PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM SPACECRAFT_NAME = "GALILEO ORBITER" TARGET_NAME = {"N/A", "JUPITER", "IO", "GANYMEDE", "CALLISTO", "EUROPA", "AMALTHEA"} OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2003-05-30 NOTE = "GALILEO UPLINK ORBITAL DATA" END_OBJECT = TEXT END GALILEO UPLINK DATA CD 1. Introduction This Galileo uplink archive, which ranges from Europa 12 through Io 25, contains sequence products which cover the same period of time, but are in many different formats and are generated at different points in the sequence development process. Each type of product contains information about spacecraft and ground events during a given period of time but addresses different needs for the various components of the flight team. Supporting documentation and label files conform to the Planetary Data System (PDS) Standards, Version 3.0, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) document JPL D-7669. The following is a description of the sequence products. The Orbit Activity Plan (OAP) is the first document created during the science planning process. It is a text file that contains data at the planning level in order to scope the use of spacecraft resources such as observation time, data volume, and scan platform orientation. Lower level detailed observation designs can be contained within the OAP but are not required. The OAP is the only uplink file that contains descriptive information about the intent of a science observation. These files are produced by the instrument science teams and contain input from the Sequence Team. The Orbit Profile (ORPRO) is a text file describing the activities to be performed by the Galileo spacecraft and ground resources, in the format of a Standard Sequence Data File (SSDF), which is described in the Software Interface Specification (SIS 211-13) of the Mission Sequence System (MSS) Functional Requirements Document (MOS-GLL-4-211B). The ORPRO is the next file to be created following the completion of the OAP. The body of the file consists of variable-length data structures called Profile Activities (PAs), each consisting of one or more Parameter Sets (PSs), which are comma-delimited, semi-colon terminated lists of parameter values. These values provide input to algorithms, which produce the detailed issuance of spacecraft commands and ground activity directions. The time fields in the ORPRO can be in either Spacecraft Event Time (SCET) or time relative to some defined Epoch. The ORPRO is a product of the Sequence Team and contains inputs from the science and Engineering teams. High level graphical timelines in the PDF format were generated in support of each sequence and are stored in the same subdirectory as the sequence. Expanding the ORPRO file with the SEQGEN program set creates the Spacecraft Events File (SEF). The SEF is a time-ordered set of spacecraft commands or block calls from the Command & Data Subsystem (CDS) to the other spacecraft subsystems and the events which will result when these commands or spacecraft blocks are executed. This file also contains similar listings of ground events in support of the spacecraft activities. All the commands, results, and ground activities are maintained in strict time order, so that the proper flow and interrelationships of the activities can be seen. The SEF is the primary product used by the flight team to review the sequence. It is also the file most commonly used by the science teams for understanding their data with respect to spacecraft activities. The time fields in the SEF are both Spacecraft Event Time (SCET) and Spacecraft Clock (SCLK). The SEF is a product of the Sequence Team and contains inputs from the science and Engineering teams. In addition to the SEF, graphical plots of the observation designs for each of the four remote sensing instruments are archived in the same subdirectory as the sequence. The Spacecraft Sequence File (SSF) is the result of the expansion of an ORPRO file by the SEQGEN program to the command level. The SSF is the input file used by the SEQTRAN program to generate the actual binary command file, which will be transmitted to the spacecraft. The SSF does not contain any modeling of the spacecraft response to the commands. The time fields in the SSF are only Spacecraft Event Time (SCET). The SSF is a product of the Sequence Team. The Integrated Sequence of Events (ISOE) integrates the detailed ground events (primarily of the Deep Space Network) and the spacecraft events (from the Spacecraft Events Files) into a single file. This document is used primarily by the Mission Control Team operators and in the Deep Space Network support of ground operations. The ISOE is the only uplink product that includes the time format of Earth Received Time (ERT) as well as Spacecraft Event Time (SCET) and Spacecraft Clock (SCLK). The ISOE is a product of the Mission Control Team. Following the execution of a sequence onboard the spacecraft, the As-Run Spacecraft Event File (ARSEF) is produced. All real time commands that were transmitted to the spacecraft during the execution of the baseline SEF are captured into this product. The ARSEF also contains Comments which are used to represent types of commands that are normally transmitted only through the Mission Control Team (MCT) real time system and are therefore not part of the standard SEF definition. Examples of these kinds of commands are Immediate Action Programs Realtime (IAPRs), Delayed Action Commands (DACs), Bus Transactions (BTs). Comments, in the form of miscellaneous notes, are also used to explain other events such as spacecraft safing. Memos accompany each ARSEF which give some discussion of the major unplanned events occurring during the sequence. 2. Disk Format The disk has been formatted so that a variety of computer systems (e.g. IBM PC, Macintosh, Sun) may access the data. Specifically, it is formatted according to the ISO 9660 level 1 Interchange Standard. For further information, refer to the ISO 9660 Standard Document: RF#ISO 9660-1988, 15 April 1988. 3. File Formats Text files, including files of ASCII text and data files, are delimited with carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pairs at the end of each line. This allows the files to be read by MacOS, DOS, Windows, UNIX, and VMS operating systems. UNIX system users will see an unnecessary carriage return character (^M) at the end of each line. Mac users will see an unnecessary line feed character (^J) at the start of each line. The names of the files, according to PDS standards, have a limit of 31 characters per file. Accompanying each data file is a label (.LBL) file in the same directory. The label file contains the data FILE_NAME as well as the file's ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME. The label file has the same name as the file that it describes, but with the extension replaced by .LBL. Part one of the filename indicates the sequence id (e.g. E12ALC), part two identifies the type of file, such as ORPRO, SEF or SSF. E12ALC_ORPRO E12ALC_SEF E12ALC_SSF In the case of the ASRUN data files, part one will remain the same as a normal data file, however part two will have an ASRUN added to the type of file to indicate that the file is an ASRUN data product. E12A_ASRUNORPRO E12A_ASRUNSEF E12A_ASRUNSSF The extension of a filename (the part after the dot) indicates the type of file. For example, a file whose name ends with .TXT is a text file; it may be a document or may contain data in ASCII text format. Other file extensions common on this disk are: ASC - a document in ASCII format; PDF - a document in Adobe Portable Document Format; PS - a PostScript document; GIF - a GIF image file. Detailed documentation on the structure of each data file is available in the Software Interface Specification (SIS) located in the DOCUMENT directory. Each directory of data contains an INFO.TXT file that describes the orbits' sequences. The INFO.TXT file contains the start and stop time of each sequence in both UTC and SCLK time along with any comments that may accompany the sequence, and the ASRUNMEMOs which describe the contents of the ASRUN data files (ORPRO,SEF and SSF). The INFO.TXT may provide information about the components of an orbit or encounter. The labels for data files are located under the DATA directory and have the same file name as the primary data file but with the extension changed to .LBL. Each label describes the contents and format of an individual data product within the dataset. The following is an example of a data file label for the Europa 12 ORPRO data file (E12ALC_ORPRO): PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM RECORD_BYTES = "N/A" INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = "ASCII" FILE_NAME = "E12ALC_ORPRO.TXT" ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME = "PSDT*E12A.ORPRO/E12ALC" MISSION_NAME = "GALILEO" DATA_SET_ID = "GO-J/JSA/X/V/E/A/C-UPL-6-SSDF-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "G02AKF_ORPRO.TXT" PRODUCT_TYPE = "ORPRO" UPLOAD_ID = "E12A" PRODUCT_VERSION_TYPE = "FINAL" SPACECRAFT_NAME = "GALILEO ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "N/A" PRODUCER_ID = "DMT" TARGET_NAME = { "IO", "JUPITER", "GANYMEDE", "CALLISTO", "EUROPA", "SUN" } START_TIME = 1997-349/08:00:00.000 STOP_TIME = 1997-351/18:00:00.000 SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "1/04260583:56:3" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "1/04407273:73:9" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 1997-337/13:22:32.123 MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "Europa 12 ENCOUNTER" ^DESCRIPTION = "SSDFSIS.PDF" NOTE = "ORBIT PROFILE, E12A S & CG PRODUCT (12/3/97), created using SEQGEN 97-098/14:51:03.000" END Spacecraft clock values are used in these labels; the use of spacecraft clock partitions is optional. Detailed information on label structure is available in the Planetary Data System (PDS) Data Preparation Workbook and in the PDS Standards Reference. 4. CD-ROM Contents The files on this CD-ROM are organized in one top-level directory with several subdirectories. The following table shows the structure and contents of these directories. In the table, directory names are enclosed in square brackets ([]). Users interested in accessing the data in chronological order can consult the table of time boundaries of sequences in the file SEQBOUND.ASC in the DOCUMENT directory. [Top-level directory] | |-AAREADME.TXT - A text file containing general information. | | |-VOLDESC.CAT - Brief description of the contents of this CD | volume. | |-ERRATA.TXT - A text file that provides comments and | reports errors. | |-[CATALOG] - Directory containing templates and dataset | | descriptions. | | | |- CATINFO.TXT - Overview of directory | | | |- MISSION.CAT - Mission description | | | |- INSTHOST.CAT - Spacecraft description | | | |- SEF_DS.CAT - Streamlined PDS Data Set template for the SEF | | data | | | |- SSDF_DS.CAT - Streamlined PDS Data Set template for the | | SSDF data | | | |- ISOE_DS.CAT - Streamlined PDS Data Set template for | | the ISOE data | | | |- OAP_DS.CAT - Streamlined PDS Data Set template | | for the MIRAGE data | | | |- REF.CAT - Documents referenced for this disk | | | |- PERSON.CAT - Personnel associated with this disk | | |-[DOCUMENT] - Directory containing text files which describe the | | Galileo Mission and file formats. | | | |- DOCINFO.TXT - Overview of directory | | | |- ISOESIS.LBL - Integrated Sequence of Events Label File | | | |- ISOESIS.ASC - Integrated Sequence of Events (ASCII) | | | |- ISOESIS.PDF - Integrated Sequence of Events (Portable Document | | Format) | | | |- ISOESIS.PS - Integrated Sequence of Events (PostScript) | | | | | |- MIRAGESIS.LBL - Mission Integration, Real Time Analysis and | | Graphical Editor Label File | | | |- MIRAEGSIS.ASC - Mission Integration, Real Time Analysis and | | Graphical Editor File (ASCII) | | | |- MIRAGESIS.PDF - Mission Integration, Real Time Analysis and | | Graphical Editor File (Portable Document Format) | | | |- MIRAGESIS.PS - Mission Integration, Real Time Analysis and | | Graphical Editor File (Postscript) | | | |- SEFSIS.LBL - Spacecraft Event File Label File | | | |- SEFSIS.ASC - Spacecraft Event File (ASCII) | | | |- SEFSIS.PDF - Spacecraft Event File (Portable Document Format) | | | |- SEFSIS.PS - Spacecraft Event File (PostScript) | | | |- SSDFSIS.LBL - Spacecraft Sequence Data File Label File | | | |- SSDFSIS.ASC - Spacecraft Sequence Data File (ASCII) | | | |- SSDFSIS.PDF - Spacecraft Sequence Data File (Portable Document | | Format) | |- SSDFSIS.PS - Spacecraft Sequence Data File (PostScript) | | | |- [ORBITSUMMARY] - A directory containing the orbit summaries | | |-[DATA] - Directory containing the data product files and | | minimal PDS labels that are associated with each data | | product. | | | |- LABELINFO.TXT - Textual description of the label (_LBL) files. | | | |- SAFING.TXT - Textual description of the spacecraft safing events. | | | |- [ORBITAL] - Directory containing the data uplinked to the | | | spacecraft during various orbits. | | | | | |- [C20] (April 1999 - June 1999) | | | | | |- [C21] (June 1999 - August 1999) | | | | | |- [C22] (August 1999 - September 1999) | | | | | |- [C23] (September 1999 - October 1999) | | | | | |- [E12] (December 1997 - March 1998) | | | | | |- [E14] (March 1998 - May 1998) | | | | | |- [E15] (May 1998 - July 1998) | | | | | |- [E16] (July 1998 - September 1998) | | | | | |- [E17] (September 1998 - November 1998) | | | | | |- [E18] (November 1998 - January 1999) | | | | | |- [E19] (January 1999 - April 1999) | | | | | |- [I24] (October 1999 - November 1999) | | | | | |- [I25] (November 1999 - December 1999) | | | | | |- [TIMELINE] Directory containing timelines | | |-[INDEX] - Directory containing an index for the data files on the | | volume. | | | |- INDEXINFO.TXT - Overview of the directory | | | |- INDEX.LBL - Contains PDS label for the volume index, | | identifies volume index, and describes | | structure of index table. | | | |- INDEX.TAB - Contains volume index in tabular form. 5. Disclaimer Although considerable care has gone into making this volume set, errors are possible. Users of the data are advised to exercise the same caution as they would when dealing with any other unknown data. There is a file called ERRATA.TXT, found at the root level of this volume, which contains a list of known deficiencies or caveats associated with data on this volume at the time this CD was published. Reports of errors or difficulties would be appreciated. Please contact one of the persons listed below. 6. Who to Contact for Information For questions about how to read the CD-ROM: Data Distribution Laboratory MS 525-3610 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109 (818) 306-6303 Electronic mail address: DDL@stargate.jpl.nasa.gov For questions concerning the Galileo product: PDS Operator, PPI Node c/o Dr. Raymond Walker 3845 Slichter Hall UCLA-IGPP Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 (310) 206-6073 Electronic mail address: pds_operator@igpp.ucla.edu