PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2014-09-05 NOTE = "AAREADME.TXT describes this volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END MESSENGER Magnetometer (MAG) Data Archive Prepared for the Planetary Plasma Interactions Node of the Planetary Data System ======================================================================== Introduction ======================================================================== This volume contains documentation and data from the MESSENGER Magnetometer (MAG) data volume set. There are several MAG volumes, one for documentation and one for each type of actual data. The data volumes presently include one for EDR's, one for CDR's, and one for RDR's. This is the DOCUMENT volume, which contains the documentation, not actual data. A complete description of the design of this volume is given in the MAG EDR, CDR and RDR software interface specifications. Since the documentation volume combines information about the EDR's, CDR's and RDR's one documentation volume is used, and the description is the same in all SIS documents. Electronic copies of these documents are located in the /DOCUMENT directory on the DOCUMENT volume. This volume is intended for the use of scientists and students in the study of the planet Mercury. The data may be used for research and publication. ======================================================================== Volume Format ======================================================================== The volume is organized into a hierarchical directory structure. It is transferred from the MESSENGER SOC to the Planetary Plasma Interactions Node via the TCP/IP File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and thus the physical characteristics of the final storage media are unknown to the SOC. The CATALOG directory on the DOCUMENT volume contains PDS documentation describing the mission, spacecraft, instrument, and data set. These include: MISSION.CAT MESSENGER mission description INSTRUMENT_HOST.CAT MESSENGER spacecraft description INSTRUMENT.CAT MAG instrument description MAGEDR_DS.CAT MAG uncalibrated data set description MAGCDR_DS.CAT MAG calibrated data set description MAGRDR_DS.CAT MAG reduced data set description REF.CAT MESSENGER mission reference information, including MAG references. PERSON.CAT MESSENGER mission personnel contact information including MAG personnel, identified as such. Note that the science data are not located on this, the DOCUMENT volume, but instead under the DATA directory on the DATA volumes. The INDEX directory on the DATA volume contains a listing of all of the data products included on it. Additional information on volume organization is given in the EDR SIS, CDR SIS and RDR SIS (described above), and in the 'Volume Contents' section below. ======================================================================== File Formats ======================================================================== Catalog files (extension .CAT) on this volume are provided in ASCII format. Text files and detached label files contain 80-byte fixed-length ASCII records, with a carriage-return character (ASCII 13) in the 79th byte and a line-feed character (ASCII 10) in the 80th byte. This format allows the files to be read by MacOS, DOS, UNIX and VMS operating systems. Note that while both label and catalog files are ASCII, some operating systems will not recognize the .LBL and .CAT extensions as ASCII types. It may be necessary to either remap these extensions as ASCII in the system or text browser, or else to open the files from within the text browser. ======================================================================== Volume Set Information ======================================================================== The MESSENGER MAG volume set (USA_NASA_PDS_MESSMAG_1001) includes the following volumes: Volume ID. Contents ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------- MESSMAGDATA_1001 MESSENGER MAG uncalibrated data. This volume contains MAG data at Earth, Venus and Mercury over the interval 2004-216 (3-Aug) to 2014-076 (17 Mar). MESSMAGDATA_2001 MESSENGER MAG calibrated data. This volume contains MAG data at Earth, Venus and Mercury over the interval 2004-216 (3-Aug) to 2014-076 (17 Mar). MESSMAGDATA_3001 MESSENGER MAG reduced data. This volume contains MAG data at Earth, Venus and Mercury over the interval 2004-216 (3-Aug) to 2014-076 (17 Mar). MESSMAGDOC_1001 This volume. MESSENGER MAG documentation for all data. This volume contains documentation pertinent to the MAG data collected at Earth, Venus and Mercury over the interval 2004-216 (3-Aug) to 2014-076 (17 Mar). ======================================================================== Volume Contents ======================================================================== Directory Structure and Contents for MAG Document Archive Volume The following illustration shows the directory structure overview for the MAG Document Archive Volume. This volume contains the MAG documentation and any additional files required for the volume to be compliant with PDS standards. It does not contain the actual data, which is contained on the DATA volumes. The content of the volume is expected to be updated with periodic releases according to the schedule found in the MESSENGER Data Management and Archive Plan (DMAP). In addition, the DOCUMENT volume may be updated on an ad-hoc basis by the MAG instrument team in order to release new and evolving information to the public. Directory Structure Overview ____________________________|_______________________ | | | ___________________________________________________|_____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Directory Contents: Directory This is the top-level directory of the data volume. The following are files contained in the root directory. AAREADME.TXT: (This file) General information file. Provides users with information about the MESSENGER MAG data products. Directs user to other documents on the volume containing more detailed information. VOLDESC.CAT: PDS file containing the VOLUME object. This gives a high level description of the contents of the volume. Information includes: production date, producer name and institution, volume ID, etc. ERRATA.TXT: Text file for identifying and describing errors and/or anomalies found in the current volume, and possibly previous volumes of a set. Any known errors for the associated volume will be documented in this file. MD5.TAB: Provides the MD5 checksum (message digest) for each file in the archive, with the exception of the MD5.TAB file itself. MD5.LBL: Detached PDS label for MD5.TAB. DIRECTORY This will contain the calibration tables needed to analyze the MAG EDR, CDR and RDR data. The calibration tables are in ASCII comma separated value format. CALINFO.TXT Brief description of the directory contents and naming conventions. DIRECTORY This subdirectory contains the catalog object files for the entire volume. The following files are included in the catalog subdirectory. CATINFO.TXT: Identifies and describes the function of each file in the catalog directory. MAGEDR_DS.CAT: Describes the general content of the EDR data set and includes information about the duration of the mission and the person or group responsible for producing the data. MAGCDR_DS.CAT: Describes the general content of the CDR data set and includes information about the duration of the mission and the person or group responsible for producing the data. MAGRDR_DS.CAT: Describes the general content of the RDR data set and includes information about the duration of the mission and the person or group responsible for producing the data. INSTRUMENT.CAT: Describes physical attributes of the MAG instrument and provides relevant references to published literature. INSTRUMENT_HOST.CAT: Describes the MESSENGER spacecraft. MISSION.CAT: Describes the scientific goals and objectives of the MESSENGER program. It also identifies key people and institutions. REF.CAT: Contains the reference objects. These reference additional documents that may be useful to the person using the MAG EDR data. PERSON.CAT: Lists and provides contact information for the people involved in the MESSENGER mission, including those involved with MAG. < DOCUMENT > Directory This subdirectory contains the documentation that will be needed in order to understand and analyze the EDR, CDR and RDR data volumes. The documents will be separated into individual subdirectories according to the document type. The document types are not restricted to the five shown in the graphical depiction of the directory structure. There will be as many or as few document types as needed to categorize each document. The following file is included in the subdirectory. DOCINFO.TXT: Identifies and describes the function of each file in the DOCUMENT directory. EDR_SIS/: Directory containing the EDR SIS document in various formats. CDR_SIS/: Directory containing the CDR SIS document in various formats. RDR_SIS/: Directory containing the RDR SIS document in various formats. ======================================================================== Related PDS Products ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Errata ======================================================================== Every effort has been made to ensure that the data and documentation are of the best possible quality. However, mistakes are inevitable. The Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node of the PDS will maintain an online list of ERRATA where errors and updates are documented. Should any user of this product find an error on this volume, please report the error to the (PPI) Node so that the finding can be made public. All users are encouraged to verify the correctness of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work based on these data. There is a file called ERRATA.TXT found at the root level of this volume which contains a list of known deficiencies or caveats associated with data on this volume at the time it was published. If you find an error on this disk, please report the error to the PDS Operator at the PPI Node of the PDS at the address or numbers listed under contacts below. ======================================================================== Contacts ======================================================================== For questions concerning these data products and documentation, contact: Planetary Plasma Interactions Node UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES INST. OF GEOPHYSICS AND PLANETARY PHYSICS 6707 GEOLOGY LOS ANGELES, CA 90095-1567 USA (310) 206-6073 WWW Site: http://pds-ppi.igpp.ucla.edu Electronic mail address: pds_operator@igpp.ucla.edu For questions regarding PDS Standards or other archive volumes available from the PDS, please contact PDS Operator at the PDS Central Node (at JPL): Internet pds_operator@jpl.nasa.gov Telephone (818) 354-4321 U.S. Mail Planetary Data System, PDS Operator Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail Stop 202-101 4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 A list of personnel in the MESSENGER MAG team that were involved in the production of this volume is given in /CATALOG/PERSON.CAT on the DOCUMENT volume. The PDS, and the Planetary Plasma Interactions Node in particular, assume no legal liability for errors on this disk. All users are encouraged to verify the 'correctness' of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work based on these data. Errors on this volume should be reported back to the PPI Node of the PDS through the ERRATA reporting procedures described above.