kernels)
   1-NOV-2004   DAG initial coding
   1-Dec-2004   DAG documentation improvements
                    complete handling of missing data file
   8-Feb-2005   DAG specified that the default furnish kernel 
                    location is the current working directory
   2-Mar-2005   DAG File is now checked for both regularity and readability
                    corrected year in above change item
  31-Mar-2005   DAG Changed lighttime correction to "lt+s" to match
                     archive production code
    4 Dec 2004  DAG Depreciated

(Routine contained in


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   inms_ion_sensitivity - Computes INMS ion sensitivity
function inms_ion_sensitivity, nMass, nSpeed, sDate, $
                               debug=debug, $
                               escan=escan, $
                               shift=shift, $
                               width=width, $
    The sensitivity of INMS to an ion of the specified mass and velocity
    with errors in the Quad Lens (QL3) voltage set point considered. The
    returned value is a vector of the same size and shape as nMass and nSpeed
    nMass   The mass of the peak of interest
    nSpeed  The speed of the incident ions with respect to the instrument
            if absent, 6.0 km/s is assumed
    sDate   The date the data was collected, used to select coefficients
            if absent, defaults to the result of the most recent in-flight
            QL scan.
    shift   Supplies a two element array for the linear model of 
              line shift vs KE
    width   Supplies a two element array for the linear model of
              line width parameter vs KE 
    /escan  When set, the parameters are set to those of T5
              specify this setting for ion data collection interspersed
              in the energy scans of T17. 
    /test   When set routine returns unadjusted sensitivity
    /debug  When set additional traceback info produced on errors
    The nMass and nSpeed arguments may be either scalars or arrays. 
    If one argument is an array the other must be either a scalar
    or an array of conformable shape where nMass is m x n and nSpeed 
    is n x 1.
      Use the width parameter to compute a Gaussian. Find the height of
      the Gaussian at distance shift from center. The sensitivity is the
      nominal sensitivity multiplied by the height.
      Note that during the T23 energy scans, the switching table values
      for the OSI science measurements interspersed with quad lens scans
      where based on the same parameters as the inflight velocity compensation
    14 Sep 2006   D. A. Gell  Initial coding
    29 Sep 2006   D. A. Gell  Changed parameters based on re-analysis
                               of gausian fits.
     2 Oct 2006   D. A. Gell  Caller can supply values for the shift
                               and width linear model
                              Compute sensitivity directly
     3 Oct 2006   D. A. Gell  Add parameters for pre-t17 data
    10 Nov 2006   D. A. Gell  Added alternate method and keyword
                               to choose between methods
     4 Dec 2006   D. A. Gell  Eliminate alternative method 
    21 Dec 2006   D. A. Gell  Permit nMass to be a two dimensional array
                               and nSpeed to be a vector 
     4 Jan 2007   D. A. Gell  Use correct coeffiecients for T17
                               ion measurements interspersed with
                               energy scans. 
    15 Jan 2007   D. A. Gell  Add parameters based on T23 scans
    27 Feb 2007   D. A. Gell  Add parameters based on T25 scans
    13 Apr 2007   D. A. Gell  Add parameters based on T28 scans
    03 May 2007   D. A. Gell  Add parameters based on T29 scans
                                parameter analysis excluded masses 17
                                and 91 due to low signal levels
    19 Jun 2007   D. A. Gell  Add parameeters basedd on T32 scans
                                parameter analysis excluded mass 17
                                due to low signal levels

(Routine contained in


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       inms_ion_transmission - computes the effect of angle on transmission
function inms_ion_transmission, nMass,  nVelX, nVelY, nVelZ, debug=debug
    nMass:  The atomic mass of the ion species in DA
    nVelX:  The component of the ion velocity in the boresight direction
    nVelY:  The component of the velocity in the Y axis direction
    nVelZ:  The component of the velocity in the Z axis direction
    /debug  Set to enable debugging
    The reduction in transmission due to angle of attack,
     T(a) = F * T(0)
    T is transmission, F is the value returned.
    In the event of an error a value of -1 is returned
    28 July 2006  D.Gell Initial coding based on W. Kasprzak routine
     20-Sep-2006  DAG    Use error handler and inms_post_message

    nConvert = 5.1824E-03         ;; kenetic energy conversion

    nZoffset = 0.0                ;; z direction response model
    nZ0 = 3.873E-04
    nZ1 = 4.218E-01

    nYoffset = 0.0                ;; y direction response model
    nY0 = 2.534E-03
    nY1 = 1.049E-01

(Routine contained in


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   inms_is_image - indicates whether an image file is being created
function inms_is_image,  set=set, clear=clear
  PURPOSE: indicates if image file creation is in progress
   to set the image flag, use the set option.
   to clear the image flag, use the clear option
   to test, call with now arguments.
  User code that needs to make choices based on this switch
  tests this function
   if inms_is_image() then begin
     ;; do stuff for image creation
   endif else begin
     ;; do normal stuff
   1-Mar-2005   DA Gell  Initial coding

(Routine contained in


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   inms_is_publication - returns publication quality output flag
function inms_is_publication, set=set, clear=clear
  PURPOSE: indicates if publication quality output is desired
   To set the publication quality flag, use the set option.
   Nominally this is done in inms_prepare_plot, and not in
   other user code:
   User code that needs to make choices based on output quality
   tests this function
   if inms_is_publication() then begin
     ;; do stuff for publication output
   endif else begin
     ;; do normal stuff
  to turn off the switch:
   1-Feb-2005   DA Gell  Initial coding to replace use of
                         inms specific system variable

(Routine contained in


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  inms_kernel_list - produces a list of SPICE kernels present or missing
pro inms_kernel_list, sFile,           $ ;; kernel.txt file to read
                      present=present, $ ;; set to list found kernels
                      absent=absent,   $ ;; set to list missing kernels
                      verbose=verbose, $ ;; set to report list of files
                      debug=debug,     $ ;; set to enable debug options
                      _extra=extra       ;; used to pass path symbol,value
                                         ;;  pairs
    A string array containin a list of the kernel files present or absent on
    the local machine. A null string indicates no kernel files meeting the critera
    were found or that an error occurred.
   sFile - the name of a SPICE kernels.txt file
   /PRESENT - set to list files listed in the kernels.txt file which exist
              if set to a named variable, the list of files is returned in that variable
   /ABSENT  - set to list files listed in the kernels.txt file which do not exist
              if set to a named variable, the list of files is returned in that variable
   /VERBOSE - set to report absent or present files. If missing just the number is reported
   symbol=path - superceed the PATH_SYMBOL,PATH_VALUE pairs in the file
   /DEBUG   - set to provide additional debuging information
   After validating arguments, the extra keyword parameters are checked. If
   present, the keyword names are taken to be PATH_SYMBOL values and the
   keyword values are takend to be PATH_VALUE values.
  The specified kernel list file, in SPICE text kernel format is read and parsed.
  Any PATH_SYMBOLS in the filenames are replaced by the corresponding
  The resulting file descriptions are tested for existance only. The names of those
  that do not exist with the PATH_SYMBOLS replaced are counted and listed if the /ABSENT keyword
  (or neither that keyword or the /PRESENT keyword is specified). If the /PRESENT 
  keyword is specified, the file names that exist are returned.
    4 Jan 2006  D.A. Gell  Initial coding
   20-Sep-2006  DAG        Use error handler and inms_post_message
   22-Feb-2007  D.A. Gell  Corrected indexing when replacing path symbols with
                             path values
    6-Apr-2007  D.A. Gell  Converted from function to procedure which prints list of
                             files and optionally returns list via keyword parameter
   18-May-2007  D.A. Gell  Remove trailing / if needed from path values
   22-May-2007  D.A. Gell  Validate path symbols provided via extra keyword

(Routine contained in


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   inms_l1A_files_read - provides list of Level 1A files last read by inms_get_data
function inms_l1a_files_read, asFiles, save=save
  PURPOSE: saves and access list of files read by inms_get_data
     called by inms_get_data with the save keyword specified to
     store the files. 
     called by user routines with no keyword set to obtain the list
   1-Feb-2005  DAG Initial coding

(Routine contained in


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   inms_l1a_labels - provides list of axis labels for l1A data
function inms_l1a_labels, debug=debug ;; (i) set to provide additional debug diagnostics
  PURPOSE: obtain a list of labels for l1A data
    Returns an array of strings containing the labels for the L1A data.
    In the event of an error it returns the null string
    debug       if set, diagnostic information is produced
     inms_read_file_fmt must have been executed previously. 
     inms_get_data calls inms_read_file_fmt for you.
   1-Feb-2005  DAG Initial coding
   1-Jun-2005  DAG Use labels from format file
  20-Sep-2006  DAG Use error handler and inms_post_message

(Routine contained in


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   inms_label_ticks - produces formatted time strings for use as tick labels
function inms_label_ticks, nAxis, nIndex, nValue, nLevel, $
    The function is called once prior to any plotting to specify
    the format desired, then the name of the routine is supplied to
    the plot procedure via the tickformat keyword.
    nAxis   the axis number 0(X-axis) 1(Y-axis) 2(Z-axis)
    nIndex  the tick mark index, 0 is least tick value
    nValue  the value to be formatted specified in Julian Dates (JD)
   format   supplies the format to be applied to the Julian Date
            available choices:
            CAL  2-line Calendar Date
            JD   Julian Date
                   where ddd is the Julian Day Number
                   and fffff is the fractional day
                   resolution is approximately 1 second
            DOY  2-line Day-of-Year date
            TOD: 1-line time of day
         plot, anJD, anY, xtickformat='inms_label_ticks'
    06-Jun-2005  D. Gell   Initial coding

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   inms_list_cal_species - lists species contained in calibration data structure
pro inms_list_cal_species,  axCal, debug=debug
    list the species for which calibration data is available
    inms_list_cal_species, axCal
   axCal  - a calibration structure returned by inms_read_cal
    debug       if set, diagnostic information is produced
  08-FEB-2005  DAG  Initial Coding
  17-AUG-2005  DAG  Add molecular mass to output
  20-Sep-2006  DAG  Use error handler and inms_post_message

(Routine contained in


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   inms_list_files - annotates a plot with a list of names
pro inms_list_files, nXposIn, $ ;; (i) x coordinate at which to start display
                     nYposIn, $ ;; (i) Y coordinate 
                     asFilesRead    ;; (i) list of files
   annotate a plot with a list of file names
    nXposIn, nYposeIn - the location of the annotation in
                        normal units
    asFilesRead - an array of strings containing the list of files
              to be placed in the annotation
  25-August-2004 NAB  made to facilitate calls
                      from other procedures

(Routine contained in


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   inms_make_pds_label - make a pds label file
   Created by David A. Gell on 2007-02-08.
   Copyright (c) 2007 __Southwest Research Institute__. All rights reserved.
pro inms_make_pds_label, sPDSfile,      $ ;; (i) file to be labeled
                         sTemplate,     $ ;; (i) label template filename
                         hdrlen=hdrlen, $ ;; (i) number of rows of file header
                         note=note,     $ ;; (i) note string
     create a pds label file from a template
     sPDSfile - the file for which a label is needed
     sTemplate - the name of a template file
     hdrlen - supplies value for the length of data file header in rows
     note   - supplies a string value to replace the !<note>! token
              the text can be of any length IDL supports. It is parsed
              into lines which are placed in the text.
     /debug - if present additional diagnostics provided
     copies the template file to the pds label file, replacing
     tokens surrounded by !<>! with actual values
     supported tokens:
       file   - name of pds spreasheet file
       records- number of records in the file
       MD5    - MD5 checksum
       rows   - number of rows in spread sheet
       hdrlen - number of rows in header, defaults to 1
       note   - defaults to empty
       startbyte  - the starting byte of the spreadsheet
 	   createdate - file creation date
        inms_make_pds_label, 2007030_L1A.CSV, L1ATEMPLATE.TXT, hdrLen=3
    date      by         description
   8-Feb-2007 D. A. Gell  initial coding
  12-Feb-2007 D. A. Gell  added note template token
  14-Feb-2007 D. A. Gell  added startbyte token

(Routine contained in


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  inms_make_profiles - computes density profiles by deconvolution
pro inms_make_profiles, axSpectra,   $     ; (i) array of spectra
                        axCal,       $     ; (i) calibration value
                        axResult,    $     ; (o) array of retrieved densities
                        anChisqr,    $     ; (o) reduced chi square
                        anResidual,  $     ; (o) residuals
                        anFit,       $     ; (o) reconstructred spectra
                        species=species, $ ; (i) list of species to retrieve
                        _extra=extra, $    ; (i) additional keywords
                        print=print, $     ; (i) set to tablulate results
                        file=file,   $     ; (i) name of file to hold results
   repeated calls inms_deconvolve to retrieve a altitude profiles of species densities
  METHOD: See memo Gell, D.A. "Deconvolution of INMS Mass Spectra", 13 Jan 2005
   axResult - A two dimentsional array of structures containing the
              retrieved density and mole fraction profiles.
              Each element of the array has the form:
              xResult = {sSpecies: 'xx', $  ;; the name of the species
                         nAlt:      0.0, $  ;; the altitude of the data
                         nDensity:  0.0, $  ;; number per cubic centimeter
                         nSigma:    0.0, $  ;; standard deviation of above
                         nMoleFcn:  0.0, $  ;; mole fraction, N / (total(Ni)
                         nMoleSig:  0.0}    ;; standard deviation of above
              axResult[0,*] contains the profile for the first species
              axResult[N,*] contains the profile for the n-th species
   anChisqr - A vector containing the chi-square value for each fit in
              the profile
   anResidual - a two dimensional array containing the difference 
                between the measured spectra and the fit from the deconvolution
                anResidual[N,*] is the residual for the Nth profile
   anFit      - a two dimensional array containing the reconstructed
                spectra based on the species densities found by deconvolution
                anFit[N,*] is the reconstruction of the Nth profile
   axSpectra - A spectra record array, as formed by inms_get_spectra 
               or inms_grid_spectra containing the mass spectra to deconvolve
   axCal    - The calibration data in the form returned by inms_read_cal. This
              structure contains a filed for each column in the calibration
              spreadsheet designed by  Wayne Kasprzak
  species   - a string vector containing a list of species to retrieve
              if absent, defaults to ['N2','CH4']
  /print    - if present, the altitude profile is tabulated
  file      - specifies the name of a file to contain a profile.
              File is a comma separated text file (CSV)
  c2factor  - the ratio of counter 1 counts to counter 2 counts
              if absent, defaults to 6727
  critfreq  - the maximum frequency at which counter 1 is linear
              if absent, no replacement of the c1 counter valuea by scaled
              c2 counter values is performed, 
              specifying /critfreq results in a default value of 1.75 MHz
  plot      - if set produce a plot of each input spectra, synthetic spectra
              and residuals annotated with measurement conditions and results
  noannotate- if plot is set, noannotate omits annotations from the plot
  annotate  - a list of options specifing which annotations are 
              to be added to the plot. The choices are:
              "None" is equavalent to /noannotate
              "Residual" adds a lower panel displaying the scaled fit residual
              "Deconvolution" adds the table of species density
              "Isotopes" adds the table of isotope ratios, if any isotopic ;
              species were included in the species list.
              Each option may be abbreviated by its first letter. 
  mole      - if plot is set, results listed in annotation are provides as
              mole fractions rather than abundances. No effect if noannotate is
  chisqr    - set to a named variable to receive the chi-squared value 
  no28      - set to omit mass 28 from consideration
  verbose   - set to provide additional output messages tracing 
              deconvolution procedure execution
  debug     - set to provide additional debuging features
  07-Jul-2005  DA Gell initial coding
  31-Aug-2005  DA Gell add code to write results in file
  20-Sep-2006  DAG     Use error handler and inms_post_message
  30-Nov-2006  DA Gell Omit isotope ratio computation

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    inms_make_scalar - returns an initialized scalar of a specified type
function inms_make_scalar, nType, $    ;;(i) type code as returned by SIZE
                           nInitial    ;;(i) optional initial value
  purpose: return a scalar of the specified type
           numerical types are initialized with zero, 
           or the optional value specified by nInitial
     nType - IDL type code of the scalar to create
     nInitial - an optional initial value for numerical types
     string types are initialized to the null string
     pointer types are initialized to an allocated heap variable
  change history
  26-Jul-2004  DAG  initial coding
  14-Sep-2004  DAG  add optional value
  29-Nov-2004  DAG  changed name to inms_make_scalar

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    inms_make_window - creates a new X window for graphics
pro inms_make_window, sTitle, bSameWindow,  animate=animate, $
                      winset=winset, winsize=winsize, winpos=winpos, portrait=portrait
     If the current plot device is a windowing device ('X', 'WIN')
        Makes a new window with the specified title
     Otherwise does nothing
    sTitle - A string containing the title to place in 
            the window border.
   bSameWindow = 0, create new window
                 1, reuse current window
    /animate  if present, inhibits redrawing the window to change
              the title. Usefull in animating plots
    /winset   Set to supply values for size and position of windows
    winsize   Set to supply the width of the window as a fraction of full
              width. Default of 0.7 of the window size with the aspect ratio 
              of a landscape 8.5 x 11 page
    winpos    A four element vector specifying the region of the display
              to use in the style of the position graphics keyword.
              [x0,y0,x1,y1] x0,y0 is the lower left, x1,y1 is the upper
              right. Defaults to the entire visible region.
    /portrait If set the window will be in portrait orientation. This keyword
              is ignored unless /winset is present or when the first window is
   18-JAN-2005   DAG  Initial Coding
   20-Jan-2005   DAG  Made bSameWindow optional, 
                        if absent create window
                      Made sTitle optional, default is "IDL"
   18-Feb-2005   DAG  Limit number of columns so windows don't clip
   24-Feb-2005   DAG  Add animate keyword, changes behavior of  
                      routine when bSameWindow is set
   01-Mar-2005   DAG  Use function inms_is_image to decide if
                      a new window is to be made
   26-Jul-2005   DAG  Add support for MS Windows
   17-Mar-2006   DAG  Add small horizontal offset between windows in
                      a column
   31-Sep-2006   DAG  Provide method to specify size and location of windows.
   07-Dec-2006   DAG  Correct window positioning for MS Windows Platform
   16 May 2006   DAG  Add /portrait keyword

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    inms_mdy2doy - converts a date from YYYYMMDD to YYYYDDD
function inms_mdy2doy, anDates
  converts a date YYYYMMDD to day-of-year, YYYYdoy
   anDates - an array of integer dates 
   an array of the same shape and size as the input containing
   the converted numerical dates
   leap year correction valid from 1901 throught 2399
   22 March 2006  DA Gell    Initial Coding

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   inms_neat_ticks - determines values for tick labeling plot keywords
function inms_neat_ticks, anRange, $                   ;; time range, julian day 
                          tickinterval=tickinterval, $ ;; unit of ticks, 
    anRange - a two element vector containing the range of Julian Dates
    tickinterval - specifies the tick interval to be used,
                   choices are YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, QUARTER, MINUTE
                   the value may be abreviated to 2 characters.
    debug        - if set, diagnostic information is produced
    A structure containing the axis formatting values
        {anRange: anAdjust, $   ;; a two element vector with the 
                                   adjusted Julian Dates for the axis
         anTickv: anTickv,  $   ;; an array tick mark locations
         nTicks:  n_elements(anTickv)-1, $ ;; the number of tick intervals
         nMinor:  nMinor}       ;; the number of minor ticks between major
    In the event of an error the scalar 0 is returned.
     The following code fragment illustrates the use of this routine and
      ;; convert times to Julian Dates
      ;; first PDS compiant times to UTC format
      ;; then UTC to Julian dates
      axOrdDate = inms_doy2utc(strupcase(axHkg.sclktime))
      anJulDate = sprl_cvt_odate_jdate(axOrdDate.nDate, axOrdDate.nMsecs)
      ;; determine axis formatting values
      ;;   Ticks are to be on the hour
      xTickDef = inms_neat_ticks([anJulDate[0], anJulDate[nPoints-1]],$
      ;; specify the format for the tick labels
      nDummy = inms_label_ticks(format='DOY')
      ;; create a plot
      ;;  using the fields in the xTickDef as values for the
      ;;  corresponding plot keyword
      plot, anJulDate, anY,$
            position=anPlotPos, $
            xrange=xTickDef.anRange, $  ;; obtained from inms_neat_ticks
            xtickv=xTickDef.anTickv, $  ;;
            xminor=xTickDef.nMinor,  $  ;;
            xticks=xTickDef.nTicks,  $  ;;
            xtitle='!Ctime', $
            xtickformat='inms_label_ticks', $
            yrange=[nYmin, nYmax], $
            ytitle=asLabels[anContIdx[0]], $
   2-Jun-2005 D. Gell Initial Coding
  16-Jun-2005 D. Gell  Adjust tick mark location determination
  17-Jun-2005 D. Gell  Correct adjustment of range for even day 
  09-Nov-2005 D. Gell  Added quarter hour major ticks
  20-Sep-2006 DAG      Use error handler and inms_post_message
  02-Jan-2006 DAG      Correct calculation of major ticks for quarter hours

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   inms_parse_file_name  - extracts constituent fields from INMS archive file names
function inms_parse_file_name, asFileNames,  debug=debug
     Divide one or more INMS archive file names 
     into it constituent fields
    an array of structures containing one structure for each
    file in the list of files
  xParsedName = {nYear: 0, $       ;; date fields
                 nDay:  0, $       ;; 
                 sType: '   ', $   ;; type, L1A, HKG...
                 nHour: 0, $       ;; time fields
                 nMin:  0, $       ;;
                 nSec:  0, $       ;;
                 nRev:  0, $       ;; revision number
                 sExt: '   '}      ;; extension, always CSV
    invalid names are indicated by an uninitialized structure
    (a copy of xParsedName) An invalid name is any name without
    8 fields or with any non-numeric values in the numeric fields.
    asFileNames an array of file name strings to be parsed
    debug       if set, diagnostic information is produced
    23-Aug-2004   DAG  Initial Coding
    29-Nov-2004   DAG  replaced isnumeric with sprl_isnumeric
                       added call to on_error,2
    02-Mar-2005   DAG  updated to handle new file nameing convention
                       Parses either name format
   20-Sep-2006    DAG  Use error handler and inms_post_message

(Routine contained in


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   inms_parse_l1A_name  - extracts constituent fields from L1A file names
function inms_parse_l1a_name, asFileNames
     Divide a L1A Name into it constituent fields
    an array of structures containing one structure for each
    file in the list of files
      xParsedName = {nYear: 0, $
                     nDay:  0, $
                     sType: '   ', $
                     nHour: 0, $
                     nMin:  0, $
                     nSec:  0, $
                     nRev:  0, $
                     sExt: '   '}
    invalid names are indicated by an uninitialized structure
    (a copy of xParsedName) An invalid name is any name without
    8 fields or with any non-numeric values in the numeric fields.
    asFileNames an array of file name strings to be parsed
    23-Aug-2004   DAG  Initial Coding
    29-Nov-2004   DAG  replaced isnumeric with sprl_isnumeric
                       added call to on_error,2
    02-Mar-2005   DAG  updated to handle new file nameing convention
                       Parses either name format
    02-Jun-2005   DAG  superceeded by inms_parse_file_name

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    inms_parse_time - extracts fields from date/time strings
function inms_parse_time, asTimes, debug=debug
     Divide a time strings into constutient fields
    an array of structures containing one structure for each
    file in the list of files
    xParsedTime = {nYear: 0, $
                   nDay:  0, $
                   nHour: 0, $
                   nMin:  0, $
                   nSec:  0.0}

    invalid times are indicated by an uninitialized structure
    (a copy of xParsedTime)
    astimes     an array of file name strings to be parsed
    debug       if set, diagnostic information is produced
    23-Aug-2004   DAG  Initial Coding
    09-Feb-2005   DAG  Allow fractional seconds
    13-Jun-2005   DAG  Change loop counter to long
    20-Sep-2006   DAG  Use error handler and inms_post_message

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   inms_plot_cal_ptrn - plots calibration cracking patterns curves
pro inms_plot_cal_ptrn, axCal,             $ ;; (i) calibration data structure
                        asSpecies,         $ ;; (i) list of species to plot
                        em=em,             $ ;; (i) set for engineering model
                        reu=reu,           $ ;; (i) set for refurbished EM
                        nist=nist,         $ ;; (i) set for nist
                        fm=fm,             $ ;; (i) set for flight model
                        filament=filament, $ ;; (i) 'primary' | 'secondary'
                        energy=energy,     $ ;; (i) electron energy
                        source=source,     $ ;; (i) 'OS' | 'CS'
                        title=title,       $ ;; (i) supply title to plot
                        multiple=multiple, $ ;; (i) set to display all matches
                        columns=columns,   $ ;; (i) set for two columns
                        debug=debug,       $ ;; (i) controls additional debug diagnostics
                        samewindow=samewindow, $ ;; (i) set to reuse current open window

    Plot calibration curves
    axCal    - an array of calibration data structures as returned 
               by inms_read_cal
    asSpecies- a string array containing the list of species to display,
               defaults to all species in the structure
    /EM      - set to display only engineering model data
    /REU     - set to display only refurbished engineering model data
    /FM      - set to display only flight model data
    /NIST    - set to display only NIST orginated data
               if neither /EM, /FM nor /NIST is set, display from all
    filament - set to 'PRIMARY' or 'SECONDARY' to select ion source
               filament data to display, Defaults to 'PRIMARY'
    energy   - set to the ion source electron energy to display,
               Defaults to 70.0
    source   - set to 'OS' or 'CS' to select the ion source
               Defaults to 'OS'
    title    - a string to be used as the plot title, defaults to "Cracking Patterns"
    /columns - if set the plots are placed in two columns of 8 rows
               if absent the plots are placed in one column of 4 rows
    /debug     if set, diagnostic information is produced
    /SAMEWINDOW - if set reuse current plot window for display
       inms_plot_cal, axCal, asSpecies,
  13-Jan-2004  DA Gell    Initial coding
  18-Jan-2004  DA Gell    replace inline code with inms_make_window
  20-Jan-2004  DA Gell    added overplot of log(relative response)
  26-Jan-2004  DA Gell    enhanced program prolog. Implemented model 
  01-Feb-2004  DA Gell    Adjusted size of axis labels,
                          Adjusted location and size of legends
  18-Aug-2004  DA Gell    Replaced ad-hoc test of axCal validity with
                          function INMS_VALIDATE_CAL_DATA.
                          Make asSpecies optional, defaults to all
  02-Aug-2006  DA Gell    Added support for Refurbished EM data
                          Added call to inms_prepare_plot,/next after
                          page is compete for multiple PNG plots
  08-Aug-2006  DA Gell    Renamed to better describe function
  20-Sep-2006  DAG        Use error handler and inms_post_message
   9-Oct-2006  DAG        Round floating pt mass values when creating indicies
  31-Oct-2006  DAG        Adjust annotation text size, considering number of
  28-Nov-2006  DAG        Adjust location of annotation based on x-axis
   2-Mar-2007  DA Gell    Added title to plots

(Routine contained in


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   inms_plot_cal_sens - plots sensitivities as function of species
pro inms_plot_cal_sens, axCal1, axCal2,    $ ;; (i) calibration data structure
                        species=Species,   $ ;; (i) list of species to plot
                        em=em,             $ ;; (i) set for engineering model
                        reu=reu,           $ ;; (i) set for refurbished EM
                        nist=nist,         $ ;; (i) set for nist
                        fm=fm,             $ ;; (i) set for flight model
                        filament=filament, $ ;; (i) 'primary' | 'secondary'
                        energy=energy,     $ ;; (i) electron energy
                        source=source,     $ ;; (i) 'OS' | 'CS'
                        multiple=multiple, $ ;; (i) set to display all matches 
                        nodates=nodates,   $ ;; (i) inhibits label component
						title=title,       $ ;; (i) Title for plot
                        subtitle=subtitle, $ ;; (i) string to add to title
                        debug=debug,       $ ;; (i) controls debug diagnostics
                        samewindow=samewindow, $ ;; (i) set to reuse current window

    Plot bar charts of sensitivities
    axCal1   - an array of calibration data structures as returned 
               by inms_read_cal  
    axCal2   - an optional array of calibration data structures, plotted
               for comparision with the values in axCal1
    asSpecies- a string array containing the list of species to display,
               defaults to all species in the structure
    /EM      - set to display only engineering model data
    /REU     - set to display only refurbished engineering model data
    /FM      - set to display only flight model data
    /NIST    - set to display only NIST orginated data
               if neither /EM, /FM nor /NIST is set, display from all
    /multiple- set to display all data for a species 
    /nodates - set to inhibit date or run number annotation for each gas
    filament - set to 'PRIMARY' or 'SECONDARY' to select ion source
               filament data to display, Defaults to 'PRIMARY'
    energy   - set to the ion source electron energy to display,
               Defaults to 70.0
    source   - set to 'OS' or 'CS' to select the ion source
               Defaults to 'OS'
    title    - Set to the main title, defaults to 'Instrument Sensitivity'
    subtitle - Set to a string to add as the second line of the title
    debug    -  if set, diagnostic information is produced
    /SAMEWINDOW - if set reuse current plot window for display
       inms_plot_cal_sensitivity, axCal1, asSpecies,
  30-AUG-2006  DA Gell    Initial coding
  03-Nov-2006  DA Gell    Added /nodates keyword for format control
                    	  Corrected error in sorting runs 
  07-Dec-2006  DA Gell    Correct error in gas label positioning when
                          more than 25 species are to be plotted 
  30-Jan-2007  DA Gell    Ensure that all data bars fall between x axis
  12-Feb-2007  DA Gell    Correct regular expression used to parse run
                          number from calibration data file name

(Routine contained in


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    inms_plot_compare - plots count rate time series from Level 1A data and spectra
pro inms_plot_compare,  axData,               $ ;; (i) L1A data array
                        axSpectra,            $ ;; (i) Spectra to be overplotted
                        mass=mass,            $ ;; (i) the mass to plot
                        xrange=xrange,        $ ;; (i) time range for x axis
                        noaux=noaux,          $ ;; (i) set to inhibit auxilliary axis
                        subtitle=subtitle,    $ ;; (i) string to add to title
                        c2counts=c2counts,    $ ;; (i) set to plot counter 2 data
                        samewindow=samewindow,$ ;; (i) set to inhibit new x window
                        target=target,        $ ;; (i) selected target for aux axis
                        errorbar=errorbar,    $  ;; (i) set to draw error bars
                        debug=debug,          $ ;; (i) set for additional debugging control
                        _extra=extra ;; (i) extra plotting keywords pass through
  DESCRIPTION:     This procedure produces plots the count rate time history for
                   one or more mass bins. 
     axData           data structure produced by inms_get_data
     axSpectra        data structure produced by inms_get_spectra or inms_grid_spectra 
     mass             supplies the mass to display
     xrange           set to two element time string vector, specifying x-axis range
     noaux            refrains from showing auxilliary axes
     subtitle         supplies an additional title line, following standard title
     c2counts         switches to c2counts
     errorbar         set to display error bars on plot
     samewindow       set to plot in same window ('X' or 'WIN' devices only)
     target           a keyword which specifies whether additional axis contain
                       s/c position wrt Saturn or wrt the current target body
     debug            set to produced additional diagnostic outputs
     and additional plot keywords
  23-Aug-2004   NAB  initial coding, with generous pasting from browse products
  30-Aug-2004   NAB  subtracted previously added keywords /png, /path, 
                     altered matters such that path and image plots are 
                     called before and after with inms_prepare_plot 
                     added noaux keyword.  added checks for correct arguments
  31-Aug-2004   NAB  one of the headers was erased, call examples written in
                     header, unnecesary comments removed, added keyword for 
                     using C2 counts
  09-Sept-2004  NAB  added _extra keyword, modified plot range, added checks
  13-Oct-2004   DAG  added target keyword, formatting, corrected description
                     corrected occasional array bounds error in code determining scales
                     Simplified X window selection. Set window title 
                     replaced ad-hoc code with file_basename IDL procedure
                     set error handling to return to caller (on_error,2)
  02-Nov-2004   DAG  remove call to load_colors, now executed by inms_prepare_plot
  11-Nov-2004   DAG  removed call to date_plotted, now executed by inms_prepare_plot
  29-Nov-2004   DAG  replaced draw_flag with sprl_draw_flag, doy2date with inms_doy2date
                     find_color_index with sprl_find_color, plot_sym with sprl_plot_sym
                     create_table_list with sprl_create_list
  18-Jan-2005   DAG  replaced inline window create code with inms_make_window
  27-jan-2005   DAG  changed name of format_time_tick to inms_format_time_tick
                     added call to sprl_date_plotted
   1-Feb-2005   DAG  use inms_l1a_files_read to get list of files
                     removed dependance on prior knowledge of the axData layout.
  21-Feb-2005   DAG  Added source keyword like inms_plot_mt_spectra
                     Corrected code to place no data point alert in plot
                     Added subtitle keyword
  25-Feb-2005   DAG  Made list of colors for data points identical 
                       to inms_plot_mass_history
                     Added error bars every 25 points
  01-Mar-2005   DAG  Corrected problem that caused png files to be monochrome
  25-mar-2005   DAG  Insure color table re-loaded after changing to catagorical colors
  29-mar-2005   DAG  Made ion source labels more ledgible 
  04-May-2006   DAG  Adapted from inms_plot_mt_line to overplot data from spectra
  08-Jul-2006   DAG  Pass _extra keywords through to all plotting routines
  10-Nov-2006   DAG  Reduced spacing between aux axes for publication plots
   5-Apr-2007   DAG  Add time from closest approach to aux axis, adjust plot location
  23-May-2007   DAG  Display sequence start flags only within time range

(Routine contained in


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   inms_plot_density_profiles  - plots one or more density profiles with altitude
pro inms_plot_density_profiles, $
   axProfiles, $                        ;; array of density structures
   asSpecies, $                         ;; list of species to plot
   molefraction=molefraction, $         ;; set to plot mole fraction
   samewindow=samewindow, $             ;; set to re-use window
   subtitle=subtitle, $                 ;; subtitle
   debug=debug,    $                    ;; controls additional debug diagnostics
    plots the density profiles produced by inms_make_profiles
   axProfiles  - an array of density structures containing the data to plot
   asSpecies   - a list of species to plot, specified as the formula.
                 Note, capitolization is used in forming legend. 
                 Specify Ar, not AR to insure proper atomic symbols 
   /molefraction - if present the mole-fraction is plotted 
                   in place of the number density
   /samewindow   - if present the current window is re-draw,
                   if absent the plot is place
                   in a new window
   subtitle      - supplies a string to be added to the title
   /debug        - if set, diagnostic information is produced
   _extra        - any additional plotting keywords
   30-Aug-2005  D.A. Gell - initial coding
   13-Sep-2005  D.A. Gell   Character size setting considers value of !p.charsize
   20-Sep-2006  DAG         Use error handler and inms_post_message
   30-Nov-2006  DA Gell     form species label from formula using inms_idl_species_label

(Routine contained in


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   inms_plot_geom - plots geometric quantities as function of time
   Created by David A. Gell on 2007-03-21.
   Copyright (c) 2007 __Southwest Research Institute__. All rights reserved.
pro inms_plot_geom, axData,                $ ;; L1A data structure
                    saturn=saturn,         $ ;; controls ref. for aux axes
                    subtitle=subtitle,     $ ;; subtitle to add to title
                    samewindow=samewindow, $ ;; set to re-use window
                    debug=debug,           $ ;; set to enable debugging
                    _extra=extra             ;; additional plotting options
  PURPOSE: Plots latitude, longitude, ram angle, local solar time as function of
           time and time from closest approach
    axData - (i) array of level 1 data records 
   /saturn      if present, the auxilliary axes display the position w.r.t Saturn.
                  If absent, the s/c is position wrt the target body
   subtitle     supplies additional title information to follow the main title
   /samewindow  if present, reuse the current IDL display window
                  ('X' or 'WIN' devices only, ignored otherwise)
   /debug       if present, additional debugging features are enabled
     and additional plotting keywords accepted by the IDL PLOTS and PLOT 
    date      by         description
  21-Mar-2007 D.A. Gell  Initial Coding  
  16-Apr-2007 D.A. Gell  Simplified logic, made target-relative plots the default
                         Added hour scale for local solar time, plot west longitude
                         from -180 to 180 deg.
  22-May-2007 D.A. Gell  Improve spacing of anciliary data on figure

(Routine contained in


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines] [Release Notes]
    inms_plot_histogram - plots a mass spectra histogram
pro inms_plot_histogram, xSpectra,            $ ;; histogram
                         hires=hires,         $ ;; set to display 1/8 amu scans
                         C2counts=C2counts,   $ ;; set to plot C2, default C1
                         noylog=noylog,       $ ;; set to inhibit log plot
                         noip=noip,           $ ;; set to inhibit plot IP count
                         errorbar=errorbar,   $ ;; set to plot errros
                         scale=scale,         $ ;; ratio of c1 counts to c2
                         replace=replace,     $ ;; controls replacement
                         refspec=refspec,     $ ;; reference spectra to overplot 
                         nogrid = nogrid,     $ ;; if set inhibit grid
                         position=position,   $ ;; set postion of plot
                         subtitle=subtitle,   $ ;; value added to title
                         samewindow=samewindow,  $ ;; set to inhibit new x window
                         debug=debug,   $
   Plot a single spectra as a histogram
   xSpectra  a structure containing the spectra to plot
   /hires      set to plot data collected during 1/8 amu scans
   /C2counts   set to plot the output of counter 2 rather than 1 (the default)
   /noylog     set to plot the counts linearly, rather than the log of counts
   /noip       set to disable plot of Integration periods accumulated
   /errorbar   set to plot error bars
   scale       supplies the ratio of c1/c2 counts, defaults to 5840.6
   /replace    set to replace values of c1 counts with scaled c2 counts
   refspec     supplies an optional reference spectra to overplot
   /grid       set to disable grid at major tick marks
   position    supplies a 4 element vector specifying the location of the
                plot in normal units
   subtitle    a string to be added to the plot title
   /debug      if set, diagnostic information is produced
   /samewindow set to inhibit new x window
   additionaly, any graphics keywords accepted by plot
      to plot the Counter 1 count rate on a log scale, with no error bars
        inms_plot_histogram, xSpectra
      as above, with error bars
         inms_plot_histogram, xSpectra, /errorbar
      Plot counter 2 values
         inms_plot_histogram, xSpectra, /C2, /err
  note that keywords may be abbrieviated by the keywords shortest non-ambiguous substring
   2-AUG-2004  DAG Initial Coding
  31-Aug-2004  DAG remove font settings, allow user to set
  13-Oct-2004  DAG set error handling to return to caller (on_error,2)
  14-Oct-2004  DAG corrected error in determining mass bins when mass step
                   is less than 1.0. Correct formatting of plot title when
                   mass table list is longer than 10 entries
  11-Nov-2004  DAG removed call to date_plotted, now executed by 
  15-Nov-2004  DAG add noIP switch to disable auxilliary y axis
                   added consideration of !inms_pub global switch
  30-Nov-2004  DAG replaced find_color_index with sprl_find_color
  21-Dec-2004  DAG changed case statement for setting ytitle to if
  10-Jan-2005  DAG made annotations on plot optional
  17-Jan-2005  DAG ensure points with no data fall below x axis, 
                   recognize the /samewindow keyword
  27-jan-2005  DAG changed name of format_time_tick to inms_format_time_tick
                   added call to sprl_date_plotted
   1-feb-2005  DAG replaced test of !inms_pub with call to inms_is_publication
   4-feb-2005  DAG corrected ambiguous keyword pair c2 & c2factor
                   made roll over replacement optional
  28-Feb-2005  DAG changed error bar keyword to errorbar from errSw for 
                   consistancy with other routines
  01-Mar-2005  DAG set color table in this routine, can't depend on it
                     remaining as set by inms_prepare_plot,
                   validate xSpectra argument and refspec keyword
                   Simplify creation of mass table list for title
  12-Mar-2005  DAG Increase critical frequency to 1.5MHz
                   correct test for rollover when mass bins are co-added
  25-Mar-2005  DAG Add altitude to title of plot
  18-Apr-2005  DAG Added keywords hires and position to produce 1/8 AMU
                   resolution plots and to permit relocation of plot
  22-Jun-2005  DAG Made keyword names consistant with other plotting routines
  07-Sep-2005  DAG Confirm that the input is a single spectra, not an array
  27-Sep-2005  DAG Reduced title character size
                   Changed subtitle to be handled same as other library procs
  14-Nov-2005  DAG Changed value for nC2mult to 4459.6 from analysis in
                     "Determination of counter Response Ratio from Flight
                      Data" INMS file 089-0065
  24-Jul-2006  DAG Changed reference spectra line type to solid, from dash-dot
  25-Jul-2006  DAG Support ION abundance spectra
  10-Sep-2006  DAG Corrected spectra type determination so summed spectra
                      are correctly labeled
  04-Oct-2006  DAG Changed default critical frequency to 1.25 MHz 
                      approximately 38000 c/ip
                   Changed default C1/C2 ratio to 5840.7 ex (4459.6) 
  04-Dec-2006  DAG Improved main title, removing redundant words 
  11-Dec-2006  DAG Added target to title
  19-Dec-2006  DAG Added grid at major divisions

(Routine contained in


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines] [Release Notes]
   inms_plot_hkg - plots one or more housekeeping data items
pro inms_plot_hkg, axHkg,   $               ;; housekeeping data
                   asItems, $               ;; list of variables to plot
                   subtitle=subtitle, $     ;; set to add to title
                   samewindow=samewindow, $ ;; set to inhibit new X window
                   _extra=extra, $          ;; additional plotting keywords
                   debug=debug              ;; set for debugging
    Plots trends of housekeeping data. Discretes, that is items whose
    value is either 0 or 1 are plotted as color bars, with green for zero
    and red for one. All other houskeeping items are plotted as continuous
    valued functions
    axHKG    - (i) The housekeeping data to plot
    asItems  - (i) A vector of strings containing the  list of 
                   items to plot. 
    subtitle     a string to be added to the plot title
    samewindow   if set, the plot is produced in the currently open plot window
                 applicable only to the X plot device
    debug        set for additional debugging output
    extra        allows further user specification of plot keyword expressions
   02-June-2005  D. Gell  initial coding
   20-Jul-2005   D. Gell  Added date plotted to figure
   20-Sep-2006   DAG      Use error handler and inms_post_message

(Routine contained in


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines] [Release Notes]
    inms_plot_mass_history - plots count rate time series from spectra arrays
pro inms_plot_mass_history, $
                            axSpectra,             $ ;; (i) an array of spectra
                            anMassList,            $ ;; (i) a vector of masses to plot
                            rate=rate,             $ ;; (i) set to plot count rate
                            C2counts=C2counts,     $ ;; (i) set to plot counter 2
                            subtitle=subtitle,     $ ;; (i) set to add to title
                            errorbar=errorbar,     $ ;; (i) set to add error bars
                            wlong=wlong,           $ ;; (i) set to display west longitude, 
                            samewindow=samewindow, $ ;; (i) set to inhibit new x window
                            debug=debug,           $ ;; (i) set for verbose output
                            _extra=extra             ;; (i) placeholder for additional
                                                    ;;;     plot keyword
    plots a time history of the signal in one or more mass bins
    axSpectra    an array of spectra produced by inms_get_spectra 
                  or inms_grid_spectra
    anMassList   an array containing mass values to include on the plot
    subtitle      a string to be added to the plot title
    /rate         set to display count rate, not total counts
    /wlong        set to display west longitude in place of local solar time
    /c2counts     set to plot counter 2, the low sensitivity counter
    /errorbar     set to display error bars on plotted points
    /samewindow   if set, the plot is produced in the currently open 
                    plot window
                  applicable only to the X plot device
    /debug        set for additional debugging output
    extra         allows further user specification of plot keyword expressions
    inms_plot_mass_history, axSpectra
  02-Nov-2004      DAG  remove call to load_colors, now executed by 
  29-Nov-2004      DAG  replaced find_color_index with sprl_find_color,
                        plot_sym with sprl_plot_sym
   3-Jan-2005      DAG  Added samewindow keyword processing
  18-Jan-2005      DAG  replace inline window create code with inms_make_window
  21-Feb-2005      DAG  Added Subtitle keyword
  25-Feb-2005      DAG  Made list of colors for data points identical
                          to inms_plot_mt_line
  01-Mar-2005      DAG  set color table in this routine, can't depend on it
                          remaining as set by inms_prepare_plot,
  15-Mar-2005      DAG  Added auxilliary x-axis showing altitudes 
  03-May-2005      DAG  Plot out of range values along upper or lower frame
  22-Jun-2005      DAG  made keyword names consistant with other
                          plotting routines
  28-Jun-2005      DAG  replaced ad-hoc code to plot error bars with 
   1-Jul-2005      DAG  increased width of altitude tick mark label field
  18-Jul-2005      DAG  add option to plot count rates
  20-Sep-2006      DAG  Use error handler and inms_post_message 
  15-Nov-2006      DAG  Reduce spacing between auxilliary axis 
  11-Dec-2006      DAG  Change altitude label when saturn is target
  12-Apr-2006      DAG  Replaced ad-hoc code for aux axis with inms_add_aux_axes
                        Show time from closest approach aux axis.

(Routine contained in


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines] [Release Notes]
    inms_plot_mass_profile - plots signal altitude profiles from spectra
pro inms_plot_mass_profile, $
                            axSpectra,             $ ;; (i) an array of spectra
                            anMassList,            $ ;; (i) a vector of masses to plot
                            rate=rate,             $ ;; (i) set to plot count rate
                            C2counts=C2counts,     $ ;; (i) set to plot counter 2
                            subtitle=subtitle,     $ ;; (i) set to add to title
                            errorbar=errorbar,     $ ;; (i) set to add error bars 
                            connect=connect,       $ ;; (i) set to draw lines between pt
                            samewindow=samewindow, $ ;; (i) set to inhibit new x window
                            debug=debug,           $ ;; (i) set for verbose output
                            _extra=extra             ;; (i) placeholder for additional
    ;;     plot keyword
    plots an altitude profile of the signal in one or more mass bins
    axSpectra    an array of spectra produced by inms_get_spectra 
                  or inms_grid_spectra
    anMassList   an array containing mass values to include on the plot
    subtitle      a string to be added to the plot title
    /rate         set to display count rate, not total counts
    /c2counts     set to plot counter 2, the low sensitivity counter
    /errorbar     set to display error bars on plotted points
 	/connect	  set to conect data points with line
    /samewindow   if set, the plot is produced in the currently open 
                    plot window
                  applicable only to the X plot device
    /debug        set for additional debugging output
    extra         allows further user specification of plot keyword expressions
    inms_plot_mass_profile, axSpectra
  09-Sep-2006  DAG Initial coding, adapted from inms_plot_mass_history
  20-Sep-2006  DAG Use error handler and inms_post_message
  30-Nov-2006  DAG Changed name for consistancy with inms_plot_mass_history 
  11-Dec-2006  DAG Labels altitude axis differently when target is saturn  
  14-Dec-2006  DAG Added /CONNECT keyword

(Routine contained in


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines] [Release Notes]
    inms_plot_mt_line - plots count rate time series from Level 1A data
pro inms_plot_mt_line,  axData,               $ ;; (i) data
                        anMassList,           $ ;; (i) list of masses
                        xrange=xrange,        $ ;; (i) time range for x axis
                        source=source,        $ ;; (i) list of sources to display
                        rate=rate,            $ ;;(i) set to plot count rate
                        files=files,          $ ;; (i) set to display list of l1a files
                        noaux=noaux,          $ ;; (i) set to inhibit auxilliary axis
                        subtitle=subtitle,    $ ;; (i) string to add to title
                        c2counts=c2counts,    $ ;; (i) set to plot counter 2 data
                        samewindow=samewindow, $ ;; (i) set to inhibit new x window
                        target=target,        $  ;; (i) selected target for aux axis
                        errorbar=errorbar,    $  ;; (i) set to draw error bars
                        debug=debug,          $  ;; (i) set for added debugging control
                        _extra=extra             ;; (i) extra plotting keywords
  DESCRIPTION:     This procedure produces plots the count rate time history for
                   one or more mass bins. 
     axData        data structure produced by inms_get_data
     anMassList    list of masses to include
     xrange        set to two element time string vector, 
                   specifying x-axis range
     source        set to list of sources to display, 
                     defaults to  ['csn', 'osi', 'osnb']
     /rate         plot count rate rather than summed counts per sample period
     /files        set to show l1a files 
     /noaux        refrains from showing auxilliary axes
     subtitle      supplies an additional title line, following standard title
     /c2counts     switches to c2counts
     /errorbar     set to display error bars on plot
     /samewindow   set to plot in same window ('X' or 'WIN' devices only)
     /target       a keyword which specifies whether additional axis contain
                     s/c position wrt Saturn or wrt the current target body
    and additional plot keywords
        first one needs to get the data structure using inms_get_data and set
        device with inms_prepare_plot.  The whole show may be similar to:
   inms_get_data, DATA,  path = '/home/KingBorggren/data/', /doydir, $
       trange = ['2004-183T07:22:08', '2004-183T09:16:21']
   inms_prepare_plot, init= 'ps'
   inms_plot_mt_LINE, DATA, [16, 28, 32], /files, /noaux, /c2counts
   inms_prepare_plot, /done
  23-Aug-2004   NAB  initial coding, with generous pasting from browse products
  30-Aug-2004   NAB  subtracted previously added keywords /png, /path, 
                     altered matters such that path and image plots are 
                     called before and after with inms_prepare_plot 
                     added noaux keyword.  added checks for correct arguments
  31-Aug-2004   NAB  one of the headers was erased, call examples written in
                     header, unnecesary comments removed, added keyword for 
                     using C2 counts
  09-Sept-2004  NAB  added _extra keyword, modified plot range, added checks
  13-Oct-2004   DAG  added target keyword, formatting, corrected description
                     corrected occasional array bounds error in code 
                     determining scales
                     Simplified X window selection. Set window title 
                     replaced ad-hoc code with file_basename IDL procedure
                     set error handling to return to caller (on_error,2)
  02-Nov-2004   DAG  remove call to load_colors, now executed by
  11-Nov-2004   DAG  removed call to date_plotted, now executed by
  29-Nov-2004   DAG  replaced draw_flag with sprl_draw_flag, 
                        doy2date with inms_doy2date
                        find_color_index with sprl_find_color, 
                        plot_sym with sprl_plot_sym
                        create_table_list with sprl_create_list
  18-Jan-2005   DAG  replaced inline window create code with inms_make_window
  27-jan-2005   DAG  changed name of format_time_tick to inms_format_time_tick
                     added call to sprl_date_plotted
   1-Feb-2005   DAG  use inms_l1a_files_read to get list of files
                     removed dependance on prior knowledge of the axData layout.
  21-Feb-2005   DAG  Added source keyword like inms_plot_mt_spectra
                     Corrected code to place no data point alert in plot
                     Added subtitle keyword
  25-Feb-2005   DAG  Made list of colors for data points identical 
                       to inms_plot_mass_history
                     Added error bars every 25 points
  01-Mar-2005   DAG  Corrected problem that caused png files to be monochrome
  25-mar-2005   DAG  Insure color table re-loaded after changing to
                       catagorical colors
  29-mar-2005   DAG  Made ion source labels more ledgible 
  25-May-2005   DAG  Adjust fonts and spacing, add gutter between plots
   1-Jul-2005   DAG  Support for MS windows
  17-Nov-2005   DAG  Add option to plot count rate, improve y-axis scale
  13-Sep-2006   DAG  Fix location of aux axis, size of x axis labels 
  20-Sep-2006   DAG  Use error handler and inms_post_message
  21-Sep-2006   DAG  Added "esm" source to list of valid sources
  10-Nov-2006   DAG  Reduce aux axis spacing when inms_publication set
  30-Mar-2007   DAG  Add time from closest approach axis when /target specified
                       Adjust plot position to avoid clipping vertical axis title
  23-May-2007   DAG  Display sequence start flags only within time range of plot

(Routine contained in


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines] [Release Notes]
   inms_plot_mt_spectra - plots mass time spectra from Level 1A data
pro inms_plot_mt_spectra, axData,                $ ;;(i) Data Structure
                          xrange=xrange,         $ ;;(i) Two element vector of times
                          subtitle=subtitle,     $ ;;(i) additional title line
                          rate=rate,             $ ;;(i) set to plot count rate
                          noaux=noaux,           $ ;;(i) set to disable auxilliary axes
                          noseq=noseq,           $ ;;(i) set to disable sequence start flags
                          noion=noion,           $ ;;(i) set to disable ion source flags
                          source=source,         $ ;;(i) list of sources
                          tres=tres,             $ ;;(i) time resolution seconds
                          c2counts=c2counts,     $ ;;(i) set to plot counter 2 data
                          samewindow=samewindow, $ ;;(i) set to inhibit new x window
                          target=target,         $ ;;(i) select target for aux axis
                          _extra=extra,          $ ;;(i) extra plotting keywords pass through
    This procedure produces the mass-time spectrum plot, in which
    the vertical axis is mass bin, the horizontal axis is time and
    the color code indicates the counts per sample period. 
     axL1aData          data structure produced by inms_get_data
     xrange=[min,max]   time range to plot, supplied as a two element string vector
                        using the year, day-of-year format: yyyy-dddThh:mm:ss
     subtitle           supplies an additional line to add to the standard title
     /rate              plot count rate rather than summed counts per sample period
     /noaux             refrains from putting auxilliary axes on plot
     /source            a vector of strings containing the ion sources to include
                          in the plot
     tres=value         sets the size of the pixels in the time direction,
                           default is 15 s
     /c2counts          makes plot using c2counts rather than c1counts
     /samewindow        if you want plot to go to the same window rather
                           then opening a new one.  of use only with 'X' or 'WIN'
     /target            a keyword which specifies whether additional axis contain
                          s/c position wrt Saturn or wrt the current target body
     _extra=extra       allows furthur user specifications
  EXAMPLE:     first one needs to get the data structure using inms_get_data and set
               device with inms_prepare_plot.  The whole show may be similar to:
   inms_get_data, DATA, files, path = '/home/KingBorggren/data/', /doydir, $
       trange = ['2004-183T07:22:08', '2004-183T09:16:21']
   inms_prepare_plot, init= 'ps'
   inms_plot_mt_spectra, DATA, /noaux, /c2counts
   inms_prepare_plot, /done
   inms_plot_mt_spectra,DATA,/noaux,tres=2.0,source=['osi','osnb', 'csn']
  30-July-04       NAB  Procedure is born.  Code is liberally utilized from 
 			bp_make_plots (DAG) 
  13-August-04     NAB  
  17-August-04     NAB  Switched arguments from sStartTime, sFinalTime, and sPath
                        to simply axL1AData.  rid procedure of afung-shui @bp line.
  20-August-04     NAB  made asFilesRead an optional argument, generalized 
  23-August-04     NAB  removed /test keyword and added /png keyword
  24-August-04     NAB  added path keyword for where to store plots defaults
                        to current directory.
  27-August-2004   NAB  subtracted previously added keywords /png, /path, 
                        altered matters such that path and image plots are 
                        called before and after with inms_prepare_plot 
                        added noaux keyword.  added checks for correct arguments
  31-August-2004   NAB  one of the headers was erased, call examples written in
                        header, unnecesary comments removed, added keyword for 
                        using C2 counts
  09-September-04  NAB  added _extra keyword, modified plot range, added checks
  13-October-2004  DAG  added target keyword, formatting, corrected description
                        fixed indexing error in pixel array. Simplified X window selection
                        Set window title 
                        replaced ad-hoc code with file_basename IDL procedure
                        set error handling to return to caller (on_error,2)
  20-October-2004  DAG  added code to permit changing of time resolution and
                        plotting spectra for individual sources. Fixed problem
                        handling files that extend into the next day. Fixed X window
                        selection. Removed the file option.
  02-Nov-2004      DAG  remove call to load_colors, now executed by inms_prepare_plot
  11-Nov-2004      DAG  removed call to date_plotted, now executed by inms_prepare_plot
  15-Nov-2004      DAG  recognize the !inms_pub keyword, add switches to control sequence
                        flags and source bar
  29-Nov-2004      DAG  replaced draw_flag with sprl_draw_flag, doy2date with inms_doy2date
                        colorplot with sprl_colorplot, find_color_index with sprl_find_color,
                        create_table_list with sprl_create_list
  30-Nov-2004      DAG  corrected handling of color for pseudo color device, established
                        error handler to insure colors restored if required
  18-Jan-2005      DAG  replaced inline window create code with inms_make_window
  27-jan-2005      DAG  changed name of format_time_tick to inms_format_time_tick
                        added call to sprl_date_plotted
   1-feb-2005      DAG  replaced test of !inms_pub with call to inms_is_publication
                        removed dependance on prior knowledge of the layout of axData
   9-feb-2005      DAG  adding adjustable time range to support browse product use
  21-Feb-2005      DAG  added subtitle keyword
  28-Feb-2005      DAG  Added notation on plot when no data present
   1-Mar-2005      DAG  replaced call to sprl_load_categorical_colors
                          with sprl_load_colors,/categorical
  24-mar-2005      DAG  Delete calls to sprl_load_colors, executed by inms_prepare_plot
                          and inms_write_image changed to read pixel map not Z-buffer
  25-May-2005      DAG  Adjust character sizes
  13-Sep-2005      DAG  Consider value of !p.charsize in setting character sizes
  31-Oct-2005      DAG  Added option to plot count rate, permit time resolution less than
                          one second
  20-Sep-2006      DAG  Use error handler and inms_post_message
  10-Nov-2006      DAG  Reduce aux axis spacing when inms_publication set
  30-Apr-2007      DAG  Add time from closest approach axis when /target specified
                        Adjust plot position to avoid clipping vertical axis title
  23-May-2007      DAG  Display sequence start flags only within time range

(Routine contained in


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines] [Release Notes]
   inms_plot_series - plots one or more housekeeping data items
pro inms_plot_series, axData,   $               ;; housekeeping data
                      asItems, $                ;; list of variables to plot
                      aux=aux, $                ;; set to show aux axis
                      target=target, $          ;; set for target relative aux values
                      subtitle=subtitle, $      ;; set to add to title
                      samewindow=samewindow, $  ;; set to inhibit new X window
                      _extra=extra, $           ;; additional plotting keywords
                      debug=debug               ;; set for debugging
    Plots trends of housekeeping data. Discretes, that is items whose
    value is either 0 or 1 are plotted as color bars, with green for zero
    and red for one. All other houskeeping items are plotted as continuous
    valued functions
    axData    - (i) The housekeeping data to plot
    asItems   - (i) A vector of strings containing the  list of 
                    items to plot. 
    subtitle     a string to be added to the plot title
    samewindow   if set, the plot is produced in the currently open plot window
                 applicable only to the X plot device
    debug        set for additional debugging output
    extra        allows further user specification of plot keyword expressions
   02-June-2005  D. Gell  initial coding, based on earlier version 
                            revised to correct limited color
                            palete and permit plot including only
                            discrete items
   12-Sep-2005   D. Gell  added date plotted to bottom of plot, corrected
                          format of legend used for discretes.
   13-Sep-2006   DA Gell  Fix size of x axis labels 
   20-Sep-2006   DA Gell  Use error handler and inms_post_message
   25-Oct-2006   DA Gell  Correct use of subtitle keyword in forming title
   10-Nov-2006   DAG      Reduce aux axis spacing when inms_publication set

(Routine contained in


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines] [Release Notes]
   inms_plot_stacked_spectra - plots a collection of spectra as a color coded mass/time spectra
pro inms_plot_stacked_spectra, axSpectra,             $ ;;(i) spectra to plot
                               rate=rate,             $ ;;(i) set to display counts/sec
                               subtitle=subtitle,     $ ;;(i) additional title info
                               wlong=wlong,           $ ;;(i) set to display west longitude, not lst 
                               ramangle=ramangle,     $ ;;(i) set to overplot ram angle
                               c2counts=c2counts,     $ ;;(i) set to plot low sens counter
                               samewindow=samewindow, $ ;;(i) set to inhibit new x window
                               debug=debug,   $
     Plots a series of histograms as color stripes. The vertical axis is mass
     and the horizontal axis is time. The color code indicates the signal
    axSpectra    an array of spectra produced by inms_get_spectra or inms_grid_spectra
    /rate        if set, plot is of count rate rather than counts per sample
    subtitle     a string to be added to the plot title
    /wlong       set to display west longitude inplace of local solar time
    /ramangle    set to plot ram angle in degrees over the color plot
    /c2counts    set to plot counter 2, the low sensitivity counter
    /samewindow  if set, the plot is produced in the currently open plot window
                 applicable only to the X plot device
    /debug       set for additional debugging output
    extra        allows further user specification of plot keyword expressions
   25-FEB-2005  DAG  Initial Coding
    4-Apr-2005  DAG  Change plot title to include the spectra type
   22-Jun-2005  DAG  Made keyword names consistant with other plotting routines
   06-Jul-2005  DAG  handle date strings with and without enclosing quotes
   30-Aug-2005  DAG  Added auxilliary axes, lat and wLon or sza
    4-Nov-2005  DAG  Added count rate switch
   18-Nov-2005  DAG  Identify the counter being displayed
   20-Sep-2006  DAG Use error handler and inms_post_message 
   15-Jan-2007  DAG  Add overplot of ram angle to aid diagnosis of 
                       ion spectra
                     Properly title ion abundance spectra
   17-Apr-2007  DAG  Replace ad-hoc code for auxiliary axes with
                       inms_add_aux_axes routine

(Routine contained in


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines] [Release Notes]
    inms_plot_state - Plots mass, cycle, or sequence table transitions
pro inms_plot_state, axData,        $ ;; L1A data structure
                     table=table,   $ ;; controls the table to display,
                     target=target, $ ;; controls ref. for aux axes
                     noaux=noaux,   $ ;; set to inhibit auxilliary axis
                     ramangle=ramangle,     $ ;; set to overplot with ram angle
                     subtitle=subtitle,     $ ;; subtitle to add to title
                     samewindow=samewindow, $ ;; set to re-use window
                     debug=debug,           $ ;; set to enable debugging
                     _extra=extra             ;; additional plotting options
   Creates a plot showing the times at which tables of the selected type
   are invoked by the flight software. 
   axData       An array of L1A data structures containing the data to plot
   table        Set to the table type to plot, values may be MT, CT, or ST
                  for mass, cycle or sequence table respectively. If absent,
                  the mass table data is displayed.
   /target      if present, the auxilliary axes display the position w.r.t the
                  target body. If absent, the s/c is position wrt Saturn
   /noaux       if present, the auxilliary axes are omitted.
   /ramangle    if present, the ram angle is plotted over the figure
   subtitle     supplies additional title information to follow the main title
   /samewindow  if present, reuse the current IDL display window
                  ('X' or 'WIN' devices only)
   /debug       if present, additional debugging features are enabled
     and additional plotting keywords accepted by the IDL PLOTS and PLOT 
     inms_get_data, axData  ;; get data to display
     inms_plot_state, axData, /target, subtitle='S24 Actual'
   21-Aug-2006   D. Gell   Initial coding
   23-Aug-2006   D. Gell   Added prolog, additional inline documentation
                             and improved error handling
   08-Sep-2006   D. Gell   Added sequence table indicator to mass table plot
   13-Sep-2006   D. Gell   increased columns of tables to 4.
   10-Oct-2006   D. Gell   Change plot symbol to vertical bar
   16-Mar-2007   D. Gell   Add time to closest approach axis
   12-Apr-2007   D. Gell   Add vertical line at ca time when /ca

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   inms_post_message - Posts a message as a dialog if possible
pro inms_post_message, sMessage, $            ;; the message to display
                       console=console, $     ;; set to report in cmd buffer only
                       traceback=traceback, $ ;; set to make traceback
                       error=error, $         ;; sets type of message, error
                       warning=warning, $     ;;    warning
                       information=information ;;   or info
    displays an error or informational message as a dialog if possible
    or to the standard output if not
    sMessage  A string or string array containing the message to post
              defaults to the last message created by the MESSAGE procedure.
              If an array is passed each array element is written as a
              separate line
   /console     if set, output is to the standard IDL output
                if absent, and widgets are supported a dialog is posted
   /traceback   if set, a traceback of the calling path is displayed
   /error       if set, an error message is posted
   /information if set, an informational message is posted
   /warning     if set, a warning message is posted
   This routine may be used in two ways. First, it may be called directly
   to post an informational message,
   Secondly, it may be called within an error handler
   on_error,2                         ;; return to caller on error
   catch,nErrCode                     ;; establish an error handler
   if nErrCode then begin
       catch,/cancel                  ;; prevent infinte error loops
       inms_post_message,/traceback   ;; post message with traceback
       return                         ;; return to caller
   The return is needed because the condition that threw the exception,
   either an error that IDL detected or a user invoked MESSAGE statement,
   has now been handled and without the return statement execution continues
   within the routine containing the exception
     02 Feb 2006  D.A. Gell   initial coding
     03 May 2006  D.A. Gell   Handle traceback correctly when error message
                              is multi-lined
                              returns the error message followed by the
    12 May 2006   D.A. Gell   simplify the extraction of message and traceback
    06 Sep 2006   D.A. Gell   Make sure the supplied message is used when available
    21 Sep 2006   D.A. Gell   Change format of message at console

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    inms_prepare_plot - initializes plotting for X, PS or PNG
pro inms_prepare_plot, init=init, $
                       black=black, $
                       white=white, $
                       publication=publication, $
                       resolution=resolution, $
                       portrait=portrait, $
                       path=path, $
                       file=file, $
                       next=next, $
                       done=done, $
                       spool=spool, $
                       sequential=sequential, $
    Initialize plotting device
     init        set to initialize plotting for X, WIN, PS, IMAGE, PNG, TIFF, JPEG, or NULL
                 X sets the plot device to the X window
                 WIN sets the plot device to the Microsoft Windows device
                 PS sets the plot device to a postscript file
                 IMAGE sets the plot device to an X pixel map in
                   preparation for making an image PNG file
                 PNG, TIFF, JPEG set the plot device to an X pixel map in
                   preparation for making an image file of the specified type
                 NULL disables graphical output
    /white       set if plot with white background and black lines is
    /black       set if plot with black background and white lines is desired
                 NOTE: keywords BLACK and WHITE are disregarded for PS
    /publication set if plot is to be publication quality
     resolution  is a two element vector containing the horizontal and
                   vertical resolution in pixels for images other than PS
     path        is an optional parameter specifying the directory into which
                   the image or postscript file will be placed. 
                   initial value is ./, subsiquent values are retained.
                 The directory is created if required
     file        is the name of the file to contain the postscript or image
     portrait    optional keyword to make plot portrait style rather than 
                   landscape style for images
    sequential   chooses a sequential color table. 
                     /SEQUENTIAL, a smooth variation from light blue to dark blue (default)
                     it may also be set to one of the following string values               
                     SEQUENTIAL='BLUE'     - a smooth variation from light blue to dark blue
                     SEQUENTIAL='RED'      - a smooth variation from black to red
                     SEQUENTIAL='SPECTRUM' - colors of the spectrum from red to violet
    divergent     if present, select the divergant color table, 
                     a smooth variation from blue to white to dark red
     next        set on subsequent call to save image (PNG, TIFF, or JPEG)
                   file and prepare another
     done        set on subsequent call to save file
     spool       set on subsequent call to save file and spool to printer
      inms_prepare_plot, init='ps'
        (plotting code)
      inms_prepare_plot, /done
      a file named INMSplotnnnnnnnnnn.PS is created in the
        current working directory
    #2 - create an image with black background
      inms_prepare_plot,image='IMAGE', path='/etc/data/ion',/black
         (plotting code)
      a file named INMSplotnnnnnnnnnn.PNG is created in the /etc/data/ion 
      directory.  The plot will be on a black background
     To insure that annotation text is properly scaled, 
     use keyword charsize=nSize*!p.charsize in calls to xyouts
     when !p.charsize is not zero, or use the function inms_set_charsize
     example:   xyouts, xpos, ypos,'message',charsize=2.0*!p.charsize
      will create a double size text string on any of the devices 
      setup by this procedure
     The keyword PUBLICATION  sets the state variable returned by 
     inms_is_publication to 1 (one). The  value may be tested by 
     plotting routines to adjust formatting for publications.
     The class of graphics device can be determined using the 
     inms_is_image() function. It returns zero if the output device
     is a windows server (X or WIN) and 1 if the output is being 
     directed to the PS device or to a buffer for a PNG file.
   27-Jul-2004   DAG  Initial coding
   25-Aug-2004   DAG  set graphics device attributes appropriate to selected
                      device - primarily character sizes
    2-Sep-2004   DAG  retain plot destination path between initialization 
    5-Oct-2004   DAG  when initializing X device, initially set device to
                      NULL, then use xyouts to set screen font. Avoids
                      bringing up X window before a plot.
   29-Nov-2004   DAG  addapted to avoid calls to find_color_index, now 
                      replaced by sprl_find_color.
   18-Jan-2005   DAG  Added spool keyword as alternate to /done
   27-Jan-2005   DAG  removed date_plotted call, when doing ps the file can
                      contain more than 1 plot, so only the last one would 
                      be dated. The date_plotted capability is put back in 
                      the plotters
   01-Feb-2005   DAG  Replaced use of !inms_pub system variable with use
                      of inms_is_publication
   04-Feb-2005   DAG  supplied correct function name for setting publication bit
   21-Feb-2005   DAG  Corrected error message posted when /init, /done or 
                      /spool missing
   29-Feb-2005   DAG  Corrected error when setting device to null
   25-May-2005   DAG  Handle file extensions identically for image and 
                      postscript files
   20-Jun-2005   DAG  Close Pixel map between images, use specific window index 
                      not in the range used by the window,/free option
   07-Jul-2005   DAG  add next option to close a PNG file and start another
   20-Jul-2005   DAG  Correct file name when spooling PS file
   27-Jul-2005   DAG  Add MS Windows support
   30-Sep-2005   DAG  Corrected initialization of previous device
   28-Oct-2005   DAG  Choose file path delimeter correctly for MS Windows
   20-Dec-2005   DAG  Correct message reporting name of PS file produced
   10-Jan-2006   DAG  Increase character sizes for X device
   09-Sep-2006   DAG  Reduce character sizes for Xdevice
   28-Sep-2006   DAG  Set inms_is_image when doing postscript output
   29-Sep-2006   DAG  Create output directory if required
   27-Oct-2006   DAG  Add TIFF & JPEG to available image types 
   10-Nov-2006   DAG  All images now acknowledge publication switch
   12-Nov-2006	 DAG  Increased all line thicknesses - publication switch
                        just sets the flag for other routines to check
   15-Jan-2007   DAG  Adjust line widths for X and WIN devices
   30-Mar-2007   DAG  Update program prolog, change color table only
                      when explicitly specified by SEQ or DIV keywords

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  inms_put_annotations - writes annotations on plot in specified location
pro inms_put_annotations, nXpos, nYpos, axItems, debug=debug
   nXpos    - the x position of the annotation in normal units
   nYpos    - the y position of the annotation in normal units
              if the actual nXpos or nYpos parameter is a variable, 
              it is updated with the starting position for the next 
              annotation line
  /debug    - if set, diagnostic information is produced
   axItems - an array of anonymous structures containing
             the following fields:
      sLabel; a string containing the label to preceed the value
      nValue: the numerical value to display, optional included when nSel=1
      sValue: the string value to display, optional included when nSel=2
      nError: the error on the value, optional included when nSel=4
      sUnits: the units,optional included when  nSel=8
      sFmt:   the format to use to display nValue when nSel=1
               use a blank for default
      nSize:  the size of the characters, 1 normal size
      nSel:   the selector, sum of values for optional fields
               1, display numeric value in field nValue
               2, display string value in field sValue
               4, add error to display as value +/- error
               8, add units to display
              16, use sLabel as header, don't include in
                   label width calculation
  Each element in the array results in a string as follows:
   sLabel: nValue sValue +/- nError sUnits
  with characters nSize times the standard character size
  The selectors nSel=1 and nSel=2 should not both be assigned. The string
  output to the plot will be incorrect
  The numerical fields, nValue, nError and nSize may be of any numerical
  type when the first structure array element is created, but additional
  items must conform to the type of the initial instance of the item defintion.
  In the example below, the fields nValue and nError were initialized in
  the first entry, creating the table heading, as floats. In subsequent
  data items the double precision values anDensity, anDenSig, anMoleFcn
  and anMoleSig must be explicity convert to single precision floats.
       ;; create an item to use as a table heading
       axItems = {sLabel:'Deconvolution Results', nValue:0.0, sValue:'', $
                    nError:0.0, sUnits:'',  sFmt:'', nSize: 1.1, nSel:16}
       ;; add items to use as column headings, using a string value
       ;;  note the use of embedded formatting commands
       axItems = {axItems, $
                  sLabel:'Species', nValue:0.0, sValue:'Density (cm!U-3!N)!', $
                  nError:0.0, sUnits:'',  sFmt:'', nSize: 1.0, nSel:2}
              axItems = [axItems, $
                  {sLabel:'', nValue:0.0, sValue:'Mole Fraction', $
                      nError:0.0, sUnits:'',  sFmt:'', nSize: 1.0, nSel:2}]
      ;; add data items       
      for nI=0, nSpeciesCount-1 do begin
          axItems =  [axItems, $
                     {sLabel:asLabels[nI], nValue:float(anDensity[nI]),
                      sValue:'', nError:float(anDenSig[nI]), sUnits:'', $
                      sFmt:'E9.2', nSize: 0.9, nSel:5}]
          axItems =  [axItems, $
                      {sLabel:'', nValue:float(anMoleFcn[nI]), sValue:'', $
                       nError:float(anMoleSig[nI]), sUnits:'',  $
                       sFmt:'F9.4', nSize: 0.9, nSel:5}]
      ;; display annotation
      inms_put_annotations, nXpos, nYpos, axItems
      The following item definition may be used to insert a blank line
       {sLabel:'', nValue:0.0,  sValue:'', nError:0.0,$
        sUnits:'',  sFmt:'', nSize: 1.0, nSel:16}]
   11 OCT 2005  DA Gell  Initial coding
   20-Sep-2006  DAG      Use error handler and inms_post_message

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   inms_query_l1a - Extracts configuration data from a Level 1A data structure
pro inms_query_l1a, axData, $      ;; (i) level 1 data structure
                    debug=debug    ;; (i) set for debugging
    create a table indicating unique values for
    target, table_set_id, coadd_cnt, seq_table, cyc_table, mass_table
    and velocity_comp
    inms_query_l1a, axData
     axData - the level 1A data structure to be examined
    /debug  - if set, diagnostic information is produced
  29-Nov-2004   DAG  Replaced create_table_list with sprl_create_list
  20-Sep-2006   DAG  Use error handler and inms_post_message

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   inms_ram_angle - computes the ram angle (Depreciated use inms_auxiliary_value)
function inms_ram_angle, axL1A
    computes the angle between the INMS boresight and the
    spacecraft velocity
    axL1A - an array of L1A data records
    a vector of boresight angles (radians)
    computes the dot product of the unit vector in the direction of the
    velocity with the unit boresight vector. The angle is the arccos of
    the result
    07-NOV-2006  D.A. Gell  Initial coding

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   inms_ram_coefficient - computes density enhancement in closed source due to velocity
function inms_ram_coefficient, speed, $ ;; speed w.r.t instrument km/s
                               theta, $ ;; angle between ram & boresight (rad)
                               mass,  $ ;; mass of species (amu)
                               Tambient=Tambient, $ ;; ambient temp
                               Tsource=Tsource      ;; source temp
    Compute the ram enhancement factor
    John Parejko
    value=inms_ram_coefficient(speed, theta, mass)
    the ram enhancment factor for the specified mass
    at the speed and angle with respect to the instrument
    apature and outward normal.
    The return value has the same shape as the input.
    Speed - Speed in km/s of the incident gas relative to the
            the instrument
    theta - angle in radians between the incident gas and the outward 
            normal of the instrument
    mass  - the mass of the species of interest.
    arguments may be arrays, but must be the same shape or a scalar
    Tambient - the ambient atmospheric temperature in Kelvins
               defaults to 273 K
    Tsource  - the gas temperature within the closed source
               defaults to 300 K
    11 Oct 2004 - Extracted from counts2density and renamed
    13-Jul-2005  DA Gell    made temperatures arguments

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   inms_read_cal - reads a calibration data spreadsheet
pro inms_read_cal, axCal,         $ ;; (o)the calibration data 
                   file=file,     $ ;; (i)the file to read
  PURPOSE: read a calibration data spreadsheet file
   axCal - a structure array containing the calibration data
           one element per row of the spreadsheet
   file   - supplies the name of the file to be read,
             if omitted, a file selection dialog is presented
   /debug - set to provided additional debugging output
    xCal = { $
           sUnit:       'xx', $      ;; flight(FM), engineering(EM) or NIST(NT)
            sFile:       'xx', $      ;; cal data file from which data extracted
            sSource:     'xx', $      ;; source, OS, CS
            sGas:        'xx', $      ;; name of calibration gas
            sLabel:      'xx', $      ;; IDL label string with imbedded formating
            sFormula:    'xx', $      ;; Molecular formula of calibration gas
            nMolWt:       0.0, $      ;; Molecular weight of calibration gas
            sFilament:   'xx', $      ;; filament, Primary, Secondary
            nElecEnergy:    0, $      ;; electron energy
            nMajorPeak:     0, $      ;; mass of major peak
            nSensitivity: 0.0, $      ;; sensitivity at major peak
            nSigmaSens:   0.0, $      ;; standard deviation in sensitivity
            nPeakCount:     0, $      ;; number of fragment peaks
            anFracMass: fltarr(50), $ ;; mass of fragment
            anFraction: fltarr(50)  $ ;; sensitivity of fragment, major=1
  06-DEC-2004  DAG  Initial coding, based on
  11-Jan-2005  DAG  Added column to spreadsheet with IDL label string
  21-Jun-2005  DAG  Reads either PDS compliant spreadsheet or
                    original format calibration spreadsheet
   5-Jul-2005  DAG  ensure that arrays in calibration structure 
                    are zero'd out prior to use.
  17-Nov-2005  DAG  Update to handle cal summary plots with NIST derived
                    dissociation fractions (0-999) in addition to 
                    FU/EU values of 0-1.0
  07-Feb-2006  DAG  Corrected test to determine whether dissociation
                    fractions were NIST values (changed test from
                    "value gt 1" to "value ge 1"
  18-Jul-2006  DAG  Corrected parsing of input lines to retain null
                    fields, allow 50 mass peaks (for complex cal gasses)
  18-Aug-2006  DAG  Changed type of mass anFracMass to float (ex integer)
                    because masses started being off by one. This fixed
                    the problem, for no apparent reason.
  29-Aug-2006  DAG  Added calibration data file name to the structure to
                    permit date of calibration determination
  07-Sep-2006  DAG  Determination of NIST cracking pattern fails if
                    principal mass peak is first.
  20-Sep-2006  DAG  Use error handler and inms_post_message
  06-Oct-2006  DAG  Remove quotations from PDS compliant strings
  17-Oct-2006  DAG  Return molecular weight as a float 
  31-Oct-2006  DAG  Add standard deviation of sensitivity to cal data 
  02-Feb-2007  DAG  Increased size of spectra to 50 masses
  05-Feb-2007  DAG  Increase size of mass fraction arrays for Toluene 

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   inms_read_fmt_file - Reads PDS compiant structure file
pro inms_read_fmt_file, axFormat,    $
                        file=file,   $
                        debug=debug, $
    read a spreadsheet file format and compile into
    an array of item definitions
   axFormat:  an array of item definition structures
   file:      name of the format file to read
  01-DEC-2004  DAG Initial Coding
  07-Jan-2005  DAG Added code to handle comments
                   Added code to check parent directory for
                    format file if the file is not present
                    at the specified path
  24-Jan-2005  DAG Cache format and use if file name unchanged
                    from last call
  03-Feb-2005  DAG If the specified file is not found, use a
                    default located in the directory containing 
                    the IDL source
  17-Mar-2005  DAG Added format keyword to set 
                   Made nBytes field an integer to match name
  29-mar-2005  DAG Added verbose keyword to control cache messages
   1-Jun-2005  DAG Placed common block definition into include file
                   Use heap variables to build format directory in
  16-Jun-2005  DAG Removed test for unexpected PDS keyword so that
                   keywords in the object that are not required will]
                   be silently ignored.
  17-Jun-2005  DAG Changed default format file to latest version
  07-Sep-2005  DAG Changed reading loop from repeat ... until EOF to
                   while ~EOF do ... endwhile so the format file need 
                   not have a trailing blank line
  08-Dec-2005  DAG Handle input lines of one or more blanks as null line
  12-Dec-2005  DAG Test type of path keyword value before using it.
  16-Mar-2006  DAG Fixed error that left NKEYID undefined if a non-comment
                    string was encountered prior to the first OBJECT= 
  08-Mar-2007  DAG Add idl type code and plot label to item structure
                     permitting retirement of inms_create_l1a_template
    sDefaultFmtFile = 'L1A_STRUCT_05.FMT'

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   inms_read_jcamp  -  reads mass spectrometer data in the JCAMP/DX format
pro inms_read_jcamp, axData, sFile, debug=debug
   axData  A named variable to contain the data structure holding 
           the input data. Each named record in the JCAMP-DX file
           becomes a field in the structure. Fields are named with
           the name of the record, spaces in the name are replaced
           with underscores"_". The peak table is a two dimensional
           array with axData.peak_table[0,*] containing the masses
           and  axData.peak_table[1,*] relative signal.
   sFile   The name of the input data file. If not supplied, a file
           selection dialog is posted. If a directory is supplied
           a file selection dialog is posted, using the supplied
           path as the initial directory
    /debug Set to enable additional output. If set, errors are
           written to the command console, (stdout) if not, errors
           dialogs are posted.
           Only handles data as discrete points
           recognizes data list types (XY..XY) (XYZ..XYZ),
           not (X++Y..Y)
           Also, it does not process $DATA_CLASS=NTUPPLE
   Each line in the file is read. Blank lines and full line
   comments are ignored are ignored.
   In-line comments are stripped off
   Lines beginning with ## are parsed
   If the value is preceeded by (XY..XY) the values are
    saved and formed into an array of the appropriate size
  03 May 2006  D. Gell   Initial coding

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   inms_read_label - reads a PDS compliant label
pro inms_read_label, xLabel, $      ;; (o) structure containing label items
                     file=file, $   ;; (i) path to file with label
                     debug=debug    ;; (i) controls additional debug diagnostics
   read the PDS label within the file specified in the sPath argument
   xLabel   a structure containing the label fields. The first field
              "FILE" contains the name of the file whose label was extracted.
              Each item in label is stored in a field named
              after the data item
              eg: FILE_RECORDS   = 2883 
              is stored in xLabel.file_records
             All fields are strings
   file    if this keyword is present, the specified file is read
           if absent or a directory, a file selection dialog is presented
   2-Sept-2004  DAG  Initial coding
   3-Nov-2004   DAG  change file path from argument to keyword
   7-Jan-2005   DAG  Added code to handle comments
   1-Mar-2005   DAG  Added code to handle detached labels
  17-Jun-2005   DAG  Handle multiline values
                     Handle multiple arguments
  20-Sept-2006  DAG  Add error handler use
  27-Sept-2006  DAG  Ensure that missing/invalid labels are reported

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   inms_reduce_qb_scan - reduce quad bias scan data
pro inms_reduce_qb_scan, axData, $
                         cyc_table=cyc_table, $
                         mass_tables=mass_tables, $
                         plot_only=plot_only, diagnostic=diagnostic
    Reduce quad-bias scan data to determine the quad bias voltage at which the
    signal level is reduced by a factor of 2 as a function of ion energy.
    After selecting the data for each mass (kinetic energy), the data for each
    quad bias scan is fit to a sigmoid (logistical) function.
    S = A1 + (A0 - A1) / [1.0 + A2*exp{A3*(V-P4)/p5}]
    using an amoeba search to minimumize the functional 
         V = total ( (anY - S(X, A))^2) / N
    where anY are the measurements, X are the corresponding voltages, S is the 
    sigmoid evaluated at each X, A is the vector of parameters and N is the number
    of measurements.
    The quad bias voltage at half amplitude is found by numerically deterimining the
    root of  S - (A1+A0)/2 = 0
    The value of the optimum quad-bias voltage (the target voltage) is evaluated by 
    subtracting 1.5 volts from the half-amplitude quad-bias voltage. A linear fit of the
    target to the kinetic energy is performed, to parameterize the tracking curve.
    Other diagnostic fits are performed.
   07-May-2007  D. A. Gell     initial release coded

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   inms_reduce_ql_scan - performs analysis of quad lens scan
   Created by David A. Gell on 2007-01-16.
   Copyright (c) 2007 __Southwest Research Institute__. All rights reserved.
pro inms_reduce_ql_scan, axData, $
                         anMass=anMass, $
                         anOpPt=anOpPt, $
                         anMTable=anMtable, $
                         use=use, $
                         debug=debug, $
   Performs the analysis of quadrupole switching lens scans collected
   in flight to obtain the parameters needed to adjust ion sensitivity
   for the actual switching lens tuning.
    axData - a L1A data structure array containing the scan data
    anMass  - supplies the masses for each scan in the data set
    anOpPt  - supplies the nominal QL3 voltage for each mass
    anMTable- supplies the mass table ids used
    use     - set to a vector the same length as anMass. Zero entries 
              are excluded from analysis
    the keyword parameter values default to those appropriate to
    T23 if absent
    The vectors supplied by these keywords must be of the same length
    for each mass in the anMass argument
       obtain the quadrupole lens data
       fit data to Gaussian as a function of ql3 voltage
       save the parameters in an array
       plot the data and the resulting fit
       add fwhm and operating point to plot
    fit the voltage, shift, and width to line
    plot peak signal voltage as function of KE
    plot fit parameters as function of KE
    plot fwhh 
    plot throughput
    date         by         description
    16-Jan-2006  D.A. Gell  initial coding
    07-May-2007  D.A. Gell  corrected computation of FWHM, error in
                            indexing parameter array

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   inms_remove_quotes - removes enclosing quotation marks 
function inms_remove_quotes, sString
    remove leading and trailing quotation marks from
    pds compliant strings
    string stripped of surrounding quotation marks
    sString - the string to be trimmed
    26-Jul-2004   DAG  initial coding
     3-Dec-2004   DAG  handle short strings

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   inms_saturn_latitude - computes the latitude w.r.t Saturn (Depreciated use inms_auxiliary_value)
function inms_saturn_latitude,  axData ;;(i) level 1A data structure
     calculate the planetocentric latitude of the spacecraft in the IAU_saturn
     A vector of latitudes in degrees
     axData  level1A data structure
   25-Aug-2004     DAG  Initial coding

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    inms_saturn_wlongitude - computes the west longitude w.r.t. Saturn (Depreciated use inms_auxiliary_value)
function inms_saturn_wlongitude,  axData ;;(i) level 1A data structure
     calculate the west longitude of the spacecraft in the IAU_saturn
     A vector of west longitudes in degrees
     axData  level1A data structure
   25-Aug-2004     DAG  Initial coding

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  inms_select_cal - selects a calibration record from the calibrtion structure
function  inms_select_cal, axCal,           $ ;; an array of calibration records
                           species=species, $ ;; the species
                           unit=unit,       $ ;;   unit (FM, EM, REU, or NT)
                           source=source,   $ ;;   source (CS OS)
                           energy=energy,   $ ;;   electron energy
                           filament=filament, $ ;; and filament (PRI, SEC) of interest
                           multiple=multiple, $ ;; set to return multiple matches
                           silent=silent        ;; set to inhibit messages
  axCal - the calibration structure to be examined for a match
  species   - specifies the formula of the species of interest
  unit      - specifies the instrument unit 
              FM (flight), EM(engineering), REU(Refurbished EM), NT(nist), *(any)
  source    - specifies the ion source, CS(closed), OS (open)
  energy    - specifies the electron energy, defaults to 70
  filament  - specifies the filament of interest, defaults to PRImary
  /multiple - set to return multiple matches when a specific unit is selected
  /silent   - set to operate silently 
  15 July 2005  D. Gell   Initial Coding
  06-Feb-2006   D. Gell   set error handling option to 2, return to caller
                          did not properly initialize xSelected
  25-Aug-2006   D. Gell   add Refurbed EM to list
                          add /MULTIPLE keyword
  01-Sep-2006   D. Gell   validate species keyword and axCal argument before use
  04-Oct-2006   D. Gell   validate unit, source and filament keyword values

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   inms_set_charsize - returns scaled character size
function inms_set_charsize, nSize
   scaled character size
   nSize   nominal character size
   use to supply scaled character size to IDL routines such
   as XYOUTS that do not apply the !p.charsize scaling
   if !p.charsize not set, return the argument unchanged
   otherwise multiply the argument by !p.charsize and return
   26 May 2005  D. Gell Initial Coding

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    inms_spectra_aux_values - determines values of ancilliary data
pro inms_spectra_aux_values, axSpectra, $ ;; (i/o) spectra array
                             axSeries,  $ ;; (i)   l1A data series
                             anTimeValues ;; (i)   times for interpolation
   axSpectra    - the spectra array to be filled with aux values
   axSeries     - the data series from which the spectra were formed
   anTimeValues - an array of times corresponding to eh spectra
   18-NOV-2005  D. A. Gell  Add program prolog and ensure that
                            no math exceptions are reported  
   04-Dec-2006  D. A. Gell  Add velocity components to structure, replaced
                            interpolation cals with equivalent interpol call (simplification)
   11-Dec-2006  D. A. Gell  Compute Saturn relative positions for non-targeted periods 
   05-Jan-2007  D. A. Gell  Use correct velocity components, velocity w.r.t target in
                               spacecraft frame (ex target frame)  
   08-Jan-2007  D. A. Gell  Correct computation of ram angle, velocity components
                                are w.r.t. spacecraft when targeted
                                and w.r.t. saturn when not.  
   10-Jan-2007  D. A. Gell  Ram angle w.r.t. saturn was overwritten with bad value

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   inms_spectra_calculations - performs arithmetic with spectra
function inms_spectra_calculations,  axSpectra,         $ ;; (i) an array of 1 or more spectra 
                                     xOperand,          $ ;; (i) the spectra (or number) to modify with
                                     add=add,           $ ;; (i) add xOperand or number to axSpectra
                                     subtract=subtract, $ ;; (i) subtract 
                                     multiply=multiply, $ ;; (i) multiply 
                                     divide=divide,     $ ;; (i) divide     
                                     Sigma0_M=Sigma0_M, $ ;; (i) uses a variance of zero for the minuend structure(s)
                                     Sigma0_S=Sigma0_S    ;; (i) uses a variance of zero for the operand

    subtracts one spectra from an array of one or more spectra
    to remove the background
    an array of spectra the same size as the axSpectra containing
    the result of subtracting xBackground from each record in axSpectra
    axSpectra                          the array of minuend spectra
    xOperand   		               the subtrahend spectra
    add, subtract, multiply, divide    operation to perform 
    16 Sep 2004   NAB  begat coding
    27 Sep 2004   NAB  changed from l1a data structure to spectra structure
                       (see inms_get_spectra for struct. def.)
    28 Sep 2004   NAB  added error calculations.  added Sigma0_* keywords.
    10 Oct 2004   NAB  replaced 0 with O and O with 0 in confused variable
    3-Jan-2005    DAG  enhanced check of spectra structure validity, no longer
                       relies on length (subject to change). Instead uses field

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   inms_ss_position - computes the position of the subsolar point (depreciated)
function inms_ss_position, sTime,    $ ;; time in string format
                           sTarget     ;; name of target body
   Compute the planeto-centric position of the sub-solar point on TITAN
   Depreciated, values computed are now included in L1A files
   an anonymous structure defined as follows:
   xRet={anState: fltarr(3), $ ;; cartesian position of subsolar point
         nLat: 0.0,          $ ;; latitude of subsolar point
         nLon: 0.0 }           ;; west longitude of subsolar point
   23-June-2004  DA Gell  Completed file prolog 
    4 Dec 2004   DA Gell  Depreciated

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   inms_subtract_background - performs background removal
function inms_subtract_background, $
         axSpectra,  $    ;; (i) an array of 1 or more spectra 
         xBackground, $   ;; (i) the background to be subtracted
    subtracts one spectra from an array of one or more spectra
    to remove the background
    an array of spectra the same size as the axSpectra containing
    the result of subtracting xBackground from each record in axSpectra
    axSpectra    the array of minuend spectra
    axBackground the subtrahend spectra
    /debug       if set, diagnostic information is produced
    4 Aug 2004   DAG  Initial coding
    3 Jan 2005   DAG  Added computation of std deviation
    7 Jan 2005   DAG  Added basic error detection
   20-Sep-2006   DAG  Use error handler and inms_post_message

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   inms_svd_solve - Solves aX=b using Singular Value Decomposition
pro inms_svd_solve, anX,      $        ;;(o) solution vector
                    anMatrix, $        ;;(i) kernel matrix
                    anB,      $        ;;(i) measurements
                    anMeasureErrors, $ ;;(i) measurement errors
                    status=status,   $ ;;(o) error status
                    sigma=sigma,     $ ;;(o) 1-sigma solution uncertainty
                    chisqr=chisqr,   $ ;;(o) chi square goodness of fit
                    svalues=svalues, $ ;;(o) edited singular values
                    silent=silent,   $ ;;(i) set to inhibit message
    Solves the matrix equation, aX=b in a least squares sense, 
    using singular value decomposition. If measurement errors are supplied,
    the weighted least square solution is obtained
   anX;        The N element solution vector       example: fltarr(N)
   anMatrix:   The M row by N column matrix        example: fltarr(M,N)
   anB:        The M element (measurement) vector  example: fltarr(M)
   anMeasureErrors:  an M element vector of measurement errors
                     If absent, the unweighted solution is determined
                     Specify as sqrt(anB) for Poisson distribution of errors
                     Specify as standard deviation of anB for Gaussian error
   status:     status value:  0, no error; 
                             -1, incompatable dimensions
                             -2, insufficient arguments supplied
                             -3, non-writable keyword supplied 
                                for status, sigma, or svalues
                             >0, number of singular values
   sigma:      Supplies the name of a variable to contain the 
               1-sigma uncertainties is anX
   svalues:    Supplies the name of a variable to contain the edited 
               singular values. Small values deleted from the solution will
               be replaced by zero
         The matrix A can be decomposed into three vectors,
         b=Ax  becomes b=UWtranspose(V)x by applying the singular value 
         decomposition to A. The matrix U is an MxM colomn-orthogonal matrix,
         W is a NxN diagonal matrix and V is an NxN orthogonal matrix.
         The orthogonality condition provide that
             transpose(U)U = tranpose(V)V = I
         Using the conditions result in
             x=V inverse(W) tranpose(U)b
         Since W is diagonal its inverse is the diagonal matrix whose
         elements are 1/W[i,i]
         The standard deviation is (v inverse(W))
        For more details see
        Press, W.H,, Numerical Recipies,Cambridge University Press,
  21-Feb-2004  DA Gell Initial coding, extracted from
                       added argument validation

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   inms_tabulate_spectra - Writes the contents of the spectra record
   Created by David A. Gell on 2007-01-02.
   Copyright (c) 2007 __Southwest Research Institute__. All rights reserved.
pro inms_tabulate_spectra, xSpectra, anMasses,  file=file, title=title, debug=debug
     Display contents of a spectra structure in text form.
     xSpectra - The spectra to display
     anMasses - A list of masses whose signal levels are to be listed
                if absent, only the ancilliary data will be displayed
     /debug   - if present, diagnostics displayed on console with
     extracts fields from structure and prints
    date         by         description
   02-Jan-2006   DA Gell    Initial coding

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   inms_test - executes a sequence of routines to verify installation
   .run inms_test
   requires the data file for 2004-300T15:00:00, the TA closest approach
    Compare the plots produced with the plots in the file INMS_TEST_RESULTS.PS
   25-MAR-2005  D. A. Gell  Initial coding
   25-May-2005  D. A. Gell  Added code to avoid re-reading L1A file when
                            executed repeatedly
   24-Jun-2005  D. A. Gell  Added tests of housekeeping data access 
   12-Sep-2005  D. A. Gell  Added code to exercise inms_make_profiles and
                            the associated plotting routine
   30-Sep-2006  D. A. Gell  Added code to exercise inms_plot_state  
   17-Nov-2006  D. A. Gell  Changed example data to that of 2006-282 (T18)
                             so that example ION data plots can be made
    4-Dec-2006  D.A. Gell   Anounces version  
    5-Jan-2007  D.A. Gell   Update version number 
   17-Jan-2007  D.A. Gell   Update version number to 2007018 
                            Add display of ion spectra w/ram angle
                            Change order of plots to match user guide

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   inms_utc2date - converts a UTC time to a calendar date string
function inms_utc2date, axUTCtime
    Converts a UTC time structure to a time string
   axUTCtime  a structure or array of structures containing the utc time
              {nDate: yyyyddd, nMSecs: sssss.sss}
   an array of strings containg the converted times in the form
  28-FEB-2005  D.A. Gell Initial coding, adapted from tidi code

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   inms_utc_increment - increments a UTC time by a specified amount
function inms_utc_increment, axUTCtime, nIncrement
    Adds an increment, in seconds to a UTC time structure
    utc time structure is defined as {nDate: 0L, nMsec:0L}
    where nDate is the ordinal date 1000 * year + day of year
    and nMsec is the time of day in milliseconds. Day and Year
    boundaries are handled.
    axUTCtime - an array of time structures
    nIncrement - a time increment in seconds
                 the increment may be positive to increase UTC time
                 or negative to decrease it.
  RETURN Value
    an array of the same shape as axUTC with the updated times
  28-Feb-2005  DAG  Initial Coding
  20-Sep-2006  DAG  Use error handler and inms_post_message

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   inms_validate_cal_data - confirms a structure is a calibration data structure
function inms_validate_cal_data, axData
    Tests a structure to see if it appears to be a
    valid calibration data structure
    Tests that the argument is a structure
    If it is, then checks to see if it has 
    appropriately named fields
     1 if structure appears valid
     0 if it is not
    27-JAN-2004  DA GELL  Initial coding

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   inms_validate_hkg_data - confirms validity of housekeeping data structures
function inms_validate_hkg_data, axData
    Tests a structure to see if it appears to be a
    valid l1a data structure
    Tests that the argument is a structure
    If it is, then checks to see if it has 
    appropriately named fields
     1 if structure appears valid
     0 if it is not
    02-Jun-2004  DA GELL  Initial coding, adapted from inms_validate_l1a_data

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   inms_validate_l1a_data - confirms a structure is a valid Level 1A data structure
function inms_validate_l1a_data, axData
    Tests a structure to see if it appears to be a
    valid l1a data structure
    Tests that the argument is a structure
    If it is, then checks to see if it has 
    appropriately named fields
     1 if structure appears valid
     0 if it is not
    27-JAN-2004  DA GELL  Initial coding

(Routine contained in


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   inms_validate_spectra_data - confirms a structure is a spectra data structure
function inms_validate_spectra_data, axData
    Tests a structure to see if it appears to be a
    valid spectra data structure
    Tests that the argument is a structure
    If it is, then checks to see if it has 
    appropriately named fields
     1 if structure appears valid
     0 if it is not
    08-Feb-2005  DA GELL  Initial coding

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   inms_validate_time - confirms that a string is a properly formated date/time
function inms_validate_time, sTime
    ensure that sTime argument is a valid time in the form yyyy-doyT00:00:00
    1, time is valid
    0, time is invalid
   Parses input calendar time string. Confirms that all required delimiters
   are present, then verifies that each field contains valid values.
   if the input argument is an array, all elements must be valid times
   28-Jul-2004  DAG Initial Coding
   09-Feb-2005  DAG Added test for optional millisecond field
   14-Feb-2005  DAG Corrected logic to ignore millisecond test when 
                    decimal point absent
   14-Jun-2005  DAG Changed loop counter to Long

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   inms_weighted_mean - computes the estimate of the mean & std deviation
   Created by David A. Gell on 2006-10-31.
   Copyright (c) 2006 __Southwest Research Institute__. All rights reserved.
function inms_weighted_mean, anMean, anSigma
   Uses the propogation of error to estimate the population
   mean from a set of means and standard deviations
   A two element vector, the first element of which is the
   mean and the second is the standard deviation
   anMean  - an vector of values to be averaged togather
   anSigma - an vector of corresponding standard deviations
   The length of the arguments must be the same
    Bevington & Robinson, "Data Reduction and Error Analysis", 
     third edition, pp 56,57
    date         by         description
   31-Oct-2006   D.A. Gell  Initial Coding

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    inms_write_image - transfers an image from an pixel map and saves to a file
pro inms_write_image, sFilePath, type=type, _extra=extra
   capture a x pixel map or window and save to file
    sFilePath - path, excluding extension of the output file
    type      - the type of output file to create
                choices are PNG, TIFF, JPEG, default: PNG
    The x device must have had the backing store defined with
    device,retain=2 if capturing a window. Not required if
    capturing an Xwindow pixel map.
     ; plotting commands here
    inms_write_image,sFilePath, type='PNG'
  11 Sept 2002   DAG   Initial coding
                       based on printwindow example from IDL
                       contributed code repository
  12 Sept 2002   DAG   test for pixel map prior to reading display
                       change output device to ps from printer
  22 Jul 2003    DAG   save and restore color table - PS should have
                       ramp color tables so pixel values will be
                       passed unchanged.
  01-mar-2005    DAG   adapted from ps_window for use in inms analysis
                       library by omitting postscript creation and adding
                       image writing routines
  20-Sep-2006    DAG   Use error handler and inms_post_message
  27-Oct-2006    DAG   Ensure that TIFF image is organized properly without
                       requiring that the orientation property be set, some
                       TIFF display programs ignore that keyword

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  l_getdim - transforms the results of where() to dimensions
  translates a one-dimensional index (like given by where() function)
  into a multidimensional one (i.e. the array indices according to
  the multidimensional array)
  a   the array
  ix  the one dimensional index (or array of indices)
  if ix is omitted, the dimensions of a are returned
  MINDIM  if set, only the number of dimensions of a is returned,
          else 8 dimensions (what is better in some degenerated
          cases, i.e the calling program can rely on that there is
          always a second(third...) dimension given)
  returns a 8 by n_elements(ix) array
 IDL> a=intarr(23,24,27,33)
 IDL> a[13,19,2,11]=1
 IDL> ix=where(a)
 IDL> print,l_getdim(a,ix)
           13          19           2          11           0          0           0           0
 IDL> print,l_getdim(a)
           23          24          27          33           1          1           1           1
  Marc Schellens 01.2002

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   sprl_color_triad - returns the a 3 element byte array corresponding to the named color
function sprl_color_triad, sName

   Returns the color triad [nRed,nGreen,nBlue] for the named color
   If the color name is invalid, the tria for black [0,0,0] is returned
     name = a string containing the namee of the color for which
            the index is desired. If not argument is specified a 
            list of color names is produced.
     a 3 element byte vector containing the red, green and blue values
     for the named color. If no argument is supplied, [0,0,0] is returned
  23-Mar-2005  DAG initial coding based on sprl_find_color

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   sprl_colorplot - plots a function of two variables in color
pro sprl_colorplot, anZ,                  $ ; 2 dimensional array to plot
                    anXin, anYin,         $ ; x, y axis values, optional
                    zrange=zrange,        $ ; range of data
                    ztitle=ztitle,        $ ; title for color scale
                    region=region,        $ ; position of plot window, normal coords
                    margins=margins,      $ ; 4 element vector [lf, lw, rt, up]
                                            ;;;  of margins
                    gutter=gutter,        $ ; specify space between plot and scale
                    barwidth=barwidth,    $ ; specifies the width of the color scale,
                                            ;;;   default 0.075
                    logsw=logsw,          $ ; set if log plot desired
                    xwrap=xwrap,          $ ; when smoothing assume periodic in x
                    ywrap=ywrap,          $ ; when smoothing assume periodic in y
                    missing=missing,      $ ; value of anZ used to indicate missing value
                    noerase=noerase,      $ ; set if screen is not to be erased
                    smooth=smooth,        $ ; set if smoothed plot desired
                    contour=contour,      $ ; set if countours are to be overplotted
                    _ref_extra=extra        ; keywords to be passed to plot and contour
    anZ   - input 2 dimensional array, Z(xi,yi)
    anXin - x coordinate of inputs, if omitted it is the x coordinate is the x index
            to specify just the range, supply a two element vector [xmin,xmax]
    anYin - y coordinate of inputs, if omitted it is the y coordinate is the y index
            to specify just the range, supply a two element vector [ymin,ymax]
    zrange- a two element vector containing the range of the independant variable
            when contouring, values outside of the specified range are ignored
            values < zrange[0] are plotted with the minimum color and
            values > zrange[1] are plotted with the maximum color
    ztitle- the title to apply to the color scale
    logsw - set if log of anZ is to be plotted
    xwrap - set to extend the x dimension to make it periodic
    ywrap - set to extend the y direction to make it period
    noerase-set to prevent erasing the window before plotting
    smooth - a two element vector set if anZ is to be smoothed,
             smooth[0] is number of elements in x direction and
             smooth[1] is number of elements in y direction used
             for the boxcar smoothing. A value of zero disables
             smoothing in that direction.
             ex. to smooth in x but not y use smooth=[10,0]
    contour- set if contours of anZ are to be overplotted
             best contour results obtained when the smooth keyword is also set
    missing- value of z used to indicate a missing value
             must be outside of zrange
    any plot procedure keywords, xtitle, ytitle, ...
    any contour procedure keywords, xtitle, ytitle, c_annotate,c_levels,...
    region, margins,gutter,barwidth
    The plot position is specified by the region keyword, in the same form as the
    !p.region system variable.
    It specifies the entire plot regions, encompassing the color plot, the scale, and
    the titles. The keyword margin specifes the margins between the left side of the 
    color plot and the plot region, the lower margin, the upper margin, and the margin on
    the right between the color bar and the right edge of the plot regions. The
    keyword gutter specifies the spacing between the color plot and the color bar.
     Margin and  gutter are specified as fractions of the plot region given by region.
    example, setting region=[0.,0.,1.,1.] 
                     margin=[0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05]
             results in the plot region filling the entire window
             and margins of 5% of the window between the edges of the 
             graphics and the edges of the window, with 5% of the window between
             the plot and the color scale.
    default values:   region = [0.125, 0.1125, 0.85, 0.95]
                      margin = [0.075, 0.075, 0.075, 0.075]
                      gutter = 0.025
    After the plot is produced, one may use OPLOT, PLOTS, and XYOUTS, with data coordinates
    to add additional annotations.
    17 June 2004  DAG  Initial coding, intended to be a 24 bit friendly version
                       of color_plot
    08 July 2004  DAG  changed keyword inheritance to by reference, permitting use 
                       of [xyz]tick_get
    09 July 2004  DAG  made degree of smoothing adjustable
    14 July 2004  DAG  replaced ad-hoc and inefficent smoothing with IDL SMOOTH routine,
                       which performs boxcar smoothing. Changed syntax of smooth keyword to
                       provide for independent smoothing in x and y
    24 Nov  2004  DAG  Change the color scaling to use only indicies 1 through 253
                       so that color zero (normally black), color 255 (normally white)
                       and color 254 (reserved) are not used in the scaled color image

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     sprl_create_list - forms a list of unique elements in an array
function sprl_create_list, tables
    form a list of the unique values 
    found in the tables argument
    replaces the inefficient IDL
   tables - an array to be examined
   an  vector containing each unique value found 
   in the argument tables
   20-jan-2003 DAG   initial coding
    8-Jul-2004 DAG   modified to handle non-numeric types
   29-Nov-2004 DAG   changed name to sprl_create_list

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   sprl_cvt_jdate_mdy - converts the specified Julian date to the month, day and year
function sprl_cvt_jdate_mdy, anJdate, $  ;; array of julian dates
                             mjd=mjd     ;; set if modified julian dates supplied
    Seidelmann, P.K, ed, Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac
    argument anJdate should be either a long or a double.
   2-Jun-2005  D. Gell  Initial coding

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   sprl_cvt_jdate_odate - converts a Julian day number to an ordinal date
function sprl_cvt_jdate_odate, nJDate, mjd=mjd
   Computes the ordinal date at midnight UTC
   on the specified Julian Date
   The inverse of sprl_cvt_odate_jdate
     The date corresponding to midnight UTC on 
     Julian day number  nJD, in the form YYYYDDD, that is
     year*1000 + day-of-year. The return value has the
     same shape as the input
     nJDate   Julian date (or dates)
     /MJD     Set if input is a modified Julian date
     The number of days since the refernce epoch
     JD 1721118.5 is computed. The centuries since
     the epoch is determined by noting a Julian century 
     is exactly 36525 days long.
     The year within the Century is computed is computed
     by dividing the remainder by 365
     Since the epoch is day 60 (March 1) of year 0
     The day of year calculated as the difference between
     the Julian date and the start of the year, as calculated
     above may be greater that 365. The year and day-of-year
     are adjusted. Finally, if the prior year is a leap year
     adjust the day of year by 1.
     Valid for Julian days greater than 1721118.5 (1 March 0000)
  10-Feb-2005  DAG Initial Coding
  22-Mar-2005  DAG Correct algorithm to fix an off by one error
  04-Apr-2005  DAG handle centenial year leap years
  13-Jul-2005  DAG Correct logic for centenial year, subtract one
                   day from length if (year mod 400) equals 0
  02-Sep-2005  DAG Corrected off-by-one error in computation of NDOY

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   sprl_cvt_jtime_tod - converts the fractional part of a Julian date to time
function sprl_cvt_jtime_tod, nJD, seconds=seconds
   nJD  the Julian Date or Dates to convert.
   /seconds   when present returns a vector of seconds
              when absent returns an array with hours,
                minutes and seconds
   A vector of seconds or an array of hours minutes and seconds
                  with [*,0] containing the hours
                       [*,1] containing the minutes
                       [*,2] containing the seconds
   7-Jun-2005  D. Gell Initial Coding

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   sprl_cvt_odate_jdate - converts an ordinal date/time to a Julian date
function sprl_cvt_odate_jdate, nOrdDate, $ ;; Dates
                               nTimeMS,  $ ;; Time of day
                               mjd=mjd     ;; set for modified Julian day
    Computes the Julian Date
    given an ordinal day in the Gregorian Calendar
    The inverse of sprl_cvt_jdate_odate
    Julian Date, JD for the specified 
    Gregorian Dates. If the input is an array
    the output is an array of the same shape
    nOrdDate  a date or array of dates in the
              YYYYDDD format, where YYYY is the year
              and DDD is the day of year (ordinal date)
    NTimeMS   time of day in milliseconds, if an array it
              must be the same shape as nOrdDate.
    /MJD      if set the modified Julian day is returned
    Compute the number of years since  0000-060 (march 1, 1BCE)
    compute length of that number of years in days by formula 
       365*nyears + nYears/4L - nYears/100L + nYears/400L
    Add the Julian Day Number corresponding to March 1, 1BCE 
    Add the number of days in the current year since 1 March
    If the MJD flag is set, the offset 2400000.5 is subtracted
    from the result.

    This method effectively makes the start of the year 1 March
    and the leap-year day if present is the last day of the year
    Algorithm Reference:
    Peter Baum
    Aesir Research
    P.O. Box 1255
    3 Prospect Avenue
    Onset, MA 02558-1255
    10-Feb-2004  DAG  Initial Coding
    02-Aug-2004  DAG  Correct of-by-one error during leap years
                      following day 58.

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   sprl_date_plotted - annotates a plot with the current date
pro sprl_date_plotted, left=left
  PURPOSE:	prints current date at exteme lower corner of plot
   /left        when present display is at extreme left corner
                when absent display is at extreme right corner
  AUTHOR:	D.A. Gell
  METHOD:	parses current date from string in !stime variable
 		and prints
  date		by	description
  16-May-1994	DAG	added header for use in library
   3-Aug-2004   DAG     get file name from fstat rather
                        than depending on a common block
  27-Jan-2005   DAG     renamed sprl_date_plotted
  20-Mar-2006   DAG     added /left keyword

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  NAME: - Definitions of discrete colors
   specifies names and formulae for 88 discrete colors
   intended to be used as an include file in other programs
   30-NOV-2004  DAG Initial coding - extracted from sprl_find_colors
   30-Nov-2004  DAG Reordered colors so that they may be loaded as a
                    color table, index 0 is black, index(max) is white

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   sprl_draw_flag - draws a flag at a specified location
pro sprl_draw_flag, nX,        $ ;; x location of flag
                    nY,        $ ;; y location of flag
                    sKey,      $ ;; character key written in flag
                    SIZE=SIZE, $ ;; size of flag
                    DATA=DATA, $ ;; set if nx and ny are data coordinates
                                 ;;;  otherwise they are in normal coordinates
    draws a flag at the specified position.
    The flag is shaped like a P, and may optionally
    have a single character key in the circular part.
    The location of the flag is in normal coordinates
    unless the DATA keyword is set.
    The size of the flag is 1/50 of the width of the display
    times the value supplied by the  SIZE keyword. If the
    SIZE keyword is absent, the multiplier is one
    The COLOR keyword may be used to set the color of
    the flag and character. The CHARSIZE and CHARTHICK
     keywords may be used to override the default character
  26-Sep-2004  DAG  Initial coding
  29-Nov-2004  DAG  renamaed from to

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   sprl_draw_scale - draws a color bar scale at the specified location
pro sprl_draw_scale, position=position, $ ;; vector specifing position
                     zrange=zrange,    $ ;; vector specifing data range
                     ztitle=ztitle,    $ ;; axis label for scale
                     horizontal=horizontal,  $ ;; set if horizontal scale desired
                     zlog=zlog,        $ ;; set if logscale desired
                     inside=inside,    $ ;; controls annotation position
   position   - supplies the position and size of the bar in normalized coordinates
                as a 4 element vector in the format of the position keyword to PLOT
   zrange     - a 2 element vector specifying the data range [min,max]
   ztitle     - the title for the axis
   /zlog      - set for logrithmic scale
   /horizontal- set to make the scale horizontal
   /inside    - set if annotation is to be left (below) the
                vertical (horizontal) color bar
  note: the inside keyword is based on having the color bar to the right or above the
        plot window
  change history:
  15 Jun 2004   DAG  Initial coding
  29 Nov 2004   DAG  Changed name from draw_color_scale to sprl_draw_scale
  14 Nov 2006   DAG  Changed tick marks to cross the axis bar

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   sprl_error_plot - Plots data points with x & y error bars
pro sprl_error_plot, anX, anY, $
                     anError1, anError2,  $
                     xerrorbar=xerrorbar, $ ;;set if drawing x bars
                     yerrorbar=yerrorbar, $ ;;set if drawing y bars
                     showclipped=showclipped, $ ;; set to show clipped values at limit
                     psym=psym,    $
                     debug=debug,  $
   anX       An array of abscissae
   anY       An Array of ordinates
   anXerror  An array of abscissae errors
   anYerror  An array of ordinate errors
   9 March 2005 D. Gell    Initial coding, based on the method in
                             routine distributed with IDL
  18 March 2005 D. Gell    Corrected test for size of yerror array when
                             /yerrorbar is set
   5 May 2005   D. Gell    ensure that log calculations have valid arguments
                           add out-of-limit control. Correctly display 
                           both x and y error bars.
  23 Jun 2005   D. Gell    Moved computation of limitting values for
                           error bars outside of loop to correct floating
  30 Aug 2005   D. Gell    Extensive modifications to simplify code and 
                           insure that tick marks at end of error bars 
                           are constant size in logrithmic plots

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   sprl_find_color - returns the numerical value corresponding to the named color
function sprl_find_color, sName,       $ ;; name of color
                          index=index, $ ;; set to return index of psuedo color
                          swatch=swatch  ;; set to view swatches
   searches color table for index of color that most closely matches
   one of the  specified names. If using decomposed color, then
   it returns the 24 bit color value.  If the color name is invalid,
   the index 0 (usually black) is returned
     name = a string containing the namee of the color for which
            the index is desired. If not argument is specified a 
            list of color names is produced.
    swatch  Set this keyword to view a swatch of colors
    index   If set and if the current device is a pseudo color device
              the index of the color table entry closest to the color
              is returned.
            If the index keyword is absent, then the specified
              color is loaded to index 254 of the color table and
              that value is returned
            Keyword is ignored for true-color devices
     the 8 or 24 bit index of the color nearest the named color
     if a swatch or list of names is produced, the function returns
   Depending on the color table in use, the index returned for psuedo-color
   devices  (PS) may not accurately produce the desired color. This is because
   the only colors that can be displayed are the 256 colors defined by the color
   tables. For example, if a grey scale color table is loaded, the only available
   colors are different intensities of grey and the index returned by this routine
   will be one of the greys.
  22-June-2004 DAG inital coding based on
  23-Nov-2004  DAG added more colors taken from an IDL user library routine
                   added swatch output
  30-Nov-2004  DAG made an include file out of the color list
                   added /index keyword

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    sprl_is_decomposed - indicates if a true color display is in use
function sprl_is_decomposed
    Determines if the display is True Color
       if sprl_is_decomposed() then begin
           ;; code for true color display
       endif else begin
           ;; code for non true color displays
          1 if true color (decomposed display)
          0 otherwise

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   sprl_isnumeric - Tests if a string represents a valid number
function sprl_isnumeric, string
    tests a string to determine if it is a number
  RETURN value:
    1 if all characters are numeric with an optional leading
      sign (+-) and one optional decimal point
    0 otherwise
  29-Nov-2004 DAG changed name to sprl_isnumeric

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   sprl_load_blue_sequential - loads the blue sequential color table
pro sprl_load_blue_sequential
  PURPOSE: loads the red sequential color table
        The 10 step blue sequential color definition from the
        is converted to a 256 step color table by interpolation
        resulting in a smooth color scale;
        The resulting values for red, green and blue color tables are loaded.
        entry zero is black, entry 255 is white

  19-Nov-2004 DAG  Initial coding

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   sprl_load_catagorical_colors - loads the discrete colors defined in SPRL_DISCRETE_COLOR_LIST.PRO
pro sprl_load_categorical_colors
  PURPOSE: loads the categorical color table
  19-Nov-2004 DAG  Initial coding

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   sprl_load_colors - interface to set of color table loading routines
pro sprl_load_colors, sequential=sequential, $
                      divergent=divergent,   $
    Supplies a user interface to routines that load color tables.
    The keywords specify type:
    sequential          - a smooth variation from light blue to dark blue (default)
    sequential=BLUE     - a smooth variation from light blue to dark blue
    sequential=RED      - a smooth variation from black to red
    sequential=SPECTRUM - colors of the spectrum from red to violet
    divergent       - a smooth variation from blue to white to dark red
    categorical     - 12 discrete color steps choosen to be legible even for
                          those with red-green color blindness
      sprl_load_colors, /type
      /type = /[seqential | divergent | categorical ]
   general -
   color table definitions by C. A. Brewer
  16 Nov 2004, DAG inital coding

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    sprl_load_divergent_colors - loads a divergent color table (blue)
pro sprl_load_divergent_colors
  PURPOSE: loads the red-blue divergent color table
        The 18 step blue to dark red color definition from the
        is converted to a 256 step color table by interpolation
        resulting in a smooth color scale
  19-Nov-2004 DAG  Initial coding

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   sprl_load_red_sequential - loads the red sequential color table
pro sprl_load_red_sequential
  PURPOSE: loads the red sequential color table
        values for red, green and blue color tables are computed
        as follows: Red is bi-linear with a break at the table midpoint
                    Green is zero for the lower half of the table, 
                    then linear thereafter
                    Blue has the same shape as green but leads by 10 steps
        entry zero is black, entry 255 is white

  19-Nov-2004 DAG  Initial coding
  24-Nov-2004 DAG  Replaced the blue sequential with the red sequential
                    color table

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   sprl_load_spectrum_sequential - loads the spectrum sequential color table
pro sprl_load_spectrum_sequential
  PURPOSE: loads the spectrum sequential color table
        The spectra table obtained from the IDL distribution (table named
        (rainbow + white") is loaded into the color table using tvlct.
        indicies 0 and 255 are black and white respectively.
  19-Nov-2004 DAG  Initial coding
  27-Jul-2005 DAG  Replaced "lumpy" table with smoother one from IDL distribution

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   sprl_plot_sym - generated user defined plot symbols
                   FILL=FILL,      $
                   NOFILL=NOFILL,  $
                   CIRCLE=CIRCLE,  $
                   THICK=THICK,    $
                   SQUARE=SQUARE,  $
                   DIAMOND=DIAMOND, $
                   TRIANGLE=TRIANGLE, $
                   TRIDOWN=TRIDOWN, $
  This routine generates a user defined plot symbol which is used by the PLOT 
  command by setting PSYM = 8.  The default symbol is a filled circle.
  SIZE      - Size of plot symbols (default 1.0).
  SQUARE    - Set this keyword if you want square plot symbols (default circles)
  DIAMOND   - Set this keyword if you want square plot symbols
  TRIANGLE  - Set this keyword if you want triangle plot symbols,
              point up
  TRIDOWN   - Set this keyword if you want triangle plot symbols,
              point down
  NOFILL    - Set this keyword if you don't want the symbols filled 
  THICK     - Line thickness of plot symbols (default 1).
  Example:  IDL> PLOT_SYM, SIZE=1.2, /SQUARE, /NOFILL   - gives open squares of
                                                          size 1.2

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