PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2003-04-04 NOTE = "This file describes the Vector Helium Magnetometer data available in this directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END This directory contains the Pioneer 11 Helium Vector Magnetometer data from the Jupiter encounter. The data are stored as one ASCII table files (.TAB), accompanied by a PDS label file (.LBL) which describes the properties of the data file. P11_HVM_JUP_ENC_1MIN.TAB: 1974-11-24 00:00:00 to 1974-12-14 23:59:00 This data set provides 1.0 minute averages of 3 magnetic field components, 6 field covariances, 3 directional cosines, field magnitude and the field magnitude square, in SJ coordinates. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Column Column Column Name Format Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME A24 Time in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ DELTA_T I7 Length of data averaging window in millisecond E14.6 Average of the X component of the magnetic field in SJ coordinates E14.6 Average of the Y component of the magnetic field in SJ coordinates E14.6 Average of the Z component of the magnetic field in SJ coordinates E14.6 Average of the square of the X component of the magnetic field in SJ coordinates E14.6 Average of the cross product of BX and BY in SJ coordinates E14.6 Average of the cross product of BX and BZ in SJ coordinates E14.6 Average of the square of the Y component of the magnetic field in SJ coordinates E14.6 Average of the cross product of BY and BZ in SJ coordinates E14.6 Average of the square of the Z component of the magnetic field in SJ coordinates E14.6 Magnetic field vector directional cosine in X E14.6 Magnetic field vector directional cosine in Y E14.6 Magnetic field vector directional cosine in Z <|B|> E14.6 Average of the total magnetic field, evaluated as < SQRT(BX^2 + BY^2 + BZ^2) > E14.6 Average of the square of the total field magnitude, evaluated as < BX^2 + BY^2 + BZ^2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------- P11_HVM_JUP_NEAR_ENC_1MIN.TAB: 1974-12-03 01:06:31 to 1974-12-03 10:58:31 The data set provides 1.0 minute magnetic field averages and spacecraft trajectory data in JG coordinates. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Column Column Column Name Format Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME A24 Ground received time in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ R F12.4 Distance of Pioneer 11 from Jupiter in Rj LAT F12.4 Latitude of Pioneer 11 in JG coordinates LON F12.4 Longitude of Pioneer 11 in JG coordinates BX F12.4 X component of the magnetic field in JG coordinates BY F12.4 Y component of the magnetic field in JG coordinates Bz F12.4 Z component of the magnetic field in JG coordinates -------------------------------------------------------------------- P11_HVM_JUP_S3_BR.TAB: 1974-11-25T23:22:01.061 to 1974-12-14T23:17:40.222 Data near Jupiter in System III [1965] coordinates. The magnetic field components are the standard right handed spherical triad (R, Theta, Phi) for a Jupiter centered system. The trajectory data are in a left handed, spherical coordinate system. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Column Column Column Name Format Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- time 24 Spacecraft event time (UT) of the sample light time A9 One-way light travel time from the spacecraft to Earth Br F10.3 Radial magnetic field component Btheta F10.3 Southward field component, System III coordinates Bphi F10.3 Corotational field component, System III coordinates B-field Mag F10.3 Magnitude of the average B-field components Lambda F8.3 Magnetic field latitude: Labmda = asin(Btheta/|B|) Delta F8.3 Magnetic field longitude: Delta = atan(Bphi/Br) Range F8.3 Range of spacecraft from the Jupiter center of mass Latitude F8.3 Planetographic latitude of the spacecraft Longitude F8.3 Planetographic east longitude of the spacecraft Local Time F8.3 Planetographic west longitude of the spacecraft -------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional information associated with this data set is available in the following files: file contents /CATALOG/P11_JUP_HVM_SUMM_1MIN_DS.CAT data set description /CATALOG/P11_JUP_HVM_NEAR_ENC_DS.CAT data set description /CATALOG/PIONEER/REF.CAT key reference description