PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = PUB DATE YYYY-MM-DD XXXPENDINGXXX INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII NOTE = "Description of the EXTRAS directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END EXTRAS Directory Contents The EXTRAS directory contains additional files beyond the scope of the PDS archive requirements. The following files are found in the EXTRAS directory: EXTRINFO.TXT - The file you are now reading V15V16ROEPROFILES.SAV - An IDL save file that contains all the information in the DATA/ directory. Users who possess the free IDL Virtual Machine software or who possess a non-free licensed version of IDL can use V15V16ROEPROFILES.SAV to quickly access and manipulate the results of the Venera 15 and 16 radio occultation experiment. V15V16ROEPROFILES.SAV contains two arrays - ANCARR and EDSARR. ANCARR is a 29 x 7 string array. Each of the 29 rows pertains to one occultation. The first column contains the name of spacecraft (V15 or V16). The second column contains the date of the occultation in the Moscow winter timezone. The third column contains the time of the occultation in the Moscow winter timezone. The fourth column contains the latitude of the occultation in degrees north. The fifth column contains the longitude of the occultation in degrees west. The sixth column contains the solar zenith angle of the occultation in degrees west. The seventh column contains the name of original file supplied by A. L. Gavrik. This information can also be found in the DATA/ANC/ directory. EDSARR is a 29 x 2 x 400 double-precision array. Each of the 29 rows pertains to one occultation. The first column contains 400 values for altitude in km. The second column contains the corresponding values for electron density in number per cubic centimeter. Since the number of data points in a given profile varies from profile to profile, not all 400 values are necessarily meaningful. If both altitude and electron density are zero, then the values should be discarded. This information can also be found in the DATA/EDS/ directory. In the event of inconsistencies between information in the DATA/ and EXTRAS/ directories, the information in the DATA/ directory should be given precedence.