PVO Retarding Potential Analyzer Low Resolution Processed data.

Data are stored in single orbit ASCII files (*.TAB).
All of the data files have the same internal structure which is described
by the single format file ORPADATA.FMT. File structure characteristics
which may vary from file to file (# of records, start/stop time, etc.)
are described in the individual PDS label files (*.LBL).

                   |        D A T A          |

Columns in all data files:
name      type       description
PDSTIME   char_24    UT of UADS record time which is defined for all PVO inst
                     providing UADS data.
ORBIT     integer_4  Orbit number
TPER      integer_4  Time from periapsis
UT        integer_4  Universal time
TOTI      integer_4  Total ion den
H         float_4    Hydrogen ion den
O         float_4    Oxygen ion den
O2        float_4    O2 ion den
CO2       float_4    Carbon dioxide ion den
TI        float_4    Ion temperature
VX        float_4    Ion bulk vel X comp
VY        float_4    Ion bulk vel Y comp
VZ        float_4    Ion bulk vel Z comp
F1I       float_4    First ion current, no retarding potential
BKGI      float_4    Background current at start of ion sweep, +37V potential
VPI       float_4    S/C potential at start of ion sweep
TOTE      float_4    Total electron density
TE        float_4    Electron temperature
F1E       float_4    First thermal ele current, +6.8V from S/C ground
BKGE      float_4    Background current at start of thermal ele sweep, -4.6V
VPE       float_4    S/C potential at start of thermal ele sweep
N1        float_4    Cold ele density
T1        float_4    Cold ele temperature
N2        float_4    Hot ele density
T2        float_4    Hot ele temperature
F1P       float_4    First photoele current, no retarding potential
BKGP      float_4    Background current at start of photoele sweep, -58V
VPPE      float_4    S/C potential at start of photoele sweep

Missing data values for the data columns can be found in the UADS_HDR.TXT
file, as well as listed in the ORPADATA.FMT file.