PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1999-09-08 NOTE = "Description of contents of DOCUMENT directory " END_OBJECT = TEXT END The DOCUMENT directory contains documentation on the archival data set and files within the data set. Each file is in ASCII; except where indicated, there are 80 characters per line in each file. Each line is delimited with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The files are: DOCINFO.TXT A brief description of the files within the DOCUMENT directory (this file). RSADCSDP.TXT A Software Interface Specification (SIS) for the archival volume. This document describes the structure and content of the volume. RSTP.TXT The SIS for files containing temperature-pressure profiles derived from radio occultation measurements. Two versions of the profiles are covered: standard resolution (data type TPS) and high-resolution (TPH). OCCSUM.TXT The SIS for Occultation Summary files. Two versions of the file are covered: files containing summaries of standard resolution profiles (data type OCS) and files containing summaries from high-resolution profiles (OCH). SHADR.TXT The SIS for files containing Spherical Harmonic models (such as gravity fields or topography) in ASCII formats (data type SHA). RSDMAP.TXT The SIS for Radio Science Digital Map products (data type IMG). OCCLOGxx.TAB A table of data acquisition parameters from radio occultation opportunities. 'xx' denotes the version of the table. For example OCCLOGA1.TAB covers the first occultation season (1998-01-24 through 1998-04-28) and was included on archival volume MORS_1001. Tables will be omitted if there were no occultation results on the volume; in some cases more than one version of the table will be included. The table gives dates and times, DSN antenna numbers, signal-to-noise ratio, and file names of the ODR file for each observation opportunity. There are also terse indicators of data quality. Detached label OCCLOGxx.LBL describes the format and content of the corresponding table.