The OXYGEN directory is divided into two subdirectories. These directories (HIGH_RES and 12S) contain the respective high and lowresolution data for orbits 1-5055. Data are organized into one file containing all orbits which follow the naming convention HTP.TAB in the HIGHRES directory (or UTP.TAB in the 12S directory). In addition, for each data file there is a label file which describes the file characteristics, such as number of records, record length, etc. called HTP.LBL (or UTP.LBL), and a format file associated with it called HTP.FMT (or UTP.FMT). DATA SET NAME TYPE ORBIT DATE RANGE PROCESSED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Superthermal O+ LORES 1 1978-12-07T15:07:22.817Z 01/06/92 4468 1990-11-21T02:01:19.648Z 4494 1991-03-27T01:25:54.275Z 01/06/92 4975 1992-07-20T00:22:15.544Z ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Superthermal 0+ HIRES 1 1978-12-05T15:07:07.496Z 01/06/92 2780 1986-07-16T23:27:40.773Z 3415 1988-04-12T02:10:04.768Z 4368 1990-11-21T02:01:57:180Z 4494 1991-03-27T01:25:43.330Z 01/06/92 4975 1992-07-20T00:22:49.919Z -------------------------------------------------------------------------------