PVO-V-OEFD-3--EFIELD-HIRES-V1.0 PVO VENUS EFD CALIBRATED ELECTRIC FIELD HIGH RES. V1.0 DESCRIPTION: This data set contains wave electric field amplitudes measured at four different frequencies by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter Electric Field Detector. The four frequencies are 100 Hz, 730 Hz, 5.4 kHz, 30 kHz. The frequency filters are narrow-band, with a 30% bandwidth. Thus wave intensities are given in V2/m2/Hz. The filters are continuously active, but data are only provided at a rate determined by the spacecraft telemetry rate. The wave antenna is oriented perpendicular to the spacecraft spin axis, and so the wave instrument measures only wave fields in the spacecraft spin plane. Spin modulation of naturally occurring signals can be used to obtain two dimensional wave field information. The wave antenna is a small Y-shaped structure, with effective separation of 0.76 meters. The spin phase of the effective dipole is included within the high resolution data set for each of the channels, which are sampled at different times. Other datasets on the CD-ROM are the Ephemeris which contains spacecraft position in Venus Solar Orbital coordinates, spacecraft altitude, solar zenith angle, Venus centered longitude and latitude, spacecraft spin axis components, celestial longitude and latitude of the spacecraft, celestial longitude of the earth, and the Sun-spacecraft range. Other ancillary datasets are the: 1) phase and offset which contains the phase amplitude of sun synchronous modulation of the 4 signals (E100, E730, E5.4 and E30K), and offsets of the G sensor. 2) The engineering dataset which contains temperatures, magnetometer modes, magnetometer sample format, magnetometer spin average select, telemetry data format, telemetry bit rate, spacecraft spin period, pulse time, the difference between the Sun pulse time and the Rip pulse time, and the pulse time flag. 3) The instrument status dataset which contains amplitudes of spin ripple, differences between amplitudes, ratio of the amplitudes, phase differences between pseudosensors, average field seen by the pseudosensors, cosine amplitude, and sine amplitude. CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE: The instrument noise level (and hence sensitivity) is determined by the ambient environment at the time of observation. Photo- electrons emitted from various spacecraft surfaces appear to be a strong source of electric field interference. As a consequence data acquired when the spacecraft is in sunlight often are contaminated by spin modulated interference, especially when the spacecraft is in the low density solar wind, where the Debye length is several meters. The noise is usually lowest when the antenna elements are in the spacecraft shadow. The noise level is also reduced when the spacecraft is deep within the dayside ionosphere, where the Debye length is much smaller than the antenna size. The noise is not present when the spacecraft is within the optical shadow of the planet. In this case, however, additional noise features are observed (mainly at 100 Hz) when the spacecraft is at low altitude within the nightside ionosphere. This interference is readily discriminated in the high resolution data, where the noise is present as a sharp pulse occurring twice per spin. Scarf,F.L., W.W.L. Taylor, and I.M. Green, 'Plasma waves near Venus: Initial observations', Science, vol. 203, p. 748, 1979. Taylor,W.W.L., F.L. Scarf, C.T. Russell, and L.H. Brace, 'Evidence for lightning on Venus', Nature, vol. 279, p. 614, 1979. Taylor,W.W.L, F.L. Scarf, C.T. Russell, and L.H. Brace, 'Absorption of whistler mode waves in the ionosphere of Venus', Science, vol. 205, p. 112, 1979. Scarf,F.L., W.W.L. Taylor, and P.F. Virobik, 'The Pioneer Venus Orbiter Plasma Investigation',IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Jan. 1980, Volume GE-18 Number 1, pg 36. Scarf,F.L., W.W.L. Taylor, and C.T. Russell, and L.H. Brace, 'Lightning on Venus: Orbiter detection of whistler signals, J. Geophys. Res.,vol 85, p. 8158, 1980. Scarf,F.L., W.W.L. Taylor, and C.T. Russell, and R.C. Elphic, 'Pioneer Venus plasma wave observations: The solar wind - Venus interaction', J. Geophys. Res., vol. 85, p. 7599, 1980. Scarf,F.L., and C.T. Russell, 'Lightning measurements from the Pioneer Venus orbiter, Geophys. Res. Lett., vol.10, p.1192, 1983. C.T. Russell, 'Venus Lightning', Space Science Review, vol. 55, p. 317, 1991. R.J. Strangeway, 'Plasma waves at Venus', Space Science Review, vol. 55, p.317, 1991.