PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2017-09-06 NOTE = "This file describes known errors or deficiencies in this archive volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Users are encouraged to provide comments back to the Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node of the PDS if errors or omissions are found either in data or in documentation. Please send comments by e-mail or U.S. mail to the PPI Node PDS Operator: Planetary Plasma Interactions Node UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES INST. OF GEOPHYSICS AND PLANETARY PHYSICS 6707 GEOLOGY LOS ANGELES, CA 90095-1567 USA (310) 206-6073 WWW Site: http://pds-ppi.igpp.ucla.edu Email: pds_operator@igpp.ucla.edu This file, ERRATA.TXT, contains release notes and errata concerning the MESSENGER MAG CDR archive. During the course of the MESSENGER mission the MAG science team may update previously released data products or documentation; for example, updates may occur due to changes in calibration data or procedures. Updates may be reported in this file. Section A of this file contains an entry for each MESSENGER release with general information about the contents of the release, in order from newest to oldest. Updates to previously released files are reported in these entries, along with any known errata. Section B of this file contains general notes, if any, concerning the archive as a whole. ******** SECTION A ******** RELEASE NUMBER: 15 RELEASE DATE: 2016-05-06 DATA COVERAGE: 2004-08-12 to 2015-04-30 (Launch, Earth Cruise, Earth Flyby, Venus 1 Cruise, Venus 1 Flyby, Venus 2 Cruise, Venus 2 Flyby, Mercury 1 Cruise, Mercury 1 Flyby, Mercury 2 Cruise, Mercury 2 Flyby, Mercury 3 Cruise, Mercury 3 Flyby, Mercury 4 Cruise, Mercury Orbit, Mercury Orbit Year 2, Mercury Orbit Year 3, Mercury Orbit Year 4, Mercury Orbit Year 5) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: All CDRs REASON FOR UPDATES: All products have been regenerated and now have product version number V08. V08 supercedes all previous versions. This is the final release for this volume which includes a complete redelivery of all calibrated data products. These have been reprocessed using the final SPICE parameters, all final calibrations and corrections, as applicable with the following exceptions: None. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 14 RELEASE DATE: 2015-10-09 DATA COVERAGE: 2014-09-18 to 2015-04-30 (Mercury Orbit Year 4 and Mercury Orbit Year 5) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: Science CDRs, LAC CDRs REASON FOR UPDATES: N/A 1. The NOTE field of some labels in the DATA directories exceed the PDS standard 80 character line length. These provide time ranges associated with certain SPICE kernels used in processing. It was decided that this deviation from the standard would be allowed in these cases, since shortening these few lines would render them less clear. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 13 RELEASE DATE: 2015-03-06 DATA COVERAGE: 2014-03-18 to 2014-09-17 (Mercury Orbit Year 4) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: Science CDRs LAC CDRs REASON FOR UPDATES: N/A No known errors or variances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 12 RELEASE DATE: 2014-09-05 DATA COVERAGE: 2013-09-18 to 2014-03-17 (Mercury Orbit Year 3) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: Science CDRs LAC CDRs REASON FOR UPDATES: N/A 1. All Science (SCI*) CDRs and all LAC CDRs are redelivered in this release to eliminate data gaps related to the EDR processing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 11 RELEASE DATE: 2014-03-07 DATA COVERAGE: 2013-03-18 to 2013-09-17 (Mercury Orbit Year 3) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None REASON FOR UPDATES: N/A No known errors or variances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 10 RELEASE DATE: 2013-09-06 DATA COVERAGE: 2012-09-18 to 2013-03-17 (Mercury Orbit Year 2) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None REASON FOR UPDATES: N/A No known errors or variances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 9 RELEASE DATE: 2013-03-05 DATA COVERAGE: 2012-03-26 to 2012-09-17 (Mercury Orbit Year 2) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None REASON FOR UPDATES: N/A No known errors or variances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 8 RELEASE DATE: 2012-09-07 DATA COVERAGE: 2011-09-18 to 2012-03-25 (Mercury Orbit, Mercury Orbit Year 2) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR REASON FOR UPDATES: Improvements to calibration algorithm. Notes: All previously delivered CDRs with the exception of the MAGVSO CDRs were reprocessed to improve the calibration. New and reprocessed CDRs now have V05 in the file name. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 7 RELEASE DATE: 2012-03-15 DATA COVERAGE: 2011-05-18 to 2011-09-19 (Mercury Orbit) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR REASON FOR UPDATES: New data from orbital operations. The following issues were noted after the MAG CDR data set was prepared for delivery to PDS: For the period 11032-11075, the data release notes in the PDS labels incorrectly list the data quality flag as undefined (---). Please refer to the MAG CDR data confidence level note for the correct data quality flag. Due to differences in filter time lags for different sample rates, a few data points may be listed out of order at times when the sample rate changes. A detailed explanation and work around until the issue is corrected is provided in the MAG CDR data confidence level note. There is an intentional lack of continuity in file version numbers due to internal processing. For example, files previously delivered to PDS with a version of 00 (MAGJ2KSCI11082_V00.TAB) are being redelivered with a version of 04 (MAGJ2KSCI11082_V04.TAB) and there are newly delivered files with an initial version of 04 (MAGJ2KSCI11260_V04.TAB). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 6 RELEASE DATE: 2011-09-15 DATA COVERAGE: 2010-10-15 to 2011-05-17 (Mercury Orbit Insertion) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR REASON FOR UPDATES: Improvements to calibration algorithm. Notes: All previously delivered CDRs were reprocessed to improve the calibration. All new and reprocessed CDRs now have V04 in the file name. A summary of the calibration changes is given in the "change summary" section of the calibration document, EDR2CDR, located in the DOCUMENT directory of the DOC_VOL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 5 RELEASE DATE: 2010-03-15 DATA COVERAGE: 2008-10-21 to 2010-10-14 (Mercury Flyby 3) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR REASON FOR UPDATES: Improvements to calibration algorithm. Notes: All previously delivered CDRs were reprocessed to improve the calibration. All new and reprocessed CDRs now have V03 in the file name. A summary of the calibration changes is given in the "change summary" section of the calibration document, EDR2CDR, located in the DOCUMENT directory of the DOC_VOL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 4 RELEASE DATE: 2009-04-15 DATA COVERAGE: 2008-01-15 to 2008-10-20 (Mercury Flyby 2) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR REASON FOR UPDATES: Improvements to calibration algorithm. Notes: All previously delivered CDRs were reprocessed to improve the calibration. All new and reprocessed CDRs now have V02 in the file name. A summary of the calibration changes is given in the "change summary" section of the calibration document, EDR2CDR, located in the DOCUMENT directory of the DOC_VOL. Updated CDR documentation was delivered with this release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 3 RELEASE DATE: 2008-07-15 DATA COVERAGE: 2007-06-06 to 2008-01-14 (Mercury Flyby 1) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None. Notes: Initial release of CDRs. No known errors or variances. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 2 RELEASE DATE: 2007-08-20 DATA COVERAGE: 2004-08-03 to 2007-06-05 (Earth and Venus Flybys) PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: MAG CDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: None. Notes: Initial delivery of EDRs. No CDRs released. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 1 RELEASE DATE: n/a DATA COVERAGE: Pre-flight ground calibration data Notes: Ground calibration data and reports. No CDRs released ******** SECTION B ******** This section is provided for general notes concerning the archive as a whole. So far there are no general errors or notes to report.