PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2005-05-01 NOTE = "Description of the Cassini CAPS BROWSE directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END The BROWSE directory contains Cassini CAPS plots of various instrument parameters (including data) that can be helpful in quickly determining in the instrument observed some interaction or process of interest. These plots are preliminary and should not be published. The directory is organized into year subdirectories (2004, 2005, ...) and each of these is further divided into day of year directories (i.e. 2006001, 2006002, ...). Each directory contains 7 types of plots and an ancillary data table (binary). All of the files are described by detached PDS labels. The file naming convention is: ttt_yyyydddhh_id.ext where ttt is the data type ACT are acutator data tables ANC are ancillary data tables including s/c trajectory and housekeeping data ELS Electron spectrometer data plots IBS Ion beam spectrometer data plots ION Ion data table from the INMS sensor. LOG