PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2007-10-04 NOTE = " DATATIPS.TXT provides quick-start help for anyone wanting to write software to make use of the raw Voyager PWS waveform data on this volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END ======================================================================== DATA FILE OVERVIEW ======================================================================== The binary files containing the raw Voyager PWS electric field waveform samples are found under directories named DATA/Pn/V114nn where Pn indicates a spacecraft clock (SCLK) partition number and V114nn ranges from V11401 to V11435. The data files are named Cmmmmmnn.DAT where mmmmm is the SCLK modulo 65536 (16-bit) counter and nn is the SCLK modulo 60 counter. The modulo 60 counter changes once every 48 seconds and each data file contains all of the available waveform samples obtained during one of these 48 second intervals. A SCLK sub-interval called a line count ranges from 1 through 800 during this time and corresponds to each of the possible 800 data records within a file. Each file record is 1024 bytes in length and the first record is a header record which contains various engineering parameters, but no waveform data. Details about each file can be found in detached PDS labels named with corresponding SCLK values Cmmmmmnn.LBL The common description of the file header fields and record header fields can be found in each directory in files named WFENGHDR.FMT and WFROWPFX.FMT These files along with information in the CATALOG and DOCUMENT directories provide full details. ======================================================================== DATA PROCESSING OVERVIEW ======================================================================== There are generally two ways to use these data: 1. Plot, list, or listen to the time-domain electric field samples. 2. Plot or list the frequency-domain power spectra resulting from processing the electric field samples through an FFT. Although advanced analysis details are beyond the scope of this document, the most important first steps of extracting individual samples and associating them with time are addressed. The following facts are essential in using these data: 1. The electric field waveform samples are 4-bit values (range 0 - 15). 2. The amplitudes are modified by an AGC, so there is a varying amplitude scale. 3. There is no direct way to calibrate the samples to scientific units. 4. The sample rate is 28,800 samples per second. 5. The detector utilizes a bandpass of 40 Hz to 12 kHz. 6. Each line (record) contains 1600 continuous samples with a time gap equivalent to 128 missing samples before the next available line. The most important details needed to extract the waveform samples are: 1. Reliable information about an individual file can be found in an ASCII label beginning at byte 249 in the first record (where the first byte is byte 1). The format is: "VOYAGER-n PWS n/nnnnn.nn yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ" 2. The time offset of the beginning of a set of waveform samples (relative to the time in the ASCII label above) should be calculated from the SCLK line count, which is a 2-byte MSB integer beginning at byte 23 of data records. This offset is simply: 0.06 seconds * ( line - 1 ). 3. The 800 bytes holding 1600 4-bit waveform samples begins at byte 221 of each data record. See the EXTRAS/SOFTWARE directory on this volume for annotated code illustrating how to extract the waveform samples.