The Low Energy Charged Particle (LECP) experiment has provided two datasets from the Neptune encounter. The first dataset contains 24 second scan averages for each of 15 channels. The seconds dataset contains full sweep or step data which gives directional information about the particle distribution. These two datasets are contained in the SCAN and STEP sub-directories. Voyager 2 LECP Pitchangle data near Neptune. There is a pitch angle dataset which gives the angle each sector made with the local magnetic field as a function of time. This dataset is ancillary to both datasets provided by the instrument team. The data are averaged to 48 second resolution and cover the time period 1989-08-24T18:00:47 to 1989-08-25T15:59:59. The dataset is formed by a collection of 6 files. The data are stored as an IGPP flatfile (4 individual files). The data are in the ".DAT" file which is described to the PPI software by the ".DES", ".ABS", and ".HED" files. The PDS label file PITCHANG.LBL describes some of the physical properties of the pitch angle dataset and the dataset format file PITCHANG.FMT describes the columns of the dataset. Pitch Angle Data =========================================================================== name records columns rec_len start stop --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PITCHANG.DAT 1637 10 64 1989-08-24T18:00:47 1989-08-25T15:59:59 Columns =========================================================================== name type description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ctime float_8 Seconds since 1966-01-01T00:00:00.000 pdstime char_24 PDS time format for record sector1 float_4 Angle between sector 1 direction and mag field. sector2 float_4 Angle between sector 2 direction and mag field. sector3 float_4 Angle between sector 3 direction and mag field. sector4 float_4 Angle between sector 4 direction and mag field. sector5 float_4 Angle between sector 5 direction and mag field. sector6 float_4 Angle between sector 6 direction and mag field. sector7 float_4 Angle between sector 7 direction and mag field. sector8 float_4 Angle between sector 8 direction and mag field.