This directory contains the Appendix extracted from Grebowsky, J. M., W. T. Kasprzak, R. E. Hartle, K. K. Mahajan, T. C. G. Wagner, "Superthermal ions detected in the Venus dayside ionosheath, ionopause, and magnetic barrier regions", J. Geophys. Res., vol 98, No. E5, pg 9055-9064, 1993. The text has been included as part of the documentation accompanying the PVO-OIMS data in order to fulfill a requirement imposed during the PDS peer review process. The text is the appendix from the document list above. This appendix is titled "Response of OIMS to Superthermal Ions". This file is available in ASCII. Each figure of the original document corresponds to one GIF file (FIGXX.GIF where XX is the figure number).