Volume PV01_0001 Pioneer Venus Orbiter - Venus Orbital Operations CD-ROM Magnetometer and Electric Field Detector Datasets Orbits 1-40 Planetary Plasma Interactions Node of the Planetary Data System ============================================================================== Introduction ============================================================================== This disk contains Venus Orbital Operations data submitted to the Planetary Data System (PDS) by PVO project Magnetometer and Electric Field Detector principal investigators. Every effort has been made to assure that the data are of the best quality available. However, the PDS and the Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node in particular, assume no liability for this disk or its contents. All users are encouraged to verify the "correctness" of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work based on these data. Brief Disk Description This CD-ROM contains data for orbits 1-40 covering the time period between 1978-12-05 through 1979-01-14. All data files are stored in the "DATA" branch of the directory tree. Data are stored in IGPP flatfile form that is a binary representation of data ( *.FFD) plus a detached header file (*.FFH) which describes the structure of the data file to software. Software to read IGPP flatfiles and convert data to ASCII can be found on disk 1 of this volume series. The Magnetometer data on this volume were acquired after the multiplexor anomaly which resulted in only a single sensor (P sensor) returning data to Earth. Data from this single sensor and the Inertial Spacecraft Coordinate system, Z direction are provided on this volume. Without data from all 3 components, the data can not be rotated into geophysical coordinates Users of this disk should read the INFO.TXT file located in the DATA directory which explains where each type of data is located, as well as the INFO.TXT files located in each data directory which describes the data in that directory. Although the INFO.TXT file is quite large, it contains the most relevant information first. It begins by describing the type of data in the directory, the orbits covered, and the names of the most useful user files. Next the file naming conventions are described and the structure of the data files are given. More detailed information about each data file is then given. Novice users can ignore all directories and files except for those mentioned in this brief description. ============================================================================== Documents ============================================================================== This CD-ROM contains text extracted from copyrighted material. All copyright protections associated with this document are retained by the publishers, IEEE. All occurrences of the documents on this CD-ROM contain their respective copyright permissions statement: Copyright 1980 IEEE, Reprinted, with permission, from IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, GE-18, Num 1, 32-38, 1980. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of PDS's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or resdistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a blank email message to info.pub.permission@ieee.org. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it. OEFD Scarf, F.L., W.W.L. Taylor, and P.F. Virobik, 'The Pioneer Venus Orbiter Plasma Investigation', IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume GE-18 Number 1, p. 36-38, 1980. OMAG Russell, C.T., R.C. Snare, R.E. Elphic, and J.D. Means, 'Pioneer Venus Orbiter Fluxgate Magnetometer', IEEE Trans. Geo. Elec., vol. GE-18 Number 1, p. 32-35, 1980. This volume contains a document version of the Mission template. This document is supplemented by numerous scanned figures from the NASA Special publication SP-518, 'Pioneering Venus: A Planet Unveiled' by Fimmel et al. Figures are provided in either GIF format. This new version of the mission and host template is provided to add completeness to the archive of these large datasets. They contain information about the mission and the spacecraft that would be difficult to capture with text alone. However, the information is still incomplete. Users interested in the mission history or the details of the spacecraft configuration or operation should obtain a copy of NASA SP-518. Users of this CD-ROM and/or the Planetary Data System are required to comply with the copyright laws governing the usage of this material. ============================================================================== Volume Set Information ============================================================================== This CD-ROM is the first disk of the PV01_xxxx series. This volume set contains the processed data from the Magnetometer and Electric Field Detector Team. Every volume will contain full resolution and 24 second averaged magnetometer data in spacecraft coordinates, full resolution and 24 second averaged electric field data, ephemeris data, engineering data, instrument status data, and phase and offset data. The OMAG and OEFD have been averaged over two spin periods (approximately 24 seconds). The averaging interval is overlapped and data are output on single spin period centers, the time stamp corresponding to the center of the averaging window. This volume set will contain orbits 1-5055 (1978-12-05 to 1992-10-07.) As the first disk of the series, this CD contains all catalog templates, documentation, and software pertinent to the entire volume series. ============================================================================== Errata ============================================================================== There is a file called ERRATA.TXT found at the root level of this volume which contains a list of changes and errors at the time this CD was published. This is a list of cumulative changes made to any PVO OMAG/OEFD CD-ROM (volume set PV01) created by this production date. Any changes or errors that were found to any PV01 CD-ROM after the production of this volume can be found via anonymous-ftp at pdsppi.igpp.ucla.edu (ftp The account name is anonymous and the password should be your e-mail address (it's nice to leave an audit trail). Change to the PDS errata directory (cd pds/ERRATA/PV01), and transfer the file ERRATA.TXT (get ERRATA.TXT). Changes can also be found through our web site at http://www.igpp.ucla.edu/ssc/pdsppi/Welcome.html through the data access system. ============================================================================== File Formats ============================================================================== Detached version 3.x PDS labels describe all files on this disk. Most of the data files are time-series that are organized as IGPP flatfiles. An IGPP flatfile is a collection of 2 files, each of which could be considered a table. The data file (.FFD) is a binary table of data values. The header file (.FFH) is an ASCII table which describes the data file (.FFD) and is used by the UCLA/IGPP Data Flow System (a software package). PDS labels are identified by a ".LBL" file name extension. There is one label file for each text and data file (1 flatfile) contained on this disk and the file name prefix is the same as the file the label describes. If the dataset is stored as multiple files (as most of them are), there will be a single format file which describes the physical structure of the data. This format file is then pointed to by all of the labels. Both the label files and the format files (*.FMT) are all located in the same directories as the data they describe. ============================================================================== Disk Format ============================================================================== The disk is organized into a hierarchical directory structure which the PPI Node hopes will be both intuitive for the user as well as easy to use. The disk is formatted according to both ISO 9660 and POSIX (UNIX) standards in order to accommodate users on a wide variety of platforms. All of the label, table, and text files are ASCII with CR/LF (VAX / IBM-PC) format. ============================================================================== Volume Contents and Structure ============================================================================== This section describes the volume structure and naming conventions. Below is a tree diagram of the CD-ROM, followed by a description of the directory function and key files in each directory. The basic organization of the disk is as follows: CD-ROM | +- CATALOG | +- DOCUMENT | | | +- MISSION | | | +- OEFD | | | +- OMAG | +- INDEX | +- MANAGE | +- SOFTWARE | | | + PC | | | + SOLARIS | | | + SOURCE | | | + SUNOS | | | + VMS | +- DATA | +- ENGR | +- EPHEM | +- INSTSTAT | +- OEFD | | | +- 24S | | | +- HIRES | +- OMAG | | | +- 24S | | | +- HIRES | +- PHASEOFF The basic organization of the disk is as follows: CATALOG Contains mission, spacecraft, software, instrument, and dataset templates. key files: CATINFO.TXT - Explains directory contents. MISSION.CAT - Mission template for the Pioneer Venus mission INSTHOST.CAT - Instrument Host (Spacecraft) template for PVO and Probes OEFDHIDS.CAT - OEFD High resolution data set description OEFDLODS.CAT - OEFD Low resolution data set description OEFDINST.CAT - OEFD Instrument description OEFD_REF.CAT - OEFD References OMAGHIDS.CAT - OMAG High resolution three sensor data set description OMAGLODS.CAT - OMAG Low resolution three sensor data set description OMAGINST.CAT - OMAG Instrument description OMAG_REF.CAT - OMAG References OMAGPHDS.CAT - OMAG High resolution single sensor data set description OMAGPLDS.CAT - OMAG Low resolution single sensor data set description EPHEM_DS.CAT - Ephemeris data set description EPHEMREF.CAT - Ephemeris data set references SOFTWARE.CAT - Software program description INDEX Contains a cumulative index table (CUM_INDX.TAB) which describes the location of all files on the PV01 collection (PVO OMAG/OEFD) In addition, there is a file (INDEX.TAB) which gives the name and location of all files on this volume. These index files have been provided for users who do not wish to make use of the DITDOS software. key files: CUM_INDX.TAB - Contains a cumulative index for the PV01 volume set CUM_INDX.LBL - Describes the columns and format of CUM_INDX.TAB INDEX.TAB - Contains an index of this volume (PV01_0001) INDEX.LBL - Describes the columns and format of INDEX.TAB INDXINFO.TXT - Describes the contents of this directory MANAGE Contains data management information for the DITDOS software. Users do not need to make use of any of these files directly, however, the software which allows DITDOS to extract and reformat data files needs to have this information. key files: No user files. SOFTWARE Contains information about software to extract data from this disk (IBM/Windows and IBM/WindowsNT platforms), as well as, software to rotate the magnetometer data from spacecraft to Venus Solar Orbital (VSO) coordinates (PVROT), and convert the binary data files to ASCII (FFEXTRACT) (IBM/Windows, IBM/WindowsNT, UNIX/SunOS, and UNIX/Solaris platforms). Software to merge files (FFMERGE) is also available from the PDS/PPI Node (See FTP.TXT for complete details on how to obtain this software). key files: COPYRIGH.TXT - Describes the legal rights and limitations of liability pertaining to software distributed by the PPI Node of PDS FTP.TXT - Contains instructions on using anonymous to obtain software from the PDS/PPI Node SOFTINFO.TXT - Describes and explains the software available in the directory SOFTWARE/ZIP_WARE A directory containing the source code for InfoZip's Unzip software. keyfiles: SOFTINFO.TXT - A text file that explains everything you need to know to compile and run InfoZip's Unzip software SOFTWARE/PC A directory containing the executables for the IBM/DOS, IBM/Windows, and IBM/WindowsNT platforms. IBM/DOS keyfiles: FFEXTRACT.EXE - A command-line utility that gives the user the ability to convert UCLA/IGPP Flatfiles from the native SUN binary format (MSB/IEEE) to other formats FFEXTRAC.TXT - A user's guide to FFEXTRAC PVROT.EXE - A program written by PDS which will read the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) high resolution magnetometer data from the Magnetometer / Electric Field Detector / Ephemeris data CDROMs (PV01_00xx) and rotates the data from spacecraft into Venus Solar Orbital (VSO) coordinates PVROT.TXT - A user's guide to PVROT GO32.EXE - A necessary file that needs to be in the search path for programs to run IBM/Windows and IBM/WindowsNT keyfiles: INFO.TXT - (this file) describes directory contents LBLTOOL.EXE - a label (.LBL) and catalog (.CAT) file viewer NASAVIEW.EXE - a display tool which may be used with this volume to view PDS labeled tables, or time series as ASCII tables. This software may also be used with PDS qube or image data (neither of which are included on this volume) NASAVIEW.TXT - NASAView AAREADME and licensing information PDSEXP.EXE - used to navigate through this CD-ROM with a point and click interface. This program should run automatically upon inserting the CD-ROM into a Windows95 machine PDSEXP.HLP - PDS Explorer on-line help file SPLASH.EXE - plots PDS Version 3.2 labeled data files SPLASH.HLP - Splash on-line help file SPLASH.TXT - 'Using Splash,' an introduction to Splash TEXTVIEW.EXE - text viewer for use with PDS Explorer *.DLL - dynamically-linked library files required by various of executables SOFTWARE/SOLARIS A directory containing the executables for the UNIX/Solaris platform. keyfiles: FFEXTRAC - A command-line utility that gives the user the ability to convert UCLA/IGPP Flatfiles from the native SUN binary format (MSB/IEEE) to other formats FFEXTRAC.TXT - A user's guide to FFEXTRAC PVROT - A program written by PDS which will read the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) high resolution magnetometer data from the Magnetometer / Electric Field Detector / Ephemeris data CDROMs (PV01_00xx) and rotates the data from spacecraft into Venus Solar Orbital (VSO) coordinates PVROT.TXT - A user's guide to PVROT SOFTWARE/SUNOS A directory containing the executables for the UNIX/SunOS platform. keyfiles: FFEXTRAC - A command-line utility that gives the user the ability to convert UCLA/IGPP Flatfiles from the native SUN binary format (MSB/IEEE) to other formats FFEXTRAC.TXT - A user's guide to FFEXTRAC PVROT - A program written by PDS which will read the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) high resolution magnetometer data from the Magnetometer / Electric Field Detector / Ephemeris data CDROMs (PV01_00xx) and rotates the data from spacecraft into Venus Solar Orbital (VSO) coordinates PVROT.TXT - A user's guide to PVROT SOFTWARE/SOURCE A directory containing the source code for FFEXTRACT and PVROT in case they need to be recompiled for a specific system keyfiles: FFEXTRAC.TXT - A user's guide to FFEXTRAC FFEXTRAC.ZIP - A zipped file containing all the source code to compile a command-line utility that gives the user the ability to convert UCLA/IGPP Flatfiles from the native SUN binary format (MSB/IEEE) to other formats PVROT.TXT - A user's guide to PVROT PVROT.ZIP - A zipped file containing all the source code to compile a program written by PDS which will read the Pioneer Venus Orbiter PVO) high resolution magnetometer data from the Magnetometer / Electric Field Detector / Ephemeris data CDROMs (PV01_00xx) and rotates the data from spacecraft into Venus Solar Orbital (VSO) coordinates DOCUMENT Contains 4 documents which are considered important to the understanding of the PVO Magnetometer and Electric Field Detector datasets. Each document is stored in its own directory and has been converted to an ASCII text file (with any graphics missing). In addition, the documents has been scanned electronically and stored as an HTML file (images are GIF). key files: DOCINFO.TXT - Describes the contents of the DOCUMENT directory COORDSYS.ASC - describes the various coordinate systems used by the PVO project DOCUMENT/MISSION contains both an ASCII and a hypertext version of the mission and instrument host (spacecraft) templates plus numerous scanned images from NASA SP-518 (Fimmel et al., 1995) key files: FIGxxx.GIF - GIF image file of figure XX MISSION.ASC - ASCII text version of the above reference. MISSION.HTM - HTML version of the document (graphics included) DOCUMENT/OEFD contains the original PVO OEFD instrument description and initial observations paper from Scarf, F.L., W.W.L. Taylor, and P.F. Virobik, 'The Pioneer Venus Orbiter Plasma Investigation', IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume GE-18 Number 1, p. 36, 1980. key files: FIGxx.GIF - GIF image file of figure XX INFO.TXT - Describes the contents of the DOCUMENT/OEFD directory PVOEFD.ASC - ASCII text version of the above reference PVOEFD.HTM - HTML version of the above reference (graphics included) DOCUMENT/OMAG contains the original PVO OMAG instrument description and initial observations paper from Russell, C.T., R.C. Snare, R.E. Elphic, and J.D. Means, 'Pioneer Venus Orbiter Fluxgate Magnetometer', IEEE Trans. Geo. Elec., vol. GE-18 Number .1, p. 32, 1980. key files: FIGxx.GIF - GIF image file of figure XX INFO.TXT - Describes the contents of the DOCUMENT/OMAG directory PVOMAG.ASC - ASCII text version of the above reference PVOMAG.HTM - HTML version of the above reference (graphics included) DATA Contains all data in a branching tree structure of sub-directories. In the data file names, the string xxxx refers to the orbit number. key files: INFO.TXT - describes the sub-directories in DATA SOFTWARE.TXT - describes the data processing software COORDSYS.TXT - describes the various coordinate systems used by the PVO project DATA/ENGR Contains the engineering data associated with the OMAG and OEFD datasets. key files: ENGRDATA.FMT - Format file that describes the binary data file. INFO.TXT - Describes the directory contents. ORBxxxx.FFD - Binary data file. ORBxxxx.FFH - ASCII header file. ORBxxxx.LBL - PDS label describing the structure of the data file. DATA/EPHEM Contains the ephemeris data associated with the OMAG and OEFD datasets. key files: DATASET.TXT - Dataset description. DSPROC.TXT - Dataset processing description. EPHEMDATA.FMT - Format file that describes the binary data file. INFO.TXT - Describes the directory contents. ORBxxxx.FFD - Binary data file. ORBxxxx.FFH - ASCII header file. ORBxxxx.LBL - PDS label describing the structure of the data file. PARM.TXT - Dataset and instrument parameter descriptions. DATA/INSTSTAT Contains ancillary instrument status data associated with OEFD and OMAG datasets. key files: INFO.TXT - Describes the directory contents. INSTDATA.FMT - Format file that describes the binary data file. ORBxxxx.FFD - Binary data file. ORBxxxx.FFH - ASCII header file. ORBxxxx.LBL - PDS label describing the structure of the data file. DATA/OEFD Contains two sub-directories of the electric field data, the full resolution data, and the 24 second averaged data. key files: DSPROC.TXT - Specifies which software was used in processing. INFO.TXT - Describes the sub-directories in OEFD, and the naming convention of the files in the sub-directories. INST.TXT - Instrument description. PARM.TXT - Dataset and instrument parameter descriptions. DATA/OEFD/24S Contains 24 second averaged OEFD data files. key files: DATASET.TXT - Dataset description. INFO.TXT - Describes the directory contents. OEFDDATA.FMT - Format file describing the binary data file. ORBxxxx.FFD - Binary data file. ORBxxxx.FFH - ASCII header file. ORBxxxx.LBL - PDS label describing the structure of the data file. DATA/OEFD/HIRES Contains the full resolution OEFD data files. key files: DATASET.TXT - Dataset description. INFO.TXT - Describes the directory contents. OEFDDATA.FMT - Format file describing the binary data file. ORBxxxx.FFD - Binary data file. ORBxxxx.FFH - ASCII header file. ORBxxxx.LBL - PDS label describing the structure of the data file. DATA/OMAG Contains two sub-directories of the magnetic field data, the full resolution data, and the 24 second averaged data. key files: COORDS.TXT - Coordinate system descriptions. DSPROC.TXT - Specifies which software was used in processing. INFO.TXT - Describes the sub-directories in OMAG, and the naming convention of the files in the sub-directories. INST.TXT - Instrument description. PARM.TXT - Dataset and instrument parameter descriptions. DATA/OMAG/24S Contains 24 second averaged OMAG data files. key files: DATASET.TXT - Dataset description. INFO.TXT - Describes the directory contents. OMAGDATA.FMT - Format file that describes the binary data file. ORBxxxx.FFD - Binary data file. ORBxxxx.FFH - ASCII header file. ORBxxxx.LBL - PDS label describing the structure of the data file. DATA/OMAG/HIRES Contains the full resolution OMAG data files. key files: DATASET.TXT - Dataset description. INFO.TXT - Describes the directory contents. OMAGDATA.FMT - Format file that describes the binary data file. ORBxxxx.FFD - Binary data file. ORBxxxx.FFH - ASCII header file. ORBxxxx.LBL - PDS label describing the structure of the data file. DATA/PHASEOFF Contains the phase and offset data associated with the OMAG and OEFD datasets. key files: INFO.TXT - Describes the directory contents. ORBxxxx.FFD - Binary data file. ORBxxxx.FFH - ASCII header file. ORBxxxx.LBL - PDS label describing the structure of the data file. PHASDATA.FMT - Format file that describes the binary data file. ============================================================================== Software ============================================================================== The Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node of NASA's Planetary Data System (PDS) provides software to facilitate the location of the data of interest on CD-ROM data products (IBM/Windows and IBM/WindowsNT platforms), as well as, software to rotate the magnetometer data from spacecraft to Venus Solar Orbital (VSO) coordinates (PVROT), and convert the binary data files to ASCII (FFEXTRACT) (IBM/Windows, IBM/WindowsNT, UNIX/SunOS, and UNIX/Solaris platforms). Software to merge files (FFMERGE) is also available from the PDS/PPI Node. The SOFTWARE directory contains the installation procedures for all software on this disk. Executables for the above mentioned systems are provided on this disk, as well as the source code. The source codes have been zip'ed for easier packaging. In the case that one's local unzip software is unsuccessful, InfoZip's Unzip source code has also been provided. To obtain the most recent release of any PPI distributed software (source code and executables) use anonymous FTP to connect the PPI FTP server located at "pdsppi.igpp.ucla.edu" (Complete instructions on using FTP can be found in the SOFTWARE directory in the file "FTP.TXT"). ============================================================================== Driver and Hardware Information ============================================================================== This disk has been formatted according to the ISO standard for CD-ROM production (9660) with level 1 compliance. Any system which complies with this standard (all of them should) should be able to access this disk. Recommended CD-ROM Drives and Driver Software Please note that the following list is not complete. However, these drives and driver software were tested and approved by the project. VAX/VMS Drive: Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) RRD40, RRD42, or RRD50. Driver: DEC VFS CD-ROM driver V4.7 or V5.2 and up. Product VMS vn Released Commands VFS010 4.7 4/88 MOUNT/STRUCTURE=ISO_9660 VFS020 5.2 12/89 MOUNT/STRUCTURE=ISO_9660 VFS022 5.4 7/90 CDMOUNT/STRUCTURE=ISO_9660 F11CD055 5.5 6/92 CD_MOUNT, CD_DISMOUNT, CDROM (dump) ISO support will be bundled with VMS in version 6.0. Note: VMS drivers can be obtained at UCLASP::DISK$SCRATCH:[PDSUSER.SOFTWARE.VMS_DRIVERS] VAX/Ultrix Drive: DEC RRD40, RRD42, or RRD50. Driver: Supplied with Ultrix 3.1. Note: Use the "cdio" software package (in "~ftp/src/cdio.shar" from the "space.mit.edu" server). Contact Dr. Peter Ford for details. IBM PC Drive: Toshiba, Hitachi, Sony, or compatible. Driver: Microsoft MSCDEX version 2.2. Note: The newest version of MSCDEX (released in February 1990) is generally available. Apple Macintosh Drive: Apple CD SC (Sony) or Toshiba. Driver: Apple CD-ROM driver. Note: The Toshiba drive requires a separate driver, which may be obtained from Toshiba. Sun Micro Drive: Delta Microsystems SS-660 (Sony). Driver: Delta Microsystems driver or SUN CD-ROM Driver. Note: For questions concerning this driver, contact Denis Down at Delta Microsystems, 415-449-6881. ============================================================================== Point of Contact ============================================================================== If the user has problems reading this disk or can not make use of it on one or more of the platforms which should be supported, please contact the PPI pds_operator. This person can be reached in the following ways: SPAN/DEC-NET uclasp::pds_operator Internet pds_operator@igpp.ucla.edu Telephone (310) 206-6073 U.S. Mail PDS Operator c/o Dr. Raymond Walker 3845 Slichter Hall UCLA - IGPP Los Angeles, CA 90024-1567 ============================================================================== Cognizant Persons ============================================================================== The person most directly responsible for the construction and release of this CD-ROM is Mr. Steven Joy. He was the PPI Node Data Administrator at the time this disk was created and he understands as much about the disk structure and data organization as anyone. The construction of the PDS labels and templates was done by Ms. Eva Fried and Ms. Muriel Kniffin of the PPI Node and Ms. Sue Hess and Ms. Ruth Monarrez of the Central Node at JPL. Mr. Mike Martin and Mr. Tyler Brown of JPL has helped to insure this disk conforms to PDS standards. PPI Personnel JPL Personnel Ray Walker / Steven Joy Muriel Kniffin Betty Sword Eva Fried / Todd King Tyler Brown / Mike Martin 3845 Slichter Hall 4800 Oak Grove Dr. UCLA - IGPP Pasadena, CA 91109 Los Angeles, CA 90024-1567