This directory contains two zipped files: FFEXTRACT - a command-line utility that gives the user the ability to convert UCLA/IGPP Flatfiles from the native SUN binary format (MSB/IEEE) to other formats PVROT - a program written by PDS which will read the Pioneer Venus Orbiter PVO) high resolution magnetometer data from the Magnetometer / Electric Field Detector / Ephemeris data CDROMs (PV01_00xx) and rotates the data from spacecraft into Venus Solar Orbital (VSO) coordinates. ***** INSTALLATION procedures: ****** To retrieve the files: First change directory to where you want the program directory located. Then issue the unzip command corresponding to your software. (There are various zip/unzip software programs available. Please refer to the software documentation associated with your particular software). If you do not have an unzip utility or the one you have does not work properly, InfoZip's Unzip utility can be found in the SOFTWARE/SOURCE/ZIP_WARE directory with information on how to use it. Also, all software (compressed and uncompressed) can be retrieved from the PPI node at A directory called FFEXTRACT (or PVROT) will be created with all the needed source code and libraries. A file in the directory called INSTALL.TXT will explain install/compile procedures. A file called FFEXTRACT.TXT (or PVROT.TXT) will explain how to use the software.