DATA_SET_ID = PVO-V-OETP-3-HIRESELECTRONS-V1.0 DATA_SET_NAME = PVO VENUS ELECT TEMP PROBE CALIB HIGH RES ELECTRONS VER 1.0 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = DR. ROBERT F. THEIS PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER Description: The High Resolution Ne File. These data are based on measurements of the electron saturation current or the ion saturation current taken from as many voltampere curves as the telemetry data rate permitted. Since Ne is assumed equal to Ni everywhere in the ionosphere, either can be used as a measure of Ne. The ion current is used at high densities (Ni > 4x104cm-3) and the electron current is used at lower densities. Typically, 4 to 8 high resolution density samples are obtained in the interval between recovered voltampere curves, although this ratio is bit rate dependent. This provides Ne and Ni measurements at much smaller intervals than is possible from the voltampere curves themselves. High resolution measurements are typically available at 2 to 8 second intervals depending upon the telemetry rate available to the OETP at the time. The High Resolution file provides measurements of Ne (or Ni) within 30 minutes either side of periapsis at somewhat higher resolution than is possible from the voltampere curves. However, these measurements are less accurate when the spacecraft is outside the ionosphere, where Ne is typically well below 100 cm-3. In sunlight, spacecraft photoelectron densities at the radial probe location are of the order of 30-50 cm-3. In darkness, the Ne measurements can be made down to densities of about 2 cm-3 because the pe background is absent. However, the measurements made in the Venus umbra are often degraded at low densities because of the presence of hot electrons that charge the spacecraft to potentials that lie beyond the range of the OETP sweep voltage. This makes it impossible to drive the probe positive with respect to the plasma potential. In addition, deBye shielding causes the probe to become enveloped in the ion sheath of the spacecraft at very low densities, further reducing its access to the ambient ionospheric plasma. Empirically derived corrections for this effect have been applied to the high resolution data in order to provide at least a lower limit of Ne, but the errors could exceed a factor of 2 at densities below 10 cm-3. This correction does not allow Ne to be less than 2 cm-3. When the electron current at maximum positive voltage is less than a certain very low value an Ne value of 2 cm-3 is entered in the High Resolution file simply to serve as an upper limit on Ne, and to show that data were actually being taken. In summary, the high resolution Ne measurements provide about a factor of 8 higher resolution than the UADS file whose resolution is limited by the recovery rate of raw voltampere curves. Therefore the high resolution data better resolve such small scale features as the ionopause and the plasma clouds often found above the ionopause. Also, the UADS densities often stop somewhere within the ionopause density gradient, so this feature can best be resolved using the High Resolution data. However, certain artifacts have not been removed from the data, so one must be careful not of over-interpret them. In general, the high resolution Ne measurements have a lower absolute accuracy than the UADS (voltampere curve) measurements because factors such as the spacecraft potential and Te are not available to calculate Ne more precisely. To reduce such errors in the high resolution data, they are normalized to the voltampere curve measurements. This normalization is entirely different from the Ne-Ni normalization employed in deriving the UADS data. Another source of error in the High Resolution Ne measurements is the jump discontinuities that occur when the spacecraft passes from sunlight to shadow. An abrupt change in spacecraft potential occurs at that point, and this changes the probe voltage which is referenced to the spacecraft. The Ne measurements cannot easily be corrected for this change because they are not based on voltampere curves but measurements at a fixed positive potential. Therefore a discontinuity may occur in Ne at the sunlight-shadow boundary if Ne is sufficiently low that spacecraft photoelectron emission affects the spacecraft potential. The precision of the high resolution data is probably somewhat better than that of the UADS data because the latter may suffer from the effects of volt ampere curve distortion due to small scale density variations and spin effects which do not show up in the single point samples used in the high resolution measurements. This feature makes the high resolution data more valuable in resolving small scale, and small amplitude plasma structure.