PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2003-09-29 NOTE = "INFO.TXT describes the MARIE calibrated data available on this volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END The DATA/REDUCED directory contains the MARIE calibrated (RDR) data. These data were acquired by the MARIE instrument aboard the Mars Odyssey spacecraft. The RDR data set consists of ASCII tabular files which contain information about events detected by the MARIE instrument. Each record in these files contains data pertaining to a specific event. An event is considered to occur when a signal is detected by the A1 and A2 cards and is above threshold for both of these cards. IMPORTANT: Please note that the time tags of these data contain errors. See the file ERRATA.TXT on this disk for details on these and other problems regarding the disk. A detailed description of the raw data is found in the file /CATALOG/CALIBRATED_DATASET.CAT on this disk. The data files in the REDUCED directory are organized into one-month subdirectories. Each such subdirectory contains the data for one calendar month, as determined from the dates in the names of the data files. The naming conventions for the files and subdirectories are as follows. Please note that these are NOT the same as the naming conventions for raw data (see below for details). File name EVN01174_01.TAB is interpreted as: EVN = file type (event file) 01 = year 2001 174 = day of year 174 (where Jan. 1 = day of year 001) 01 = file starting with event number 1 for the time period (this information is useful in case there is more than one file for a day) TAB = ASCII table file Subdirectory name 01_06JUN is interpreted as: 01 = year 2001 06JUN = sixth month, June The month is referenced twice in each subdirectory name - first as a number (06) to facilitate automatic search, then as an abbreviation (JUN) to make the name more human-readable. Note that the 'starting day' for a reduced data file is the first day of the data in the file. This is different from the way that the 'starting day' is defined for the naming convention for raw data event or count files (in /DATA/RAW_DATA). The detached PDS label file describing the file EVN01174_01.TAB is named EVN01174_01.LBL. In addition to the data files, this disk contains documentation files which describe the data sets on the disk, the instrument from which the data came, and the Mars Odyssey spacecraft and mission. These files are found in the CATALOG and DOCUMENT directories, and are described in the files CATALOG/CATINFO.TXT and DOCUMENT/DOCINFO.TXT.