GE-3/29/98 E12 Science Data Losses 349-08:26 --->087-13:49; Lost TFs in brackets[.....] Changes in Bold Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Pass (GMT) TFs # Lost from PPT 349-10:53 43 2 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S 2988 40-32bps [61053] 3 RTS 11:40 VCDUs - Lost TF [61058] 2 RTS & 1 Priority VCDUs 350-10:41 43 DR# 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S 2989 A02091 40-32bps [61287] 1 RTS VCDU 350-18:10 63 2 0 - Rate change - Lost TFs S 2989 40-32bps [61347 & 61348] 7 RTS & 1 Priority VCDUs 350-20:08 14 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TFs S 2990 32-40bps [61361] 4 RTS VCDUs 351-00:01 43 1 0 - Tape unit #2 - Lost TF H 2990 of the FSC had [61403] 2 -> 00:35 a hardware Priority VCDUs fault requiring its removal from the system before the FSC could commence operation. 351-04:03 43 2 0 - Rate change - Lost TFs S 2990 80-60bps [61465 & 61466] -> 04:12 1 RTS VCDU 355-08:54 43 1 0 - Mode change - Lost TF UPA 2994 to 2-way due to [62450] 4 unscheduled Priority VCDUs uplink. 356-11:47 63 47 3 - Unscheduled - Lost TFs UPA 2995 txr usage and [62607 -> -> 17:21 subsequent low 62653] 10 link margin. Priority VCDUs 356-18:29 63 2 0 - Unscheduled Lost TFs [62664 UPA 2995 1-way mode & 62665] 1 -> 18:50 change after Priority VCDUs completion of uplink. 357-02:07 43 1 0 - Unscheduled - Lost TF UPA 2996 2-way mode [62698] 2 change due to Priority VCDUs unscheduled txr usage. 357-04:24 43 1 0 - RPM thruster - Lost TF UPA 2996 flush modeled [62708] 1 into DSN prdx. Priority VCDU The flush did not occur due to AACS anomaly. ***NOTE** - 96 Priority VCDUs lost from 357/11:27 - 21:45z. DSS63 was not scheduled for support and the sequnce had been halted including scheduled PWS fill periods. 357-23:33 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S 2997 32-20bps [62792] 1 Priority VCDU 358-01:06 43 1 0 - Unscheduled - Lost TF UPA 2997 mode change to [62799] 2 2-way after Priority VCDUs unscheduled txr usage. 358-04:01 43 1 0 - Unscheduled - Lost TF UPA 2997 uplink transfer [62812] 2 Priority VCDUs 358-11:21 43 1 0 - Link margin - Lost TF UPA 2997 due to txr in [62844] 1 link, ref above Priority VCDU entry for this pass. **NOTE** - 21 Priority VCDUs lost during scheduled gapp in coverage between DSS's 63 & 14. Ref above NOTE for particulars Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Pass (GMT) TFs # Lost from PPT 358-23:24 43 1 0 - Unknown - Lost TF U 2998 [62897] 2 Priority VCDUs 361-00:27 43 1 1 - Rate change - Lost S 3000 20-32bps TF[63185] 3 PB & 1 Priority VCDUs **Recovered from .btd PPT file** 363-06:00 43 DR#A02128 5 0 - The station - Lost TFs A 3002 was late in [63711 -> -> 06:34 going to point 63715] 9 PB & 9 as a broken Priority VCDUs water pipe to the cooling tower needed to be replaced. 364-08:38 43 DR#A02140 2 1 - The MEC - Lost A 3003 failed and the TFs[63732 & -> 08:55 station had to 63733] 7 PB & 1 fallback to Priority VCDUs computer pointing mode. **Recovered TF [63733] from .btd PPT file** 3 PB & 1 Priority VCDUs 364-09:37 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S 3003 20-8bps [63739] 4 PB VCDUs 364-18:13 63 1 1 - GTC merge - Lost TF S 3003 anomaly [63756] 1 PB VCDU **Recovered from the .btd PPT file** 001-15:35 63 2 2 - GTC merge - Lost TF S 3005 anomaly [63968] 3 PB & 16:43 1 priority VCDUs - Lost TF [63970] 3 PB VCDUs **Recovered both TFs from .btd PPT file** 001-18:50 14 DR#G03196 2 0 - DSS14 late in - Lost S 3006 acquiring tlm TFs[63973 & -> 19:20 as the DGT 63974] 5 needed to be Priority & 4 PB re-configured. VCDUs It would not accept the configuration table. 001-23:00 14 1 0 - Unknown - Lost TFs U 3006 [63992] 3 PB -> 23:25 VCDUs 003-08:17 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S 3007 20 - 8bps [64121] 4 PB VCDUs 003-17:57 14 2 2 - Unknown (1) & - Lost TFs U/S 3008 rate change [64139 & 64140] -> 19:22 8-20bps (2) 6 Priority VCDUs **Recovered from .btd PPT file** 004-00:58 43 3 0 - Unscheduled - Lost TFs UPA 3008 txr usage [64167 -> -> 01:23 necessitated 64169] 8 PB & 4 the switch from Priority VCDUs the ucone for commanding. 004-01:32 43 1 0 - Switch from - Lost TF UPA 3008 the prime maser [64171] 3 PB & to the ucone 1 Priority after VCDUs completion of commanding. 004-02:49 43 4 0 - Unscheduled - Lost TFs UPA 3008 mode changes [64180 -> -> 03:23 due to txr 64183] 6 PB & 5 usage. Priority VCDUs 004-13:48 63 1 1 - Mode change - Lost TF UPA 3008 to 2-way [64235] 4 Priority VCDUs **Recovered from .btd PPT file** 005-09:59 43 2 0 -Unknown - Lost TFs U 3009 [64335 & 64336] -> 10:48 5 Priority & 2 PB VCDUs 005-10:48 63 3 3 - Unscheduled - Lost TFs UPA 3009 uplink and low [64342 -> -> 15:20 link margin. 64344] 5 Priority & 2 PB VCDUs **Recovered from .btd PPT file** Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Pass (GMT) TFs # Lost from PPT 005-17:37 63 1 1 - Unknown - Lost TF U 3009 [64349] 1 Priority & 2 PB VCDUs **Recovered from .btd PPT file** 006-18:12 63 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF S 3010 20-8bps [64404] 3 PB & 1 Priority VCDUs **Recovered from .btd PPT file** 006-18:26 14 1 1 - Unknown - Lost U 3011 TF[64406] 1 PB & 1 Priority VCDUs **Recovered from .btd PPT file** 007-20:59 14 1 0 - Unscheduled - Lost TF UPA 3012 txr usage [64518] 4 PB VCDUs 007-21:41 14 1 0 - Unscheduled - Lost TF UPA 3012 2-way mode [64521] 3 PB & change. 1 Priority VCDUs 008-03:03 43 2 2 - Thruster - Lost TFs SPA 3012 flush [64538 & 64539] -> 03:31 activities 7 PB & 1 Priority VCDUs **Recovered from .btd PPT file** 011-08:02 43 2 0 - Unknown - Lost TFs U 3015 [64909 & 64910] -> 08:19 8 PB VCDUs 011-14:49 63 5 5 - GTC merge - Lost TFs S 3016 anomaly [64928 -> -> 19:15 64932] 6 Priority & 14 PB VCDUs **Recovered from .btd PPT file** 012-01:35 14 DR#G03237 1 0 - Antenna to - Lost TF A 3016 brake at 0140z. [64949] 1 PB The ASC was VCDU reset to restore operability. 013-21:59 43 2 0 - Unknown - Lost TFs U 3018 [65085 & 65086] -> 23:07 4 Priority & 4 PB VCDUs 014-03:02 43 DR# 9 0 - Antenna to - Lost TFs A 3018 A02081 brake. The [65112 -> -> 04:03 station cleared 65120] 34 PB & the debris area 2 Priority to restore VCDUs operability. 014-09:31 43 1 1 - Unknown - Lost TF U 3018 [65160] 2 PB VCDUs **Recovered in the .btd PPT file** 014-22:26 14 1 0 - Possible GTC - Lost TF S 3019 merge anomaly [65183] 4 Priority VCDUs 016-18:31 14 DR# 11 0 - DSS14 late to - Lost TFs A 3020 G03262 point due to [65467 -> -> 22:29 HTX anomaly. 65475, 65498 & The HTX was 65499] 17 PB & turned on late 3 Priority as well and an VCDUs unscheduled mode change time occurred. 018-22:37 43 DR# 12 0 - The entire - Lost TFs [323 PD 3023 A02199 DGT was -> 334] 44 PB & -> 23:57 inadvertently 4 Priority rebooted. VCDUs 020-11:01 63 DR# 5 0 - Antenna to - Lost TFs [735 A 3024 L01755 brake - film & 736, 747 -> -> 12:59 height alarm 749] 20 PB and unscheduled VCDUs mode changes. 023-05:33 43 DR# 2 0 - The HTX was - Lost TFs PD 3027 A02220 taken to [1245 & 1246] 8 -> 05:47 standby PB VCDUs inadvertently from 0357 - 0401z. 023-22:12 43 1 - Unknown - Lost TF U 3028 [1363] 2 Priority VCDUs Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Pass (GMT) TFs # Lost from PPT 024-03:44 43 DR# 1 0 - Inclement - Lost TF W 3028 A02226 weather - rain [1431] 4 PB VCDUs 026-12:29 63 DR# 39 0 - Inclement - Lost TFs W 3030 L01767 weather - heavy [1853 & 1854, -> 18:30 snow 1856 -> 1874, 1876 -> 1894] 152 PB, 12 Priority VCDUs 027-17:26 14 DR# 1 0 - BTD reboot - Lost TF S 3032 G03315 [1996] 4 Priority VCDUs 027-19:11 14 23 2 - Solar - Lost TFs SS 3032 Scintillation [2011 -. 2028, -> 00:50 2031, 2034 & 2035, 2058, 2060] 82 PB & 9 Priority VCDUs **TFs [2035 & 2058] 8 PB VCDUs recovered in the .btd PPT file** 029-02:32 43 2 0 - Rate change - Lost TFs S 3033 60-80bps [2226 & 2261] 8 04:33 PB VCDUs - Rate change 80-60bps 029-23:24 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S 3034 40-60bps [2416] 4 PB VCDUs 030-03:42 43 11 2 - Solar - Lost TFs SS 3034 Scintillation [2476, 2478 -> -> 07:25 2480, 2482, 2493, 2503, 2516, 2523 & 2524, 2526] 33 PB & 3 Priority VCDUs **TFs [2476 & 2516] 8 PB VCDUs recovered in the .btd PPT file** 030-17:07 14 2 0 - Rate change - Lost TFs 2577 S 3035 20-32bps & 2578] 8 -> 17:28 Priority VCDUs 030-18:02 14 DR# 16 0 - Late HTX on - Lost TFs A 3035 G03327 and subsequent [2583 -> 2598] -> 19:53 mode changes at 41 PB & 2 unscheduled Priority VCDUs times. 030-20:00 14 8 0 - Solar - Lost TFs SS 3035 Scintillation [2600, 2603, -> 22:23 2605 -> 2608, 2612, 2620] 28 PB & 4 Priority VCDUs 030-22:30 43 10 - Solar - Lost TFs SS 3035 Scintillation [2622, 2625 -> -> 23:53 2632, 2637] 40 PB VCDUs 032-01:38 43 DR# 10 2 - The station - Lost TFs PD 3036 A02267 was [2837 -> 2844, -> 02:59 misconfigured 2847 & 2848] 8 and needed to PB & 3 Priority reconfigure VCDUs, after BOT. **TFs[2847 & 2848] 8 PB VCDUs recovered in the .btd PPT file** 032-09:21 63 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF S 3036 20-8bps [2899] 3 PB & 1 Priority VCDUs **Recovered in the .btd PPT file** 033-10:32 63 1 1 - Rate change - Lost TF S 3037 8-20bps [2984] 3 Priority & 1 PB VCDUs **Recovered in the .btd PPT file** 033-11:39 63 DR# 5 0 - The antenna - Lost TFs A 3037 L01785 went to brake [2989 & 2990] 7 -> 12:07 with "Film PB & 1 Priority height" alarm. VCDUs 13:29 - Unscheduled - Lost TFs -> 14:10 mode changes [2997 -> 2999] due to earlier 11 PB & 1 event. Priority VCDUs 034-16:10 14 DR# 12 0 - The antenna - Lost TFs W 3039 G03345 was at stow [3093 -> 3102] -> 18:59 during this 12 Priority & 8 time due to PB VCDUs 20:20 high winds. - Lost TFs -> 20:48 - Unscheduled [3109 & 3110] 7 2-way mode PB & 1 Priority change VCDUs Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Pass (GMT) TFs # Lost from PPT 035- 14 1 0 - Unknown - Lost TF U 3040 16:45 [3218] 4 Priority VCDUs 037- 43 2 0 - Solar - Lost TFs SS 3041 03:58 Scintillation [3432 & 3433] 7 PB & 1 Priority -> 04:18 VCDUs 037- 14 1 0 - Unknown - Lost TF U 3042 16:34 [3481] 2 Priority VCDUs 040-09:46 63 DR# 1 0 - SPC60 was - Lost TF H 3044 L01802 unable to [3784] 4 PB assign a GTC to VCDUs the link for DSS63 because both CMC's were red. 040-18:53 14 DR# 7 0 The antenna - Lost TFs A 3045 G03366 went to brake [3819 -> 3822, -> 21:23 twice and two 3824 -> 3826, DR# unscheduled 3828 & 3829, G03368 mode changes. 3830, 3835] 5 Priority VCDUs 041-01:52 43 1 - Unknown - Lost TF U 3045 [3855] 4 PB VCDUs 041-15:30 63 1 0 - Solar - Lost TF SS 3045 Scintillation [3898] 4 PB -> 16:04 and 2-way mode VCDUs (static phase error - SPE) 041-16:04 14 DR# 2 0 - Antenna to - Lost TFs A 3046 G03370 brake due to [3899, 3904 & -> 16:38 film height. 3906] 10 PB & 2 The antenna was Priority VCDUs 18:33 restored to operation after 19:04 debris removal- TF 3899. - TFs 3904 & 3905 lost at subsequent mode changes. 041-17:12 14 11 0 - Solar - Lost TFs SS 3046 Scintillation [3900 -> 3903, -> 18:19 3905, 3907 ->2912] 19 PB & 18:52 7 Priority VCDUs 19:15 -> 20:50 042- 43 15 0 - Solar - Lost TFs SS 3046 01:09 Scintillation [3932 -> 3946] 53 PB & 7 -> 04:34 Priority VCDUs 043- 43 12 0 - Solar - Lost TFs SS 3048 22:35 Scintillation [4048 -> 4054, 4056 -> 4059, -> 044- 4061 -> 4065] 08:25 18 Priority & 11 PB VCDUs 045- 43 12 0 - Solar - Lost TFs SS 3049 00:11 Scintillation [4093, 4097 -> 4108] 17 08:09 Priority VCDUs 047-01:40 All 0 The last - Lost TFs SS 3051 transfer frame [4181 -> 4845] -> -> received prior 694 Priority to Solar VCDUs 3067 062-20:33 Conjunction was TF [4180] @ **667 TFs lost 047/0140z. total for Solar Solar Conjunction.** Conjunction continued until 062/2033z when TF 4846 was recovered. 062-23:24 All 35 2 During this - Lost TFs SS 3067 timeframe [4851, 4853 -> -> -> numerous TFs 4857, 4907 -> were lost due 4910, 4912 -> 3070 066-05:54 to lingering 4918, 4929 -> effects of 4934, 4937 & Solar 4938, 4941 -> Conjunction. 4943, 4946 & 4947, 4978 -> 4982, 4988 & 4989] 42 Priority & 36 PB VCDUs **TF [4916, 4946] 4 Priority & 3 PB VCDUs recovered from the .btd PPT file** Time DSS Reference RT Rcvd Events Comments Cause Pass (GMT) TFs # Lost from PPT 068-08:17 63 DR L01872 21 0 The station had - Lost TFs 5152 U 3072 high residuals -> 5165, 5167 -> 16:26 in 2-way mode -> 5170, 5174, for an unknown 5176 & 5177] 53 reason. As PB & 10 well, the DGT Priority VCDUs was unable to maintain FSR signal detect. 069-14:15 14 DR# 2 0 The BTD - Lost TFs S 3074 G03488 required a [5232 & 5233] 7 -> 15:12 reboot before PB & 1 Priority the DGT could VCDUs be run. Hence the DGT was run late. 070-02:23 43 1 0 The station did - Lost TF U 3074 not process the [5301] 3 PB & 1 last non-fill Priority VCDUs TF for unknown reason(s). 070-08:48 63 DR# 9 0 The station had - Lost TFs U 3074 L01887 high residuals [5314 & 5315, -> 11:43 in 2-way mode 5317 -> 5322] for an unknown 22 PB & 6 reason. As Priority VCDUs well, the DGT was unable to maintain FSR signal detect. 077-23:06 14 DR# 1 0 DSS14 was 15 - Lost TF S 3082 G03517 seconds late in [6239] 3 PB & 1 turning off the Priority VCDUs txr during an uplink handover to DSS43. The timed directive failed to execute. 079-06:30 63 2 0 Rate change 32 - Lost TFs S 3083 - 8bps [6487 & 6488] 8 -> 07:22 PB VCDUs 079-07:49 63 2 0 Rate change 20 - Lost TFs S 3083 - 32bps [6491 & 6492] 7 -> 08:11 PB & 1 Priority VCDUs 079-19:26 43 1 0 Rate change - Lost TF S 3084 40-32bps [6579] 3 PB & 1 Prioirty VCDUs 080-06:07 43 1 0 Rate change - Lost TF S 3084 40-32bps [6702] 4 PB VCDUs 080-06:22 63 1 0 Rate change - Lost TF S 3084 2-8bps [6704] 3 PB & 1 Priority VCDUs 080-19:32 43 1 0 The BTD - Lost TF S 3085 required a [6080] 3 re-acquisition Priority VCDUs before locking tlm. 086-21:53 43 FR# 9851 59 59 - The .bcs - Lost TFs in I 3090 utility halted. r/t [7785 -> -> 7843] 115 PB, - DSOT 25 Priority, & 087-02:26 restarted .bcs 7 RTS VCDUs to restore broadcast - All TFs capability. recovered in .btd PPT file. 086-04:38 43 1 0 - Rate change - Lost TF S 3090 60-40bps [7873] 4 PB VCDUs The last E12 PB VCDU came down timetagged (ERT) 10:18:45z TOTAL 503 94 Total Science 9394 Frames: Total Frames 12644 (including Fill): PP - Procedural (Project) Transfer Frames #s lost in brackets [.........] PD - Procedural (DSN) H - H/W Related/Failure A - Antenna Problem S - S/W Related UPA - Unscheduled project action SPA - Scheduled Project activity GCF- GCF hardware/software anomaly F - Facility problem (e.g. power failure) U - Unknown W - Weather (e.g. Parkes stow due to high winds) I - Internal JPL AMMOS anomaly JN - Jupiter Hot Body Noise SS - Solar Scintillation