Pioneer Venus Orbiter - Venus Orbital Operations CD_ROM
Orbiter Ion Mass Spectrometer Datasets
Orbits 1-1499
Planetary Plasma Interactions Node
of the
Planetary Data System
Links to sections of this document: |
Links to HTML pages describing the data: |
This disk contains Venus Orbital Operations data submitted to the Planetary Data System (PDS) by the PVO project Ion Mass Spectrometer principal investigator. Every effort has been made to ensure that the data are of the best quality available. However, the PDS, and the Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node in particular, assume no liability for this disk or its contents. All users are encouraged to verify the "correctness" of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work based on these data.
This CD-ROM contains data for orbits 1-1499 covering the time period between 1978-12-05 and 1983-01-14. All data files are stored in the "DATA" branch of the directory tree. Data are stored in ASCII tables which are described by detached PDS labels (.LBL) and format files (.FMT). Each orbit is stored in a separate file. Data do not exist for every one of the 5055 orbits of the PVO mission; some orbits are missing due to data loss or data processing problems.
Users of this disk should read the INFO.TXT files located in each data directory, which describe the data in that directory as well as the other files in that directory. Although the INFO.TXT file can be large, it contains the most relevant information first. Typically, it begins by describing the type of data in the directory and the most useful files.
This CD-ROM contains instrument description text which has been extracted from the original instrument paper. All copyright protections associated with this document are retained by the publisher, IEEE. All occurrences of the document on this CD-ROM contain the following copyright permissions statement in some form:
Copyright © 1980 IEEE, Reprinted, with permission, from IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, GE-18, 60-65, 1980.
The material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permissions of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of PDS's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a blank email message to
By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.
This CD-ROM also contains other copyrighted materials, including journal papers and parts of journal papers.
Users of this CD-ROM and/or the Planetary Data System are required to comply with the copyright laws governing the usage of this material.
This CD-ROM is the first disk of the PV08_xxxx series. This volume set contains the processed data from the Orbiter Ion Mass Spectrometer (OIMS) experiment. Every volume will contain full resolution data (generally 6.3 sec; however, there is some variability due to telemetry rate changes and data gaps) and the first two volumes will contain 12 second averaged UADS data files. The UADS dataset was not generated after orbit 2997. This volume set will contain orbits 1-5055 (1978-12-05 to 1992-10-07).
There is a file called ERRATA.TXT found at the root level of this volume which contains a list of changes and errors known at the time when this CD was published. This is a list of cumulative changes and errors in all PVO OIMS CD-ROMs (volume set PV08) created by this production date.
Any changes or errors that were found to any PV08 CD-ROM after the production of this volume can be found via anonymous FTP at The account name is anonymous and the password should be your e-mail address (it's nice to leave an audit trail). Change to the PDS errata directory (cd pds/ERRATA/PV08), and transfer the file ERRATA.TXT (get ERRATA.TXT).
There is no software provided with these data at this time.
All files on this disk are described by detached version 3.3 PDS labels.
PDS labels are identified by a .LBL file name extension. There is one label file for each text or data file contained on this disk, and the file name prefix is the same as the file the label describes. If the dataset is stored as multiple files (as most of them are), there will be a single format file which describes the physical structure of the data. This format file is pointed to by all of the labels. Both the label files and the format files (*.FMT) are located in the same directories as the data they describe.
The disk is organized into a hierarchical directory structure which the PPI Node hopes will be intuitive for the user as well as easy to use. The disk is formatted according to both ISO 9660 and POSIX (UNIX) standards to accommodate users on a wide variety of platforms. All of the label, table, and text files are ASCII with CR/LF (VMS / IBM-PC) line endings.
This section describes the volume structure and naming conventions. Below is a tree diagram of the CD-ROM, followed by descriptions of the directory functions and of key files in each directory.
CD-ROM | | +- CATALOG | | +- DOCUMENT | | | +-MISSION | | | +-BRACE | | | +-DATA | | | +-GREBOWSK | | | +-INST | | | +-MILLER | +- EXTRAS | | +- INDEX | | +- MANAGE | | +- DATA | +- HIGH_RES | +- LOW_RES CATALOG Contains mission, spacecraft, dataset, and instrument templates. key files: MISSION.CAT Mission template for the Pioneer Venus mission PVO_HOST.CAT Instrument Host (Spacecraft) template for PVO PVMPHOST.CAT Instrument Host (Spacecraft) template for PV Probes (included here for completeness' sake) OIMSINST.CAT OIMS instrument description HI_RESDS.CAT OIMS high resolution data set description 12SDS.CAT OIMS 12 second data set description REF.CAT OIMS references DOCUMENT Contains 6 documents which are considered important to the understanding of these and other PVO charged particle experiment datasets. Each document is stored in its own directory. Some of the documents have been scanned electronically and stored as GIF files (images of the actual pages) or converted to HTML, which preserves the original format of the document as much as possible. Also, each document has been converted to an ASCII text file (with all graphics missing). key files: DOCINFO.TXT - Describes the contents of the DOCUMENT directory. DOCUMENT/BRACE contains the appendix extracted from Brace, L. H. and A. J. Kliore, "Structure of the Venus Ionosphere", Space Science Reviews, v55, p81-163, 1991. [BRACE&KLIORE1991], which describes some of the problems associated with the inter-calibration of the charged particle detectors aboard PVO. key files: BRACE.ASC - ASCII text version of appendix A from reference above. BRACE.HTM - HTML version of appendix A from reference above. INFO.TXT - Describes the contents of the DOCUMENT/BRACE directory. DOCUMENT/DATA contains the dataset description documentation that was provided by the principal investigators to the National Space Science Data Center. The dataset documentation has been edited from its original form, but does not reflect exactly the current structure of the dataset as it appears on this volume. key files: HIGH_RES.ASC - ASCII text version of the high resolution dataset documentation HIGH_RES.GIF - GIF image file of the high resolution dataset documentation INFO.TXT - Describes the contents of the DOCUMENT/DATA directory LOW_RES.ASC - ASCII text version of the low resolution dataset documentation LOW_RES.GIF - GIF image file of the low resolution dataset documentation DOCUMENT/GREBOWSK contains the appendix extracted from Grebowsky, J. M., W. T. Kasprzak, R. E. Hartle, K. K. Mahajan, T. C. G. Wagner, "Superthermal ions detected in the Venus dayside ionosheath, ionopause, and magnetic barrier regions", J. Geophys. Res., vol 98, No. E5, pg 9055-9064, 1993. [GREBOWSKYETAL1993] which discusses the OIMS instrument response to superthermal ions. The text has been included as part of the documentation accompanying the PVO-OIMS data in order to fulfill a requirement imposed during the PDS peer review process. The text is the appendix from the document list above. This appendix is titled "Response of OIMS to Superthermal Ions". key files: GREBOWSK.ASC - ASCII text version of document. GREBOWSK.HTM - HTML version of document. FIGxx.GIF - GIF image file of page xx. INFO.TXT - Describes the contents of the DOCUMENT/GREBOWSK directory DOCUMENT/INST contains the original instrument description and initial results paper Taylor, H.A., Jr., Brinton, H.C., Wagner, T.C.G., Blackwell, B.H., Cordier, G.R., "Bennett Ion Mass Spectrometers on the Pioneer Venus Bus and Orbiter", IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol GE-18, No 1, p44-49, 1980. [TAYLORETAL1980] as both an ASCII text file and an HTML file. key files: INFO.TXT - Describes the contents of the DOCUMENT/DATA directory. INST.ASC - ASCII text version of document. INST.HTM - HTML version of document. FIGxxx.GIF - GIF image file of figure xxx. DOCUMENT/MILLER contains selected sections extracted from Miller, K. L., W. C. Knudsen, K. Spenner, "The Dayside Venus Ionosphere", Icarus, 1984. [MILLERETAL1984], which describes some of the problems associated with the inter-calibration of the charged particle detectors aboard PVO. key files: INFO.TXT - Describes the contents of the DOCUMENT/MILLER directory. MILLER.ASC - ASCII text version of appendix A from reference above. MILLER.HTM - HTML version of appendix A from reference above. FIGxx.GIF - GIF image file of figure xx. DOCUMENT/MISSION contains both an ASCII and a hypertext version of a document containing information from the catalog templates together with numerous scanned images from NASA document SP-518 [FIMMELETAL1995], and describing the mission. key files: FIGxxx.GIF - GIF image file of figure XX. MISSION.ASC - ASCII text version of the above reference. MISSION.HTM - HTML version of the document (graphics included). EXTRAS Contains files which are helpful to the user but not essential to the use or understanding of the data. On this disk, the EXTRAS directory contains HTML files which can be used to navigate the disk with a Web browser. These files can be accessed via links in the root-level file AAREADME.HTM. key files: CATALOG.HTM - HTML access to catalog files DOCUMENT.HTM - HTML access to document files EXTRINFO.TXT - Information about directory contents HIRESDAT.HTM - HTML access to the high-resolution data LORESDAT.HTM - HTML access to the low-resolution data INDEX Contains a cumulative index table (CUMINDEX.TAB) which describes the location of files on the PV08 collection (PVO OIMS). In addition, there is a file (INDEX.TAB) which gives the name and location of all files on this volume. These index files have been provided for users who do not wish to make use of the DITDOS software. key files: CUMINDEX.TAB - Contains a cumulative index for the PV08 volume set. CUMINDEX.LBL - Describes the columns and format of CUMINDEX.TAB. INDEX.FMT - Contains column objects describing the format of INDEX.TAB and CUMINDEX.TAB. INDEX.TAB - Contains an index of this volume. INDEX.LBL - Describes the columns and format of INDEX.TAB. INDXINFO.TXT - Describes the contents of this directory. MANAGE Contains data management information for the DITDOS software. Users do not need to make use of any of these files directly; however, the software which allows DITDOS to extract and reformat data files needs to have this information. key files: *.* - Various files for internal use. DATA Contains all data in a branching tree structure of sub-directories. key files: INFO.TXT - describes the sub-directories in DATA. DATAINFO.TXT - ASCII text document describing all of the datasets. This document may contain text from the files HIGH_RES.ASC and LOW_RES.ASC found in the DOCUMENT/DATA area DATA/HIGH_RES Contains the full resolution OIMS dataset, organized into 100-orbit subdirectories. key files: INFO.TXT - Describes the directory contents. key files in 100-orbit subdirectories (ORBxxxx): OIMSDATA.FMT - Format file describing the data file. ORBxxxx.TAB - ASCII tabular data file for orbit xxxx. ORBxxxx.LBL - PDS label for data file ORBxxxx.TAB. DATA/LOW_RES Contains the 12-second averaged OIMS dataset, organized into 100-orbit subdirectories. key files: INFO.TXT - Describes the directory contents. key files: OIMSDATA.FMT - Format file describing the data files. ORBxxxx.TAB - ASCII tabular data file for orbit xxxx. ORBxxxx.LBL - PDS label for data file ORBxxxx.TAB.
If the user has problems reading this disk or cannot make use of it on one or more of the platforms which should be supported, please contact the PPI pds_operator. This person can be reached in the following ways:
(310) 206-6073
U.S. Mail
PDS Operator
c/o Dr. Raymond Walker
3845 Slichter Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567
The person most directly responsible for the construction and release of this CD-ROM is Mr. Steven Joy. He was the PPI Node Data Administrator at the time this disk was created and he understands as much about the disk structure and data organization as anyone. The construction of the PDS labels and templates was done by Ms. Eva Fried of the PPI Node and Mr. P. Kahn of the Central Node at JPL. Mr. Mike Martin of JPL has helped to ensure this disk conforms to accepted PDS standards. Dr. Mark Sharlow of the PPI Node has updated some of the labels and other aspects of the disk.
PPI Personnel |
JPL Personnel |
Ray Walker / Steve Joy / |
P. Kahn / Mike Martin |
3845 Slichter Hall |
4800 Oak Grove Dr. |