PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-08-01 NOTE = "Description of the CATALOG directory contents for the Lunar Prospector MAG/ER Level 1 archive" END_OBJECT = TEXT END CATALOG Directory Contents The CATALOG directory contains high-level catalog objects for the Lunar Prospector (LP) Magnetometer - Electron Reflectometer (MAG/ER) Level 1 archive. The following files are found in this directory. CATINFO.TXT - The file you are reading. MISSION.CAT - PDS mission description for the Lunar Prospector mission. LPHOST.CAT - PDS Spacecraft description for the Lunar Prospector spacecraft. ATT_DS.CAT - Data set description for the LP Spacecraft Attitude data set. SUN_DS.CAT - Data set description for the LP Sun Pulse Time data set. COM_DS.CAT - Data set description for the LP Uplink Command data set. EME50_DS.CAT - Data set description for the LP Spacecraft Ephemeris data set. TRAJ_DS.CAT - Data set description for the LP Spacecraft Trajectory data set. ER_INST.CAT - PDS instrument description for the LP Electron Reflectometer instrument. ER3D_DS.CAT - Data set description for the MAG/ER 3-D electron energy spectra data set. ERHRTSDS.CAT - Data set description for the MAG/ER high time resolution electron energy time series data set. ERLRTSDS.CAT - Data set description for the MAG/ER low time resolution electron energy time series data set. MAG_DS.CAT - Data set description for the MAG/ER magnetic field data set. MAG_INST.CAT - PDS instrument description for the LP Magnetometer instrument. PERSON.CAT - High-level catalog object for personnel associated with the Lunar Prospector archive. REFS.CAT - High-level catalog object for references cited in the other catalog object files. The files ATT_DS.CAT, COM_DS.CAT, and EME50_DS.CAT describe the Level 0 data on the disk. These data originate from the Level 0 Lunar Prospector archive, but are included on this disk to improve the usability of the Level 1 data. In addition to accessing catalog files directly, users with Web browsers can access them via links in the HTML file CATALOG.HTM in the EXTRAS directory, and can navigate the entire disk using the file AAREADME.HTM in the disk root directory.