The Magnetometer instrument has provided three datasets from the Heliographic coordinate system. They are at 1.92, 9.6 and 48 second resolutions and can be found in their respective sub-directories. Also provided is: Voyager 2 MAG spacecraft field data in S/C coordinates near Neptune. This data is found here rather than in the parent MAG directory because there was no spacecraft field data for the NLS coordinates available. The data are averaged to 48 second resolution and cover the time period 1989-08-22T00:00:47 to 1989-08-25T01:59:11. The data are stored as a binary table (SC_FIELD.DAT) and accompanied by a PDS label file (.LBL) which describes some of the physical properties of the data. There is a single format file (.FMT) which describes the columns of the data files. /-------------------------\ | D A T A | \-------------------------/ Columns in all data files: ===================================================== name type description ----------------------------------------------------- ctime float_8 secs since 1966-01-01T00:00:00 pdstime char_24 Time in ISO standard form m65536 integer_4 S/C clock mod 65536 mod60 integer_4 S/C clock mod 60 fds_line integer_4 fds_line mag_id integer_4 Magnetometer Id Bx float_4 S/C Mag component By float_4 S/C Mag component Bz float_4 S/C Mag component Bmag float_4 Total Mag rms_Bx float_4 RMS Mag component rms_By float_4 RMS Mag component rms_Bz float_4 RMS Mag component npts integer_4 Num pts in avg Any data column whose value is greater than 1.0e30 is a missing data value. Data Files (.DAT extension) ============================================================================== Name Records Cols Len Start Stop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SC_FIELD 2601 14 80 1989-08-22T00:00:47.663 1989-08-25T01:59:11.319 Catalog data which includes instrument, dataset, and data parameter descriptions are located at: /CATALOG/CATALOG.CAT ============================================================================== MAX/MIN Statistics for: SC_FIELD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :::::::::::::: SC_FIELD.stats :::::::::::::: /=====================================================================\ | D A T A F L O W S T A T I S T I C S | \=====================================================================/ Number of columns in data flow: 14 --------- Aggregate Statistics ---------- Total number of records: 2601 /======================================================================\ | COLUMN | MINIMUM | MAXIMUM | AVERAGE | # FLAGS | |======================================================================| |ctime | 7.45978e+08| 7.46244e+08| 7.46076e+08| 0| |m65536 | 1.7e+308| -1.7e+308| NaN| 2601| |mod60 | 0| 59| 29.5617| 0| |fds_line | 0| 0| 0| 0| |mag_id | 1| 1| 1| 0| |Bx | -1.05282| 0.0388885| -0.0223261| 0| |By | -0.0938794| 0.0203231| -0.0108492| 0| |Bz | -0.131595| 0.0761859| -0.00568613| 0| |Bmag | 0.0221438| 1.05707| 0.0488725| 0| |rms_Bx | 0.00152699| 0.776003| 0.00450818| 0| |rms_By | 0.00117829| 0.31675| 0.00390199| 0| |rms_Bz | 0.00104049| 0.250063| 0.00315741| 0| |npts | 400| 400| 400| 0| \======================================================================/ /============================================================================\ | | | | | MOST COMMON | NUMBER | | TIME | FIRST | LAST | AVERAGE | INCREMENTS | OF | | COLUMN | VALUE | VALUE | INCREMENT|---------+---------| FLAGS | | | | | | VALUE | COUNT | | |============================================================================| | ctime | 7.45978e+08| 7.46244e+08| 102.424|===================| 0| |----------+ | +----------| 48| 2425| | |1989/08/22 00:00:47.663|1989/08/25 01:59:11.319| 47.999| 153| | |-----------------------|-----------------------| 47.999| 9| | | | 96| 5| | | | 144| 3| | | | 192| 2| | | | 57695.9| 1| | | | 82895.9| 1| | | | 240| 1| | \============================================================================/