PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2002-12-15 NOTE = "Description of contents of DOCUMENT directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Documents in this directory are: ISOEDOC.ASC =========== Integrated Sequence of Events SOE:ASCII File Definition, August 2,1994 ASCII Text Format ISOEDOC.PDF =========== Integrated Sequence of Events SOE:ASCII File Definition August 2,1994 Portable Document Format ISOEDOC.PS ========== Integrated Sequence of Events SOE:ASCII File Definition August 2,1994 Postscript Format MIRAGDOC.ASC ============ Mission Integration, Real Time Analysis and Graphical Editor User's Guide, Rev.A, 625-640-234011, June 12,1994 ASCII text format MIRAGDOC.PDF ============ Mission Integration, Real Time Analysis and Graphical Editor User's Guide, Rev.A, 625-640-234011, June 12,1994 Portable Document Format MIRAGDOC.PS =========== Mission Integration, Real Time Analysis and Graphical Editor User's Guide, Rev.A, 625-640-234011, June 12,1994 Postscript format SEFSIS.ASC ========== Spacecraft Event File Software Interface Specification SIS 211-05 P2, Project Document 625-610 Rev.A Phase 2, June 07,1994 ASCII Text Format SEFSIS.PDF ========== Spacecraft Event File Software Interface Specification SIS 211-05 P2, Project Document 625-610 Rev.A Phase 2, June 07, 1994 Portable Document Format SEFSIS.PS ========= Spacecraft Event File Software Interface Specification SIS 211-05 P2, Project Document 625-610 Rev.A Phase 2, June 07,1994 Postscript Format SEQBOUND.ASC ============ Sequence load boundary table for mission ASCII Text Format SEQBOUND.HTM ============ Sequence load boundary table for mission HTML Format SSDFSIS.ASC =========== Spacecraft Sequence Data File Software Interface Specification SIS 211-13, Project Document 625-610 Rev.B, March 24,1994 ASCII Text Format SSDFSIS.PDF =========== Spacecraft Sequence Data File Software Interface Specification SIS 211-13, Project Document 625-610 Rev.B, March 24,1994 Portable Document Format SSDFSIS.PS ========== Spacecraft Sequence Data File Software Interface Specification SIS 211-13, Project Document 625-610 Rev.B, March 24,1994 Postscript Format MDRPTS ====== Directory containing the Mission Director's Reports, reports are specified according to year. ASCII Format ORBITSUM ======== Directory containing the summaries of each orbit, along with GIF file schedules of each orbit. Postscript, GIF and PDF format