PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Description of the contents of the DATA directory" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2007-10-24 END_OBJECT = TEXT END CONTENTS OF THE DATA DIRECTORY The DATA directory contains CRaTER data product files, their detached PDS labels, and the processing logs that detailed their creation. These are arranged in two levels of subdirectory: yyyy A directory containing all CRaTER products from data recorded in the year "yyyy", e.g., "2009". yyyy/yyyyddd "yyyyddd" is a subdirectory of the "yyyy" directory. It contains all CRaTER products from data recorded in day "ddd" of year "yyyy". Day "001" is January 1, and the CRaTER data in this directory will span the epoch from 00:00:00 UTC through 23:59:59.9999 UTC on that day. Within each "yyyy/yyyyddd" subdirectory, some or all of the following files are to be found. In these file names, "yyyyddd" is identical to the subdirectory name, and "nn" is the product version number which starts at "01" for the first version and increments by one if the product is reprocessed. CRAT_yyyyddd_Vnn_log.txt Processing log file, in ASCII. CRAT_L0_HK_yyyyddd_Vnn.DAT Level 0 housekeeping product (raw EDR) CRAT_L0_HK_yyyyddd_Vnn.LBL PDS label describing CRAT_L0_HK_yyyyddd_Vnn.DAT CRAT_L0_PRI_yyyyddd_Vnn.DAT Level 0 primary science product (raw EDR) CRAT_L0_PRI_yyyyddd_Vnn.LBL PDS label describing CRAT_L0_PRI_yyyyddd_Vnn.DAT CRAT_L0_SEC_yyyyddd_Vnn.DAT Level 0 secondary science product (raw EDR) CRAT_L0_SEC_yyyyddd_Vnn.LBL PDS label describing CRAT_L0_SEC_yyyyddd_Vnn.DAT CRAT_L1_HK_yyyyddd_Vnn.TAB Level 1 housekeeping product (ASCII table) CRAT_L1_HK_yyyyddd_Vnn.LBL PDS label describing CRAT_L1_HK_yyyyddd_Vnn.DAT CRAT_L1_PRI_yyyyddd_Vnn.TAB Level 1 primary science product (ASCII table) CRAT_L1_PRI_yyyyddd_Vnn.LBL PDS label describing CRAT_L1_PRI_yyyyddd_Vnn.DAT CRAT_L1_SEC_yyyyddd_Vnn.TAB Level 1 secondary science product (ASCII table) CRAT_L1_SEC_yyyyddd_Vnn.LBL PDS label describing CRAT_L1_SEC_yyyyddd_Vnn.DAT CRAT_L2_HK_yyyyddd_Vnn.TAB Level 2 housekeeping product (ASCII table) CRAT_L2_HK_yyyyddd_Vnn.LBL PDS label describing CRAT_L2_HK_yyyyddd_Vnn.DAT CRAT_L2_PRI_yyyyddd_Vnn.TAB Level 2 primary science product (ASCII table) CRAT_L2_PRI_yyyyddd_Vnn.LBL PDS label describing CRAT_L2_PRI_yyyyddd_Vnn.DAT CRAT_L2_SEC_yyyyddd_Vnn.TAB Level 2 secondary science product (ASCII table) CRAT_L2_SEC_yyyyddd_Vnn.LBL PDS label describing CRAT_L2_SEC_yyyyddd_Vnn.DAT