PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2002-09-15 NOTE = "INFO.TXT describes the contents of this directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END This directory contains Voyager 2 PRA Receiver high time resolution low rate receiver band data recorded during the Voyager 2 Saturn encounter from 1981-06-05 to 1981-09-28. The data are stored as 5 ASCII tables (.TAB), each accompanied with a PDS label file (.LBL) which describes properties of the data file. Data cover the following time intervals: PRA_I.TAB 1981-06-05 - 1981-06-30; PRA_II.TAB 1981-07-01 - 1981-07-21; PRA_III.TAB 1981-07-22 - 1981-08-13; PRA_IV.TAB 1981-08-14 - 1981-09-07; PRA_V.TAB 1981-09-08 - 1981-09-28. Additional information associated with this data set is available in the following files: file contents /CATALOG/PRA2_INST.CAT VG2 PRA instrument description /CATALOG/VG2_SAT_HRES_DS.CAT data set description /CATALOG/PERSON.CAT personnel information /CATALOG/REF.CAT key reference description /DOCUMENT/PRA/PRAINST.ASC ASCII and HTML versions of the PRA and PRAINST.HTM investigation description paper [WARWICKETAL1977] /-------------------------\ | D A T A | \-------------------------/ Columns ===================================================== name type description ----------------------------------------------------- date I6 year, month, and day of start of first sweep (SCET) in the format YYMMDD second I6 seconds of day (SCET) of start of first sweep sweep1 I284 (see below) sweep2 I284 (see below) sweep3 I284 (see below) sweep4 I284 (see below) sweep5 I284 (see below) sweep6 I284 (see below) sweep7 I284 (see below) sweep8 I284 (see below) Columns sweep1-8 consist of a 4-byte status word followed by 70 4-byte low band channels 1326.0 to 1.2 kHz. For the status word the 12 least significant bits have used, although not all 12 have meaning for PRA low band. Numbering those bits 0 for least significant to 11 for most significant, the bits that have meaning are as follows: bit 0: 15 dB attenuator in use when equal to 1 1: 30 dB attenuator in use when equal to 1 2: 45 dB attenuator in use when equal to 1 9,10 (together): polarization of first channel sampled (1326.0 kHz) according to the scheme: 9\10 0 1 0 R L 1 L R If the status word is zero, any data in that receiver sweep should be discarded.