("23MBSURVEY01-" OAPEL "MWG" (Time "JEE-SCE 1/00:03:32.717" "JEE+SCE 10/04:03:40.283" (Duration "11/04:07:13.000")) (ID "23MBSURVEY01-") (REQUESTOR "MWG-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "MWG") (INSTRUMENT "MWG") (LOAD "C23A") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "R/T Magnetospheric Survey: C23 Encounter") (OBJECTIVE "FREE_RTS = 2.009 Mbits Lowrate, realtime data, symmetrical about perijove, is obtained in each of the GEM orbits to provide background and contextural data for the recorded, high rate measurements. In orbits where no recorded data is taken, the rt survey provides data on the spatial and temporal variations of the innermost, and most active portion of the magnetosphere.") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 56) (TOPLABEL "") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MMOPAVOF01+" OAPEL "MAG" (Time "JEE-SCE 1/00:02:32.717" "JEE-SCE 1/00:01:32.717" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23MMOPAVOF01+") (REQUESTOR "MAG-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "MAG") (INSTRUMENT "MAG") (LOAD "C23A") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "MAG Optimal Averager OFF Before Encounter RTS") (OBJECTIVE "This activity places the magnetometer in a mode appropriate for the resumption of real time science (RTS) data collection. Previously, the MAG optimal averager was collecting time-averaged data for downlink via memory readouts (e.g. MMLOWRES OAPels). The optimal averager must be turned off before the data can be written to the appropriate place in MAG memory for RTS data collection to occur. ") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 30) (TOPLABEL "") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23LOADA 01 " OAPEL "LDBDY" (Time SCE "1999-256/20:00:00.000" "1999-256/20:01:00.000" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23LOADA 01 ") (REQUESTOR "LBARNARD") (TEAM "SSO") (INSTRUMENT "") (LOAD "") (WORKGROUP "") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "Load A Boundry ") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 0) (TOPLABEL "LOADA") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MDRTDUST01-" OAPEL "DDS" (Time "JEE-SCE 1/00:01:32.717" "JEE-SCE 1/00:00:32.717" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23MDRTDUST01-") (REQUESTOR "DDS-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "DDS") (INSTRUMENT "DDS") (LOAD "C23A") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "DDS Start RTS for C23 Sequence") (OBJECTIVE "BTG = 0.303 MBITS A major objective of the dust detector will be collecting real time science (RTS) data using a strategy developed following analysis of the Prime Mission dust data. The dust detector observing geometry is customized to return data during periods of maximum impact rates which are expected to shift from the inbound leg to the outbound leg of the GEM orbits because the line of apsides of Galileo's orbit rotates with respect to Earth. There are several science objectives encompassed by this dataset. The most important is to monitor the newly discovered small magnetospheric dust particles and the dust-magnetosphere interactions. A related objective is to find new effects of the relation between dust sources (Io, Europa, etc.) and the magnetospheric conditions (e.g. long term variations) in order to develop and test models that predict dust-magnetosphere interactions. The real time data will also permit the study of large dust particles which are concentrated in the inner jovian system (inside about 20 Rj).") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 28) (TOPLABEL "") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MHCNFRTS01 " OAPEL "HIC" (Time SCE "1999-256/20:01:00.000" "1999-256/20:06:00.000" (Duration "0/00:05:00.000")) (ID "23MHCNFRTS01 ") (REQUESTOR "K FUJII 3-7914 264-765") (TEAM "HIC") (INSTRUMENT "HIC") (LOAD "C23A") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "CONFIGURE HIC FOR RTS") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "1. UTILITY PA - PRI STRING (30 BYTES ESTIMATED) 6HICON ASSIGNS THE GLOBAL CDS VARIABLE 28 TO ENABLE HIC DATA COLLECTION FROM THE SHARED HIC/EUV DATA BUS. 2. HICCMD PA (64 BYTES ESTIMATED) 24R REDUNDANT EUV POWER OFF 28E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 LET E PREAMP POWER ON 28PHA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 PHA (WDSTP,TRPL,DUBL,LETB,WDPEN; ON) 28ANAL 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 LB3:OFF; LB2,LE3,LE4,LE1/B2,LE2/B1,LE1/A2:ON 28BP 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 LET B PREAMP ON 28MISC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 HV REDUNDANT:ON; CAL DISABLE:ON; LET E AUTO GAIN:ON; LET E GAIN SET:NO") (CDSCOST 94) (TOPLABEL "CONFIGURE HIC FOR RTS") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MEINIRTS01 " OAPEL "EPD" (Time SCE "1999-256/20:02:00.000" "1999-256/20:03:00.000" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23MEINIRTS01 ") (REQUESTOR "K FUJII 3-7914 264-765") (TEAM "EPD") (INSTRUMENT "EPD") (LOAD "C23A") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "INITIALIZE EPD FOR RTS") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "EPDMODE PA (28 BYTES) 25RESC RESUME SCAN 25HREF,06 SET HIGH VOLTAGE TO LEVEL 06") (CDSCOST 28) (TOPLABEL "INITIALIZE EPD FOR RTS") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MMCONFIG01-" OAPEL "MAG" (Time "JEE-SCE 0/10:00:00.000" "JEE-SCE 0/09:59:00.000" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23MMCONFIG01-") (REQUESTOR "MAG-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "MAG") (INSTRUMENT "MAG") (LOAD "C23A") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "MAG Configuration - ILHR at 10 Rj Inbound") (OBJECTIVE "The primary GEM operating configuration for the magnetometer is the ILLR mode: inboard sensor on, flip left, low range (512 nT). Each orbit the magnetometer will be switched to the high range (16,384 nT), ILHR mode, when the external magnetic field magnitude exceeds 400 nT. This change will occur somewhere in the vicinity of 10 Rj inbound for each orbit. The magnetometer will be reconfigured to ILLR at about 10 Rj outbound when the field magnitude drops below 400 nT. The exact time of the configuration changes will be computed during sequence development.") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 84) (TOPLABEL "MAGCNFG") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MWCHORUS01*" OAPEL "PWS" (Time SCE "1999-257/12:00:00.000" "1999-257/13:15:00.000" (Duration "0/01:15:00.000")) (ID "23MWCHORUS01*") (REQUESTOR "PWS-MWG CALEXAND 3-7773") (TEAM "PWS") (INSTRUMENT "PWS") (LOAD "") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "PWS Chorus Observations") (OBJECTIVE "TICS=5727, FMT=HPW BTG = 0.0 Original tic request was too much so the allocation was constrained by 700 tics. PWS will pay for this observation out of it's existing MWG allocation. If necessary this observation may be broken into small segments (of arbitrary duration but not shorter than 37 mf's). The observation should take place between 8 and 9 Rj. PWS will make these observations in the same range where Voyager saw Chorus. Chorus in this range may be a signature of plasma acceleration, so these observations may contribute to an understanding of magnetosphere/ionosphere coupling. This observation may be broken up into many segments of short duration (on the order of a RIM), not none shorter than 37 mf's, and may extend longer than the 4 hours allocated in this OAPel if needed by operationsl concerns. These observations should take place between 8 & 9 Rj. ") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 0) (TOPLABEL "23MWCHORUS01*") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MWPERIJV02+" OAPEL "PWS" (Time "JEE-CDS 278:00:0" "JEE-CDS 273:00:0" (Duration "5:00:0")) (ID "23MWPERIJV02+") (REQUESTOR "PWS-MWG CALEXAND 3-7773") (TEAM "PWS") (INSTRUMENT "PWS") (LOAD "") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "PWS POST-PERIJOVE RTS") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 16) (TOPLABEL "") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS CDS) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT ) (DMS ) (CDS_SOURCE ) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MLPERIJV02+" OAPEL "PLS" (Time "JEE-CDS 274:00:0" "JEE-CDS 273:00:0" (Duration "1:00:0")) (ID "23MLPERIJV02+") (REQUESTOR "PLS-MWG CALEXAND 3-7773") (TEAM "PLS") (INSTRUMENT "PLS") (LOAD "") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "PLS POST-PERIJOVE RTS") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 250) (TOPLABEL "") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS CDS) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT ) (DMS ) (CDS_SOURCE ) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MBPRJOVX01-" OAPEL "MWG" (Time "JEE-CDS 273:05:0" "JEE+CDS 87:05:0" (Duration "360:10:0")) (ID "23MBPRJOVX01-") (REQUESTOR "MWG-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "MWG") (INSTRUMENT "MWG") (LOAD "C23A") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "MWG Perijove Crossing") (OBJECTIVE "These recordings will provide valuable high resolution data on the innermost magnetospheric/torus environment as perijove is reduced from roughly 9 Rj to about 6.5 Rj. The in situ instruments will collectively make measurements of the magnetic Fields and Particle interactions within the region, including waves and radio signals. The measurements of each instrument will collectively contribute to, among other things, an understanding of particle energetics in the region, and plasma transport processes from the inner to the outer magnetopshere. The collective measurements from C20 to C23 have been designed to cover a continuous range of Rj as perijove drops, and as many System III longitudes as possible for complete asymuthal coverage as perijove drops. TICS = 5120, FMT=LPW BTG = 73.08 MBITS") (DESIGN "Long (W) = 78 - 240 7.38 Rj - 6.55 Rj - 6.64 Rj") (CDSCOST 56) (TOPLABEL "MWG LPW GLUE") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS CDS) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS Y) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 1) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MECNFREC01 " OAPEL "EPD" (Time "JEE-CDS 120:00:0" "JEE-CDS 119:01:0" (Duration "0:90:0")) (ID "23MECNFREC01 ") (REQUESTOR "K FUJII 3-7914 264-765") (TEAM "EPD") (INSTRUMENT "EPD") (LOAD "C23A") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "SEL EPD/HIC FOR PERIJOVE RECORDING") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "OPTREC PA SELECT EPD/HIC INTO RECORD") (CDSCOST 56) (TOPLABEL "SEL EPD/HIC FOR PERIJOVE RECORDING") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS CDS) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MWPWS_HI02*" OAPEL "PWS" (Time SCE "1999-257/20:00:00.000" "1999-257/20:12:30.000" (Duration "0/00:12:30.000")) (ID "23MWPWS_HI02*") (REQUESTOR "PWS-MWG CALEXAND 3-7773") (TEAM "PWS") (INSTRUMENT "PWS") (LOAD "") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "PWS perijove High Rate") (OBJECTIVE "TICS=650, FMT= MPP BTG = 0.0 PWS will pay for this observation out of it's existing MWG allocation. The purpose of this observation is to sample the perijove region while the other in situ instruments are also taking data, at a high data rate. Prospective measurements incluse details of the interchange instability near perijove. The purpose of this observation is to sample the perijove region while the other in situ instruments are also taking data, at a high data rate. Prospective measurements include details of the interchange instability near perijove.") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 50) (TOPLABEL "23MWPWS_HI02*") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MLPERIJV01+" OAPEL "PLS" (Time "JEE+CDS 87:00:0" "JEE+CDS 92:00:0" (Duration "5:00:0")) (ID "23MLPERIJV01+") (REQUESTOR "PLS-MWG CALEXAND 3-7773") (TEAM "PLS") (INSTRUMENT "PLS") (LOAD "") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "PLS PERIJOVE MEASUREMENTS") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 450) (TOPLABEL "") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS CDS) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT ) (DMS ) (CDS_SOURCE ) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MWPERIJV01+" OAPEL "PWS" (Time "JEE+CDS 87:00:0" "JEE+CDS 88:00:0" (Duration "1:00:0")) (ID "23MWPERIJV01+") (REQUESTOR "PLS-MWG CALEXAND 3-7773") (TEAM "PLS") (INSTRUMENT "PLS") (LOAD "") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "PWS PERIJOVE MEASUREMENTS ") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 24) (TOPLABEL "") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS CDS) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT ) (DMS ) (CDS_SOURCE ) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MECNFRTS01 " OAPEL "EPD" (Time "JEE+CDS 240:00:0" "JEE+CDS 240:90:0" (Duration "0:90:0")) (ID "23MECNFRTS01 ") (REQUESTOR "K FUJII 3-7914 264-765") (TEAM "EPD") (INSTRUMENT "EPD") (LOAD "C23A") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "SELECT EPD/HIC INTO RTS AFTER PERIJOVE RECORD") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "OPTRTM PA INCLUDE EPD/HIC IN RTS") (CDSCOST 56) (TOPLABEL "SELECT EPD/HIC INTO RTS AFTER PERIJOVE R") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS CDS) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MBRTDUSK01*" OAPEL "MWG" (Time "JEE+SCE 0/04:03:40.283" "JEE+SCE 10/23:56:27.283" (Duration "10/19:52:47.000")) (ID "23MBRTDUSK01*") (REQUESTOR "MWG-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "MWG") (INSTRUMENT "MWG") (LOAD "C23A") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "R/T Dusk Magnetospheric Survey: C23 Cruise") (OBJECTIVE "As the Jovian magnetosphere is asymmetrical, the MWG is desirous of obtaining data from the magnetosphere as the GEM tour drifts towards the dusk magnetosphere. This observation will assist with the identification of regions of solar-wind driven vs corotation driven processes in the magnetosphere. BTG= 15.141 Mbits") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 56) (TOPLABEL "23MBRTDUSK01*") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23PBINIT 01 " OAPEL "MSNEV1" (Time "JEE+CDS 241:00:0" "JEE+CDS 3079:00:0" (Duration "2838:00:0")) (ID "23PBINIT 01 ") (REQUESTOR "LBARNARD") (TEAM "SSO") (INSTRUMENT "") (LOAD "") (WORKGROUP "") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "Initiate Playback") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 0) (TOPLABEL "PBINIT01") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS CDS) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MMCONFIG02-" OAPEL "MAG" (Time "JEE+SCE 0/09:00:00.000" "JEE+SCE 0/09:01:00.000" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23MMCONFIG02-") (REQUESTOR "MAG-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "MAG") (INSTRUMENT "MAG") (LOAD "C23A") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "MAG Configuration - ILLR at 10 Rj Outbound") (OBJECTIVE "The primary GEM operating configuration for the magnetometer is the ILLR mode: inboard sensor on, flip left, low range (512 nT). Each orbit the magnetometer will be switched to the high range (16,384 nT), ILHR mode, when the external magnetic field magnitude exceeds 400 nT. This change will occur somewhere in the vicinity of 10 Rj inbound for each orbit. The magnetometer will be reconfigured to ILLR at about 10 Rj outbound when the field magnitude drops below 400 nT. The exact time of the configuration changes will be computed during sequence development.") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 84) (TOPLABEL "MAGCNFG") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23JUAURORA_N*" OAPEL "UVS" (Time "JEE+CDS 1363:00:0" "JEE+CDS 1427:00:0" (Duration "64:00:0")) (ID "23JUAURORA_N*") (REQUESTOR "UVS-MWG/W. KENT TOBISKA 3-7742") (TEAM "UVS") (INSTRUMENT "UVS") (LOAD "A") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "UVS") (RIDING "") (TITLE "Northern Aurora") (OBJECTIVE "Observe equatorial Lyman-a on Jupiter's darkside to determine long-term changes as a function of System III longitude from charged particle impact upon thermospheric hydrogen. Without the effect of sunlight, H emission variations result from magnetospheric plasma interaction and dynamical mixing from lower layers. This is a real-time observation for 1.0 hours using a G/G Lyman-a 88 step 2 position miniscan at a distance from Jupiter = TBD Rj. Resource usage: CDS bytes = 149 MBTG = 0.035 (paid by MWG) S/P = 64 RIMs DMS = none Time = 64 RIMs GEM Objective Phase 1 - Magnetospheric interactions Phase 2 - none Phase 3 - none") (DESIGN "PSID CDS RIM COMMAND PARAMETERS 384AB 00 00:00 COMMNT UVS RIM 0 157AB 38 03:00 CMDRS PLAN_DUR = 61 RIMS; EST_UVS_CMDS = 2 (34UVS) 04:00 1 UVG:DF,FIXED,NORM,NORM,NORM,SAME,0,OFF,OFF,ON,ON,OFF,NOOVR,1,2C,7D,00, 2C 64:00 61 OFF:C1,FIXED,NORM,NORM,NORM,SAME,0,OFF,OFF,ON,OFF,OFF,NOOVR,1,2C,05,00 ,00 349AE 28 03:69 UVFLSH DISCRD,UVS 165AB 27 04:00 TARGET Lat/Lon = 0/TBD (RA/Dec = TBD) Last cn/ck = TBD. 349AF 28 33:69 UVFLSH PACKET,UVS (1) 349AG 28 63:69 UVFLSH PACKET,UVS (2)") (CDSCOST 149) (TOPLABEL "23JUAURORA_N*") (BOTLABEL "realtime") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS CDS) (SPINSTAT DUAL) (SPINUSE DUAL No) (SCANPLAT Y) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 1) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23TU23NANS01-" OAPEL "UVS" (Time "JEE+CDS 1930:00:0" "JEE+CDS 2312:00:0" (Duration "382:00:0")) (ID "23TU23NANS01-") (REQUESTOR "UVS-MWG/S.STEPHENS 37740") (TEAM "UVS") (INSTRUMENT "UVS") (LOAD "C23A") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "UVS") (RIDING "") (TITLE "UVS/EUV IO TORUS NOON ANSA, C23 OUTBOUND") (OBJECTIVE "UVS/EUV MAP OF IO TORUS NOON ANSA, C23 OUTBOUND (BTG=0.110, TICS=0): Target: 90 CONE (assumes Earth-pointing); 5.76 Rj ansa ribbon determines CLOCK From: +6.40 Rj, 259/04:53, GLL-Jup = 20.9 Rj, start UVS/EUV (by agreement with HIC) Thru: +5.77 Rj, 259/07:55, GLL-Jup = 22.2 Rj, ansa ribbon (Sys III W Long xxx) To: +5.13 Rj, 259/10:57, GLL-Jup = 23.5 Rj, end UVS/EUV (by agreement with HIC) UVFLUSH STRATEGY (17,712 bits per UVS or EUV PACKET; data rate 4.87 bps UVS, 4.87 bps EUV): UVS/EUV deselected; 60-RIM UVFLUSHes needed to PACKET EUV or BOTH after initial DISCRDs Total bits: 6 UVS + 6 EUV UVFLUSH PACKETs = 0.106 MB UVS + 0.106 MB EUV = 0.213 MB WAVELENGTHS (Angstroms): Emission lines: UVS (H 1215, S+ 1259, S+ 4070), EUV (S++ 685, S+ 765, O+ 834) 2POSN-22STEP N/G MINISCAN: N 4040.9-4098.7 (CTR 4071.2, STEP 436) [EVEN FRAMES], G 1239.8-1272.1 (CTR 1256.7, STEP 81) [ODD FRAMES] Strategy for MINISCANS: May need to maintain PWS-quiet (Dusk RTS after J C/A + 19 hrs)") (DESIGN "PSID RIM:mf CDS PA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- 384BA 0 0 COMMENT [UVS RIM 0] 1 900 [LOAD PHASE 2 EUVON LIBRARY SEQUENCE] 7 179 [LOAD PHASE 2 EUVTOR LIBRARY SEQUENCE] 351BA 9 21 EUVCMD [TARGET BODY TORUS] 9 24EUV,C,3,D8,C,2,18 [STARTING STEP 216, 2 SCANS/SECTOR, 24 SECTORS] 157BA 14 38 CMDRS (10+14*2) [PLAN DUR 361, EST UVS CMDS 2] 349BA 14:69 28 UVFLUSH [6UVRT, DISCRD, BOTH] 165BA 15 27 TARGET [CONE 90.00, CLOCK xxx.xx, POSITION SLEW ALLOCATION 4, NO TMC] 15 34UVS,D3,F,N,N,N,S,0,OFF,ON,ON,ON,OFF,NO,1,D5,4E,05,63 [22STEP N/G] 349BB 73:69 168 UVFLUSH (28*6) [6UVRT, PACKET, BOTH] ...BG [Repeat PACKET BOTH every 60 RIMs] 375 34UVS,C1,F,N,N,N,S,0,OFF,OFF,ON,OFF,OFF,NO,1,2C,05,00,00 [HVOFF] 376 180 [LOAD PHASE 2 EUVOFF LIBRARY SEQUENCE] 382 [End of OAPEL]") (CDSCOST 65) (TOPLABEL "23TU23NANS01-") (BOTLABEL "(UVS/EUV RTS Io Torus)") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS CDS) (SPINSTAT DUAL) (SPINUSE DUAL No) (SCANPLAT Y) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 1) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23TV23NANS01-" OAPEL "EUV" (Time "JEE+CDS 1930:00:0" "JEE+CDS 2312:00:0" (Duration "382:00:0")) (ID "23TV23NANS01-") (REQUESTOR "UVS-MWG/S.STEPHENS 37740") (TEAM "EUV") (INSTRUMENT "EUV") (LOAD "C23A") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "UVS") (RIDING "") (TITLE "UVS/EUV IO TORUS NOON ANSA, C23 OUTBOUND") (OBJECTIVE "UVS/EUV MAP OF IO TORUS NOON ANSA, C23 OUTBOUND (BTG=0.110, TICS=0): Target: 90 CONE (assumes Earth-pointing); 5.76 Rj ansa ribbon determines CLOCK From: +6.40 Rj, 259/04:53, GLL-Jup = 20.9 Rj, start UVS/EUV (by agreement with HIC) Thru: +5.77 Rj, 259/07:55, GLL-Jup = 22.2 Rj, ansa ribbon (Sys III W Long xxx) To: +5.13 Rj, 259/10:57, GLL-Jup = 23.5 Rj, end UVS/EUV (by agreement with HIC) UVFLUSH STRATEGY (17,712 bits per UVS or EUV PACKET; data rate 4.87 bps UVS, 4.87 bps EUV): UVS/EUV deselected; 60-RIM UVFLUSHes needed to PACKET EUV or BOTH after initial DISCRDs Total bits: 6 UVS + 6 EUV UVFLUSH PACKETs = 0.106 MB UVS + 0.106 MB EUV = 0.213 MB WAVELENGTHS (Angstroms): Emission lines: UVS (H 1215, S+ 1259, S+ 4070), EUV (S++ 685, S+ 765, O+ 834) 2POSN-22STEP N/G MINISCAN: N 4040.9-4098.7 (CTR 4071.2, STEP 436) [EVEN FRAMES], G 1239.8-1272.1 (CTR 1256.7, STEP 81) [ODD FRAMES] Strategy for MINISCANS: May need to maintain PWS-quiet (Dusk RTS after J C/A + 19 hrs)") (DESIGN "PSID RIM:mf CDS PA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- 384BA 0 0 COMMENT [UVS RIM 0] 1 900 [LOAD PHASE 2 EUVON LIBRARY SEQUENCE] 7 179 [LOAD PHASE 2 EUVTOR LIBRARY SEQUENCE] 351BA 9 21 EUVCMD [TARGET BODY TORUS] 9 24EUV,C,3,D8,C,2,18 [STARTING STEP 216, 2 SCANS/SECTOR, 24 SECTORS] 157BA 14 38 CMDRS (10+14*2) [PLAN DUR 361, EST UVS CMDS 2] 349BA 14:69 28 UVFLUSH [6UVRT, DISCRD, BOTH] 165BA 15 27 TARGET [CONE 90.00, CLOCK xxx.xx, POSITION SLEW ALLOCATION 4, NO TMC] 15 34UVS,D3,F,N,N,N,S,0,OFF,ON,ON,ON,OFF,NO,1,D5,4E,05,63 [22STEP N/G] 349BB 73:69 168 UVFLUSH (28*6) [6UVRT, PACKET, BOTH] ...BG [Repeat PACKET BOTH every 60 RIMs] 375 34UVS,C1,F,N,N,N,S,0,OFF,OFF,ON,OFF,OFF,NO,1,2C,05,00,00 [HVOFF] 376 180 [LOAD PHASE 2 EUVOFF LIBRARY SEQUENCE] 382 [End of OAPEL]") (CDSCOST 1541) (TOPLABEL "23TV23NANS01-") (BOTLABEL "(UVS/EUV RTS Io Torus)") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS CDS) (SPINSTAT DUAL) (SPINUSE DUAL No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MHCNFRTS02 " OAPEL "HIC" (Time SCE "1999-259/10:00:00.000" "1999-259/10:06:00.000" (Duration "0/00:06:00.000")) (ID "23MHCNFRTS02 ") (REQUESTOR "K FUJII 3-7914 264-765") (TEAM "HIC") (INSTRUMENT "HIC") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "CONFIGURE HIC FOR RTS") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "1. UTILITY PA - PRI STRING (30 BYTES ESTIMATED) 6HICON ASSIGNS THE GLOBAL CDS VARIABLE 28 TO ENABLE HIC DATA COLLECTION FROM THE SHARED HIC/EUV DATA BUS. 2. HICCMD PA (64 BYTES ESTIMATED) 24R REDUNDANT EUV POWER OFF 28E 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 LET E PREAMP POWER ON 28PHA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 PHA (WDSTP,TRPL,DUBL,LETB,WDPEN; ON) 28ANAL 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 LB3:OFF; LB2,LE3,LE4,LE1/B2,LE2/B1,LE1/A2:ON 28BP 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 LET B PREAMP ON 28MISC 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 HV REDUNDANT:ON; CAL DISABLE:ON; LET E AUTO GAIN:ON; LET E GAIN SET:NO 3. OPTRTM PA (38 BYTES) INCLUDE HIC IN RTS") (CDSCOST 168) (TOPLABEL "CONFIGURE HIC FOR RTS") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23CRSOCC0101 " OAPEL "RADSCI" (Time "CEE-SCE 0/00:53:57.306" "CEE+SCE 0/00:46:39.256" (Duration "0/01:40:36.562")) (ID "23CRSOCC0101 ") (REQUESTOR "RST-SWG/AANABTAWI 3-1073") (TEAM "RS") (INSTRUMENT "RS") (LOAD "C23A") (WORKGROUP "SWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "Earth Occultation by Callisto") (OBJECTIVE "The primary objective is to observe the ionosphere of the satellite and expect to measure the vertical distribution of free electrons.") (DESIGN "For this observation, the telemetry must be turned OFF (carrier only). TWNC must be ON, and an uplink is not necessary. The observation begins at 10,000 km above Callisto and continues until ingress. The observation resumes at egress and continues until 10,000 km above Callisto. The RS open-loop receiver is used throughout the observation. Actual Occultation Time = 99-259/17:25:43.728 - 99-259/17:36:20.290 SCET UTC Occultation Duration = 00:10:37 (hh:mm:ss) Observation Time = 45 minutes (before & after) Total Duration (Observation + Occultation) = 01:40:37") (CDSCOST 200) (TOPLABEL "23CRSOCC0101") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT TOL) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MMLOWRES01-" OAPEL "MAG" (Time "MRO+SCE 0/00:00:00.000" "MRO+SCE 0/05:30:00.000" (Duration "0/05:30:00.000")) (ID "23MMLOWRES01-") (REQUESTOR "MAG-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "MAG") (INSTRUMENT "MAG") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "MAG Low Resolution Cruise Data #1") (OBJECTIVE "During GEM the Magnetospheric Working Group will be surveying the inner magnetosphere for short periods each orbit near Europa and perijove (i.e. OAPel MBSURVEY). The magnetometer will be using its optimal averager along with memory readouts to obtain information on large-scale changes in the magnetosphere between the real time science (RTS) observations. The memory readouts are nominally spaced 4 days apart, and the magnetic field resolution is 32 RIM averages.") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 36) (TOPLABEL "MAG MRO") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23LOADB 01 " OAPEL "LDBDY" (Time "JEE+SCE 5/15:53:27.283" "JEE+SCE 5/15:54:27.283" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23LOADB 01 ") (REQUESTOR "LBARNARD") (TEAM "SSO") (INSTRUMENT "") (LOAD "") (WORKGROUP "") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "Load B Boundry ") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 0) (TOPLABEL "LOADB") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23NESAFE 01 " OAPEL "EPD" (Time "OTA-SCE 0/00:06:00.000" "OTA-SCE 0/00:05:00.000" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23NESAFE 01 ") (REQUESTOR "K FUJII 3-7914 264-765") (TEAM "EPD") (INSTRUMENT "EPD") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "SAFE EPD FOR OTM-72") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "EPDMODE PA (28 BYTES) 25G0 GO TO SECTOR 0 25HREF,01 SET HIGH VOLTAGE TO LEVEL 01") (CDSCOST 28) (TOPLABEL "SAFE EPD FOR OTM-72") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23NEUNSAFE01 " OAPEL "EPD" (Time "OTA+SCE 0/07:36:00.000" "OTA+SCE 0/07:37:00.000" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23NEUNSAFE01 ") (REQUESTOR "K FUJII 3-7914 264-765") (TEAM "EPD") (INSTRUMENT "EPD") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "UNSAFE EPD AFTER OTM-72") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "EPDMODE PA (28 BYTES) 25RESC RESUME SCAN 25HREF,06 SET HIGH VOLTAGE TO LEVEL 06") (CDSCOST 28) (TOPLABEL "UNSAFE EPD AFTER OTM-72") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MECNFRTS02 " OAPEL "EPD" (Time "OTA+SCE 0/07:38:00.000" "OTA+SCE 0/07:41:00.000" (Duration "0/00:03:00.000")) (ID "23MECNFRTS02 ") (REQUESTOR "K FUJII 3-7914 264-765") (TEAM "EPD") (INSTRUMENT "EPD") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "RESYNCH AND SELECT EPD FOR RTS AFTER OTM-72") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "1. OPTRTM PA (38 BYTES) EXCLUDE EPD FROM RTS 2. OPTRTM PA (56 BYTES) INCLUDE EPD IN RTS") (CDSCOST 94) (TOPLABEL "RESYNCH AND SELECT EPD FOR RTS AFTER OTM") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MMLOWRES02-" OAPEL "MAG" (Time "MRO+SCE 4/00:00:00.000" "MRO+SCE 4/05:30:00.000" (Duration "0/05:30:00.000")) (ID "23MMLOWRES02-") (REQUESTOR "MAG-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "MAG") (INSTRUMENT "MAG") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "MAG Low Resolution Cruise Data #2") (OBJECTIVE "During GEM the Magnetospheric Working Group will be surveying the inner magnetosphere for short periods each orbit near Europa and perijove (i.e. OAPel MBSURVEY). The magnetometer will be using its optimal averager along with memory readouts to obtain information on large-scale changes in the magnetosphere between the real time science (RTS) observations. The memory readouts are nominally spaced 4 days apart, and the magnetic field resolution is 32 RIM averages.") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 36) (TOPLABEL "MAG MRO") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MMOPAVON01+" OAPEL "MAG" (Time "JEE+SCE 11/00:00:00.000" "JEE+SCE 11/00:01:00.000" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23MMOPAVON01+") (REQUESTOR "MAG-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "MAG") (INSTRUMENT "MAG") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "MAG Optimal Averager ON After Encounter RTS") (OBJECTIVE "The purpose of this activity is to configure the magnetometer to collect time-averaged data in the absense of real time science data. When the optimal averager is turned on, MAG performs time-averaging of data and places it in a memory buffer. This data can then be read out to tape or downlinked by a memory readout at a later time. During GEM MAG will be collecting all optimal averager data at 32 RIM resloution. The MMLOWRES activities will return this data every four days during the cruise period of each orbit.") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 30) (TOPLABEL "") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23NEPRKRTS01 " OAPEL "EPD" (Time "JEE+SCE 12/03:53:27.283" "JEE+SCE 12/03:54:27.283" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23NEPRKRTS01 ") (REQUESTOR "K FUJII 3-7914 264-765") (TEAM "EPD") (INSTRUMENT "EPD") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "PARK EPD FOR C23 CRUISE") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "EPDMODE PA (28 BYTES) 25G4 GO TO SECTOR 4 25HREF,01 SET HIGH VOLTAGE TO LEVEL 01") (CDSCOST 28) (TOPLABEL "PARK EPD FOR C23 CRUISE") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MMLOWRES03-" OAPEL "MAG" (Time "MRO+SCE 8/00:00:00.000" "MRO+SCE 8/05:30:00.000" (Duration "0/05:30:00.000")) (ID "23MMLOWRES03-") (REQUESTOR "MAG-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "MAG") (INSTRUMENT "MAG") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "MAG Low Resolution Cruise Data #3") (OBJECTIVE "During GEM the Magnetospheric Working Group will be surveying the inner magnetosphere for short periods each orbit near Europa and perijove (i.e. OAPel MBSURVEY). The magnetometer will be using its optimal averager along with memory readouts to obtain information on large-scale changes in the magnetosphere between the real time science (RTS) observations. The memory readouts are nominally spaced 4 days apart, and the magnetic field resolution is 32 RIM averages.") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 55) (TOPLABEL "MAG MRO") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MDRTDUST02-" OAPEL "DDS" (Time "JEE+SCE 14/00:00:00.000" "JEE+SCE 14/00:01:00.000" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23MDRTDUST02-") (REQUESTOR "DDS-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "DDS") (INSTRUMENT "DDS") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "DDS End RTS for C23 Encounter") (OBJECTIVE "A major objective of the dust detector will be collecting real time science (RTS) data using a strategy developed following analysis of the Prime Mission dust data. The dust detector observing geometry is customized to return data during periods of maximum impact rates which are expected to shift from the inbound leg to the outbound leg of the GEM orbits because the line of apsides of Galileo's orbit rotates with respect to Earth. There are several science objectives encompassed by this dataset. The most important is to monitor the newly discovered small magnetospheric dust particles and the dust-magnetosphere interactions. A related objective is to find new effects of the relation between dust sources (Io, Europa, etc.) and the magnetospheric conditions (e.g. long term variations) in order to develop and test models that predict dust-magnetosphere interactions. The real time data will also permit the study of large dust particles which are concentrated in the inner jovian system (inside about 20 Rj).") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 28) (TOPLABEL "") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23NESAFE 02 " OAPEL "EPD" (Time "OTB-SCE 0/00:06:00.000" "OTB-SCE 0/00:05:00.000" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23NESAFE 02 ") (REQUESTOR "K FUJII 3-7914 264-765") (TEAM "EPD") (INSTRUMENT "EPD") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "SAFE EPD FOR OTM-73") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "EPDMODE PA (28 BYTES) 25G0 GO TO SECTOR 0 25HREF,01 SET HIGH VOLTAGE TO 01") (CDSCOST 28) (TOPLABEL "SAFE EPD FOR OTM-73") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23NEUNSAFE02 " OAPEL "EPD" (Time "OTB+SCE 0/05:36:00.000" "OTB+SCE 0/05:37:00.000" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23NEUNSAFE02 ") (REQUESTOR "K FUJII 3-7914 264-765") (TEAM "EPD") (INSTRUMENT "EPD") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "UNSAFE EPD AFTER OTM-73") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "EPDMODE PA (28 BYTES) 25G4 GO TO SECTOR 4") (CDSCOST 28) (TOPLABEL "UNSAFE EPD AFTER OTM-73") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MDLOWRES01-" OAPEL "DDS" (Time "MRO+SCE 11/00:00:00.000" "MRO+SCE 11/04:00:00.000" (Duration "0/04:00:00.000")) (ID "23MDLOWRES01-") (REQUESTOR "DDS-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "DDS") (INSTRUMENT "DDS") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "DDS Low Resolution Cruise Data #1") (OBJECTIVE "The guidelines for GEM provide for 3 memory readouts of the dust detector each orbit. Generally, the memory readouts will be placed 8 days after perijove, near apojove, and 8 days before the next perijove. These memory readouts supplement the real time science (RTS) data acquired by DDS in the MDRTDUST activities. DDS internal memory contains a limited data buffer in which a record of a finite number of dust impact events is stored. Flight experience during the Prime Mission indicate that the dust event rates will be lower during the outer leg of each orbit so that memory readouts at these locations will be sufficient to characterize the dust environment.") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 36) (TOPLABEL "DDS MRO") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MMLOWRES04-" OAPEL "MAG" (Time "MRO+SCE 12/00:00:00.000" "MRO+SCE 12/05:30:00.000" (Duration "0/05:30:00.000")) (ID "23MMLOWRES04-") (REQUESTOR "MAG-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "MAG") (INSTRUMENT "MAG") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "MAG Low Resolution Cruise Data #4") (OBJECTIVE "During GEM the Magnetospheric Working Group will be surveying the inner magnetosphere for short periods each orbit near Europa and perijove (i.e. OAPel MBSURVEY). The magnetometer will be using its optimal averager along with memory readouts to obtain information on large-scale changes in the magnetosphere between the real time science (RTS) observations. The memory readouts are nominally spaced 4 days apart, and the magnetic field resolution is 32 RIM averages.") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 55) (TOPLABEL "MAG MRO") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MDLOWRES02-" OAPEL "DDS" (Time "MRO+SCE 14/00:00:00.000" "MRO+SCE 14/04:00:00.000" (Duration "0/04:00:00.000")) (ID "23MDLOWRES02-") (REQUESTOR "DDS-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "DDS") (INSTRUMENT "DDS") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "DDS Low Resolution Cruise Data #2") (OBJECTIVE "The guidelines for GEM provide for 3 memory readouts of the dust detector each orbit. Generally, the memory readouts will be placed 8 days after perijove, near apojove, and 8 days before the next perijove. These memory readouts supplement the real time science (RTS) data acquired by DDS in the MDRTDUST activities. DDS internal memory contains a limited data buffer in which a record of a finite number of dust impact events is stored. Flight experience during the Prime Mission indicate that the dust event rates will be lower during the outer leg of each orbit so that memory readouts at these locations will be sufficient to characterize the dust environment.") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 36) (TOPLABEL "DDS MRO") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MMLOWRES05-" OAPEL "MAG" (Time "MRO+SCE 16/00:00:00.000" "MRO+SCE 16/05:30:00.000" (Duration "0/05:30:00.000")) (ID "23MMLOWRES05-") (REQUESTOR "MAG-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "MAG") (INSTRUMENT "MAG") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "MAG Low Resolution Cruise Data #5") (OBJECTIVE "During GEM the Magnetospheric Working Group will be surveying the inner magnetosphere for short periods each orbit near Europa and perijove (i.e. OAPel MBSURVEY). The magnetometer will be using its optimal averager along with memory readouts to obtain information on large-scale changes in the magnetosphere between the real time science (RTS) observations. The memory readouts are nominally spaced 4 days apart, and the magnetic field resolution is 32 RIM averages.") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 55) (TOPLABEL "MAG MRO") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23NESAFE 03 " OAPEL "EPD" (Time "OTC-SCE 0/00:06:00.000" "OTC-SCE 0/00:05:00.000" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23NESAFE 03 ") (REQUESTOR "K FUJII 3-7914 264-765") (TEAM "EPD") (INSTRUMENT "EPD") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "SAFE EPD FOR OTM-74") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "EPDMODE PA (28 BYTES) 25G0 GO TO SECTOR 0 25HREF,01 SET HIGH VOLTAGE TO LEVEL 01") (CDSCOST 28) (TOPLABEL "SAFE EPD FOR OTM-74") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MDLOWRES03-" OAPEL "DDS" (Time "MRO+SCE 17/00:00:00.000" "MRO+SCE 17/04:00:00.000" (Duration "0/04:00:00.000")) (ID "23MDLOWRES03-") (REQUESTOR "DDS-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "DDS") (INSTRUMENT "DDS") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "DDS Low Resolution Cruise Data #3") (OBJECTIVE "The guidelines for GEM provide for 3 memory readouts of the dust detector each orbit. Generally, the memory readouts will be placed 8 days after perijove, near apojove, and 8 days before the next perijove. These memory readouts supplement the real time science (RTS) data acquired by DDS in the MDRTDUST activities. DDS internal memory contains a limited data buffer in which a record of a finite number of dust impact events is stored. Flight experience during the Prime Mission indicate that the dust event rates will be lower during the outer leg of each orbit so that memory readouts at these locations will be sufficient to characterize the dust environment.") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 36) (TOPLABEL "DDS MRO") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23NEUNSAFE03 " OAPEL "EPD" (Time "OTC+SCE 0/06:36:00.000" "OTC+SCE 0/06:37:00.000" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23NEUNSAFE03 ") (REQUESTOR "K FUJII 3-7914 264-765") (TEAM "EPD") (INSTRUMENT "EPD") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "UNSAFE EPD AFTER OTM-74") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "EPDMODE PA (28 BYTES) 25G4 GO TO SECTOR 4") (CDSCOST 28) (TOPLABEL "UNSAFE EPD AFTER OTM-74") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MDRTDUST03-" OAPEL "DDS" (Time "JEE+SCE 24/05:53:27.283" "JEE+SCE 24/05:54:27.283" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23MDRTDUST03-") (REQUESTOR "DDS-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "DDS") (INSTRUMENT "DDS") (LOAD "C22B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "DDS Start RTS for Inbound to I24") (OBJECTIVE "BTG = 0.075 MBITS A major objective of the dust detector will be collecting real time science (RTS) data using a strategy developed following analysis of the Prime Mission dust data. The dust detector observing geometry is customized to return data during periods of maximum impact rates which are expected to shift from the inbound leg to the outbound leg of the GEM orbits because the line of apsides of Galileo's orbit rotates with respect to Earth. There are several science objectives encompassed by this dataset. The most important is to monitor the newly discovered small magnetospheric dust particles and the dust-magnetosphere interactions. A related objective is to find new effects of the relation between dust sources (Io, Europa, etc.) and the magnetospheric conditions (e.g. long term variations) in order to develop and test models that predict dust-magnetosphere interactions. The real time data will also permit the study of large dust particles which are concentrated in the inner jovian system (inside about 20 Rj).") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 28) (TOPLABEL "") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23MMLOWRES06-" OAPEL "MAG" (Time "MRO+SCE 20/00:00:00.000" "MRO+SCE 20/05:30:00.000" (Duration "0/05:30:00.000")) (ID "23MMLOWRES06-") (REQUESTOR "MAG-MWG C. POLANSKEY") (TEAM "MAG") (INSTRUMENT "MAG") (LOAD "C23B") (WORKGROUP "MWG") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "MAG Low Resolution Cruise Data #6") (OBJECTIVE "During GEM the Magnetospheric Working Group will be surveying the inner magnetosphere for short periods each orbit near Europa and perijove (i.e. OAPel MBSURVEY). The magnetometer will be using its optimal averager along with memory readouts to obtain information on large-scale changes in the magnetosphere between the real time science (RTS) observations. The memory readouts are nominally spaced 4 days apart, and the magnetic field resolution is 32 RIM averages.") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 55) (TOPLABEL "MAG MRO") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT ) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE "")) ("23LOADC 01 " OAPEL "LDBDY" (Time SCE "1999-283/04:00:00.000" "1999-283/04:01:00.000" (Duration "0/00:01:00.000")) (ID "23LOADC 01 ") (REQUESTOR "LBARNARD") (TEAM "SSO") (INSTRUMENT "") (LOAD "") (WORKGROUP "") (PLOTKEY "") (RIDING "") (TITLE "Load C Boundry ") (OBJECTIVE "") (DESIGN "") (CDSCOST 0) (TOPLABEL "LOADC") (BOTLABEL "") (PS "") (TYPE SCI) (RPT BOTH) (TIMESYS UTC) (SPINSTAT ) (SPINUSE No) (SCANPLAT N) (DMS N) (CDS_SOURCE OAP) (USESCAN 0) (USEREC 0) (TEMPLATE ""))