PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2013-08-08, PPI Node; 2014-03-16, PPI Node" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "MARS SCIENCE LABORATORY" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "RADIATION ASSESSMENT DETECTOR" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2014-03-16 NOTE = "Description of volume MSLRAD_1002" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Volume MSLRAD_1002: MSL RAD Reduced Data 1. Introduction This volume contains RDR data (Reduced Data Record) from the Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) instrument aboard the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover, better known as Curiosity. The data files contain radiation measurements taken during interplanetary cruise and the surface mission. The RDR data are NASA Level 1A data that mirror the raw instrument data obtained from telemetry. The volume also contains calibration data and documentation useful for the interpretation of the data. For more information about the data and about this volume, refer to the documentation in the DOCUMENT and CATALOG directories of the volume. 2. Volume Format These RDR data products are being delivered electronically to PDS. They are archived in a single volume which will continue to grow as the mission progresses. 3. File Formats Data File Format The RDR data files are calibrated data reconstructed from EDR data and formatted according to the RAD RDR Software Interface Specification (RDR SIS). The file naming convention is explained in the RDR SIS, which is in the DOCUMENT directory of the volume. The RDR files are in ASCII format. The files are in generally human-readable form, but some lines are very long to preserve machine-readability as well. Each data file is described by a detached PDS label as described below. The fields in the data files are described by PDS format files (*.FMT), which are referenced in the labels. The format files are in the LABEL directory of this volume. Document File Format Most of the documentation for this volume resides in the DOCUMENT and CATALOG directories. The CATALOG directory contains PDS catalog files (*.CAT) providing information about the spacecraft, instrument, data set, personnel associated with the experiment, and relevant literature references. The catalog files are in ASCII format. The DOCUMENT directory contains the Software Interface Specification (SIS) document describing the RDR data, and the Volume SIS describing the volume structure. Documentation files also exist in most of the top-level directories ASCII information files (*INFO.TXT) exist in many of the directories on this disk; these files describe the directory contents. ASCII text files ion this volume have records delimited by a carriage return character followed by a line feed character. This line ending makes the file easier to read on a variety of operating systems. PDS Label Format All data and tabular files in this volume have associated PDS labels. A PDS label provides descriptive information about the content and format of the associated file. The PDS label is an object-oriented structure consisting of sets of "keyword = value" declarations. The object to which the label refer (e.g. IMAGE, TABLE, etc.) denotes the form: ^object = location in which the caret character (^, also called a pointer in this context) indicates where to find the object. In an attached label, the location is an integer representing the starting record number of the object (the first record in the file is record 1). In a detached label, the location denotes the name of the file containing the object, along with the starting record or byte number, if there is more than one object in the file. For example: ^HEADER = ("F01.IMG",1) ^IMAGE = ("F01.IMG",1025 ) indicates that the IMAGE object begins at byte 1025 of the file F01.IMG, in the same directory as the detached label file. Below is a list of the possible formats for the ^object definition. ^object = n ^object = n ^object = "filename.ext" ^object = ("filename.ext",n) ^object = ("[dirlist]filename.ext",n) ^object = ("filename.ext",n) ^object = ("[dirlist]filename.ext",n) where: n is the starting record or byte number of the object, counting from the beginning of the file (record 1, byte 1); indicates that the number given is in units of bytes; filename is a maximum 36-alphanumeric upper-case character file name, ext is the 3 upper-case character file extension; dirlist is an upper-case, period-delimited path-list of parent directories, beginning at the directory level below the archive volume root directory, that specifies the object file directory (used only when the object is not in the same directory as the label file). Detached label files have variable length lines with an end-of-line designator consisting of a carriage return character followed by a line feed character. This makes the files easy to read on a variety of different operating systems. Catalog File Format Catalog files (suffix .CAT) exist in the root and CATALOG directories. They are formatted in an object-oriented structure consisting of sets of "keyword = value" declarations. 4. Volume Contents The files in this volume are organized in one root-level directory with several subdirectories. The following outline shows the structure and content of these directories. In the table, directory names are enclosed in square brackets ([]), upper-case letters indicate actual directory or file names, and lower-case letters indicate the general form of a set of directory or file names. Root directory | | |- AAREADME.TXT Describes volume contents, organization and disk | use (ASCII text). The file you are now reading. | |- ERRATA.TXT A cumulative listing of errata and other comments | pertaining to the files in the volume. | |- VOLDESC.CAT Description of the contents of this volume. | |- [INDEX] Contains index tables for the data products on | | this volume. | | | |- INDXINFO.TXT Description of the contents of this directory. | | | |- INDEX.LBL Detached PDS label describing contents of | | INDEX.TAB. | | | |- INDEX.TAB Index table file for the data products in | the current volume. | |- [DOCUMENT] Contains various documents that facilitate the | | understanding of the datasets included on this | | volume. | | | |- DOCINFO.TXT Description of the contents of this directory. | | | | | |- RAD_RDR_SIS.HTM The SIS for the RAD RDR data set, in human-readable | | HTML format. | | | |- RAD_RDR_SIS.PDF The SIS for the RAD RDR data set, in PDF format. | | | |- RAD_RDR_SIS.LBL PDS detached label for the data set SIS. | | | |- VOLSIS.HTM The volume SIS for this volume, in human-readable | | HTML format. | | | |- VOLSIS.PDF The volume SIS for this volume, in PDF format. | | | |- VOLSIS.LBL PDS detached label for the volume SIS. | | | | |- [CATALOG] This directory contains the catalog files. | | | |- CATINFO.TXT Description of the contents of this directory. | | | |- RAD_INST.CAT Information about the RAD instrument. | | | |- MSL_INSTHOST.CAT Information about the MSL spacecraft. | | | |- MSL_MISSION.CAT Information about the MSL mission. | | | |- RAD_PERSON.CAT Contact information for RAD team members and | | other relevant personnel. | | | |- MSL_REF.CAT Literature references relevant to MSL, including | | references mentioned in other catalog files. | | | |- RAD_REF.CAT Literature references relevant to RAD, including | | references mentioned in other catalog files. | | | |- RAD_RDR_DS.CAT Description of the RAD RDR data files. | | | | |- [DATA] Contains the RDR data files. | | | | |- [CRUISE] Contains data and label files from the cruise phase. | | | |- [SOL_ddddd_eeeee] Contains data and label files from sols ddddd | | through eeeee of the surface mission. | | |- [CALIB] This directory contains calibration information that | | is relevant to the understanding and use of the data. | | | |- CALINFO.TXT Description of the contents of this directory. | | | | |- [LABEL] This directory contains format files (*.FMT) | | describing the contents of the RDR data files. | | | |- LABLINFO.TXT Description of the contents of this directory. | | | | (Note: Each of the following format files begins | | with a comment that points to the data that the | | format file describes.) | | | |- D_LETCNT.FMT | | | |- D_LET_EVC.FMT | | | |- D_LET_EVW.FMT | | | |- HIST_PP.FMT | | | |- HIST_PPXC.FMT | | | |- HIST_PPXW.FMT | | | |- HIST_SP.FMT | | | |- HIST_SPXC.FMT | | | |- HIST_SPXW.FMT | | | |- H_N_CNT.FMT | | | |- H_NDE.FMT | | | |- H_NDE_XC.FMT | | | |- H_NDE_XW.FMT | | | |- H_N_EVC.FMT | | | |- H_N_EVW.FMT | | | |- L1_CNTR.FMT | | | |- L2_CNTR.FMT | | | |- PHA_TAB.FMT | | | 5. Errata and Disclaimer A list of anomalies and errors is maintained in the file ERRATA.TXT at the root directory of this volume. Known data uncertainties and limitations are described in the data set catalog file located in the CATALOG subdirectory. Although considerable care has gone into making this volume, errors are both possible and likely. Users of the data are advised to exercise the same caution as they would when dealing with any other unknown data set. Reports of errors or difficulties would be appreciated. Please contact one of the individuals listed below. Use of these data is at the user's own risk. The PDS, the PPI Node, and their employees and contractors assume no legal responsibility for the contents of this volume. 7. Contact Information For questions concerning this volume set, data products, and documentation, contact Dr. Scot Rafkin Asst. Director, Dept. of Space Studies Southwest Research Institute Boulder, CO 80302 USA Phone: +1 720-240-0116 E-mail: rafkin@boulder.swri.edu For questions concerning PDS standards and usage, contact Dr. Steven P. Joy University of California 6855 Slichter Hall Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 USA Phone: +1 310-825-3506 E-mail: sjoy@igpp.ucla.edu