PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1980-10-31 NOTE = "Timeline for Voyager 1 Titan Radio Science Events. This is Table A-2 in the Voyager 1 Saturn Encounter Radio Science Operations Plan (JPL Document 618-825; see also OP1S_TXT.LBL in the DOCUMENT directory of this archival volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END TABLE A-2 MAJOR EVENT SUMMARY--TITAN (Note: All times are approximate-- the ISOE is the controlling document.) TIME (ERT) EVENT 317/06:32:00 1. Start ground recordings. Open-loop system begins recording. 06:42:21 2. CONSCAN off. 06:44:00 3. Configure S/C for occultation. TWTA power mode changes to optimize S/N. Telemetry and ranging off. 06:49:00 4. TWNC on. Switch to S/C frequency standard. 06:52:00 5. Turn S/C to occultation ingress attitude. Offsets antenna axis 0.11' from Earth line to optimize occultation entry data for X-band. 06:53:-- 6. Nominal start of quiet period. Provides baseline frequency and amplitude data. Last chance to verify ground configuration. 07:08:-- 7. Approximate start of ionospheric occultation. Measurement of topside ionosphere near sunset. Primarily affects S/X Doppler, signal levels stable. 07:11:-- 8. Ionospheric occultation (entrance). Probes sunset ionosphere. Structure unknown, may be complex. Ground may observe signal level fluctuations, especially at S-band. O/L conditions may occur for closed-loop system. Can be monitored on SSI. 07:12:15 9. Nominal start of atmospheric occultation. Probes neutral atmosphere at sunset. Actual start time highly uncertain. Rapid decrease in S- and X-band signal levels expected. O/L condition at X-band expected not later than about 20 seconds from start: O/L condition at S-band expected not later than about one minute from start. Signal dynamics can be monitored on SSI. 07:15:10 10. Begin S/C turn to occultation egress attitude. Offset antenna for occultation exit geometry. No signals expected to be observable in this period. TABLE A-2 (cont.) TIME EVENT 07:19:30 11. Begin atmospheric occultation exit observations. Probes neutral atmosphere near sunrise. Level of signals transmitted highly uncertain. Deep atmosphere case: S/X signals will peak at nominal time of 07:23. Duration of X-band signal about 20 seconds. Thin atmosphere case: No signals will be observed prior to nominal occultation exit time, then S-band only. Can be monitored on SSI. 07:24:30? 12. Complete atmospheric occultation. Signal levels low due to offset antenna pointing. Approximately -30db X-band, -15db S-band. 07:25:-- 13. Ionospheric occultation (exit). Probes ionosphere near sunrise. Similar to entrance, but possibly only S-band signal observable in real time. Dynamic signals possible. 07:29:-- 14. Nominal completion of topside ionospheric occultation (exit). Similar to entrance conditions. Signals stable in frequency and amplitude after this time. 07:29:00 15. Begin quiet period. Provides baseline data following occultation. 07:58:10 16. Begin turn to Earth line. Removes antenna offsets provided for occultation. S/X signal levels increase to pre-occultation values. 08:07:24 17. Begin mini-ASCAL. Provides calibration data for maneuver reconstruction. X-band signals vary at least 5.6 db. S-band signals vary at least 0.3 db. 08:15:-- 18. Reconfigure S/C for telemetry. TWTA power modes restored to telemetry configuration. Telemetry and ranging on. TWNC off.