Links To: Data | Browse Files | Documents | File Formats | File Naming (Data, Browse)
The Electron Reflectometer high-resolution time series (ER HI) data reside in the directory DATA/ER_HI_TS. The data files are in subdirectories containing data from single months; the names of these subdirectories indicate the year and month (with month number and name) of the data. On this disk, the monthly subdirectories are 98_01JAN, 98_02FEB, 98_03MAR, 98_04APR, and 98_05MAY.
The file naming convention for files in the one-month subdirectories of the DATA/ER_HI_TS directory is illustrated by the following example. (The file mentioned here is only an example; there are many more such files on the disk.)
EH980116.TAB is interpreted as
EH = 'ER high-resolution data'
98 = year 1998
01 = month 01 (January)
16 = day 16 in month
TAB = 'table' format
EH980116.LBL is the name of the PDS label file which describes the data file EH980116.TAB. Such label files provide descriptive information about the data files in a format which is both human-readable and machine-readable.
In addition to the ER HI data files, the DATA/ER_HI_TS directory contains a file E_BINS.TAB which contains the values of the energy bin centers for the data, preceded by the times at which those values for the centers become effective. The PDS label for E_BINS.TAB is in E_BINS.LBL. See below for more on E_BINS.TAB. (Note: the E_BINS.* files mentioned here are not the same as the similarly named files in the ER_LO_TS directory.)
This disk also contains browse plots which summarize some of the ER data and other data.
This disk contains documentation files which describe the datasets on the disk, the instruments from which the data came, and the Lunar Prospector spacecraft and mission. These files are found in the CATALOG and DOCUMENT directories.
Of particular interest to users of ER HI data are the following files.
In the CATALOG directory:
In the DOCUMENT directory:
The files on this disk are in level 1 compliance with the ISO 9660 standard. The disk contains data for 5 calendar months. The ER HI data are provided as ASCII tables of 1 day duration.
The format of the data in the ER HI files is described in the PDS labels (*.LBL files) accompanying the data. These label files are both human-readable and machine-readable.
E_BINS.TAB, which was mentioned in the Overview section of this document, is a ASCII table. Each row consists of two equivalent time items (time in seconds since Jan 1, 1970, and time in standard PDS format), followed by two energy bin center values. The time items represent the time at which the bin center values took effect.
In addition to the data files, this disk contains graphical browse plots, in GIF87A format, summarizing the Magnetometer (MAG) and Electron Reflectometer (ER) data on the disk. These plots are contained in the BROWSE directory.
Each browse file contains plots of the following items for a 12-hour period: electron count rate (at various energies); electron energy spectrum; magnetic field, as magnitude |B| and direction (phi, theta); polarity; and Sun sensor data. The data are plotted against two time scales (decimal day-of-year and hour-minute) and a scale of GSE longitude.
The naming convention for browse plots is illustrated by the following example. (The file mentioned here is only an example; there are many such files on the disk.)
9801612.GIF is interpreted as
98 = year 1998
016 = day of year 016 (where Jan. 1 = day of year 001)
12 = start time 1200 (in 24-hour time; 00 minutes is implied)
GIF = file in GIF format.
Return to end of Overview section
The following links can be used to navigate the ER HI data files and browse files on this disk.
For information about the data format, see the File Formats section above and the *.LBL file accompanying each data file.
Links to data for: January 1998 | February 1998 | March 1998 | April 1998 | May 1998