PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2005-05-19 NOTE = "Description of the SOFTWARE directory contents for a MAG archive volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END The SOFTWARE directory contains software required for data processing and examination (provided as source code, executables and algorithms), and examples of raw data and the corresponding processed data, which demonstrate correct application of the processing software. In addition to the files contained in this directory, the following is a list of directories containing important files related to the software: /CALIB - contains calibration files used by CAL02 and SHMCal /DOCUMENT - contains user guides for the CAL02 and TRANSCAL software SOFTINFO.TXT A description of the contents of this directory CAL02.EXE The executable application required to calibrate raw vector data files to give correct magnetic-field values relative to the spacecraft coordinate system CAL02.CPP C++ source code for the CAL02 application CAL02.LBL PDS label for CAL02.* CAL_MAG.H C++ header file required by calibration software CAL_MAG.LBL PDS label for CAL_MAG.H CALFUNC02.H C++ header file required by calibration software CALFUNC02.CPP C++ source file required by calibration software CALFUNC02.LBL PDS label for CALFUNC02.* FF_IGPP.C C Source, UCLA Flatfile procedures. FF_IGPP.H C Header File, UCLA Flatfile declarations and type defs. FF_IGPP.LBL PDS label for FF_IGPP.* KERNEL_FILELIST.TXT Metafile containing a list of the SPICE kernels loaded by TransCal KERNEL_FILELIST.LBL PDS label file for KERNEL_FILELIST.TXT TIME_IGPP.C C Source, UCLA Flatfile Time Functions. TIME_IGPP.H C Header File, UCLA Flatfile Time declarations and definitions. TIME_IGPP.LBL PDS label for TIME_IGPP.* TIME_IGPPP.H C Header File, More UCLA Time definitions. TIME_IGPPP.LBL PDS label for TIME_IGPPP.* TRANSCAL.CPP C++ source code for the TRANSCAL application TRANSCAL.LBL PDS label for TRANSCAL.* EXAMPLE_FILES Subdirectory containing sample raw (RAW subdirectory) and processed (CALIB subdirectory) data files, and the SPICE kernels used in the processing (EXAMPLE_KERNELS subdirectory)