PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-06-01 NOTE = "INFO.TXT contains descriptive information relevant to the files in this directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END This file contains a brief description of the sequences that occurred during the Jupiter Approach phase of the Galileo mission. The descriptions will contain the name of the sequence, the sequence ID along with the start and stop times in UTC, SCLK times and any comments that may accompany the sequence. SEQUENCE SEQ ID UTC SCLK COMMENT JAA JAAGF 95-282/16:30 1/03125069:63:4:4 Aborted 95-285 95-310/14:30 1/03164827:87:7:5 (11% Completed) JAA JAA1C 95-297/16:00 1/03146402:61:7:0 95-310/14:30 1/03164827:87:7:5 JAB JAB1A 95-310/14:30 1/03164827:87:7:5 95-337/11:30 1/03203102:64:9:7 ASRUN MEMOS ----------- JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM GLLSDT/DJG-391/96-108 MAY 1, 1996 To: Distribution From: Deborah Grayson Subject: Final JAA-PRIME As_Run Sequence Product Release --JAAPRIMASRUN The final As-Run ORPRO/SSF/SEF for JAA-PRIME which covers the time span from 95-297/16:00:00 to 95-310/14:30:00 is ready and released. The final As-Run for JAA-PRIME was produced using JAA-IC as the baseline sequence and the FINCON from the As-Run JAA Part 1 (JAAGFAASRUN) as the initial condition. The Final As-Run Sequence Products are now available electronically on both UNIG and GLLSVC. This release package includes the following: 1. Sequence Package Release Form 2. File Release Form: JAAPRIMASRUN ORPRO/SEF/SSF/FINCON The DMS LOOPER is not shown in the Final ASRUN SEF because it only exists in GCMD form. There will be one hard copy of the SEQGEN output available in the SDT library for reference. JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM GLLSDT/JAM-391/96-124 June 06, 1996 To: Distribution From: Jean Maguire Subject: Final JAB-IA As-Run Sequence Product Release -- JABIA-ASRUN The final JAB-IA As-Run ORPRO/SSF/SEF is ready and released. The final JAB-IA As-Run was produced using JAB-IA as the baseline sequence. The Final As-Run Sequence Products are now available electronically on both UNIG and SVC. In generating the final product the Fincon from JAA Prime was used as the Incon for JAB-IA As-run. This release package includes the following: 1. Sequence Package Release Form 2. File Release Form: JABIA-ASRUN ORPRO,SSF,SEF,FINCON 3. Compare output: ORPRO/JAB-IA versus ORPRO/JABIA-ASRUN, which shows those Real-time commands which were incorporated. There will be one hard copy of the SEQGEN output available in the SDT library for reference. JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM GLLSDT/PJL-388/96-183 December 3, 1996 To: Distribution From: Patrick J. Lynn Subject: Final JAB As-Run Sequence Product Release -- JABARFFUL (merged with fully expanded JOI Relay) The final JABARFFUL, which covers the time span from 95-310/14:30:00 to 95-337/11:30:00 is ready and released. This is the updated Final JAB As-Run sequence, which contains exactly the same information as JABIA-ASRUN which was released on June 6, 1996 except the Relay JOI sequence it merged with. While JABIA-ASRUN merged with the pre-edited uplink version of Relay JOI, PSDT*SEQOUT.SSF/RJ426S, JABARFFUL was merged with the expanded portion of Relay JOI, PSDT*SEQOUT.SSF/RJ426MEA. This release package includes the following: 1. Sequence Package Release Form 2. File Release Form: JABARFFUL ORPRO/SSF/SEF/FINCON 3. Compare output: a) SSF/RJ426S versus SSF/RJ426MEA, which shows those expanded groups and time shifts. b) ORPRO/JAB-IA versus ORPRO/JABARFFUL, which shows the difference between these two versions of AS-RUN ORPRO products. 4. Post-Expansion Diagnostics: Post-Expansion Diagnostic messages versus the released final baseline sequence package. The Final As-Run Sequence Products are now available electronically on both UNIG and SVC. The newly delivered products can be found on UNIG in GLLASRUN*FINAL and on GLLSVC in GSC.UPLINK.METADATA. There will be one hard copy of the SEQGEN output available in the SDT library for reference. AS-RUN UNIG FILENAME (GLLSVC$UPLINK:[GSC.UPLINK.ARSEF]) GLLASRUN*FINAL.SEF/JABARFFUL JAB_FARF.SEF AS-RUN UNIG FILENAME (GLLSVC$UPLINK:[GSC.UPLINK.METADATA]) GLLASRUN*FINAL.ORPRO/JABARFFUL JAB_FARF.ORP GLLASRUN*FINAL.SSF/JABARFFUL JAB_FARF.SSF GLLASRUN*FINAL.SSF/RJ426MEA RJ426MEA.SSF GLLASRUN*FINAL.FINCON-SEF/JABARFFUL JAB_FARF.FIN The following files are the same files that were delivered with JABIA-ASRUN on June 6 1996, but were not redelivered again: AS-RUN UNIG FILENAME MOD. FILE (UNIG) GLLSVC$UPLINK:[GSC.UPLINK.ARSEF] ORPRO/RCDSCA ORPRO/RCDSCANP RCDSCANP.ORP ORPRO/RDPB3B ORPRO/RDPB3B01NTP RDPB3B01NTP.ORP ORPRO/RDPB3B ORPRO/RDPB3B02NTP RDPB3B02NTP.ORP ORPRO/RDPB3B ORPRO/RDPB3B03NTP RDPB3B03NTP.ORP ORPRO/RDPB3B ORPRO/RDPB3B04NTP RDPB3B04NTP.ORP ORPRO/RDPB3B ORPRO/RDPB3B05NTP RDPB3B05NTP.ORP ORPRO/RDPB3B ORPRO/RDPB3B06NTP RDPB3B06NTP.ORP ORPRO/RDPB3B ORPRO/RDPB3B07NTP RDPB3B07NTP.ORP ORPRO/RPBENA ORPRO/RPBENANTP RPBENANTP.ORP ORPRO/RJVMDA ORPRO/RJVMDANTP RJVMDANTP.ORP ORPRO/RACALSB ORPRO/RACALSBNP RACALSBNP.ORP ORPRO/RVMR01 ORPRO/RVMR01NTP RVMR01NTP.ORP ORPRO/RVMR01 ORPRO/RVMR02NTP RVMR02NTP.ORP ORPRO/RVMR01 ORPRO/RVMR03NTP RVMR03NTP.ORP ORPRO/RCRCSA ORPRO/RCRCSA01NTP RCRCSA01NTP.ORP ORPRO/RCRCSA ORPRO/RCRCSA02NTP RCRCSA02NTP.ORP