Volume PEDR_0015 Pioneer Venus Orbiter - Venus Orbital Operations CD-ROM EDR Data Safing CDROM Orbits 2980-3429 C.T Russell & R. Strangeway (PI's) Data are located in "DATA" directory in groups of 50 orbits. There is not data for orbits 3170-3191 due to poor pulse time data in or around superior conjuctions during orbits 3171, 3174, 3175, 3181-3190 (inclusive), 3192 and 3193. Ames reports that there is not science data for orbit 3306, though the reason for this gap is unknown. no records were lost in transfer from tape. files EL*.DAT contain logistics data files CO*.DAT contain commands files OM*.DAT contain MAG/EFD/PA EDR data