PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2013-09-26 NOTE = "Description of the DOCUMENT directory contents for the MAG data archive volumes." END_OBJECT = TEXT END The DOCUMENT directory contains documentation that is considered to be either necessary or useful for users to understand the archive data set. Documents may be included in multiple forms (ASCII, PDF, MS Word, HTML with image file pointers, etc.). Documents in different formats are included in subdirectories that collect together those with the same content. Included are the following documents. DOCINFO.TXT: Identifies and describes the function of each file in the DOCUMENT directory. (This File) MAG_EDR_SIS.TXT: The MAG EDR SIS document in ASCII text format. Only the text is provided; for illustrations, tables, etc. one of the other formats should be consulted. MAG_EDR_SIS.PDF: The MAG EDR SIS document in Adobe Acrobat format. Note that, in contrast to the .TXT version, the illustrations, tables, etc. will display appropriately. MAG_EDR_SIS.DOC: The MAG EDR SIS document in Microsoft Word format. MAG_EDR_SIS.LBL: The detached label for the various MAG EDR SIS files. MAG_CDR_SIS.TXT: The MAG CDR SIS document in ASCII text format. Only the text is provided; for illustrations, tables, etc. one of the other formats should be consulted. MAG_CDR_SIS.PDF: The MAG CDR SIS document in Adobe Acrobat format. Note that, in contrast to the .TXT version, the illustrations, tables, etc. will display appropriately. MAG_CDR_SIS.DOC: The MAG CDR SIS document in Microsoft Word format. MAG_CDR_SIS.LBL: The detached label for the various MAG CDR SIS files. MAG_RDR_SIS.TXT: The MAG RDR SIS document in ASCII text format. Only the text is provided; for illustrations, tables, etc. one of the other formats should be consulted. MAG_RDR_SIS.PDF: The MAG RDR SIS document in Adobe Acrobat format. Note that, in contrast to the .TXT version, the illustrations, tables, etc. will display appropriately. MAG_RDR_SIS.DOC: The MAG RDR SIS document in Microsoft Word format. MAG_RDR_SIS.LBL: The detached label for the various MAG RDR SIS files. MAG_EDR2CDR.DOC: Provides a description of the conversion of MESSENGER Magnetometer Experimental Data Records (EDRs) to Calibrated Data Records (CDRs). In Microsoft Word format. MAG_EDR2CDR.PDF: Provides a description of the conversion of MESSENGER Magnetometer Experimental Data Records (EDRs) to Calibrated Data Records (CDRs). In Adobe Acrobat format. MAG_EDR2CDR.TXT: Provides a description of the conversion of MESSENGER Magnetometer Experimental Data Records (EDRs) to Calibrated Data Records (CDRs). In text format. MAG_EDR2CDR.LBL: The detached label for the various MAG_EDR2CDR files. MERCURY_MAGNETIC_FIELD.TXT: A description of Mercury magnetic field models, with references to the literature on those models. The instrument paper: Anderson, B.J., M.H. Acuna, D.A. Lohr, J. Scheifele, A. Raval, H. Korth, and J.A. Slavin, The Magnetometer instrument on MESSENGER, Space Science Reviews, 131, 417-450, 2007. [ANDERSONETAL2007] has been published, but permission to include it in the archive has not yet been received. If permission is received, the paper will be located under the DOCUMENT directory.