Volume PEDR_0013 Pioneer Venus Orbiter - Venus Orbital Operations CD-ROM EDR Data Safing CDROM Orbits 2450-2879 C.T Russell & R. Strangeway (PI's) Data are located in "DATA" directory in groups of 50 orbits. There is no data for orbits 2590-2612 due to a superior conjunction. In addition there is no science data for orbits 2502-2503, 2521 and 2470-2474. The number of records found was different than the number expected for each of the following files. The reason for this is unknown. file expected found CO2782.DAT 344 314 CO2783.DAT 0 279 no records were lost in transfer from tape. files EL*.DAT contain logistics data files CO*.DAT contain commands files OM*.DAT contain MAG/EFD/PA EDR data