The calibration directory has two types of files: algorithms (*ALG*.TXT) and calibration data (*CALIB*.CSV). Algorithm files contain brief descriptions of how to obtain useful, physical quantities from the data products. Calibration data files are formatted as CSV files and contain the quantities required to execute the algorithms in the algorithms files. Included with each text file (*.TXT) are attached PDS labels. The CSV files are accompanied by detached PDS labels.

PDS label
Calibration information for all sensors
CACC0_ALGO_0000.TXTCHEMS accumulation algorithm file
CPHA0_ALGO_0000.TXTCHEMS pulse height analysis algorithm file
CSCI0_ALGO_0000.TXTCHEMS science rates algorithm file
IACC0_ALGO_0000.TXTINCA accumulation algorithm file
IIMG0_ALGO_0000.TXTINCA image rates algorithm file
IPHA0_ALGO_0000.TXTINCA pulse height analysis algorithm file
PDS label
IMAGE Segment Information for the INCA Image calibration files
INCA_IMAGESsubdirectory containing INCA flux factor matrices
LACC0_ALGO_0000.TXTLEMMS Accumulation algorithm file
LFRT0_ALGO_0000.TXTLEMMS fine rates accumulation algorithm file
LPHA0_ALGO_0000.TXTLEMMS pulse height analysis algorithm file

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