This directory contains a cumulative index table (CUM_INDX.TAB) which describes the location of all files on the PVO-OIMS volume series. In addition, there is a file (INDEX.TAB) which gives the names, associated datasets and locations of files on this volume. These index files have been provided for database users who do not wish to make use of the DITDOS software. The index files are ASCII tables; their columns are comma-separated to facilitate loading into most spreadsheet or database programs. The index files are accompanied by label files (*.LBL) and a format file (INDEX.FMT). key files: CUMINDEX.TAB - contains a cumulative index for the entire volume set. CUMINDEX.LBL - describes the columns and format of CUMINDEX.TAB. INDEX.TAB - contains an index of this volume. INDEX.LBL - describes the columns and format of INDEX.TAB. INDEX.FMT - provides more format information; referenced in the *.LBL files.