PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2014-09-05 NOTE = "Description of the CALIBRATION directory contents for the EPPS document volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END CALIBRATION Directory Contents The CALIBRATION directory contains files needed to reduce raw EPPS data (EDRs) expressed in engineering units (such as digital numbers) into scientific units (such as particle counts). The following files are included in the CALIBRATION directory. CALINFO.TXT: Description of the contents of this directory (this file). EPPS_EPS_EDR2CDR.PDF: Describes the conversion of EPPS EDRs to CDRs for the EPS instrument. Document in PDF format. EPPS_EPS_EDR2CDR.HTM: Describes the conversion of EPPS EDRs to CDRs for the EPS instrument. Document in HTML format. EPPS_EPS_EDR2CDR.TXT: Describes the conversion of EPPS EDRs to CDRs for the EPS instrument. Document in text format. EPPS_EPS_EDR2CDR.LBL: Detached PDS label for the EPS EDR to CDR documents. EPPS_FIPS_EDR2CDR.PDF: Describes the conversion of EPPS EDRs to CDRs for the FIPS instrument. Document in PDF format. EPPS_FIPS_EDR2CDR.HTM: Describes the conversion of EPPS EDRs to CDRs for the FIPS instrument. Document in HTML format. EPPS_FIPS_EDR2CDR.TXT: Describes the conversion of EPPS EDRs to CDRs for the EPS instrument. Document in text format. EPPS_FIPS_EDR2CDR.LBL: Detached PDS label for the FIPS EDR to CDR documents. FIPA_E*.TAB: The FIPS energy per charge tables, as described in the EPPS CDR SIS. FIPA_E*.LBL: The label files for the FIPS energy per charge tables. FIPS_EQ.FMT: The format file for the FIPS energy per charge tables. FIPA_F*.TAB: The FIPS Pixel Field Of View tables, as described in the EPPS CDR SIS. FIPA_F*.LBL: The label files for the FIPS Pixel Field Of View tables. FIPS_FOVPIXEL.FMT: The format file for the FIPS Pixel Field Of View tables.