This directory contains all of the metadata associated with this CD-ROM. This information is divided into a series of separate template files. These include the files MISSION.CAT, describing the PVO mission; INSTHOST.CAT, describing the PVO spacecraft; ORPAINST.CAT, describing the PVO instrument, DATASET.CAT, describing the data set; PERSON.CAT, listing key personnel associated with the instrument; and a REF.CAT which describes references related to the PVO mission or spacecraft or one of the individual instruments or data sets. These files are primarily for use in the PDS Data Set Catalog (http://pds.jpl/ and some of the information contained here may be found elsewhere on the CD-ROM. Copies of the data set description may be found on the data directory in the file DATASET.TXT. Expanded instrument description may be found in the DATA tree as the file INST.TXT. Additionally both ASCII text and HTML versions of the IEEE and Space Science instrument description papers may be found in the DOCUMENTS directory. The following table describes the contents of the catalog templates contained in this directory. file contents MISSION.CAT Mission Template for the Pioneer Venus Orbiter Mission INSTHOST.CAT Instrument Host (Spacecraft) template for PVO DATASET.CAT Data Set Template for the Orbital Retarding Potential Analyzer (ORPA) ORPAINST.CAT Instrument Template for ORPA PERSON.CAT Personnel Template for ORPA REF.CAT Reference Template describing references related to the mission, spacecraft, instrument or data set