CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDSX00000001 PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-05-01 NOTE = "This file describes the contents of the binary data files." END_OBJECT = TEXT END EV data files ============= The file names for ULYSSES-KEP Experiment EV data files are: EVyearday.BIN example: EV92013.BIN Data are written in a 3 bytes per event data stream with a variable record length. dE=0 and dx=0 records are excluded. Each file contains the events of one day. The date of the corresponding day is part of the file name. Contents of the 3 bytes: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Byte One: E (channel number) Byte Two: dE (channel number) Byte Three: ER * 128 + SpID * 16+ TID * 4 + SeID with: ER = Energy Range. 0 or 1, for lower or upper part E=E+256*SpID [ idl code: E=E+255*SpID ] SpID = Species ID, [0,1,2,3,4] for out and HS 1,2,3,4 TID = Telescope ID, [0,1,2,3] for Telescope 1,2,3,4 SeID = Sector ID, [0,1,2,3] for Sector 1,2,3,4 ------------------------------------------------------------------ The data are written with the following IDL code: ------------------------------------------------------------------ barr=BYTARR(3,vcounts) barr(0)=byte(E(index)) barr(1)=byte(dE(index)) barr(2)=byte(ER(index)*128+SpID(index)*16+TID(index)*4+SeID(index)) with: index: array index of valid data points vcounts: number of valid data points File opening: under VMS: openw,1,outputfile,/NONE, /BLOCK under other systems: openw,1,outputfile Writing: WRITEU,1,barr -------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: E and dE channel numbers can be converted to energy using the IDL code contained in CHANTOEN.TXT.