This directory contains Pioneer 11 Geiger Tube Telescope (GTT) data taken near Jupiter. The data cover 1974-11-19 to 1974-12-12. These data were acquired from the Pioneer GTT instrument team at the University of Iowa. They were originally provided in a single VAX binary format data file. This file was converted to ASCII and divided into 6 files by data type. The six ASCII files consist of the following: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name File Contents --------------------------------------------------------------------------- P11_JUP_GTT_ANGLE.TAB detector angle data P11_JUP_GTT_CRATE.TAB dead-time corrected count rates P11_JUP_GTT_MAG.TAB magnetic field and ephemeris data P11_JUP_GTT_SPINAVG.TAB spin averaged count rates P11_JUP_GTT_TIME.TAB time-related columns plus instrument temperature P11_JUP_GTT_URATE.TAB uncorrected count rates Each data file is accompanied by a PDS label (*.LBL). This label file contains information describing the contents and format of the associated data file. Please see the section 'PDS Label Notes' for more information on PDS labels. GTT11INST.TXT contains brief descriptions of the P11 mission and the GTT instrument. This file was obtained from the Pioneer 10 and 11 GTT website at the Univerisity of Iowa ( For additional information please refer regarding the GTT instrument please refer to [VANALLENETAL1974]. While these data are distributed through PDS, they have not undergone PDS peer review and do not yet constitute an official PDS product. Users are advised exercise caution when using these data. For specific problems associated with this volume, please refer to the 'Known Problems' section below. If you discover any errors or have and questions regarding this volume, please contact PDS/PPI as indicated below: Internet Telephone (310) 206-6073 U.S. Mail PDS Operator c/o Dr. Raymond Walker 3845 Slichter Hall UCLA - IGPP Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 PDS Label Notes --------------- The PDS labels included here contain information describing the record column structure of the data files. Some of these 'columns' are really groups of related sub-columns or 'items.' In these cases 'BYTES' indicates the number of bytes in the group. 'ITEMS' indicates the number of sub-columns the group is divided into. 'ITEM_BYTES' indicates the the size of each individual ITEM. 'ITEM_OFFSET' indicates the offset (in bytes) between the beginning of one ITEM to the one that follows it. References ---------- VANALLENETAL1974 Van Allen, J.A., D.N. Baker, B.A. Randall, and D.D. Sentman, The magnetosphere of Jupiter as observed with Pioneer 10 - 1. Instrument and principal findings, J. Geophys. Res., 79, 25, 3559-3577, 1974. Known Problems -------------- - All data files have timing errors. The date changes before 00:00 hours for at least some of the days. It is not clear whether this is an error in the time tag, or simply a sorting problem. - Some of the data have questionable values for the parameter and units described (for instance in the P11 MAG data there are four digit values described as angles in degrees). It is not clear whether the data are in error, or if the layout described in the layout is incorrect. In any case it is important to match the data on this volume with published plots of the same data that may be available to verify the data's correctness.