For the latest version of this ERRATA.TXT file use the anonymous-ftp service at (ftp The account name is anonymous and the password should be your e-mail address (it's nice to leave an audit trial). Change to the PDS errata directory (cd pds/ERRATA/PVO4), and transfer the file ERRATA.TXT (get ERRATA.TXT). ================================================================================ ********************* PV02_0002 Error found in /: The file AAREADME.TXT contains grammatical and spelling errors. The updated version can be found on volumes PV02_0007 and on. Error found in directory DATA/: The file RDR_DATA.IDX has incorrect values in the FILE_RECORDS column The lable files (ORBXXXX.LBL) DO have the correct value for FILE_RECORDS. ********************* PV02_0003 Error found in /: The file AAREADME.TXT contains grammatical and spelling errors. The updated version can be found on volumes PV02_0007 and on. Error found in directory DATA/: The file RDR_DATA.IDX has incorrect values in the FILE_RECORDS column The lable files (ORBXXXX.LBL) DO have the correct value for FILE_RECORDS. ********************* PV02_0004 Error found in /: The file AAREADME.TXT contains grammatical and spelling errors. The updated version can be found on volumes PV02_0007 and on. Error found in directory DATA/: The file RDR_DATA.IDX has incorrect values in the FILE_RECORDS column The lable files (ORBXXXX.LBL) DO have the correct value for FILE_RECORDS. ********************* PV02_0005 Error found in /: The file AAREADME.TXT contains grammatical and spelling errors. The updated version can be found on volumes PV02_0007 and on. Error found in directory DATA/: The file RDR_DATA.IDX has incorrect values in the FILE_RECORDS column The lable files (ORBXXXX.LBL) DO have the correct value for FILE_RECORDS. ********************* PV02_0006 Error found in /: The file AAREADME.TXT contains grammatical and spelling errors. The updated version can be found on volumes PV02_0007 and on. Error found in directory DATA/: The file RDR_DATA.IDX has incorrect values in the FILE_RECORDS column The lable files (ORBXXXX.LBL) DO have the correct value for FILE_RECORDS. Error found in directory DATA/ORB0600/: The file ORB0689.RDR is not a complete file. It does not contain all the data for orbit 689. The label for this file (ORB0689.LBL) reflects this error, and therefore should not be used, either. For the complete files refer to the last disk of this series where all corrected data can be found. ********************* PV02_0012 Error found in INDEX/: The file INDEX.TAB incorrectly shows the DATA_SET_ID for the data files as NONE, this should read PVO-V-ORPA-2--IVCURVES-HIRES-V1.0. The file CUM_INDX.TAB incorrectly show the DATA_SET_ID for the data files in Volume PV02_0012 as NONE, this should read PVO-V-ORPA-2--IVCURVES-HIRES-V1.0.