Ulysses SCE ranging data near Jupiter. The data are stored as 1 ASCII table (ALLRANGE.TAB). Each data file has a PDS label file (ALLRANGE.LBL) which describes some of the physical properties of the data in a form which is both machine and human readable. There is a single format file (SCEDATA.FMT) which describes the columns of the data files. The file DATASET.TXT provides a textual description of the data including caveats regarding the data usage and reliability. /-------------------------\ | D A T A | \-------------------------/ These data can be read according to the FORTRAN format statement: '(a24,3(1x,i4),2(1x,i5))' Columns in all data files: ===================================================== name type description ----------------------------------------------------- time a24 ground receive UT in the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ set i4 running number for each DSN pass number i4 running number for range measurement within each DSN pass dss i4 DSN station number difrng i5 differential range delay in `range units' [DSN810-5] econt i5 electron content in `hexems' [BIRDETAL1992B] Any data column whose value is -99 or -999 is a missing data value. Data Files (.TAB extension) =============================================================================== Name Records Cols Len Start Stop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLRANGE 500 6 28 1992-02-05T21:44:24.000Z 1992-02-09T18:44:26.000Z Catalog data which includes instrument, dataset, and data parameter descriptions are located at: /CATALOG/SCERANDS.CAT /CATALOG/SCEINST.CAT /CATALOG/PERSON.CAT /CATALOG/REF.CAT =============================================================================== MAX/MIN Statistics for: ALLRANGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :::::::::::::: ALLRANGE.stats :::::::::::::: /=====================================================================\ | D A T A F L O W S T A T I S T I C S | \=====================================================================/ Number of columns in data flow: 6 --------- Aggregate Statistics ---------- Total number of records: 500 /======================================================================\ | COLUMN | MINIMUM | MAXIMUM | AVERAGE | # FLAGS | |======================================================================| |time | 8.23557e+08| 8.23891e+08| 8.23736e+08| 0| |set | 1| 11| 6.386| 0| |number | 1| 128| 32.66| 0| |dss | 12| 63| 45.704| 0| |difrng | 0| 92| 33.274| 0| |econt | 0| 367| 133.124| 0| \======================================================================/ /============================================================================\ | | | | | MOST COMMON | NUMBER | | TIME | FIRST | LAST | AVERAGE | INCREMENTS | OF | | COLUMN | VALUE | VALUE | INCREMENT|---------+---------| FLAGS | | | | | | VALUE | COUNT | | |============================================================================| | time | 8.23557e+08| 8.23891e+08| 670.946|===================| 0| |----------+ | +----------| 599| 142| | |1992/02/05 21:44:24.000|1992/02/09 18:44:26.000| 601| 137| | |-----------------------|-----------------------| 600| 60| | \============================================================================/