PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 DATA_SET_ID = "CO-E_SW_J_S-MAG-3-RDR-CALIB-SHM-V2.0" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2019-05-15 NOTE = "This file describes known errors or deficiencies in this archive volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Users are encouraged to provide comments back to the PPI Node of the PDS if errors or omissions are found either in data or in documentation. Please send comments by e-mail or U.S. mail to the PPI Node PDS Operator: Email pds_operator@igpp.ucla.edu Telephone (310) 206-6073 U.S. Mail PDS Operator c/o Dr. Raymond Walker 3845 Slichter Hall UCLA - IGPP Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 Cumulative errata for this volume: Logical Volume Error/Variance Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) New Static Standard Values PRODUCT_TYPE {DATA, GEOMETRY, CALIBRATION, DOCUMENT, CATALOG, SOFTWARE ANCILLARY, BROWSE} HEADER object with HEADER_TYPE = TEXT. Software change requests have been submitted to the PDS to adopt these changes to the PDS standards but they have not yet been accepted. 2) Other non-standard practices The PDS standards do not specify where to store the required MD5 checksum file for a volume. We have placed it in the root dircetory of the volume with the file name "CHECKSUMS.TXT". This may be considered invalid by some verifiers. File names are typically longer than 8.3 Directory names can be longer than 8 characters. Binary data files use the extension ".FFD" rather than the standard ".DAT" extension. In addition, data files are described by a second, non-PDS, detached header (.FFH) which is not common PDS practice. These "flatfile headers" allow the data to be read and analyzed with a variety or software packages designed for working with IGPP flatfiles. The time tag in the data files is provided in a non-standard form of the spacecraft clock (SCLK). The Cassini SCLK is usually represented as two numbers separated by full stop (.). The first number is the number of "seconds" since 1958 and the second number represents the number of 1/256 of a second between seconds. The MAG data records need to be timed to at least millisecond accuracy. Therefore, the second number in the spacecraft clock has been converted into milliseconds. In order to reproduce true spacecraft clock, multiply the second part of the SCLK by 256/1000 and round to the nearest integer. PDS requires that each archive document be provided in an ASCII or clean HTML (easily human readable) format. At the time the first disks of this volume series were produced some of the documents on this volume had not been signed and were subject to change. The clean HTML version the documents was not generated until volume COMA_0xxx. All subsequent volumes have the required, "clean" HTML version of the documents. All volumes in the volume series should have calibration tables in the CALIB directory and software to read the data and calibrations files and output calibrated data. The "test volume" does not contain these files. PPI has created copies of the PDS catalog files in the EXTRAS/CATALOG directory with a ".TXT" extension. While this makes the files accessible to users with the Windows operating system, it is not a standard PDS practice. In order for PPI to be able to track all of the files associated with a data set (data, documents, software, etc.) and to be able to retrieve them on-demand through our web pages, PPI must include keywords in labels that some might find questionable. In particular, we associate the same start/stop time, targets, mission phases, etc. with a document or piece of software that are used in the data set. Without these keywords, queries for Cassini MAG data between times A and B would not return the documents or software associated with the data. 3) Known problems and the volumes they affect Volumes Error Description ------- -------------------------------------------------------------- All The data contain persistent noise signals at 0.2, 8, 16 Hz, and associated harmonics. This noise was not observed during ground testing of the instruments and is anticipated to be interference arising from the spacecraft. Removal of these signals is at the user's discretion. 2019-05-15 All Version 1 DATA products were replaced by Version 2 by the MAG team.