The OMAG directory is divided into two subdirectories. These directories (24S and HIRES) contain either 2 spin period averages with data output on single spin period centers (approximately 24 second averages with data output approximately every 12 seconds) or full resolution data for orbits 4021-4050. Data are organized into single orbit files which follow the naming convention: ORBxxxx.FFD where xxxx is a four digit orbit number. In addition, for each data file there is a header file ORBxxxx.FFH, a label file which describes the file characteristics, such as number of records, record length, etc. called ORBxxxx.LBL. Also contained in the OMAG directory are the files COORDS.TXT, INST.TXT and PARM.TXT which are templates. The COORDS.TXT describes the various coordinate systems, the INST.TXT describes the OMAG instrument and the PARM.TXT describes the measured and derived parameters of the OMAG experiment. In addition, each file has a .LBL file which describes the file character- istics. A file called CATALOG.CAT in the CATALOG directory contains all of the PDS catalog templates on this CD-ROM. OMAG -| | - 24S (contains low resolution OMAG data files) | | - HIRES (contains high resolution OMAG data files) | | - INST.TXT (describes the Magnetometer instrument) | | - PARM.TXT (describes the instrument and dataset parameters)